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Clinton News-Record, 1966-12-15, Page 2
Page 2—-Clinton News-R.ecord—--'Thuirs., Dec/ 15, 1966 ./"'.l.!'";l!’;'»'.!lt"!i":'!,'V!!!"1!- ■■r-Tr’T"""'--'-?;-—";"""'—.■■,'■■■..*............................................ ........ Three R&CS Corporals Receive Promotions Last week three staff mem bers of the Radar and Com- munications School heard that, they hacl been promoted to 'the rank of Sergeant; They were Corporals Bill Freeman, Eid Forcier and H. E. Gans. Sergeant Freeman, a native of Victoria 13,Q,, joined the RCAF in January 1954, A com munications technician by trade he- works in the Basic Measurements Laboratory in R&CS.. He and his wife Flor- ence reside at 32 Whitehead Street in Clinton with their four- children; Mark aged six teen, Cathy, twelve; and twins Susan and Carol aged nine. Sergeant Forcier hails from Forget, Sask. Joining the air force in January 1951, he was trained as >a communications operator. In' R&CS he is on the training management staff. He is married to. 'the former Kathleen Wiens; they live in Adastral Park at 39 Edmonton Road with their children, Ron aged thirteen and Brenda aged „ ten. • Sergeant Gans calls Port Arthur his hometown. He is a Mrs, R. B. Rudd Yule Hostess For Auxiliary •On Wednesday evening, Dec ember 7, members of the Made leine Lane Auxiliary of Sit. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church assembled at the home of the president, Mrs. R. B. Rudd for thelir Christmas pot-luck supper and meeting.. Twenlty-pix ladies were present, including one vis itor. • . ’ After' a most enjoyable sup per, the business part of the' meeting was conducted. The de votional part Of’ the program centred around the Christmas story with Mrs. Robert Homuth at the piano playing Christmas carols and Mrs1. Royce Mac aulay and Mrs. Ronald Mc Cann reading the Scripture les son. Mrs. William Cook read .a short.lesson entitled “Where is Christmas” and Mrs. G. W. Yeats led in prayer. On behalf of the Auxiliary, Mrs.' Allan Graham presented Mrs. Art Cole,with a gift. Mrs. Cole has been a worker in the group for many years and is leaving shortly to take up resi dence ■ in Mount Forest. It was decided to purchase material and wool to make articles for future bazaarsr Mrs. William. Cook was .the winner of. the baking draw brought by Mrs. James Edwards. At the close ■ of the “meeting gifts . were distributed to each of the ladies . by Mrs-. Robert Homuth, who, to the tinkle of bells, suddenly appeared on the. scene modelling a bright new Santa Claus suit. ----------;----------O------------------— . Celebrate Advent Season On Sunday BAYFIELD — The Advent season which heralds the ap proach of Christmas will be marked by special services in two Bayfield Churches on Sun day, December 18. In the morning a Six-Lesson Carol Service Will be held in Trinity Anglican.- Church at 11 a.m? with Rev. E. J. B. Harrison officiating. In the evening, at 7:30 p.m. Donald Beck will conduct a Candlelight Carol Service at St. Andrew’s United Church and the Rev. Peter Renner will pre- commuhications operator by trade and joined the RCAF in January 1951. Sergeant Gans and hits wiR, the former Dor othy Penning of Brantford, re side at 33 Edmonton Road with their children Karen. aged nine and David, two. Figures Skaters Plan Trip To Kitchener John McPherson,,chairman of the Inter-Club Figure Skating group Which consists of seven clubs • being instructed by Robert McCrabib is making ar- ’rlangemeints for transportation to Kitchener' on January 7 to see" gkating competitions being held there. This is a fine op portunity for children to see What can be achieved. Admission fee and' bus fare ■is $4.50. Money for this or a letter from parents stating the Child will be going must be given to- either Mre, Cleta Finch or whoever ,is in charge of sup ervision tomorrow, December 16. Small children must be ac companied on the trip by an adult. A11 money must be in by Tuesday, December 20 in ordei’ for arrangements to be com pleted, ' This trip is'open to adults or interested persons Who would like to attend and is the first effort by this group’s represent atives to have children become acquainted with other club members, . . *• ■ . ' A secbion of the arena will be reserved so that all club members may sit together, ■ For more'.information, call Mrs. Cleta Finch,. 482-3234. Later in the season, compe titions will be held! wlithin this group and at carnival time other j clubs will help provide some of the numbers. At the end of the skating season a party for all clubs will be held. More detailed' information will be given later. --------;— ------ ■ Ontario Plans Medallions For Centennial Ontario’s new Centennial medallions — one nickel silver, the other gold-plated — are be ing produced by Wellings' Man ufacturing Company Limited, Toronto — the only privately- owned mint in Canada with the fadilities to produce medallions ■in quantity. Owned and operated1 by Fred Rohde, .a highly-skilled mint' master with four generations of private minting experience to his credit, the Wellings firm is currently in . the process of turning out the initial run of 100,00.0 nickel-silvei- medallions (priced at $1.00 each) and 10,- 000 gold-plated units (priced at $2.00. eadh), both of the same design. Gift sets in special boxes containing the two items are being offered at $3.50. A special alloy — formulated with the aid. of Douglas Mbddle, Director of the Laboratory Branch, Ontario Department of Mines — is being used in’‘the manufacturing, process. The .al loy consists of platinum, gold, Silver, copper, nlickel, zinc and iron. One side of the medallion, depicting a modern-day miner, commemorates the role mining has played in the development of Canada since; 1867 when mining in the province began in real earnest. The other side shows the Ontario coat-of-arms and commemorates the centen ary of Confederation.side at Baptismal Services. to p.m. to p.m to Adastral to a 25 FREE PHOTO CHRISTMAS f ORDER 6:00 6:00 9:00 6:00 With every appointment from now until Christmas we will give you 25 free photo greeting cards. is pre Clinton patients p Closed All Day Doyle. Kathy Forcier a patient at Hospital. Also hospital are Mrs1. Sarah p.m. 16 KING STREET CRASHES A^BLOTCH “A Blotch on our society” is the way road traffic crashes were described by the Council’s General Ohplirman, Keith, H, MacDonald, at the annual' meeting in Ottawa. '‘Traffic safety/’ said, J'lis Canada’s pumlber one .swial problem and its1- most serious prpfar l©m.”' J?e saw the nation’s plans f.or medicare, hospi'itals, medical schools, pensions and public welfare modified substantially “if we address our attention to the germ rather than the care of the victims, But this is not a. matter of dollars and- cents; it is ;a- matter of lives, of men, women and children, their health and welfare and their outlook in life.” ...,p—-— Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE STORE HOURS Three Promoted To Rank Of Sergeant CFB Clinton’s Base Commander, Group Captain K. R. Greenaway (right) congratulates three recently promoted sergeants. Left to right, Sqn. 'Ldr. Jack Woodrow, Acting OC R&CS; Sgt. Bill Freeman, Sgt. Ed Forcier, and Sgt. H, E. Gans. • . (Canadian Forces Photo) Editor: Carmen Lawson Phone 482- 7337 WA Convenes The December meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of CFB Clinton, Adastral Park, was held at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Dec ember 5, in the Community Centre. Mrs. Doris McConnell presided and welcomed the large group of ladies attending. The minutes of the previous .meeting were read by Mrs. Sally Rafuse, secretary. Mrs. Marg. Amirault, treasurer, gave her, report. Memlbers of’ the nominating committee • for' the general elections to be held in January advised the meeting that they will be contacting members for Offices in the near future. ■' On December 15, the WA will help o,uit with the Annual Christmas party to be held at Huronview in conjunction with the Sergeants’ Mess. There will be a choral group performing, games, refreshments. Volun teers were requested for this purpose. • Members are reminded that all insertions for the WA 'Monthly Newsletter are to be forwarded to the editor prior to' December 12, date of re lease "for December. A few suggestions have been made for. the Centennial Pro ject, it was reported by Mrs. .Amirault. Members are asked (to seriously think about these so that decisions can be made ■ early in the new year when the new Executive takes office. The St. John’s Ambulance Course which is to open on January 4th is also available to teenagers. It was noted that there was still , space available for a few more people to at tend this, and more ladies volunteered. The annual report on the group’s Hong. Kong child was given.. Tire meeting was advised that one group of Guides has written to this child during the past month, and the other .group will do so- for next one. Volunteers to help pack the :bags of candies for - the child ren’s Christmas party on the 17th were requested. It was voted by Mrs. Rene Kelly and seconded, by Mrs/ Sheila BoisSeMaiin that the sum of $100 be donated for pur chasing books to form a child ren’s' division at the Base Li brary.' Cost of maintenance of this project will be shared by other group communities. This is to be pant of the WA Cen- tennnial Project. The Constitution, of the Women’s Auxiliary was read Park Social Notes by the President and notations were marked for changes or corrections to be made in the new year. The meeting adjourned after the annual Christmas draw was made. Winner of the first prize: $59,00, Mrs. D. Lee- wiorthy, Becker’s Trailer Courlt, Clinton; second prize: $30.00, Mrs. -Barbara McHendry, Apt. J-2, Adastral Park; and third prize; $20.00, Master James Cook, Victoria Boulevard, Ad- astral Park. v The door prize of a shampoo and set donated by the Base hairdesser was won by Mrs>. Bonnie Grondin, Adastral Park. Christmas carols were sung by the members, led by Mrs. Sally Rafuse and accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Hazel Greenaway. After1 this. pleasant PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone 482-3362 UCW Elects Mrs. Don Beck, Bayfield, was hostess for the December meet ing of the United Church Women of Grace Church re cently. President, Mrs. Chester Stur dy'was in charge of the meet ing which opened With Carol singing. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. William Cox. Mrs. Elgin Cox gave a Christ mas reading and led in prayer. Mrs. Tom Sowerby presented the annual financial .report showing a very good year. Re ports were given, by the various committees. It was decided to donate $225 to the Board of Stewards and $100 to the Church Im provement Fund. Mr. Beck conducted the elec tion of officers With 'results as follows: Past president, Mrs. Chester Sturdy; president, Mrs, Elgin Cox; First vice-president, Mrs. Alvin Bettles; Second vice- president, Mrs. Wilmer Riddell. Secretary, Mrs. George Math ers; assistant secretary, Mrs. William Townshend; treasurer, Mrs. Tom Sowerby; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Argyle Lock hart. . . , Pianist, Mrs. _ William Cox; visiting committee, Mrs. Argyle Lockhart and Mrs. Alvin Bet tles; buyink committee, Mrs. Tom Sowerby Mrs. Ant Bell and Mrs. Donald Harris; quilt con veners, Mrs. Allen Bettles and Mx;s. George Mathers'. Mr. Beck conducted a short installation service for the new slate of officers. entertainme'nt, gifts were pre sented to the members by Santa himself and lunch was served. Brownie News On November 30th, the 2nd Clinton Brownie Pack held an enrolment ceremony at the ‘Community Centre. While parents watched, twelve excited Brownies were' enrolled, ‘ Brownies .were:-Louise Bro- chu, Nicole Ouellette,' Mary Helen LeFebvre, Carol' Curry, Linda Kasawan, Jane Mcllmioyi, Pamela That, Patxicia Diw'eirt,. Patricia Fischer, Deborah Snowdon, Kin\ Steeves’ and Oheryl Anderson. The program was ended with game, sing-song and taps.. , <• Personals A patient at Victoria Hos pital in London, Ont., is Mrs. Kathy , Mrs. sently Public 'in the Goodine and Master Steven Danford. Best wishes tor a speedy recovery to all. ....... 1 ' A FEW APPOINTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE PHONE NOW 482-7006 JERVIS STUDIO 47-51b YOUR A SUBSCRIPTION ( T0 the CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Makes a Wonderful Christmas Gift Thursday, Dec., 15 ., Friday, Dec. 16 ....... Saturday, Dec, 17 ... Monday, Dec, 19 ..... Tuesday, Dec. 20 ... Wednesday, Dec, 21 Thursday, Dec. 22 ... Friday, Dec. 23’ ..... Saturday, Dec, 24 ... Monday, Dec. 26 ..... /Tuesday, Dec, 27 ... Wednesday, Dec. 28 Thursday, Dec. 29 . Friday, Dec.'30 ....... Saturday, Dec. 31 ... Monday, Jan. 2 ....... .. Open .. Open ..Open • • Open ..Open .. Open , . Open Open ,. Open .. Closed All Day .. Closed All Day .. Open .. Open ... Open .. Open to to to to to to to to to 9:00 9;00 6:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 6:00 p.m p.m. p.m. P™ p.m. LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY BEATTIE FURNITURE CLINTON PHONE 482-9521 NOW! All Grade "A" DUCKS CAPON HAMS of All Kinds Season’s Greetings To All! CLINTON MEAT MARKET ART COLSON and GRANT IRWIN