HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-15, Page 5MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 Cheerio Club 'met last |)ec;, 15, 1966—-Clinton NewE-*Recprd—r*Fage 5 % t * One of Clinton's Best Decorated Homes Constable Albert and Mrs. Shaddick, 138 Victoria Street, have spent many hours this past week decorating their home with outdoor lighting and.Christmas decorations. Each year they purchase some new decorations or lights. The original pastel colour of their home blends wjell with the Christmas decor. Many homes in town are decorated.. A few years ago the Chamber of Commerce offered prizes to home­ owners who decorated for the Christmas season. From My Window Some Thoughts Christmas Active Worker, Mrs. Goodwin at I, suppose the .theme of this column should, have something to do with Christmas but for the life of me, I can’t get ex­ cited about the'festival of fes­ tivals until the day or so be­ fore. Usually, my I shopping,’ card’ addressing and baking waft until then, making the two or three days' prior td Christ­ mas a happy, hectic time. I always feel a little sorry for people'who are so well or­ ganized ' that' they have their gifts purchased and wrapped in the summer; their cakes 'and cookies baked and stored ■ in November; their cards and other mail addressed and out WHY COMPULSORY BREATHALYZER TESTS? The reason is simple: Canada has a shocking traffic accident record’, the worst of 25 coun­ tries reporting to the . World Health Organization; In 1964, our traffic death rate per 100,- 000 population was a stagger­ ing 25.3 compared with 24.8 in the Unitedi States, 15.3 in Great Britain and 9.5 in Norway.' (It should be noted that Canadians fare even worse compared to Americans on fthe basis of ac­ tual miles'driven — though we do much better on this basils When you compare us to Euro- -pean drivers.) /'■...... ' •■''■ on the appointed date; the house cleaned and decorated well Tn advance of the Christ­ mas Season; It must take some of the excitement ouit of Christ­ mas. • ■ Around our house.there is so much, to be done at the very last moment that every ‘mem­ ber of the household is commis­ sioned to help. All in the same day, if not the. same hour, father is' putting up .the Christ­ mas tree and', stringing the lights; the kids’are decoratling the house, wrapping some gifts and1 sampling and snitching on t’heir way through, tihe kitchen.1 where I am trying, to bake, pop com 'for stringing, find string for the baubles, address cards, answer the telephone and this year (heaven help me) keep our nine month old out of the garbage. ... '' '■ But it’s fun and we wouldn’t 'have it any other way. There are a few things that irk mle at this time of year, though. One" of them is the growing usage of “Xmas” for “Christmas”. As far as I’m concerned, taking ''Christ out of Christmas and replacing it with the symbol ■ for an un­ known quantity is like talcing the furkey out of Christmas dinner dr the presents off the tree. There isn't anything;deft of Christmas if best part! And I can’t people don’t Shirley Keller you remove the figure out why demand more Christmas music' be played by radio, stations during Decem­ ber. -Used t0j.be that a few carols, and “White .Christmas” was the only seasonal music available . . . but today's. Christ­ mas is filled with all kinds of lovely music which' we hear only once a year; Whether the Chipmunks sing ’‘Santa’s' Super­ sonic Space Suit’ or a choir fenders a traditional carol from' another ' country, Christmas music gives me a lift and I’d like to. hear more of it. I’d like to see a few less cards sent to friends and neigh­ bours we see every day and a few more donations, made to organizations offering help to the needy at Christmas. . I wish there could be some way to save the food and good­ ies Of Christmas which will be wasted in Canada 'this year for people in countries less fortun­ ate. ' '' Oh yes, and I- long for the glorious day when toy com­ panies .will stop dreaming - up new, expensive automatic toys and concentrate on producing Simple, inexpensive ones which will require' the child to use his imagination once more. HENSALL — Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, highly esteemed resi­ dent of Hensail for the past 45 years, passed' away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday . evening, December 9 foltowing a three week illness. She was the former Ethel MaulkmsOn, a native of. England, and be­ loved wife of Wilfred O. Good­ win. A very active member of St. Paul’s Anglican Chuhch, ' she was a former president of the WA; up until 1963 she held the office of secretary-treasurer,; a member of the choir, and con­ ducted Sunday School for sev­ eral years, and was interested in all phases of the church. She was a forrrier member of Hen­ sail WI. Surviving are her husband and one daughter, Mary, at home,' Public funeral services were largely attended1 and held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Monday,- December 12 when Rev.- J. P. Gandon ‘ delivered the memorial message and paid high tribute to the life of. the deceased. Burial was in Hensail Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were R. H. Mid­ dleton, Walter. Spencer, Laird Mickle, Gordon Schwalm, John Skea, Clarence Parke. ' C™"... ■ 1 ....... Twyla Arnston Diane McKinley Thursday, Decemiber 8 was. a busy day, at Central as there Was an exhibition basketball game against Seaforth, The seniors won/ the scone being Central 81, Seaforth 35. The Juniors lost by 14. points, the score, Central 14, Seaforth 28. Also on THursdlay a busload of girls travelled ■ to Stratford to see a gymnastics exhibition, It was presented by the girls from North York in Toronto. It was an excellent display of gymnastics ^nd all enjoyed it, In the not too distant future the Physical Education teachers would like tp organize gymnas­ tic competition between the schools in this conference. The semii-formal Christmas Dance was on Friday, Decem­ ber 9 instead of Deiceniber 22.- Music was supplied, by the Chevrons from Toronto. It was a success. The basketball teams are busy tflais week as they are go­ ing to London on Wednesday 14 and- Friday 16i The game on Wednesday will - be South Central and on Friday at Oak­ ridge. The boys of the Four-Year grade H Agriculture Course went to Waterloo on Tuesday, December 13 to visit the Water- loo Cattle Breeders Association. Plan to attend the Christmas ■Caroll Festival in the aud'itoirik urn at CHSS on Wednesday night, December 21, Reserve For New Year's Eve Tickets Now On Safe For Reservations Phone 524-9371 . or 524-9264 Catering tp Weddings, Banquets, etc. HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND Phone 482-3210 The December meeting of the UCW of Holmesville United Church was held Tuesday after­ noon, December 6. Mrs. C. Tebbutt’s and Mrs. J, Lobb’s groups Were in charge of the program. The scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Harris and Mrs. Reg. Miller led in prayer. A reading on “Advent” was given ’ by Mrs. G, Ginn. Mrs. William Norman and Mrs- Ed Grigg sang the duet “Peace and Goodwill”, Mrs. C. Tebbutt gave a meditation on the Christmas story and a piano solo by, Mrs. Lobb was much enjoyed; Mrs. E. Grigg conducted the business. The report ■ of the finance committee was' given by the chairman, Mbs. . H. Williams. It was decided to give $100 to Over and Above Gifts; $10 to ‘the Westminster Fur­ nishing Fund and $35 to the church M and M fund. Twenty- five. dollars was voted to pay the expenses of a Hi-C member to the Toe Alpha Conference at Niagara Falls. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Muriel Grigg, Mirs. R. Potter, Mrs. J. Yeo and Mrs, E. Grigg. SS s|s * Messengers Meet has The Holmesville Messengers held their annual Christmas Party on Saturday afternoon With a .good attendance. Personals Mrs. Harold Yeo Who been a patient'in Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital has returned home. Mrs. M. Stock who has been spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William McClinchey, London, followed an eye oper­ ation, has returned to' her home in the village. Wallace Avery has returned home after -being a patient in Victoria Hospital, * London. Cheerio Club Something FROM The week at the home of Mrs, Nel­ son Lear. The business'period, conduct­ ed by the president, approved a motibn to donate $10 to the Salvation Army. A social hour was enjoyed followed by a tasty lunch serv-' ed by Group 3. Design Covers A work meeting was held by the Cheffettes to design the Book Covers and to take notes on the Art of Everydlay Living, No Such Thing as Company Manners and Duties of the Hos­ tess. The eighth meeting took the form of a luncheon with each member and leader bringing four tea biscuits, casseroles and' salads. This completes the reg­ ular meetings. , Personals The CGIT held its annual •Vesper Service on Sunday evening with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. William Ham­ ilton of Moorefield visited with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allen have been enjoying a vacation in Florida during the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Craiwford and children of Burlington spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwing accompanied by Mr. and Mirs. LeBeau intend to leave Thurs­ day for a vacation in Florida. Mrs. Harold Livingstone after a ’ two week stay in Clinton Hospital returned home last week and is progressing favor­ ably. | In place of the Sunday School program next Sunday a film will be shown. Mr. and.Mrs. Bill Rogerson, Tuckorsm'ith and Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid and family spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid. A meeting of Itihe United Church Women’s Executive1 will be held at the homie of Mrs. Livingstone on Thursday even­ ing at 8 o'clock sharp. Sharon and Gail LaCroy, Clinton, vidilted on Sunday with their friends,1 Janet and Sylvia Langille. CLINTON HENSALL EXETER PHONE 482-6623 LADIES WEAR and DRY GOODS Men's and Boys' SLIPPERS fOECT hardware VUCJI AND FURNITURE Corduroy or Leather OPERA - MOCCASSIN ROMEO and SLIP-ON STYLES (Guess the size! We'll exchange after Christmas) LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT!On The Idea When ■ * CHOOSE A GIFT FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION HI, THERE! I i v< For Men Ond Ladies Gold Initialed FREE! LUGGAGE and FOOTWEAR Clinton . Phone 482-9352 69-71 Albert Street Phon© 482-9505 JEWELLERS MAIN STREET — CLINTON — AIKEN’S Most of My CHRISTMAS. GIFTS Come in . , . See Our .Lovely Displays of Gifts for all members of the family. We Cdn Offer You An Attractive Time Payment Plan With No Carrying Charges. Just Ask John of Helen to help you make your gift selection today. You Too. Will Be SOLD How Easy It Is To Choose Your Gifts 69-71 Albert Street • GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE HOME (Including the home) •r Ask about our Family Purchase Plan. • For Evening Appointments Phene 482-9505 before 6:00 p.m. BALL & MUTCH LIMITED Crest Hardware and Furniture • SAMSONITE e McBRINE • CARSON BUDGET CASES from 3.95 hl Men's and Boys' GLOVES WOOL STYLES ... LEATHER STYLES....... Wide Selection of . from $1.95 . from $2.89 • SPORT SHIRTS • SOCKS • BOWLINS SHOES • SHOE BASS • SWEATERS