HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-24, Page 41 CUSTOM WORK PET STOCKrage 4—Clinton News-Record—Thurs,, Nov, 24, 1966 dFOUNDj JjfAL ESTATF ? 1 J' CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May 1, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word'- Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if 4 not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch • Birth, Marriage and Death 'Notices •FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday "DIAL 4Q2-3443 "—....... ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ONE 2 BEDROOM unfurnished upstairs apartment. Phone 482- 6694. \ 40tfb FURNISHED Apartment, heat- ■ ed, suitable tor couple. 93 Hur­ on St. 35ptfb SMALL APARTMENT, furn- ished and heated, self-contain­ ed. L. G. Winter, 71 Kirk Street. Phone 482-6692. 47tfb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, remodel­ led and redecorated. Next to Parker House Motel. Phone 7482-6663 or 482-9568. ' 46tfb 2 BEDROOM self-contained un­ furnished apartment. Central location. 46 Princess St. West. . Phone 482-9005. 44tfib BRUCEFIELD — Main floor, 3 bedroom apartment, oiil heat­ ed, stove and frig. Phone 262- 5047. , 43tfb ARTICLES FOR SALEARTICLES FOR SALE NEW STYLE guide outfit, Size 14x, complete. Phone 482-9001. 47p HOCKEY SPECIAL — 20% Discount on all Shin Pads, Gloves and Shoulder Pads. Still a few 95c Kids’ Hockey Sticks at ELIWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King St., 482-9622. 47b DRAPERY PULL RODS — Frack, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates ijiven. Irwin’s Dry Goods. tfb SHEER • COMFORT nylon stretch panti hose $2.98; all blankets, Mohair throws reduc­ ed 10%; Men’s Warren Knit sweaters, '20% off. Bayfield Woollen Shop, Phone 565-2813. <■ „ • . 47tfb APPLES FOR SALE — Macs, 'Greenings, Snows, Golden De­ licious and Spys, fresh cider for the weekend. Hwy No. 8 to Holmesville, turn towards store, follow signs to Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037, 43tfb DUO THERM 50,000 B.T.U. Natural Gas space heater com­ plete with pipes, fan and wall thermostat. $75.00 or best of­ fer. Ted McCullough, 17 Erie St. N., Phone 482-7318 after 5 p.m. 46-7b RUBBER STAMPS , made to order; stamp pads; personalized Christmas' cards and stationery; wedding stationery, wedding cake boxes, “Thank you” cards; counter check books. Ask us about your needs. Clinton News-Record, Phone 482-3443. 39tfb APARTMENT size electric range,1 heavy duty, $15.00; large size ‘ '* Kelvinator refrigerator, $35; 2 2-bumer hot plqtes,. 2 metal awnings for double win­ dows, 76-80 inches wide. All in good conditioh. Phone 482- 3345 Or 565-2635 evenings. 47p ONE BEDROOM apartment,- large living room and kitchen, • heated, furnished; Phone 482- 7057. 46tfb ON DOWNTOWN Albert St. — Beauty Lounge or small office available December 1. , Phone 482-9741. 46tfb FARM HOUSE, olil heated, all conveniences, for ' rent. 2% miles east of Kippen oh pave­ ment. Phone 262-5504. 46, 7b z 1 BEDROOM, living room,-- bath, kitchen, heated apart­ ment. Not furnished, suitable tor couple, At McEwan’s. 44tfb / TIMEX WATCHES. . . Sold and\ Serviced through ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 tfb BEAUTY COUNSELLOR COSMETICS A wide variety of quality cosmetics attractively packaged for Christmas. Contact Mrs. Lillian Orpen 81 King St., Clinton ’ Phone 482-7015 47-8p APPLES, Spys, Delicious, Snows; Greenings, Baldwins, etc. Free delivery in Clinton and CFB houses. Phone 482- 3214, Fred McClymont, Varna. 47tfb FRESH SWEET apple cider, made from washed apples, Bring your own containers. W. Mousseau, 2% miles west of Hensall, 84 Highway. Dial 236- 4110 Zurich, 47b PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS LIMITED QUANTITIES LIGHT WEIGHT PORTABLE ZIG-ZAG MACHINE $45.00 off VACUUM CLEANERS Model C-6 Special Combination $29.95 off 19” PORTABLE TV with Stand Just in tirqe for those TV Specials. $44.90 off THREE WAYS TO BUY . . . 1— CASH 2— -LAYAWAY 3— TERMS — No Payments till Jan. 15, 1967. SINGER CO. OF CANADA Clinton RON SUTTON 482-9103 46-7b ARTICLES WANTED BABY WALKER in very good condition. Phone 482-9124. 47b WANTED — used spring horse on frame for child. Must be in good condition. Phone 482-9985. 47b PIANOS wanted, any condition, state height, malm, asking price, Write to Box 430, Clinton News-Record. 43-52p REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb TOY BOSTON puppies for sale. Phone 482-9604. 47p REAL ESTATE ■ Broken or Cracked Windows? Wood or Aluminum ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE CREST HARDWARE Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 39tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED DOLL CLOTHES, or small children's dlothes, homemade. Phone 482-7567. 46, 7b WILL LOOK after baby in my home while mother works. Phone 482-9466. *________47p EXETER — Modern 4 bedroom ranch style brick and cedar — attached garage, den, dining room, large living room with open fireplace, 4 pee. and 2- pce baths, full bgsement, rec­ reation room, close to schools, churches and down town, large landscaped lot. Terms to be ar­ ranged. 404 Edward St. Phone 235-2835._______________38tfb RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. 524-7875 Goderich Modern three bedroom home on acre of land close to CFB Clinton, drilled well, oil fur­ nace, double garage. room White ’frame home, small barn, cement silo, spring pond, on 10 acres with good view of Lake Huron, $5,000. 50 acre farm on paved road, small house, small barn, $8,000. ■ • 150 acres, 148 workable, 7 room house, oil furnace, tour piece , bath, barn 40x60, drive shed, $22,000. Agent For Wilfred MclNTEE & CO. LTD. Realtor Walkerton ___________■ 41tfb 0 FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT STORAGE SPACE available in weather-proof building. Phone Ellwood Epps alt 482-9622. 47b HOUSE in Hensail, 4 bedrooms, new oil furnace, modern kitch­ en and bathroom, reasonable price for quick sale. Phone 262-2226 Hensall. 40tfb HELP WANTED SERVICES APARTMENTS, furnished, ful­ ly modern, all conveniences paid with rent $75 per month. Paul Bunyan Apartments,- Bay- field, phone 565-2422. 43-52b 2 BEDROOM HOUSE on high- way near Bayfield. All con­ veniences, furnished, Oil furn­ ace. Available Dec. 16.. Phone 482-9244 after 6 p.m. 47itfb ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD AND CEDAR kindling for sale Phone 482-3221. 38tfb CHESTERFIELD Phone 482-9466._____________ OLDER STYLE Westinghouse refrigerator, phone 482-7369. 47b and chair. 47p COAL and WOOD furnace, 22” firebox, in Al condition. Phone Blyth 523-4220. 47p USED AIRWAY vacuum clean­ er, all new attachments. Phone , 262-5369. >47b BOY’S 26”. CCM BICYCLE, red, 2 years old, in good con­ dition. Phone 565-2750, Bay- field. 47b OVEN READY Chickens. 'Tak- ing orders till Monday, Novem­ ber 28. Don Campbell, RR 3, Bayfield, Phone 565-5293. 47b 24” BEACH electric stove; Re-, gent refrigerator, both in good condition. Phone 482-7772 or 527-1146. 47b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach­ ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 262-5350 FEED THE BIRDS Sunflower Seeds Wild'Bird Food Mixture Bird Feeding Stations Available., at WETTLAUFER’S FEED MILL 35 Mary St., Clinton .Phone 482-9792• I __________46-7b LADIES’ ” SHAGGY PUPS 3 Colours To Choose From Sale Price while they last AUTOS FOR SALE 1963 ACADIAN Canso, 6 stan­ dard, female owner, Phone* 524- 8511 aftei* 5 p.m. 47b 1957 CHEVROLET, blue, body in good condition. Phone 482- 9347 after 5 p.m. 47b WHITE 1961 FALCON, 2 door, standard, radio, excellent con­ dition, 83,000 miles, one-owner, $650. Phone 228-6895 Centralia, evenings. 47tfib 1958 PLYMOUTH V8, 2 door hardtop, good condition. Phone 482-7886 from 8 a.m. to 5 pjm. After 5 apply at 178 James Street, Clinton. Best offer. Also 1959 Volkswagen. 47b EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY For PERMANENT . POSITION In GODERICH ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18tfb Typing ability required, two weeks’ vacation, full pension plan, medical and hospitaliza­ tion coverage, etc. Apply in own handwriting giv­ ing details of education, experi­ ence if any and two references’ to P.O. Box 216, Goderich, Ont. . .____________.__________47b HELP WANTED FEMALE tfb $3.95 (Reg. $8.95) at RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 HURON ST. — CLINTON 47b / GOOD COOKING SPYS, $1.00 per bushel. No. 1 Spys $2.00 per bushel. R. J. Semple, phone 482-7456. ’ 46-7b NEW POTATOES for sale; also vegetables and beef and pork by the half. Phone 482-7578. IGtfb SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings._____________ 38tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-941L tfb <■ ................................................ Philishave Cordless ........$34.95 Philishave Triple Head .. $29.95 Philishave Speed Flex .. . $26.95 - Philishave Speed Shaver $17.95 LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 1962 PONTIAC 2-door hard-top ] V8 automatic, white walls, ; ..radio, smart grey and black, ■ only 45,000 miles of careful i driving, reasonable. Phone 482- ■ 3445 or 565-2635 evenings. 47p ■ CUSTOM WORK MOTORS REWOUND and re­ paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street, South, Clinton. 7ptfb REGISTERED NURSE, 12 'hours per week; Registered Nursing Assistant, 24 hours per week. Seaforth Manor, Sea­ forth, Ontario. 47b 2 ESTABLISHED rural AVON territories available immediate­ ly for Christmas sales. For in­ formation call collect evenings, Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541. 46,7,8b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARY DOR- ENE McCREATH, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Teacher, de­ ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 4th day of July, A.D. 1966, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be­ fore the 5th day of December, A.D. 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav­ ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of November, A.D. 1966. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 46-7-8b Clearing AUCTION SALE A clearing auction sale of machinery, garden, farm and pet supplies for G. Ryan and Son, 32 Newgate Street, Gode­ rich on Saturday., November 26 At 1 p.m. 1963 GMC % ton truck; 20 h.p. electric motor; 1 ton feed mixer; 17” grinder; 18” roller; steel conveyor; 20 45-gallon drums; 1200 ,1b. platform scale; 100 lb. counter scale; cash reg­ ister; gas space heater; coun­ ters; grass seed, wire, nelw rope, pig troughs, bird cages, bird baths; sprayers; fertilizer, block salt,, numerous small ar­ ticles etc. Terms Cash MIKE CUMMINGS, Auctioneer 47b BIRTHS FITZGERALD — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, November 19, 1966, to LAC and.Mrs, T. Fitzgerald, -Clin­ ton, a son. MATHESON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, November 18, 1966 to Sgt. and Mrs. J. Q. Matheson, Clinton, a son. ROORDA — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Novem­ ber 21, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roorda, RR 5, Clinton, a son. SCOTOHMER — In St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday, November 16, 1966 to Mr,, and Mrs. Ronald Scatchmer, Clinton, a daugh­ ter, Becky Lynn. SINKER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Novem­ ber 21, 1966 to Sgt. and Mrs. G. Sinker, Adastral Park, a daughter. TEBBUTT — In Woodstock General Hospital on Friday, November 11, 1966 to Mir. and Mrs. Lew Tebbutt, Wood- stock, a son, Andrew Greg­ ory, a brother for Christopher ‘ and Susan. YOUNGBLUT — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednes­ day, November 23, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Youngblut, Blyth, a daughter. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, letters, flowers and gifts, and to thank’ those who yis'ited me while I -was in Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital and to those who helped at home. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nurses and staff for their care and kindness, — BUD TAL­ BOT. 47p DEATHS Use Classified Ads. ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE AGENT FOR BADGER — stable cleaners, bunk feeders, silo unloaders, For information phone Tom Duizer, Londesboro, 523-4359 Blyth.________47-50p CANADIEN and PIONEER chain saws. Oregon and Sabre saw chains for all makes . of .saws, used saws, satw sharpen­ ing. Robert Glen Pioneer1 Saws, .482-9292 Clinton. 39-52p CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank friends and relatives for flowers and cards sent to' me while I was in hos­ pital. Also for the kindness shown my family. JOHN LINDSAY, MRS. 47b Sincere thanks to my friends for cards and While I was in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Brady -and the nursing staff. — HARRY WAY­ MOUTH. 47p I wish to thank my friends and neighbours not only for remembering me in so many ways while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, but also for their kindness to my family. — MARY C. MANN­ ING 47p many treats LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SECOND LITTER SOW, due Nov. 28. A. L. Shanahan, 142 Joseph St., Clinton. Phone 482- 3802 from 6-8 p.m._______47p I wish to express my thanks to my friends, neighbours and Rev. Mills for their kindness to me in sending me cards and gifts when a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital. Also the visits that were made. They were much appreciated. — MRS. MYRTLE TYNDALL. . 47p I wish to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness, also flowers, cards and other treats while I was a patient in the Sea­ forth Community Hospital. Also the staff and nurses and Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady. The kindness of all was1 great­ ly appreciated. — MRS. ARN­ OLD COLCLOUGH. 47p ANGUS -— At her home in Wingham on Thursday, Nov­ ember 17, 1966, Mrs. Harry. Angus jn her 85 th year. Sur­ vivors include a son, Hairy, Wingham; a sistpr, Miss Emma Bradley, Clinton and a brother, John, Wingham. Funeral service from R. A. • Currie and Son Funeral Home, Wingham on Satur­ day, November 19 with inter­ ment in Wingham Cemetery. BROWN — Suddenly at her home in London on Tuesday, November 22, 1966, Mrs. Joseph Brown in her 84th year. The former Eleanor x Minolta Anderson of Hullett Township, she was predeceas­ ed by her husband in 1952. Survived by a son Jbhn Mil­ ton Brown, London, and one granddaughter, Mrs, Rich- . ard (Nancy) Mead, Water­ down, a sister, Mrs. Clara Snell, Clinton and two bro- , thers, Oliver, Hulleitit Town- ‘ ship and Clarence A. of Ore­ gon. Resting at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Goderich Street West, Sea­ forth after 10 a.m. Thursday, November 24 With funeral service at 2 p.m. that after­ noon. Rev. J. C. Britton will officiate and interment will be in Maitlandbank Ceme­ tery, Seaforth. PEPPER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, November 16, 1966, Mrs. Fred Pepper, Clinton, in her 83rd year. Funeral service from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home • on Saturday, Novem­ ber 19 With interment in Clinton Cemetery. SQUIRE — In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thurs­ day, November 17, 1966, James E. Squire in his 88th year. Survivors include dau­ ghters, Mrs. Charles (Alda) Tindall, Grand Bend; Mrs. LaVerne (Violet) Stone, Us- borne Township; brother, Ro­ land, Seaforth and sister, Mrs. Elsie Cann, Clinton. Funeral service from Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home, Ex­ eter, On Saturday, November 19 with interment in Exeter . Cemetery. ■ CORRECTION! SERVICES 2 SLIGHTLY' USED English pony saddles, $35. each; 1 new Western pony saddle with all accessories, $65. Phone 565- 2813 or Box 41, Bayfield. 47tfb WESTINGHOUSE wringer- washer, in good condition, $49; Moffat 36” electric range $35. Phone Exeter 235-1355, 243 William Street. 47b 18 H P EVINRUDE Outboard; full 2-year guarantee. New Price $505 — Christmas Spec­ ial $385. at ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King St., 482-9622. 47b GREY BORG jacket size 12; black Pereiana jacket size 14; snowsuit, beige Borg jacket, brown nylon pants size 3X. All in excellent condition. Call 482* 7887. 47p 30” GE RANGE, like now, 2 years old, large oven, timer, $135; 2 single beds "With springs, $4. each: baby car-, .riago, $8. Phono 482-7402 after 6 p.m. 47b ?■ The answer is 4- tfb tywt awn1 kJ I LdrllN U Exeter 47,8,9b Use Classified Ads. JACK’S. FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot .is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode­ rich. * 38tfb CALL REG. SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway bulletins, plastic signs, gold leaf. A1I work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton. Phone 482- 9793. ' 42tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels 36-51p HELP WANTED MALE BREAD SALESMAN for an established route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to Bantliffs Bakery. 47b RAWLEIGH business now open in part Huron county. Trade well established. Excellent op­ portunity. Full time. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. K-169-189, 4005 Richelieu Sit., Sit. Henry, Montreal. BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE , 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows Phone 482- 9561 OVER 30 YEARS dependable service at low cost.'John Bach, Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your IH dealer. 32tfb ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. . We would like to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, cards, beautiful flor- ’al tributes andi heart donations, received from relatives, friends and neighbours. Special thanks to Rev. G. Mills, Ball and Mutch, Dr. Newland, Clinton Public Hospital staff, also ' Lad'ies of Ontario St. United Church, in the loss of a dear wife and mother. —• FRED PEPPER and FAMILY. 47p In last week’s report of the Remembrance Day paradie, we erred in reporting that F/L A. D. J. Hannah was in charge of the two flights from CFB Clinton. The airmen were und­ er command1 of S/L Ken "Jones. THE IN CROWD TEEN CLUB '67 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL MAINTENANCE MAN wanted by Clin+on Public Hospi+al ; Must have fair knowledge of electrical wiring, plumbing, steamfitting and be willing to train for 4th Class Engineer ..papers. Some shift work re­ quired. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifica­ tions. Apply to: I Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scale* Cattle Sold by Weight Terms: cash JOE COREY, Sales Manager CLINTON CAB CALL GEORGE McGEE 482*7011 24tfb septic Tanks cleaned Modem Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 24tfb We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing 46 CHUTER Plumbing. Heating, Electric SALES St SERVICE I King Street Phone 482-7652 f 47 b ADMINISTRATOR CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL f MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391, 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—-don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re­ stringing. W. N. Counter. tfb NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by anyone without my written consent, —- GARY BEAVER. 47, 8, 9p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects Regularly, I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870.V Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Cal! Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 7tfb DEADSTOCK MARLATT BROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please phone promptly phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 39OC65 3tfb FOR RENT BARN — stable for 5 or 6 horses; or accommodation for 50 to' 75 pigs, in town, water and lights supplied. Phone 482- 7845 evenings 5 to 7 pan. 46-7b PLACE YOUR ORDER SOON and Take Advantage of Lower Fall Fertilizer Prices For Pasture - Hay - Fall Plough-down and next year's crop requirements with Agrico Fertilizer SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS! DRESS SHIRTS! LIGHT SHIRTS! HEAVY SHIRTS! PLAIN SHIRTS! PATTERN SHIRTS! SMALL" SHIRTS! BIG SHIRTS! You name it . . . ... We have it From our Wall of Shirts SWEATERS tv r J a ls>T*i PULLOVERS CARDIGANS All Styles and All Colours All Sizes From 9.95 to 27.95 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRICO DEALER OR Robert Taylor, Sales Representative, Phone 482-9144RR 3, Clinton SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE DELIVERY BAG AND BULK SPREADER RENTAL (5 ton cop.) BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J, Mustard# RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 33eow v< GIFT SUGGESTIONS - Pyjamas, Jewellery, Socks, Ties, Hankies, Scarves, Gowns, Hats, Gloves, Vests, Jackets, Sport Coats, Slacks, Etc. See Our New Line of Gift Items Leather Goods, Brushes, Brut Toiletries GIFT-BOXES GIFT7 CERTIFICATES Use Our Loy-Away Plan A Small Deposit Holds Any Article Until Dec. 20 Pickett & Campbell limit'd Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732