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Clinton News-Record, 1966-12-01, Page 8
MRS. WES BRADNOCK-—Correspondent-—Phone 526-7595 UINKH Newt-Kecord Thur*., pec. I, Auburn and District Mtes- Margaret R? Jackson returned last Friqtay evening after' visiting with her niece, Mrs. Donald Kai and’ Mr. Kai at Oakville. Mrs. Bert Doran came home last Friday evening from Gode rich hospital Where she has. been a patient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and Mrs. Laura Fowlex' visited on Saturday evening with, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J, Phillips; Mr, and Mrs. EJd. Davies vis ited last week with Mrs. Melvin: Huntei' both. - ■ Qharles Beadle, ’ spent last week at his- home in ‘Auburn on Loftus Street. Mr. and Mrs,’ Lloyd Hum phreys, * Dublin, visited friends in the village last Saturday evening. ' ' Mrs,'Wes Bradnock attended the annual rpeeting of the Fed erated Women’s Institutes of Ontario in Toronto -last week. Carl Goviei’ attended the an nual convention of the Ontario Farmer’s Union held at Belle ville last week as delegate .from the Huron-Perth District. He also attended on Saturday the Board of rDirector’s meeting held in that city, < Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Sprung, Lp-ndon, Atwood,- visited friends and relatives oyer the weekend help. They have recently re turned from a trip to the west peast, They also visite'd with Mrs. Mary Ellen Wallace; a former Auburn. gjrj', Lorne Toll is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Has many friends wish him,a speediy recovery. , A * - Benson Walters, Toronto, has been yjsitiing with his sister, Mrs. Arthuy Grange, Jennifer and Shelley. ./ . Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael" and Janice, Brantford, spent the weekend With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Farewell Party 60 peighbours and gathered -in the, Col- HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD.BOND , Phone 482-3210 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo,: ac companied by ' Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Jewell -.left'- on Thursday for a three week -(tour through the Southern States. Robert Grigg/, who has been at Montreal the past few months bn -an Expo ’67 land scaping project^ was home' for the weekend. The United Church Women will hold' its regular monthly meeting one week early this month,, on Tuesday, December 6. ■ » . Over. friends BHI^^H^^H^^B borne Township^ Ha)l,^ Garlow, for a farewell party ' for Mr. and Mi’s, William Reed and their daughters,' Misses Patsy and Linda/Reed. The evening was spent playing euchre with the winners being' .’iyilliam Reed and Mrs. Lillian John ston. Miss Marian - Hickey, London, read the address and Mrs. Elmer Sproul presented them with a purse of' money. Lunch was served by the ladie?' of the community: Bride-Elect Feted Over 30 relatives ■ and friends gathered' at the home ,of Mrs. John Sprung in honor of Miss Karen Christensen of Seaforth. She is the bride-elect of '/Peter Sprung of Londesboro.. Mi’s, John Sprung Was in charge of i Predicts the program of games and con tests; Each guest introduced themselves and gave a house hold hint. Miss Melanie ..Sprung gave a reading, Levinski, a;t the wedding. Winners of the con tests and. Gifts Jane and Bruce Vincent of Galt,’ made'an attractive ribbon hat and plac ed it on Karen’s head:. ,r Karen thanked her friends were Mrs. Stanley Bail Mrs. Dorothy Wagner.^ were carried in by Mary Sprung, .Eleanor Sprung' Melanie Sprung; . Mrs. for the' many gifts and- lunch was seived. Guests, were pre sent Galt, ville, (By li. S. Atkey) I GODERICH ,-t— An .increase n the county mill rate in 1967 Mas forecast by ‘ Clerk -Treasurer John . G. Berry in. his , fin ancial repoxT to Huron County Council last week. He consid- Ired it “more than likely”' in |iew of the increased.,'cost en- piled in setting up a new coun- 1/ library system. I Mr. Berry submitted financial Itatements. as follows: general Iccount, highways account, munty health unit, county lib- liry co-operative, ■ Children’s lid Society, Huron County lorne. . ■ * „ I Generally speaking, the fin- Bxcial picture appears to be ■ther good. - All accounts are' ■owing a surplus, with the ex- ■ption of highways, and this is ■ual during the construction ■riod; there seems to‘be no Bason’ why they should not Bn elude the year’s activity ■thin their budget. ■ ‘The picture for 1967 is going ■ be somewhat different. .De- ■rtments which Will more than ■ely increase in cost of oper- ■on will be adminisitoiation of ■tice, child welfare, Hurori- ■w, Health Unit, library, ■ and ■>enture Costs will also in Hase. There will be some re- H in the fact that we can Hsrt a poi’tion of the hospital ^Rrve funds to apply against’ H additional debenture cost, Hier than to continue to build Hour hospital reserve fund.” She clerk stated that, “as ^■the case in all '• municipal His, the workload continues jH increase.” He suggested IHxges to divide committee |Hk between the deputy clerk ^B himself so that bath would ^Bhave to attend committee ^fcngs as in the past. NOTICE I be open until further otice on Wednesdoy and Saturday 1 afternoons, from 1 to 5,p.m. d Saturday morning rom 10 to 12 a.m. No wire fence, old concrete or cor bodies permitted. lame* I. McIntosh, Clerk. J Jf Corl Hemingway .palled, on Mr. Elgin Watches -o- I CERTIFICATESINVESTMENT 6%%for 1 year for 2 years 3, 4, 5 yearsfor THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE TEEN CLUB '67 & TRUST COMPANY I 4 Clinton a r- CLINTON'S “ONE STOP” GIFT CENTRE 69-71 ALBERT STREET - SEAFORTH Ross Carter, the weekend parents, Mr. Sea- nexit 1967 Available in amounts of $100.00 or more. An ideal investment for security and high return. Established .1889 OFFICES: Forest, Sarnia, Petrolia, Strathroy Contact Our Representative H. C. LAWSON Phone: 482-9644 Counter’s Jewellery Another store where your dollar buys more. ^ Matter of Principle I % CREST Hardware & Furniture J w BALL & MUTCH LTD. LOANS UP TO S500S GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION, LTD. ASK ABOUT OUR FAMILY PURCHASE PLAN TO Fit YOUR BUDGET Gross and Mrs. Henry Hunking. A program of contests was. held witlj Mrs, Joe" Ver way in charge. Mrs. Henry Hunking gave an interesting card game and the winners were Mrs, Tom Cunningham, Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs, Wilfred Pen- found. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess,- Mrs. Lloyd- P.ehfound? assisted by Mrs. Torn. Cunningham, Mrs. Walter Cunningham, Mrs. Guy Cunningham, and Mrs. Roy Daer. $ / Cancer Society Invites Public To New Office Huron” Unit of the Canadian 'Cancer Society -held its first general meeting for the coming yeai’ on November 23, in the auditorium of Huronview,/. Clin ton, Representatives from Wingham, Exeter, Seaforth and Clinton were in attendance. Harvey Johnston 'presided, for '.the business, period which in.- cluded plans for the opening ‘of the new County headquar ters at 10 King Street, Clinton, which will be officially opened Tuesday,’ December 6. The pub lic is cordially invited to- attend both afternoon and evening. / ■ ' An interesting program for the mieetirig including the view ing of two educational-and in formative films “Who Me?” and “The Million Club.” An invitation from the forth- Branch to -hold the meeting there on March-. 1, ■-was'accepted. -—.—__o------. Soil and Crop Elmer ‘ Powe, • RR 2 Centralia was, elected President of the Huron County Soil & Crop improvement at the.4 Annual meeting and banquet../ Bob Grasby, RR 4, Brussels was elected vice-president and Jim Knight, RR 2, Binissels, was choSen second vice-presi- 'dent. , Howard Dators, Dashwood, replaces as director, the retiring president from Hay, Ian Mc Allister, Zurich and Don Lobb, Clinton replaces Ed Grigg as diirectoi’ from Goderich Town ship. ■ Peter Lewington, Ilderton, Associate Editor of the Coun try Guide explained1 to the 190 .present the ■ responsibilities of the Agricultural press in re porting the news as it pertains to farmers and the press has to keep pace ..with the many changes in reporting as does the farmer in his profession. Bringing greetings to the As-Z sociatlion were Murray Gaunt;7 M.P. Huron Bruce; Warden Ken.Stewart; and Chairman of Agricultural Committee, Ernie Talbot. Representative ■ from the Ontario Crop Improvement was Jim Barrie, Gait, District Director; and Alfred Brunton, Tara; also, Eyjabt Crago of St. Mary’s brought greetings from Bruce and Perth County Ass< ations. from Seaforth, Atwood, Auburn, Londesboro, O’ak- Clinton and Goderich. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club’ held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Penfbund. The first vice-president^ Mrs. Henry Hunking was in. charge of the pi'ogram in the absence of Mrs. Ted Hunking. The min utes' were read by secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp and the fin ancial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Walter .Cun ningham. The roll Call was an swered by 15 mjembers. The draw prize donated by Mrs. .Roy Daer was, won by Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Mrs. Worthy Young held the-lucky ticket on the bedspread. ' It Was decided to agdiri have a Christmas' party and it Will be held at the home of Mrs. GeoCge Schneider, with the pro gram to be planned by Mrs. Schneider' and Mrs. Tom. Cun ningham- The roll cal! is to be, answered by telling “what; I Jiape to have Christmas mean.” The Christmas lunch which every member will bring ,js to be sandwiches, cookies and Christmas,, cake and will be .served by Mrs. Axle Duizer, Mrxs. Jack Hallam, Mys. Cabmen - ’ J' ■’ ' a " Clinton Memorial Shop KIPPEN MRS. NORMAH LONG Phone'262-5180 Mrs, Bert Faber, Mrs. Ken Faber, Mrs. Torn Penihale and Wendy and Miss Eleanor Wright attended a surprise shower given by glirl friends at Stratford on Tuesday even ing of last week for Dianne Faber. Mrs, Alice Keene* and daugh ter and Mrs. G. R. Jackson, Stratford, attended the funeral service for the late FJoyd Elmer Turner and later and Mrs, Long. Mjr. and Mrs, Ohatharp spent with the latter’s and Mrs. Nelson-Hood, Mrs. Clarence Pries tap, Mit chell, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sch neider, Garry, Gail and Dale, Stratford, visited duping the weekend with Robert Thomson. Bride Feted Miss Dianne Faber, bride elect of December 17. wa’s hon ored at a kitchen shower given by Emma Oesch, Eleanor Wright and Carol Penihale at the home of Mrs. Penhale in- Bayfield last Saturday evening, Contests and readings by Linda Rader and Carol Penhale ..were enjoyed, A Bride’s 'Book, was passed around. The address Was. read by, Eleanor Wright, and Wendy and Ricky Penhale and Sylvia Oesch presented Dianne with many lovely gifts. Dianne was assisted by Sandra Bolton and Patsy Faber, The bride made' a fitting reply, * A. buffet lunch was served by the1 hostesses. Mrs. Sharon Dewys and Miss Sa'ndra Bolton were hostesses at the home of Mrs. George Dewys' for a surprise shower for Dianne Faber last Tuesday evening. Several contests and readings were enjoyed by the guests. Sandra Bolton read the address and Eleanor Wrlight assisted •Dianne as she opened her gifts-. On Friday evening, Mrs.' William Oesch and Mrs. Cornie Faber were -hostesses for a mis cellaneous shower' at the .home of Mrs. Oesch when relatives of the bride gathered to honor her. . • ,v Mrs. Emerson Coleman was' in charge o.f the program. Readings were given by Mrs. Ken Faber,-1 Mrs. Tom Peooh-ale and Mrs; Coleman. The address was read by Em ma' Oesch and Dianne opened many lovely gifts assisted by her -mothex’ and sister, Mrs. Penhale. '. Dianne thanked everyone and invited all to her trousseau tea to be held Saturday, December 10. -----------0----------- . MORE ATTRACTIVE . VEGETABLE DISHES Topping vegetables with sauce of melted butter and herbs, seeds, sauces, cheese, lemons, or mustard adds var iety, recommends the Foods De partment at Macdonald Insti tute, -University of Guelph. At tractive results are also gain ed by. sprinkling them with slivered almonds, crumbled, crisp bacon, olives, chopped, hard-cooked eggs, parsley, or diced pimento. Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results Si Z" T. PRYDE and SON - EXETERCLINTON Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HULLETT TOWNSHIP We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for the confidence that you haye shown in us by electing us" by acclamation to the council for the Corporation of the Township of Hullett for the ensuing year of 1967. Thank you, and we wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Clare Vincent, Reeve Donald Buchanan, Councillor Leonard Archambault, Councillor Hugh Flynn, Councillor Charles Scanlon, Councillor Hallowe’en —A Lesson In The “Shake Down” ,No\v that the- ancient festival, the ©verting before' “All Saints Day”, Hallowe’en is over per haps we sihQUld count up the costs, Its hard to understand how an old religious celebration has turned into a night of will ful destruction, These , are only a few of the incidents I’vq heard of locally, Two youths faced With a $700 debt each- to pay and five years probation. Three others arrest ed and awaiting trial for 'getting fires. Perhaps these are just a few of those who learn a lesson. But I wonder what lesson they Will learn. Soane no; doubt will realize how foolish; they were and resolve not to repeat their mistake"'in doing- willful de struction. I’m afraid the others will only1 le^rn -that it is foiolish to get caught. '■ I wonder if the. parents will also Tearn the' two vastly 'd!if- Clintonian. Club Enjoys Banquet The Clintonian Club held its ,14th birthday party on Fxad'ay, Novemiber 25 with 30 -members attending the turkey dinner , at the Ontario Street United Church, Guests included Mrs. J. Greenwood and Mrs. McGillvery from the’ London executive and Mr. McGillvery. The group went to the home of Mrs. Venner Where a good pld-fashi'oned^ing-song was en- "joyed with toe-tapping music supplied by Mrs.' Bisback. Two humorous readings were heard and gifts were presented to the retiring officers, the hostess and several “lucky” rrxembers. ■ Eudhre prizes went to Mrs. W. Colclough, high lady; Mrs. K. Mote, low lady; Mrs. E. Frey, lone hands. Crokinole winners were Mrs. A. Hudie and Mr. McGillvery,- London; birthday winners, Mrs. McGillvery; lucky -chair, Mrs. J. Greenwood, London and lucky ticket, Mrs. M. Falconer. • -----------Q------;--- St. Andrew's WMS Gives I • f kJ I Use ClassifiecJ Ads For CPuielc Results Motor Vehicle License Branch f erent lessons? J wonper’ if we- as parents, are xipt at least as guilty as the young people. Hallowe'en is supposed to be a joke — a trick or treat ate fair. But isn’t it really a lesson for the very young in the gang ster “shake down” system (pay up or else!) and we supposedly mature people condone it, How many parents leave their child ren the impression that they are proud of the huge bag of goodies their little .ones are able to frighteoa .out of their .innocent victims. Just What affect will this haye on the child as a teen ager when the candy and cook ies no longer satisfy? Is this the reason the young adult turns to destruction and does .he somehow feel by’ .this deed of .daring- (under• the. cover of darkness), he gains the secret’ approval of ' his parents ? What about the victims? It seems to me that' the fires: this year were much -more numerous. Does the public'realize that fire insurance ■ companies .are ref using insurance on, buildings on faims where no one is liv ing? Maybe1 these buildings are not of much value'but it doesn’t, take much of a building to be worth a few hundred dollars. There were good buildings de stroyed which were insured and here .the aatual loss would be. a great deal more severe. Why should the innocent suf fer? Why isn’t there a reserve fund built from our municipal taxes' -to pay for the’ .damages suffered by the innocent if the cplprit escapes or is- unable to pay. We pay dog tax on this basis for livestock losses. There is another area in which we, as a supposedly hu mane civilization, are sadly d’e- 'ficient. A few days ago on TV I saw a doctor who had been imprisoned for 10 years for (the murder of his wife. He has now been proven innocent. Ten years lost, wasted to himself and hu manity. The courts cannot be sued. Sony! there is. nothing we can do-----4-----ma Christian nation! z has moved to 81 Rattenbury St. W from Huron St. MRS. PHYLLIS BUTLER Phone 482-9515 Stunning new answers tq that special gift problem —- the exquisite Starlite — the boldly- styled Sportsman — the all-new collection of .Elgin Contpssa watches; all have unbreakable mainsprings plus many other new features, and only Elgin pro vides an unconditional one-year guarantee. See these hqrd-to-believe Elgin watch values to-day. Priced from $24.95 at Counter's Jewellery. Free gift wrapping on all goods if desired. Shop early and we will lay-away for you. Applications for membership ■' available at r Higher Interest Rates GUARANTEED The Women’s Missionary So ciety of St. Andrew’s Presby terian Church met 'in the sch ool room- of the. church hnd Mrs. Blacker opened the meet ing with the call to worship. , The theme of the topic was “Love for God” based on one of the commandments, “Thou Shalt love the Lord thy God With all thy heart, and with all thy strength.” Report on the work being done at the Indian Residential School was read by . Mrs. Makins. A life membership certificate was presented to Mrs. Shaddick by Mrs. MacLean. News-Record office! Harbourlite Inn or . Regent TV, Goderich fDCCT HARDWARE vlxujl AND FURNITURE For the money you need to . • do your Christmas shopping O Children's Toy Dept, sports equipment, games, dolls, tricycles, bicycles, sleighs, toboggans, wag ons, etc. O Gift wrap, tree and home decoration centre. Q Complete housewares, qut- lery, appliances (large and small). O Power tools by Black & Decker and all hand tools O Hone Furnishings, com plete selection of famous , Kroehler Signature Chairs (relaxer, recliners), Lib erty chrome suites, ches terfields, suites. One floor with complete display of bedroom suites and Sim- monsm attresses. O Room Srze Rugs and Wall to wall carpet installa tions. for a cash advance Enjoy 8m confidence of shopping with cash in your pocket ... ready cash from GAG. And shop early to make sure you git your first choice of gift items... the sizes, colors and styles you want Stop to or call your GAC office. You’ll get prompt, personal service and convenient monthly pay ments fitted to your budget Get a cash advance from GAC lor holiday shopping... or for any good reason. —-----------------------C LI NTON----------------------- -- 7 Rattenbury Street.......................Phone 482-3486 For Evening Appointments Phone 482-9505