HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-01, Page 17MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED 3IKRO- ELLIOTT — James. Roman Church, Seaforth, v,i ., day, November 12, Dianne Marie, daughter of Mr. . ............ MelVin Elliott, RR 3, Clinton, tp Harry A. Mpro, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Mero, Sea­ forth, l)RTH$ WOOD ~ In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Dec­ ember 7, 1966 to K. S, Wood, DC, and Mrs. Wood, daughter. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who -visited me, sent treats, flowers, .and cards whilel was a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. ’ Walden, Dr. Addison, :Mrs. Flowers, Rev. Mowabt, the first floor nurses, and staff. — ,'MRS. EDNA HATTIN, ' 49p I would like to thank doctors, nurses and staff for their kind­ ness to me; also my relatives, , friend!? and neighbours, 'all who helped in. any way while I was n. patient in Clinton Public Hos­ pital; if was all very much ap­ preciated. — lloyd Mc­ Kenzie, RR 3, Kippen. 49p We would like to express our .sincere thanks for the many .acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, cards, beautiful flor- .al tributes and "donations to the heart foundation fund, .received from relatives, Mends .and .neighbours. Special, thanks to Rev. Grant Mills, Rev. Dr, .Mowatt,' the pallbearers, flower­ bearers, the Beattie Funeral Home, Dr, Oakes, Onton Pub­ lic Hospital 'staff and the ladies of Ontario St. United Church. All was very much appreciated in the loss of a dear wife, mother-, and grandmother. — . WILBERT R. LOBB and FAMILY. 49p — in, St, on Satur-rT 1966, youngest ‘and Mrs, Christmas Cherwbs At Manger These little,angels will be part of the large east of youngsters who will be taking part in “Festival of Carols”, the annual Christmas pageant presented by the junior choirs of Ontario Street and Wesley-Willis United, Churches this weekend, Friday and Saturday evenings. Seen here, left to right, are Jamie Craig, Kate Walden, Margot Menzies, Adrienne Wood and. John Wood, as they will appear in “The Gift of Love.” ’ (News-Record Photo) r- - ONTARIO Department of Highways Ontario AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE L-01597 A 1-room brick school situ­ ated ait Pt. Lot 26, Concession .8, Township of Hulletot, County of Huron, located • approximat­ ely 4 miles north of Clinton on the West sidexof Highway No. 4. • . -/Sale will take place on the premises ait: 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) • TUESDAY,- DECEMBER 13th, 1966 ■ TERMS: "Cash” at timie of sale togethei’ with $100.00 Cer­ tified Cheque (Payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) as Per­ formance Bond to guarantee that work will be completed ac­ cording to D.H.O. requirements. NOTICE:'"'A permit is re­ quired to move a building along, across, or over a Provincial Highway and/or a Municipal Road or Street. Persons who may be interested in purchasing this building for the purpose of moving it intact, or in section, to another location must obtain information regarding permits from the District Office noted below PRIOR TO THE SALE. Further info-rmartiion may obtained from: THE AUCTIONEER: Mr. Edward Elliott, Clinton, Ontario. OR Department of Highways, District Office No. .3, 581 Huron Sitreeit, P.O. Box 8, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone: 271-3550 OR Department of Highways, Right-Of-Way Division, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario. 1 Telephone 451-5400 (Exit. 241) DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 48-9b CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our fiftendjs of the Summerhill Community for the gift received at the recent party held in our honour. —MR. and MRS. ANDY KUP- ERUS, RR 4, Goderich. 49p I • • . I wish to express my sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, letters, flowers and gifts and to those who visited me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. — Sincerely, VERA TURNER. 49x I- Wish to thank -all my neighbours and friends who vis­ ited me, sent cards, flowers, etc., While I was in Stratford Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Mowatt for hiss Visits; ■ 'n'rAia ION CARTER. MAR- 49 b I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for flowers and Cards while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Benager, Dr. Oakes and nurses of Victoria Hospital, London. —CHARLIE WILSON. 49p z See the be The family of the late Floyd Turner wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, beautiful floral tributes, cards, of sympathy, charitable dona­ tions during our recent -be­ reavement. Special thanks to those who helped at the'time of the accident, also Rev. Stuart, Bonthron Funeral Home, nur­ ses and doctors on 6th floor, Victoria Hospital, and to. any­ one who helped ait our homes in the loss tof husband, farther, son and brother. 49p I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who sent cards, letters and .treats, also those who visited me while a patient in Clinton Public Hos­ pital and since returning home. Special thanks to Mr. Robt. Glenn & Son, Mrs. Currie and the pupils of No. 1 Stanley Twp., Dr. Newland and the nursing staff of Clinton Hos­ pital, the staff and pupils of Huron Centennial Schwl Area, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. Haggitt; Mrs. Jas. Wrighit and the' Rev, W. O. Mather. All were very mlUch appreciated. ■— MRS, HELEN LEWIS. 49p ........... i "i1 "iiJ DEATHS FINGLAND — In Clinton on Stinday, December 4, 1966, Judge Frank Fingland in his 73rd year. Rested <at Ball add Mutch Funeral Home, then to , Wesley Wills Church where service was held on Wednes­ day, December 7. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. HEDDEN — In St. Catharines General Hospital on Monday, December 5, 1966, Vernon Wesley Hedden, St. Cathar­ ines, formerly of Hensall, in his 62nd year. Funeral service from Butler Funeral Home, Sit. Catharines, at 2 p.m. Thursday, December 8. Inter­ ment in St.. Catharines. McKENZIE — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, Decem­ ber 4, 1966,-Donald McKenzie, Goderich, in his 72nd year. Funeral service from Lodge Funeral, Home, Goderich, on Tuesday. December 6 with in­ terment' in Colbome Town­ ship Cemetery. A sister, Miss Mary McKenzie, resides in Clinton. RIVERS — In dlinton Public Hospital pn Sundiay, Decem­ ber 4, 1966, Thorpe J. Rivers, Seaforth, in his 77th. year. Funeral service, from, .R. S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Wednesday, December 7 with interment in Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, Sea- . forth. Survivors, include sons, Elmer R. and John L., both of Seaforth, daughters, Mrs. Ivan '(Evelyn) Querengesser, Seaforth; Mrs. Howard (Muriel) Allan, Brucefield; one sister, Mrs. William (Pearl) Drover, Seaforth; brother, Everitt, California. TAYLOR — In iClinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Dec­ ember 1, 1966, Wilbert Wesley Taylor, Auburn, in his 80th year. Funeralvservice from Arthur Funeral' Home, Auburn, ’ on Sunday, Decem­ ber 4 with interment in Blyth Cemetery. sII J? Sno- Hawk The most advanced snow Vehicle on the market today! 10 h.p. - - - $745.00 15 h.p. — - $825.00 Passport to a new world of winter fun ... for outgoing, fun-seeking families. SpoVdny. $ood» of Quality F P P S J SPORTS SHOP KING STREET 482-9622 I*...... II....................... |l N.IH..HII.HUNII.M Carol Festival By Children This Weekend Combined Junior Choirs from the ’Ontario Street and Wesley- Willis United churches will pre- ■ sent tbeir annual pre-Christmas treat for young .and • odd this ■Friday and Saturday evenings lip Ontario St. Church audi­ torium. Under the direction of Miss Lois Grasby and Mrs. Wiliam Hearn, the singers will fee as­ sisted by students in the .danc­ ing classes of Mrs. M. Zablocki. Evening’s entertalinment will include familiar and traditional Carols as well as some secular numbers, Clinton Personal Mrs. Gerald Riefal, Jim, Jac­ queline and Michele left on Monday morning from Malton airport for their new home in Labrador City, Newfoundland. Mr. Riehl is employed with the Iron Ore Company of Canada. Mr, and1 Mrs. Ben Riley accom­ panied their daughter and family to Malton. Judge Fingland Died Sunday (Continued jrpm Page One) Judge Fingland TO a mexm bar of masonic lodges‘at Lo-n- desboro, Seaforth and Clinton. He served as master’ of Clinton Lodge A.F. & A-M, in 1940. He was married to the far­ mer Elizabeth Dorothy Chowen, who survives along’ with one son, Frank, who is an adminis­ trator with the Department of Northern Affairs at White­ house, Yukon, , and one daughter, Catherine, wife of Dr, C. K. McKnight, Clarkson. Also surviving are three brothers, Rev, Dr, William Fingland, Niagara Falls; Colin Fingland, Wingham and Mur­ ray Fingland, Cochrane; and three sisters, Mrs. Robert (Mary) Grierson, Toronto; Mrs. Norman (Jemima) Townsend, Allis ton and Mrs. William (Flora) Jopes, St. Thomas. A largely attended funeral was held from Wesley-Willis United Church yesterday (Wed­ nesday) at ? pm,- with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery, The body rested at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, until the service in the church. Thur*., Dec. 8, 1966 w Clinton Hews-Record Page 7 z Thank Yow! To all persons who helped in any way to make Clinton's Christmas Parade last Saturday such q success, Special thanks to the bandsmen, the clown?, the policemen, the businessmen and all persons y/ho built and entered floats, the tractor drivers and rural persons who loaned wagons. Special thanks to Clinton's four service clubs and the town who supplied the treats to nearly 1,200 children, CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR ALL THE FAMILY IN MEMORIAM GLAZIER. — In loving mem­ ory of a dear husband, Wm. R. Glazier, who passed away Dec­ ember 10, 1963. "Along the road' of yesterday That leads me straight to you My memories of the happy days, Together we once knew. Always every- evening I seem to find a way Of wandering back to meet you On the road of yesterday”. —Lovingly remembered by wife Mayme and the Kennedys. ,49p FOR HER Chanel Cosmetic., .Sets ................$7.00to$13.00 Chanel Colognes and Perfumes ......$4.00 to $8.50 DuBarry Sets .....$4.50 to $6.00 DuBarry Colognes and • Perfumes .........$1.50 to $5.00 Yardley Sets - Colognes and Perfumes Tweed Colognes and Bath Powders Bath Oils - Talcs - Dusting Powders - Electric Razors Hair Brushes - Boxed Soaps Wallets r FOR THE CHILDREN Bubble Bath - Cosmetic Sets - Doctor or Nurse Sets Bath Mitts Novelty Soap - Crazy Foam Poodle Bubble Bath - Roll a Coin Banks ■ CHRISTMAS CARDS — BOXED — 59c to $1.98 Gift Wrap - Tags - Seals Single Cards — 5c to $1.00 OUR GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE IS FREE FOR HIM laving Sets — By Yardley, Shulton, Jaguar, Old Spice Lime, Onyx, Kings Men, Electric Razors - Colognes Wallets - Playing Cards Cameras - Radios - Tape Recorders - Chocolates Cigarettes - Cigars - Pen and Pencil Sets - Pipes Cribbage Boards Wrist Watches Trees When you ore out for a drive this weekend drop into our Squire Gifts and browse through oiir very large variety of z Christmas gift ideas. PINE FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY LARGE COFFEE POTS —X. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director HOLMESVILLE 1:00 pm.—Church Service 2:00 pm.—Sunday School Sunday, December 11 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:45 a.m.—Holy Comtnunion < EVERYONE WELCOME NOTE—ALL SERVICES on STANDARD TIME KEYS — In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Lloyd Keys, who passed away 3 years ago, Dec­ ember 7th, 1963. "In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were almost broken You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping So peaceful free from pain We could not wish you back To suffer that again’*. —Always remembered by wife and family. 49b Two Clinton Girls To Cornwallis, N.S. Susan Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, RR 5 Clinton and Rosalie Brochu,- daughter of Mr. and' -Mrs. Rene Brochu, Adastral Park are scheduled to report to Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis, Nova Scotia on January 9, 1967. , The girls will be among. 50 new recruits who will begin basic training there. SCOTCH Christmas PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario CONTACT LENSES ' As contact lenses are “‘worn directly .on the eye, absolute cleanliness should be .observed when putting them on. The tongue should never be used .to moisten them before putting them in. . Z—" " —..... ■ ^EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS I I Squire Highway 21 South Goderich OPEN 1 P.M. - 9 P.M. INCLUDING 'SUNDAY CLOSED MONDAYS k Canadian Christmas CANADIAN CERAMICS POTTERY This Weekend Only BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED CLINTON 482-951. Attend Your Church Billfolds Men's SWEATERS For Dress or Work $3.95 to $12.95 SPORT SHIRTS $2.95 to $6.95 DRESS GLOVES Lined and Unlined Styles $2.95 to $6.95 Brief Cases - Utility Case Complete Selection of Men's and Ladies LUGGAGE Single Pieces Matched Sets —- McBrine — Samsonite —Carson ■*— Jeffrey Flite Bags Sturdy BUDGET LUGGAGE from $2.95 up AIKEN’S FOOTWEAR and CLOTHING 452-9352 L FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, December 11 10:00 am.—Sunday School 11:15 pm.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH’’ Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, December 11 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School White Gift Service 11:00 am.—Morning Service TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Church Service 3:00 pm.—Sunday School REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director .Sunday, December 11 9:45 am.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Church Service — "Babel & Bethlehem" ST. PAl/L'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, December 11 — Advent 3 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 9:45 am.—Church School 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON . Sunday, December 11 I 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service I 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School I 8:00 pm.—Evening Service | Speaker: Charles Shorten, London. ; Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—-Prayer Meeting and Bible Study < ALL WELCOME :i CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. HEERSINK. Mlnliter !; Sunday, December 11 I; ■I 10:00 am.—Worship Service / I; 11:00 am.—Sunday School :; !<? 2:30 p.m.—Service far Dutch __ ! ’ Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Tbomai, listen to "Back to God Hoiir”, 1 • EVERYONE WELCOME !