HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-01, Page 15'<■ ,!?■' 5 Gift Wrapping Service At "Fair" This was a busy .table during the Christmas Fair in the auditorium at Huronview' last Friday as residents lined up to have their purchases wrapped in colorful paper by staff members and*" ladies of-the Women’s Auxiliary to.v Huronview.. Alonzo Baechler, Goderich on the left and Dan McLean, Kin­ tail, wait as Mrs. Barbara McDonald packages their gifts. (News-Record Photo) Sergeant Composes Centennial Poem The following poem was cvm- posed.in- time for Canada’s Lentehmal Year by a member of the Canadian. ■FotrCes, Ser­ geant C. C. Moody, CFB Clin­ ton. Sergeant Mdody, who Las travelled' extensively in Canada has written his impressions of .the ton provinces-into his poem. We think “Ode To Canada” portrays this nation as a strong country, rich in people and pro­ ducts and we are pleased to publish it here for your enoy- ment. ' Ode To Canada My intenitioin, has. not meant to be, Tq slight any,. tree. But I am, sure know, Each one of us grow, •A hundred years of marching. To- fill our empty Guts, Manching over Prairies wide, .And Nova Scotia’s ruts; We’ve crested lofty Mountains, Across the Great Divide, And swam in - cool green waters; on our family that you must’ helped Canada al 1 Huronview "Christmas Fair" Well Blessed Shoppers were enthusiastic last Friday at Huronview during the-Christmas Fair even though they were using bogus money. Here Mrs: Orville Cann, Exe­ ter, left, and Mrs. Jenny Rutledge, Nile (centre) make their selections as Mrs. W. O. Mather, a member of the Blyth Women’s Institute watches. Gifts were supplied through the generosity this year of church groups in Brussels, Blue­ vale, Belgrave, Bayfield, Brucefield and Belmore. A pot luck supper was held preceding the December meet­ ing of St. Joseph’s Council Catholic Women’s League with thinty-five present. Carol singing was led by Mrs. Pat McMahon and Mrs. Art Riasmuson with Mrs. Robert Le­ beau accompanying on the organ. •Mrs. C. A. Trott, president, expressed thanks to the con­ veners of the supper, the lunch committee, Mrs. • A. Sharp for decorating the hall and Mrs. Lloyd Medd for donating the Christmas tree. A motion was passed to re­ member the sick and shut-ins at Christmas with Mrs. Clem Reynolds as convener, • Mrs. Arnold Dale, the con­ vener of citizenship urged the members to attend the annual meeting of St. Joseph’s Sep­ arate School Board on' Decem­ ber 28. The council approved placing a notice in the weekly newspaper regarding the hours of Mass at Christmas and New Year’s. Thm director, Father Kelly was presented with a Christmas gift from the League. He ex­ tended a vote of appreciation to the members and gave an infor­ mative talk on Christmas. An invitation was extended to members to attend the official opening of the new office of the Huron Unit of the Cancer Society. The items foir the layette, donated by the league members, for Sundale Manor at Chatham, were displayed with Mrs. Frank Van Altana and Mrs. Alvin Sharp as conveners. Where PEI lobs-tcu-s hide, We’ve been in old Alberts, Where Buffalo used to roam, And through those past gone years; ' t ’ Canada was, our home. We’ye seep the plains Abraham, Where history was made, We’ve also seen old BO, With orchards in thie glade, apd! pf Mrs. Harold Adams, 146 Isaac Street, Clinton, wop 50 silver dollars from Clinton Community Credit Union when hecr guess of 5163,984-65 was nearest to the actual dividend figure paid by the Predffit Union this year, The Credit Union paid divi­ dends of $63,991.69 to its 2,870 members after the annual meet-; ing op November 21, Hie Credit. Union year ended September 30, I ■ ■ ■ ( Second .closest estimate was $63,999.95 submitted by Mrs: Esther L, Kendall, 9167 Rohns, Pefrolt, Mfeh.,. and she won 25 silver dollars. Winner of ien silver dollars fpr. the third closest guess was Miss Dorothy Collins, RR 3 Clinton, who submitted $63, - 999.99. /'.■m..... ....................................... . Clinton NewS'Recprd—Fg> 5 Thurs., Dec. 8, 1966 Lions Holding Ladies Night Clinton Lions Club is holding its annual Eadies Night dance at the Him. Haven Motor Hotel downstairs ballroom on Tues­ day, December 13. Dancing to Elroy Desjardipe's orchestra be­ gins at 9;30 with a buffet din­ ner at 11;3Q o'clock. There .are still some tickets available from' Diops Club members. S We’ve seen the Crees Hurons, The fSouix and Manitou, Along' the shores o£ Erie, And Dake Ontario too. The papermills in Cornerbrook, New Brunswick by ithe sea, All piade by true Canadians, Canadians like you and me. ’We’ve seen the people come and go, Spots, English, Jews and Dutch, Columbus, and the Iroquois, The Eskimos, and such; We’ve seen the dear old Irish,■ The Germans and the Swedes; Italians, Ukes and Frenchmen; And all the other breeds. We’ve seen them come and stay wiith. us, For we are all of these, We all came here to Canada; We’re Canadians, if you please. These are only buit a few, Of things we have in store, We’ve Mining, Gold and Silver; / -Name any kind of Ore. We’ve timber tail, so straight and true, And highways neat and clean,' We’ve parks and hunting, fish­ ing; Many things that may be seen. And these could only come to- light, By people tried and true, People that all join with me; And say, "Canada Welcomes You”. / ■ —By Sergeant C. C. Moody, CFB Clinton. To Jan. 1 Babies At the monthly meeting of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary members were reminded of the annual meeting which will be held in the Nurses' Residence bn January 3, 1967 at 8 p.m. Committee conveners, etc. were asked to bring in their . year-end reports, at that time. The ’’nomiinating committee will bring in a new slate of officers and these officers will be in­ stalled at the annual meeting. . Mrs. Wenham, buying con­ vener reported that three geriat­ ric chairs and one commode , chair had arrived and are in use in (the hospital. A large freezer is on order and expected, in a week or 10 days. She also, had a sample of drapery material to show to the member’s1, anticipat­ ing draperies for the nursery. She was instructed to buy the1 usual Christmas gifts, including Centennial coffee spoons to be presented to New Year’s Day babies. Use Classified Ads For Quick Results DANCE WALTON HALL Friday, Dec. 9th Desjardine's Orchestra SPONSORED BY WALTON W,l. A Lunch Booth EVERYONE WELCOME r-.....■ . .... Z7o you really need money to make money? Over250.000 Canadians have found the answer . Of course you do. But it doesn’l need to be much. Even 50c a day in an Investors Plan will multiply into thousands of dol­ lars in a few years! Investors is like a financial department store with a wide variety of excellent investment plans to fit any bud get. There are plans to help yoi accumulate a worthwhile sum ol money, and lump sum plans to make your dollars grow. What­ ever your goal — whatever your means,‘the Investors man hat the plan to suit your needs; loir, over 250,000 Canadians who are with Investors, the largest com­ pany of its kind in Canada, with assets of over $1 billion under administration. Get in. touch with the Man from Investors to­ day. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reach your own goal of financial .security! W. G. "Bill" Campbell P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 WE’RE PLAYING SANTA AGAIN IT’S OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS USED CAR SALE ............................-Ill ■ ■ OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR Say Merry Christmas to the'’Whole" Family with one of these Good Used Cars at BIG SAVINGS -1 1 11 11 ’ .....Jl "■ Everything has a value WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Oats, Corn, You name it -—• we'll trade it. Let us be Your TRADING POST 8 Aut., power brakes and steering, power back win­ dow, radio. LIKE NEW. rOnly one owner. " Four door, 6 cyl., aut., clock, power steering, radio. This car-has had only one owner, and must be seen to be ap­ preciated, SYNDICATE LIMITED Or rnail this coupon———' Name................. Address.............. City/Town....... Prov................... ...................... ■a* I MALABU STATION WAGON 6 cyl., aut. LIKE NEW. 65 64 Falcon, 6 standard, radio Ford, 8 aut., radio, one owner . ■ ' ■ Chevrolet,-6 cyl., standard Pontiac,"6 aut., radio Meteor, V8, aut., radio Studebaker, 6 automatic, like new, 62 Pontiac, 6 aut, power ’ steering, radio. Real Sharp Car. Studebaker, 8 cyl., good buy. j' Ford Gaiaxie Mercury, V8, aut, good buy. 63 Corvair Monza/6 cyl , 4- speed,, bucket seats. Renault-, good economical' car. ' ■ Mercury) V8 aut’.', power brakes, and steering, power back, wiridow, radio. This ear has only, had one owner. REAL SHARP, CAR ‘ Renault Wagon Bel Air 4-door, 6 cyl. aut. ---------------:-----;---------------j 61 2 — Fords, V8, standard TRUCKS : 66 Chevrolet ton, 6 cyl 64 GMC 6 stand., radio. Mercury - Meteor - Comet -Falcon - Cougar AND SUPPLY GODERICH, ONTARIO Clinton representative. George Cutler . Phone: Residence — 482-9782 Business — 524-6271 J (News-Record. Photo) ■ - Funeral service is today at 2:30 p.m. at T. H. Hoffman Funeral Home in. Dashwood. In­ terment will be in Grand Bend Cemetery. I BUY HER .... 1 V 60-71 Albert Street Phone 482-9505 CENTRE 69-71 Albert Street A ' .. . " ’ ' , ' * • • GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE HOME (Including the home) • Ask about our Family Purchase Plan. • For Evening Appointments Phone 482-9505 before 6:00 p.m. BALL & MUTCH LIMITED Crest Hardware and Furniture * William- Dickson Glenn-, Grand Bend and formerly of the Enppen area, passed away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Dondbn on Tuesday. He was 48 years old. He ds survived by his wife, the former Phyllis Gill; a daughter, Patti at home; a son, Donald in Ottawa; and two sis­ ters, Mrs. Morley (Helen) Saunders and Mrs'. William (Mona) Finch, both of Grand Bend. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results TEEN CLUB 67 Organization Meeting Sunday, December 11 2:00 p.m. Harbourlite Inn Goderich Application,and member­ ship cards available at this time. early this Christmas DECEMBER 17th is the last date for local Christmas CHRISTMAS CAROS Unsealed, with not morfe than'iiVe written words of greeting. For postal Information see your tolephono book Yellow Pages. FREE CLINTON HENSALL EXETER GIFT WRAPPING FOR MEN LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS Clinton 482-6623 /"DECT hardware vUCJI AND FURNITURE You Too. Will Be SOLD On The Idea When You Find OUT How Easy It Is To Chose Your Gifts CLINTON’S