HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-24, Page 3Young Clinton Couple Married In St Paul's Anglican Church TFrom My Window be DOES WASHDAY KEEP YuJ (Photo by Jervis Studio) MR. AND MRS. DONALD G. CUDMORE Pretty Politicians Please! -3g| (__■ ■' 11 | x ■ SENk t ■< V, aBw't... S'' I once heard a man state, “I wouldn’t be a politi^h for any­ thing. It’s hard enough for me to stay honest and I don’t live anywhere near the, House of Commons,'” He made that statement back in the good old days when all a politician needed to be was a smooth operator. Now, to he elected, a candidate should be handsome, young and oh so photogenic as well as shrewd and non-committal. Jqst look at fhe events which have token place in North Am­ erican politics during the last few weeks, There is little doubt that the voter is going for young, hand­ some candidates. This was borne out by the election in California pf Ronald Reagan. I can remember when Ronnie was one of the hottest-stars; in Hollywood. That was back in the days when ids marriage to Patricia Neal was “so-o-o ro­ mantic” one day and “heading for disaster the next”, accord­ ing to certain gossip columnists in the sex and scandal capital of this continent. j Qur Ronald has come a long St. Paul’s Anglican Church to Clinton was the setting for the marriage of Betty Jo Deeves and Donald,-Gordbn Cudmote. Rev. Ronald Wenham officiated at the double-ring ceremony hmM golden bronze ’mums and candelabra. The bride is the daughter1 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilmer .Deeves, Clinton and the groom’s paronte are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alex Cudmore, al­ so of Clinton. Mrs. William Hearn, Clin­ ton, sang “Wedding Prayer”, “•Lord’s Prayer” and VO Per­ fect Love” accompanied at the organ by W. Bishop, Goderich. Escorted by her .father, the bride wore a White fioor-lengtth; velvet gown, bell-shaped with pointed' sleeves and a train which extended.from the waist. Her White scalloped tulle shoul­ der-length veil was gathered into a white velvet rose head­ piece and she carried a white prayer book and orange-ice roses. Miss Sally Deeves, Clinton was malid of honor for her sis­ ter. She wore a gold velvet belDsihapecl floor-length gown, matching wedding ring head­ dress and accessories and car­ ried dark bronze ’mums. Bridesmaids were Miss Carol Steep and Miss .Helen Cudimore1, sister of the groom, both, of Clinton. They wore gowns simi­ lar to the maid of honor in shades of moss green and spruce green respectively. They carried bronze ’mums. Junior bridesmaid Miss Kath­ leen McPherson, Clinton, cousin of the bride was attired to gold velvet styled similarly to the other attendants and car­ ried bronze ’mums. Miss Brenda Cameron, Lon­ don, as flowergirl wore a short ■white velvet bell-shaped dress and carried a nosegay of bronze ’mums centred with an orange­ ice rose. Bruce Lockhart, Clinton, was best man and Ushers were Dwifiht Williams, Godterich and Douglas McPherson, Clinton. Frank Barnard was master of ceremonies at the reception in the parish hall decorated, with ’mums in fall colours. The bride’s mother, in a dress of green lace worn wilth a match­ ing feathered hat and' accessor­ ies and a corsage of bronze ’mums, received guests.' She was ' as'gi’Sted by the groom’s mother who chose a flowered blue brocade dress, fur hat, matching accessories and A cor­ sage of pink ’mums. For travelling to Eastern Ontario, the bride selected1 a cream-colored three-piece vir­ gin wool suit, rust broWn suede shoes and bag and a corsage of orange-ice roses. Mr. ana Mrs.. Donald Cud- more will reside in Clinton. Prior to her wedding, the bride was the guest' of honor at showers giverix by her friends. Miss Carol Steep and Miss Suzanne Bartliff were co­ hostesses at a shower at the home of Mirs. Mel Steep, Clin­ ton; Mrs. James-Cameron, Lon­ don and Mrs. Frank Barnard Dundas, were co-hostesses at a shower ,at the home of Mrs. Fred Hudiie, Clinton; and Mrs. Jerry Cox, Clinton entertained the bride’s associates at B'eli Telephone at a shower in her home. Peter Thompson, Clinton, was host at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duf Thompson at a party given in the groom's honor. 1 1 " ' ■■ 1.... '' ■' 1 ■ ■" Explorer Girls Initated At Star Ceremony On Wednesday evening, Nov­ ember 16 the Explorer Girls of Ontario Street United Chur­ ch held a special' Initiation and Star Ceremony in the chapel.. Fourteen girls joined the group and were presented with their Membership Certificates, Explorer pins and first red star. They, were: Ka'therine Forbes, Connie Forbes, Brenda Forbes, Patti Kay, Patty Cook, Lori Henley, Kathy Engel, Debbie Pickard, Cathy Falconer, Peg­ gy Switzer, Diane Sutton, Kar­ en Graham, Julia Howse, Marion Doucette. The second year girls received their first blue were Bonnie. Gates, Nancy son, Andtea Overtone, Lorrie Symons, Cathy Paterson and Patsy Proctor. Third year girls who. received... their first gold star were Holly Define, Sharon Williams, Cathy Aiken, Janet East, Karen Tyndall and Chris­ tine Marshall, At the close of the service, the twenty-seven members of the group sang three Explorer hymns. - The . mothers of the girls’ were present at the cere­ mony which was in the charge of the leaders Miss: Olive John­ son and Mrs. Grant Irwin. and who star Col- Tway- singe then, As a possible republican candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, Governor Reagan owes at least part of bis suc­ cess'io the ladies of voting age who remember his screen per­ formances and longed for an opportun'i|ty to 'express their de­ votion to him, Certainly, if Reagan is elect­ ed to the White House as the chief U,S. executive, he’ll be at home before the cameras when he has his surgery I , Canadian politicians now see the wisdpm in selecting a lead­ er who is comfortable before the critical eyes of thousands and thousands of television viewers. The very fact that Charles Templeton was offered the’ Liberal leadership in Ont­ ario following the resignation, of Andrew Thompson proves that entertainment personalities ■are first ohoices among the boys Who are interested in get­ ting the party elected. Most of you will remember Charles as the good looking moderator on OBC television. He’s married to Sylvia Murphy, the gorgeous blonde singer who worked for the same network. Together. they dwell in luxury in a home not quite so large as the one we toured via television with Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy when she was First Lady in the United States, but Similar. In fact, we had a. glimpse of the Templeton home complete with, shots1 of Sylvia and Char­ lie as they relaxed before a roaring fire, thanks to a maga­ zine article a year or so ago. Federally, of course, the Con­ servatives1 are trying to oust John Diefenbaker. They say he’s ‘ too old but what they really mean is that he doesn’t hold much sex ‘appeal for women under 70. Now-if they could get Joel Aldred to run for leader of the opposition .in the next election, they’d have some­ thing going for them! Prime Minister Pearson, though not a young man is a past winner of the Nobel Peace Prize which makes him some­ what of a celebrity but if John George goes it is a fair- asisump- Shirley Kel|er tlpn that Lesitoz? B. will gently eased opt to make way for a younger man. I'm toll fop the new trend. If we must be with, our elected officials during frequent elect­ ions and press conferences and While they relax at home and suffer jn hospital, then let us be thoroughly entertained by professionals with broad shoul­ ders and -ripling muscles. It is all the same price’, Mary, Martha Unit Hears of (Far East The Mary and Martha .unit of WesleyWUfis United. Church Women met to the church par­ lor on November 8. Mrs. M. Steep. opened the meeting - with a verse entitled “Friends in a world of hurry”, Grotto Nediger read the Scrip­ ture Lesson taken from Psalm 46 and' gave the devotional. Mrs. Pat Bennett led to prayer., Mrs, Bennett totroduced’ .the speaker, Mrs. Rena, Caldwell of Hensail who showed slides and gave an interesting and comi­ cal account of her trip to Aus* tralia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Tokyo with the Roy Jewell group, A social time at the end of the meeting was in the'charge of Mrs. Nediger and Mrs, Ben­ nett. . J Thurs., Nov. 24, 1966—Clinton News-Record—Poge 3 rr r DADV ™ATRE M GODERICH* ■ ■■ IM ON THE SQUARE Clinton Personal ■ Mrs. Albert; Leibold spent.lari. weekend in Toronto visiting her daughter Marian ,and enjoyed the Santa Claus parade on Sat­ urday. THE IN CROWD Pre-Christmas Clearance CHESTERFIELDS HURON make room for Christmas Gift Stock CHOICE OF ft All Styles ■ i ’’ 154 Beech St., Clinton (Near Drive-In Theatre) OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING TO A.M, TO 12 NOON PHONE 482-9491 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LET US DO, YOUR LAUNDRY 6 Pair for $1.50 (I BOX) SUBSTANDARDS Walking Sheer, Stretchies and Slim-legged Teenagers Only 9 Sleeper Lounges - ♦. . From Modern to Colonial , .. From Double to Queen Size From , ' , to Sklar Colonial, wool cover, At $299.00 Choice of 75 Other Styles, Sizes and Colors — ALL IN STOCK Why Wait For January Sales BUY NOW AND HAVE A NEW SUITE IN YOUR HOME FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON AT JANUARY SALE PRICES! BEATTIE FURNITURE Albert Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9521 Starlight Circle Plans Carol Sing The November, meeting of the Starlight Unit was opened, by Mrs. Robert McDonald with a poem entitled “Myself”. Mrs. Ron Nielson read the scripture lesSon. The treasurer reported that- $91.60 had been realized from the bake sale. Members were reminded of the general meeting on Decem­ ber 14 at the home of Mirs. Ron Nielsoh. The ladies will go car­ oling at the Hospital, prior to the meeting. Everyone’ should bring a candle. Gifts not ex* ceedtag $1 wili be^ exchanged. . A film on discrimination call* ed!, “It Happens Every Day” was shown. Following this,, group discussions Were held, Mrs. M. .Durst dosed the meeting with, prayer. Lurieh was served by Mrs. C. Keyes and Mrs. Donna Martin. --------__o_—.----- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results License Branch has moved 81 Rattenbury St W. from Huron St. MRS. PHYLLIS BUTLER Phone 482-9515 47-8b Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd. OPEN 9 TO 5 DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAYS 18tfb IN CLINTON’S Santa Claus Parade I IN PANAVISION* 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. FUN FOR ALL Vi......... .. ii... MON.. YOUR FAVORITE. FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT v... m—■»■■■ FLOATS -- CLOWNS THUR., FRL, SAT. — Nov. 24-25-26 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT M ■G’-M presents THE PANDRO S.BERMAN-. GUY GREEN PRODUCTION Entertainment Is Our Business vsts Miwuaiai* nW SHOWS AT ,7:30 and 9:30 P.M. (!)Ur sincere thanks to the Base Commander and the Stratford Musicians Association, Local No, 418 of the American Federation of Musicians for their oO-bperation In the participation tri securing the Canadian Forces Base Clinton Trumpet add Drum Band fof this occasion. CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE R. N, IRWIN R. B. CAMPBELL Chairman Secretary EUGENE lyicADAM Santa Claus PArade Chairtoan BESTSUmKHNG ACTRESS: SHELLEY WINTERS SIDNEY POITIER- ^ELIZABETH HARTMAN SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY, NOV. 26 AT 2:15 P.M. TOP EXCITING ENTERTAINMENT IN COLOR Plus: "WOODSMAN SPARE THAT TREE" All Seats 25c TUES.. WED.Nov. 28-29-30 HAVE ABATE LOADED With DANGER! ! * LUCIANA COMING NEXT . . . . JERRY LEWIS in “WAY ... WAY OUT Saturday Dec. 3 at 1:30 CANDY TREATS For All Children EDEC CI/ATIklC clinton lions arena ■ 1%EE I IFIm For Children up to 12 years • Open All Day Wednesday — Dec. 7 - Dec. 14 *• Dec. 21 • Open Evenings — Monday, Dec. 19 to Friday, Dec. 23 • Closed Christmas Eve — Dec. 24 at 6:00 o’clock Shop At Home! Shop In Clinton!