HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-01, Page 3From Mv Window ''1 (Photo by McDowell) ' MR. AND MRS. ROBERT KUPERUS Nights Are For Thinking I had almost forgotten what at is .like to be up all night. . Way back when the world was young and I was too ages and ages — the ter Witching hour was; midnight and the time immediately after that Was the most exciting! Maybe if was. because the rest of the fplks were asleep that I felt ■ so. special as the clock Clinton Women’s Institute held their meeting in the board roams Of the agriculture and food office on Novembei’ 24. Mbs, W. Colclough, opened the meeting, Mrs. Art Groves read the minutes and Mrs. M. Batkin gave the' treasurer’s report, It was decided to giye $5.00 to the muscular dystrophy fund, also to send Christmas ’cards to the shut-ins in the commun­ ity. Mrs. M. Gibson reported on the project “Hats for you”. An invitation is extended to all persons' interested to attend Summary Day in the Legion Hall, December 2«at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. E. Radford gave a de­ tailed report of the Area con­ vention held in Goderich. Mrs. N. Tyndall, convener of the topic on “Industries”, in­ troduced Bert Giifobings who gave a very interesting talk on salt, and also had early pictures taken at Stapleton when Salt was taken from the Weills there. Roll call was answered by giving a suggestion for a pro­ ject during Centennial year. ' Lunch was served, iby Mrs. R. Connell, Mrs. Mrs. L. Butler and Mrs; Brown. F, Cummings, J. -----------o------ ----- Friendship Guild Packs Baskets At their last meeting on Nov­ ember 23, the members of Sit. Paul’s Friendship Guild decor­ ated baskets in preparation for their annual visit to the sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Kay Campbell reported that almost $4,50 had been don­ ated by the members ’ and friends in place of the annual bazaar. The president, Mrs. Margaret Counter, expressed .her appreciation to the mem­ bers and' .friends in the con­ gregation for their generous response to this new project. The next meeting oh Wednes- 1 day, December 7 will be the ' last this’ year and will take the form of a Christmas party i under the direction of Mrs. Grace White and Mi’s. Daphne Johnston. Members will \ ex- | change gifts, and are asked' to ibbing a few cookies1 and a piece of Christmas cake. November Wedding Solemnized In Christian Reformed Church Clinton News-Record-—Pg. 3 Thurs., Dec. 1, 1966 struck three. Or could it have been the fact that I was defying the laws of nature and of my miom and dad? Who knows? I pnly remember I loved to stay up late -— the later the better. Then I got married. There is nothing like mar­ riage to take the kick out of living. Just a fewx words from the minister and everything that had seemed so maddenly mysteriously romantic becomes crystal clear. Th’e illusion of blissful contentment is gone. In its place fs a rugged routine marked “No Other Choice” and you are tired — automatically. I used to vow I’d never get in the rut that had claimed my mother and father — and every other fogy I’d ever met —■* but the other night I realized I was comfortably settled into the same bed-by-ten-thirty — sleep-till-six-thirty schedule I had once deplored. I found too the night isn't half so thrilling when you sit up alone rocking Hattenany" In Legion Hall Tomorrow, Dec. 2 Members’ of the* Senior Course “Hats for You” are put-' ting, the finishing touches on their hats in preparation for Summary Day, says Sharon Carroll, Home Economist for Huron County. The Summary Day in Clin­ ton will be.-held at the Legion Hall oh December 2. The program which, is in the form of a “Hattenany”' promises to be very interesting. The ladies will show off 'their orig­ inal creations in displays and parades. Mrs. Mildred Mulligan. Millinery Specialist, Depart­ ment of Agriculture and Food, Toronto will' show some tricks from her Magic Hat Box. A tea concludes1 the afternoon. -----------o-----------. Shirley Keller a prying baby who won't be gtiiled! As I swayed to and fro to the tune of my son’s ofl-key wall” ing, I thought of the time when he’d be big enough to conceal his troubles like everyone else! My mind wandered into the future when I’d probably lose sleep as he sowed those pro­ verbial ‘wild oats’, biif at least it Would be quiet then, I told myself. I looked at the finger-printed walls and grew weary in* the knowledge they needed a good washing and a coat of paint, I observed the spot where the Christmas tree will sit and got wearier as I considered the Shopping I needed- to do,’ I saw the ironing piled deep iii the basket and my eyelids drooped from sheer exhaustion. At last — silence. The wail- ,ing had become whining, the whining had diminished to Whimpering, the whimpering had softened to a whisper — and then silence., t The baby was warm and soft and cuddly. I tyas sleepy and relaxed and so-o-o lazy. Now I recalled what is so good about the night, It’s the best tame to hear yourself think — and to listen to the sounds of - a soul as it searches for life’s mean­ ings. 1 slrKii'. Si:: Kf N-. Ml &•; -S'-:'. Ro S' -■>• 'iyv *' - his Her o- Wesley-Willis UCW Notes Tuesday, December 6 at her Change of Date Units I and II of the United Church Women of Ontario Street United Church will hold their Christmas mjeeting on Tuesday, December 6 at 2:30 p.m. in .the church parlour. Members of Unit II will please note change of date. /■”' *..■■■ —■■ ■ ■■■■ 1 p.m. is the date and time of the Fidelity Unit’s Pot, Luck lun­ cheon. Roll call Will be “A Christmas Thought” and all members are asked to bring a friend to the meeting. The same day at 8 p.m. in the evening, the, Mary and. Martha Unit has scheduled its Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Aggerholm,. 137 Victoria St. Members are asked to bring a friend to the mieeting which will have Captain Worn- bold of the Salvation Army as the guest speaker, Mbs. Agger­ holm and Mr's. Doug Bartliff are in charge of the program. Thursday, December 8 at 2 p.m., the Wo-He-Lo Unit pre­ sents “A Canadian Christmas Choral Service” with Mm. Cliff Stewart in charge. Roll call is ‘Moy”. SS 4, Goderich Township Community Club held its Nov­ ember meeting at the home of Mrs. Don Forbes. President Mrs. Jim Lobb chaired the meeting where 16 members and one visitor answered roll call, Gifts are- to be donated to the Children's Aid Society. The treasurer reported a balance of $57.83. Mrs. Murray Forbes1 will hold the December ’meeting on Wed­ nesday afternoon, December 7. All members are asked to' make note of the change of date. Roll call will be answered with a bag of candy. Lunch was served by Mrs. Donx'Forbes and Mrs. Murray Forbes. 1 Ml fi 3 % 3% 1 1 ■ iy2 2 1 Sift dry ingredients; combine egg, milk, and oil; add to dry ingredients and mix; ad!d gum­ drops and nuts; pour into greased loaf pan; bake in 350° oven one hour or until done. -----------o—;------- cups sifted enriched floui' cup sugar tsp. b, powder tsp. salt egg slightly beaten cups milk tbsp, salad oil cup cut up gumdrops cup nuts On Saturday, November 12, Deny Westerhout became the bbide1 of Andrew Kuperus in a double ring ceremony in the Christian ' Reformed Church, Clinton. Rev. G. J, Jfeer$nk. officiated. ' The bride is the dauglrter of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Westerhout, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuperus, RR 4, Goderich, Mr, Westerhout gave daughter in marriage, floor-length gown of celea peau de soie featured three quarter sleeves,, edged with peau de ange lace flowers and a de­ tachable sevaltar styled train appliqued with, peiau de ange motifs fell from the empire waist with bow detail at back. Her bouffant veil of illusion was held by a tiara of Oriental seed pearls and crystal and she -carried a crescent pink delight roses; and ivy. Mrs. Tielman Clinton was maid of honor and bridesmaid was ■ Mrs. Hank Westerhout. They wore empire gowns of sweetheart pink silk crepe .and bodices of sugarbeet silk velvet, with a pink peau de soie bow at back and below the elbow sleeves. Their head­ pieces were sugarbeet silk vel­ vet tews and-they carried cres­ cent bouquets of burgundy car­ nations. Miss Deborah Westerhout, Clinton, niece of the bride was flowergirl in a gown of white peau de soie. A band of sugar-, beet silk velvet outlined the empire waist ■ and fell into a bow at the back. Her head­ piece was a white wedding ring and she carried a nosegay of burgundy carnations. Groomsman was Melvin Klaz- inga, Arkona. Guests were ush­ ered • by Jake Burema, Sarnia and Henry Baiter, London. The reception was held at the Clinton Legion Hall. For daughter’s wedding, Mis. Wes- terhout chose a queen’s blue double.knit all wool dress, with black accessories, a beiige and blue metalic hat and a corsage of pink roses. The groom’s mother wore a three-piece double knit grey­ blue suit, with black acessories, a white hat and a corsage of pink roses. For travelling the bride changed to a two-piece double knit wool, melon colored suit, and She wore a blue and gold metalie bubble crown hat, blue gloves and black reptile shoes and purse. To complete her out­ fit she wore a corsage of yellow roses. St. Joseph's CWL Pot-Luck Dec, 5 The Christmas meeting of St. Joseph Ctounblj. of Catholic Women’s League, Clinton, will be teld in the Parish Hall, Monday, December 5, at 7 p.m. ’in the form of a pot-luck sup- per, AH the ladies of the parish are invited to come. ---------... Q..... ......... ' Pot-Luck Supper At St. Andrew's AU members of the Made­ leine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church' are asked to attend a pot iudk supper ait the church Wednes­ day, December 7 at 6:30 *p.m, Christmas gifts will be . ex* changed .at this meeting. -o Institute Collects $722forCNIB Clintoh Women’s Institute who sponsored the campaign for funds for CNIB from Clinton and community are very grate-- ful to all for their generous response. The 1966 appeal a- mounted to $722.65. Legion Ladies Change Date Of Banquet The Ladies Auxiliary to Clin­ ton Legion have changed the date of their dinner mieeting from December 12 to Wednes­ day, December 7. The dinner Will be at Elm Haven Motor Hotel at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed by an exchange of- gifts. bouquet of stephanotis Westerhout, Applications for membership available at News-Record office, Harbourlitte Inn or Regent TV, Goderich GODERICH , ONT. Reserve For New Year's Eve Tickets Now On Sale For Reservations Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 Catering to Weddings, Banquets, etc. IN CLINTON’S Santa Claus Parade FLOATS CLINTON PHONE 482-9521 mft r If' L<F • » ■/ IBtwk'/F l&'Lf .1 J Saturday Dec. 3 at 1:30 CANDY TREATS For All Children CFB CLINTON TRUMPET BAND CLINTON LEGION PIPE BAND CHSS CADET BUGLE BAND CLOWNS FUN FOR ALL CD EE CiZATIhl/Z clinton lions arena riwEC I |nw For Children up to 12 years ......................................... ................................................................... J................... N. ............... I g STORE OPEN HOURS DURING DECEMBER Open All Day Wed. *—* Dec. 7, Dec. 14, Dec* 21, Dec. 28 Open Evening* —— Monday, Dec. 19 to Friday, Dec. 23 Closed Christmas Eve -— Dec. 24 at 6:00 o'clock : .................... - .......... ................ ...........-........... J bur sincere thanks to the Base Cbmmarideb and the Stratford Musicians Association, Local No. 418 of the American Federatiori of Musicians for their 66-operation tri the participation in securing the Canadian Forces Base Clinton Trumpet and Drum Band for this Occasion* CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE EUGENE McADAM Banta Claus Parade Chairman R. N. IRWIN R. B. CAMPBELL Chairman Secretary i