HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-24, Page 7Huron TB Association Goderich Couple Wed
To Survey Nursing Homes
Directoi's of the Huron Coun
ty Tuberculosis Association
were told Wednesday night at a
meeting at Elm Havexi Motor
. Hotel in Clinton that Huron
and Perth Counties have the
lowest incident of tuberculosis
in Ontario.
Mrs, Beryl Davidson, Strat
ford, executive secretary of the
association said that 'the cur
rent program 'in Huron includes
a survey of the- 23 nursing
homes in the county, and a re-
tirement: and a pre-eimployment
Hast week 235 residents at
Huronview, the county’s home
for the aged, were Xi-rayed1 for
TB and other -"Chest conditions
by Beck Sanatorium, London.
A survey of ail food-handlers
ip the county has just 'been
J. A- Taylor, Drumbo, presi
dent of the Oxford County Tu
berculosis Association, • as guest
speaker asked just how effi
cient is a m®ss X-ray. He said
that there is always a segment
of the population which does
not respond (Huron’s last mass
X-ray Survey, -two years ago,
saw only 51% of the population
“We "should be asking our
selves if research is the answer
to the TB problem, just as the
Salk vaccine became the an
swer of the problem of polio”,
said Mr. Taylor. ,•
He was 'introduced., by Dr.
Arnold Vokes, Dungannon, and
thanked' by Miss Eileen O’Brien,
Goderich. .
George Watt, Bilyith, presi
dent of the association, report
ed that 772 X-rays were taken
. alt the International Plowing
Match, Seaforth, last month. He
paid tribute to Mrs. Davidson
for the project which the Huron
County TB Association sponsor
ed. He said that it wais the first
time that the service of a cheat
X-ray • has 'ever been provided
at an International Plowing
Hast*" year the county associ
ation donated ^1,000 to the In
ternational Union Against Tu
berculosis; to a special fund
of the Ontario TB Association
to' financially assist needy tu-
berculosis associations, and
money for research foi*- all
chest conditions,
*Hurpn County's new director
for (the Huron County Health
JJnit, Dr. Gerard Evans attend
ed the .meeting'-
Secondary School Teachers Need
Time To Relax - OSSTF Secretary
Teachers need more time to
relax in school.
Andre Lecuyer, Toronto, ■sec
retary of .the Ontario Secondary
Schools. Teachers Federation
gave the adVIice, Wednesday, to
a conference of the district fed
eration, meeting at Central
Huron Secondary School, Clin
Teachers need more time to
prepare and carry out personal
research, he said. .
He also said" that teachers
need more time to evaluate
lessons they have just taught
... to pick out flaJws in their
Also speaking at the confer
ence was C, J. McCafifray,
Ottawa, vice-president of the
Ontario federation.
He said1 the federation mem
bers fall into two classes. One
group, he said, favors a trade
xinian approach with emphasis
on working conditions and sal
aries, The other group, he said,
favors a move to a more pro
fessional status.
A panel headed by Kenneth
Wood, a teacher from Wing
ham, decided that television is
here to stay in the classroom.
Teachers/ they salid, should
be prepared to make more use
of TV in the classroom in the
near future, They pointed out
that TV is: only a topi for the
teacher and will never replace
a teacher teaching. «
More than 600 teachers were
at the conference, The district
contains schools from Goderich
to Orangeville' and from St.
Marys to Wlingham.
Chairman of the conference
was Al. H. Jewson, of QHSS
Staff, president of district 10
Ontario- Secondary School Tea
chers Federation.
E. C. Boslwell, Seaforth, told
directors meeting of the Hur-
Don-William James Lodge,
don, formerly of Goderich has
received the Althouse Award
for his record at the Ontario
■ College of Education.
. Mr. Lodlge,- son of Mr. and
- Mrs. Floyd. Lodge, Goderich,' is
a science teacher at Westmin
ster Secondary School in Lon
He attended Goderich Dis
trict .Collegiate Institute where,
in Grade 13, he won the gen-
" eral proficiency .and athletic a-
wiardls. He went on to the Uni
versity of Western Ontario and
from there to Westminster this
The Althouse A'Ward, worth
$100, commemorates Dr. J. G.
Althouse, a former director of
education for the Province of
Ontario. Recommendations for
the award are made by the
Council of the College of Edu
on County Tuberculosis Associ
ation in Clinton, Wednesday
night, that; contributors ,to the
Christmas Seal appeal of the
association are reacting against
a French language “goaf” in
the cheque form mailed with
this year’s seals. Mir. Boswell
is treasurer of- the Christmas
Seal appeal this year in Huron.
French words take promin
ence over English on the cheque
mailed out last 'week with the
seals. Mrs. Beryl Davidson,
Stratford, executive secretary
of both the Huron and the
Perth associations, quoted
David M. Rae, Stratford, pro
vincial president, >ais stating that
it was an operational ‘goof over
which the .two counties had no
control. She said that Mn Rae
had also commented that in
Perth county there has been
"tremendous backlash over it”.
Apparently the forms were
printed in Ottawa to save
money through bulk production
for both Ontario and Quebec
communities. * Th'e error ’ was,
said Mrs. ‘ Davidson, that the
French form was used for both
Mrs. F. R. Pepper
Dies, Aged 82
Mary Ann Pepper, wife of
Fred R. Pepper, Clinton, pass
ed away following a lengthy
illness on November 16 in Clin
ton Public Hospital at the age
of 82. She was bom in Tuck
ersmith Township on August
18, 1884, a daughter of the late
Frank and Elizabeth Layton.
Following her marriage on
April 3. 1907 she resided with
her husband in Tucketsmith
Township until their retire
ment 17 years ago. She was a
member. of the Ontario St.
United Church and' , of the
Tuckersmith Ladies Club.
Funeral service conducted by
Rev. Grant Mills, Clinton, was-
from the Ball and Mutch Fun
eral Home. Interment was in
Clinton Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Elliott Lay-
ton. George Layton, Ed. Layton,
Glen Layton, Keith. Layton and
Bill Pepper. _ Flowerbearers
were Fred Pepper, Jr., Wayne
Layton, Murray Pepper and
Ronald Crick.
The deceased is survived by
her husband; a son Walter of
Clinton; a daughter Hazel
(Mrs, Austin Matheson) of Sea
forth; three grandchildren,
Fred Pepper of Clinton and
Faye and. Glenda Matheson of
Seaforth; and a brother, Wal
ter Layton, Bayfield.
Delegation In Hensall
Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs.
B, Higgins, Mrs. Larson, Mrs.
Deeves, Mrs. Fred Middleton,
Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Edward,Wise
and Mrs. Ray Wise formed a
delegation to the Anglican Wel
fare Work Conference held in
St. Paul’s Church, Hensall, on
Wednesday afternoon, Novem
ber 16.
Mrs. J. Lavender, Hensall,
was in charge and reported on
the recent London meeting. She
led the delegates in a spirited
discussion. One topic of interest
was'"What welfare work co,uld
we apply to a rural area?”*
Personal ‘
Mi-, and Mrs. SteWart Mid
dleton spent several days in
Toronto last week where they
attended the Royal Winter
Fair. They were overnight
guests with Dr. and Mrs. R. G.
Hunter and also' Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Middleton of Leaside.
.......' - 1...........
(Photo By Jervis Studio)
Phone 482-3214
special service was
Sunday morning jn
United Church when five
members were admitted to the
Explorer group. Miss Carol
Taylor, leader of the group ex
plained the aim and work of
the Explorers. Pastor Key. M.
Morrison was in .charge of the
Several car loads of United
Churqh men from Varna
Goshen went to Wingham
Sunday afternoon to be
"Singtime”. ,< 4
Mr, and Mbs. Bob McClymont
and Michael of Burford Visited
over the week with relatives at
Clinton and Varna.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee McConnell
visited with relatives in Tor
onto last week.
Thurs., Nov* 24, 1News-Record-r-Fage 7
Classified Ads, Bring Quick Results
A Nonnination Meeting far thq
Township of Goderich
between the hours pf 8;00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in the
Township Hall (SS No, 3), Goderich Township.
counties’ requirement.
Mr. Boswell said that
turns were coming in well, but
that he has received a number
of replies With blank cheques
unsigned and1 accompanied by
critical comments. 'Because of
the possibility of a postal strike
the county association felt that
there wasn’t time to db any
thing about the error.
The Bible Today
World Church News has re
cently issued items of interest,
to Bible lovers; The firslt
.Bwedish-English edition of the
New Testament. has been pub
lished by the Gideons Interna
tional. Although this edition is
meant primarily for placement
in public accommodation-facil
ities frequented by foreign
guests, the Gideons have made
copies available to those people
in Sweden who* wish to pur
chase them.
An important conference on
Bible Translation was - held re
cently «in Tokyo for -translators
in the Far East. Participants
included Protestant and Roman
Catholic scholars ' and transla
tors from Asia, Europe and
North America. One of the
principal aims of the conference
was to- seek ways and means of
speeding the production of
translations of the Bible in
modern contemporary languag
es of the Far East.
Set up 'in 1964 to translate
the Bible into the Tishluiba lan
guage, an interdenominational
commission in Ltouiabourg, Con
go, announced recently that it
has completed . its work on the
Book of Psialms. Spoken by
more-than two million people,
Tishluba is one of* the four
■principal languages of Congou
The special commission work
ing on the trans’l'ation is com
posed of Protestant and Roman
Catholic scholars, and Bantu
language experts of the Ameri
can Bible Society, which is
sponsoring the project.
Suggested Daily Bible Readings
Sunday, Nov. 27: I Kings 18:
Monday, Nov. 28: I Kings 18:
(Continued on page eight)
Nomination Notice
TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the ratepayers of
the Township of Hullett will be held in the
Clinton News-Record
oflcrs a complete selection of
Wedding annountcmOhts
styled for the discrim
ask for. ■, *
Mary Lou Josephine Deri-
omme, Goderich, became the
bride of Brian Roy Carroll, also
of Goderich at- a double-ring
ceremony in St. Peter’s Church,
Goderich with Rev. Father
Moynahian officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Den-
omrne, Goderich, formerly of
Clinton and Mr. ,and Mrs. How
ard Carroll, Goderich are the
parents of the groom.
Arriving at the altar on the
arm of her father, the bride
was lovely in an “A” line gown
of white d'elustered satin with
motifs of alincpn lace. The re
moveable coat ended in a cha
pel train and her tiered veil of
doud ’ white tulle illusion was
clasped to her head with white
orchid crystals and pearls. She
carried a crescent bouquet of
pink sensation roses,' stephan-
.otis and trailing ivy.
Sister of the bride, Audrey
Denomme was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Janice Car
roll sister of the groom and
Susan Duncan. ■ They were
gowned alike in sherry toned
ottoman with “A” line skints
and tiny jackets. The lace,
bodices were inserted »
pink. They wore >
headdresses of flowers and
tulle and carried crescent bou
quets of White shasta ’mums.
FlOWergirl, Patricia Deriom-
me. 'sister of the bride, wore
a floor-length dress of pink‘ot
toman and carried a'small bou
quet of white shasta ’mums.
Jim Henry, Blyth, was best
man and ushers were Jim Mc
Gee, and Bill Bowen, both 'of
Goderich. Randy Carroll, bro
ther' of the groom was ring
For her daughter’s wedding,
Mrs. Denomme wore a three-
pi'ece suit of jade .green wool
crepe, beige accessories and an
orchid corsage. The groom’s
mother chose plum colored
French wool, matching acces
sories and an orchid corsage.
A wedding ‘reception was
held at the Maitland Country
Club where the tables ,were
centred with arrangements of
Hinted pink ’mums.
The couple honeymooned in
Niagara Falls, the bride travel
ling in a plum colored printed
Challis suit, matching hat and a
corsage of white gardenias.
They are residing in Goderich.
Showers were given in the
bride’s honor prior to her mar
riage at the homes of Janice
Carroll ahd Dianne Vincent,
both of Goderich.
------- —o— ---■=*-
Fidelity Unit
Assists Needy
Thirteen ladies attended
November meeting of the
delity unit in the church parlor
With Miss Bertha Diehl, the
dhaiiriady and Mrs. Shepherd,
the pianist':
The devotional was taken by
Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Shep-
Agricultural Club
Achievement Night
The nineteenth Annual Huron
County14-H Achievement Night
Will be held in the Seaforth
District High School, Seaforth,
on Friday, December 2 com
mencing at 8;00 p.m.
John Bradley, a member of
the Lucknow 4-H Dairy Calf
Club, who represented Ontario
at the National 4-H Conference,
will address the-Huron County
4-H members. • . -
Entertainment Will be pro
vided by the Turnberry 4-H
Calf Club 4-H Demonstration
All Huron County 4-H Agri
cultural Club members who
completed a project in 1966
will receive their 'awards on
this occasion. Of the 412 4-H
projects started1 in 25 4-H Agri
cultural Clubs last spring,
93,4%. were brought to a suc
cessful conclusion,
With herd. Mrs. Sutter read an in-
rn'atehtagl teresting paper by A. C. For-
Chiselhurst* Ladies
Visit* Huronview
Chiselhurst United Church
ladies presented a program at
Huronview on November 17.
Mrs. Richard Tayloir had
charge of the program. Read
ings by Mrs. Jack Britnelll and
Mrs. Percy Harris, piano solos
by Mrs. Carl Stoneman, a girls’
chorus and a pantomime by the
same group formed the pro
Mrs. Ross wais pianist for a
sing song.
rest on/ “What • you should
know about Canada’s church
Mrs. Mowatt gave a fine re
port of the address given by
Mrs. E. Egilison,. Woodstock,
at the regional meeting at
Goshen church on the subject,
"Our Purpose, Our Response.”
Mrs. Jervis spoke briefly on
other items of interest at the
Mrs. F. Andrews, assistant
leader, took Charge bf the bus
iness session. A get-well card
was' signed by the members
and sent to the leader, Who
was unable to. be .present.
Miss Diehl reported a hearty
response to the appeal for the
fall bale was gratifying. The
packing and shipping is now
A later request for assistance
from Angola for material and
comforts for leper patients was
met by several members’ don
It was decided to hold the
Christmas meeting on Tuesday,
December 6 as. a noon luncheon
Mrs. Andrews conducted a con
test and Mrs. Fingland, Mrs.
Lockwood and Mrs. Carter
served lunch.
Phone 482-3362
UCW Meets
The United Church Women
of Grace Church met last Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs.
William Townshend.
Tire devotional period was in
the charge of Mrs. Allen Bet
tles. ' .
The Study Book chapter
"God's Judgment on Nations”
was taken by Mrs. Elgin Cox.
Roll call was answered with a
Remembrance Day verse by 12
It was decided to donate $10
to the Canadian Bible Society
and $35 to the .Missionary and
Maintenance Fund?
The ladies accepted the kind
invitation of Mrs; Beck to< have
the next meting at the parson-
.age in Bayfield oh Friday even
ing, December 9 when Mr. Don
Beck will conduct the annual
election of officers.
Mrs. Mary Manning who has
been a patient in Victoria Hos
pital, London, the past six
weeks, returned to her home
last week. We all join in wish
ing her a speedy recovery.
The Stratford Anglican
Theatre Guild
The Stratford Festival Theatre
1 on
Sunday^ Nov. 27th
4:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Organ through the court€sy
the Stratford Music Centre
No tickets needed. Collection.
Nominations will be received for the positions of
Reeve, Deputy Reeve and for three Councillors for the
year 1967 for a two year term, and for five School
Area Trustees for a two year term.
In case an election shall be necessary, it will be held on
Monday. December 5th( 1966
, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m,
at the following places with the following
Deputy Returning Ofifcers and Poll Clerks
1— Orange Hall; DRO V. Falconer; PC, N. Fuller. ,
2— House of A. Sturdy; DRO, Roy Wilson;
PC, Mrs. H. McCabe
3— House of A. Schilbe; DRO, Charles Wallis;
PC, Allen Bettles
4— House of Mrs. Irene McCullough; DRO, E, Trick;
PC, Robert Stirling
5— No. 4 School House; DRO, D. W. Lobb;
PC, F. Vodden .
6— Township Office; DRO, Reg. jtfiller; PC, G. Stock
R. E. THOMPSON, Returning Officer.
--- - ....... .............................J
NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors
of the Township of Stanley, that a Nomination meeting
will be held in the : ,
Nomination Meeting
A meeting of the Electors of the Township of
Tuckersmith will be held in the
for the purpose of nominating candidates for the
offices of Reeve, Four Councillors and two
School Trustees, for the years 1967 and 1968.
Nominations will be received from the hour of seven
o'clock to eight o'clock in the evening.
TAKE NOTICE that a Ratepayers Meeting will
follow immediately the closing of nominations.
the event of more being nominated than are
required to fill the positions, an
will be held on
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
at the following places
DRO, Audrey Cameron; PC> Alice Boyes.
No. 2—-SS No. 8; DRO, Mrs. A. Finlayson;
PC, Mrs. C.. Nicholson.
NC. 3—SS No. 4; DRO, Howard Johns;
PC, Mervin Falconer.
4— SS No. 3; DRO, Norris Sillery;
PC, John Broadfoot.
5— SS No. 1; DRO, Melville Traquaire;
PC, Glenn Bell.
6— SS No. 9; DRO, John Wood;
PC, Arthur Varley.
DRO, Gerald R. Smith; PC, Donald Kerr.
J. I. McIntosh, Returning Officer
Friday, November 25, 1966
at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of'
nominating fut and proper persons to be elected
as Reeve, Four Councillors, and Three Public
School Trustees, for the year 1967.
Nomination papers must be filed with the Cterk
before 2:00 o'clock on the. same day after which
a public meeting Will be held fo discuss ques
tions of interest* to this Municipality.
If there are more Nominees than are required to
fill the above mentioned offices, On
will be held on I
Harry F. Tebbutt,
RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario.
Friday, November 25th, 1966
at the hour of 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of
Reeve> Deputy Reeve and three, Councillors for the year
1967 and one School Area Trustee for a two year term.
If an election is necessary the polls will be open In the
following places with the following Deputy Returning •
Officers: . „
Place DRO
School Efo. ....................... Lawrence Falconer
School No. 10 ............................... Jhhn AikenheadSchool No. 14 ........................... Howard Lemon
Township Hall..................... Norfoah Smith
School Nd. 5 ................................ Wm. Armstrong
School No. 4 West ................... Leonard Talbot
Mrs. Louis Dehomme’s Home....... Phillip Durand
ori -
Monday, December 5th, 1966
and Will open from 9:00 o’clobk a.m. Until
6:00 o’clock p.m., and no longer.
Please note that when a proposed candidate is not
present at the nomination meeting, his nbminatioh will hot
be valid hfilesa there is satisfactory evidence that the pro
posed candidate consents to be So nominated.
Dated at Varna this 16th day of November, 1966.
MEL GRAHAM, Returning Officer
J I.
L ..