HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-17, Page 10Page Noy* 17/ 1966
Local Remembrance Day
Parade Largest Ever Held
(Continued from Page One)
rtiich Township, Reeve Grant
Stirling; Goderich Township
Federation of Agriculture, Jack
Merrill; Clinton Fire Depart
ment, Clarence Nellans; Na
tional Defence Employee’s As-*
sedation, Harry Watkins';
Cfinfon Lipns, Club, Fred Slq-
man; Clinton Kinsmen, David
Beattie; Clinton Kjnettes, Mrs.
R. VanRiesen; Clinton Women’s
Institute, Mrs. Wilfred Col-
clpugh; Huron Fish and Game
Conservation Club, John Liver
more; Clinton Chapter. Order
of Eastern Star, Mrs. Bent
Still Ploying Golf
Bayfield-Qlnton Golf Course
had quite a busy day on Sun
day with numerous area golf
ers enjoying the fine weather.
Will it be the last weekend of
golf weather?
Garnett; • Clinton .Masonic
Lodge, Gerald .Holmes; Huron-
ic Rebekah Lodge, Mrs, Mil
dred McCullough;
IQOF Lodge, Murray
Clinton LOBA and
Orarige Lodge, Harold
After the cenotaph
and wreath laying, the parade
stood at attention while past
zone commander Doug And
rew's and other past presidents
of Clinton Lesion presented
life memberships in the Legien
to 17 Legionnaires and two
member? of the Legion Ladies
Auxiliary. Four other Legion-*
naires could not ho present to
receive their life memberships.
Group Captain K. R. Green
away, base commander at CEB
Clinton and Legion President
Ed. Porter took the salute at
a reviewing stand at the main
corner as the full parade re
turned to the Legton Hall.z
Hullett Officially Opens
89-Foot Wright Bridge
Agricultural Board Room
Monday, November 21
8:00 p.m.
The S+ar Carol by Tennessee Ernie Ford
Merry Christmas — Andy Williams
Merry Christmas — Bing Crosby ei aa
Elvis Christmas Album JtLaU
Christmas Harmony — Ames Bros.
Organ and Chimes — Buddy Cole
Hyms and Carols -— Mario Lanza
Christmas Voices of Walter Schuman
Perry Como Sings
Merry Christmas $1.98
Original Rudolph—The Red Nose
Reindeer — Gene Autry
Rudolph—The Red Nose Reindeer m aa
Story and Song JLfO
Christmas Organ and Chimes
100 Voices of Christmas Special
On Monday afternoon this week the council of
the Township of Hullett officially opened the longest
and most expensive (bridge they have built in the
municipality. It is on Concessions 2 and 3 at the
eastern side of the township, V/2 miles from the
McKillop boundary. Costing $94,000, the project is
subsidized for 80 percent by the Province of On
tario. Attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony were,
left to right,, Councillor Clare Vincent; Ken Dunn,
Township Officially Opens New Bridge
engineer with B. M. Ross and Associates Dtd., Gode-
• rich; Lloyd Fletcher, Stratford, foreman with Mc
Lean-Foster Construction Ltd., builders of the
bridge; Ken Wilmot, assistant engineer at the Strat
ford office of Department of Highways; Councillors
Hugh Flynn, Len Archambault and Don Buchanan;
Township Clerk Harry Tebbutt; Reeve Tom Leiper
and Road Superintendent Len Caldwell.
(News-Becord Photo)
........................./ ■ ■ •• .............................
Another Arena Proposal For Council
(Continued from page one)
draw from a box ,whlich Mr.
Garon had kept at the Clinton
exhibit for all visitors to de
posit their names. Frank Van-
■hevel, Bornholm was the lucky
After Mr. Garon said the C
of C has less than $500 in its
treasury, and would like to keep
$100 in the account, and that
he was approaching four ser
vice clubs for $50 each, coun-
dill agreed to make a grant of
$600 to C of C to liquidate plow
match promotion expenditures.
Robert B. Campbell, one of
dinton’s representatives on
Midivestern Ontario Develop
ment Area tourist council com-
At an' impressive ceremony
on Monday, November 14, an
89 foot bridge in Hullett Town*-
ship was officially opened, The
span, situated on Concession 2
■and 3, Hullett Township, one
and one-half miles west of the
MpKillop-Hullett boundary, be
tween the farms of Oliver
Weight and Stuart Dale, fea
tures an 80 foot approach
which diverts the branch qf the
Maitland River over which the
bridge is buiilf.
Hullett Reeve Tom Leiper
cut the ribbon and declared the
bridge open. In his remarks,
Rgeve Leiper stated that al
though he didn’t like to see the
township mill rate go- up, he
was very pleased with the
township's progress. Mr, Leiper
also1 mentioned the excellent
co-operation between the town
ship and the -two’adjacent land
Len Caldwell, Hullett’s road
superintendent for the past 20
years, was pleased with the
fact that the bridge was
completed on time ' as it was
on one of the roads leading
to the recent International
Plowing Match at Seaforth. He
also- was pleased with v the co-
operation given by the Depart
ment of Highways. (The Ont
ario Department of Highways
paid 80% oL the cost.)
Also speaking at the dinner
in Hotel Clinton following the
opening ceremony were Ken
Dunn, engineer with B. M. Ross
and Associates Limited; Mr.
McLean of McLean-Foster Con
struction Limited, the contract-
prs; Lloyd Fletcher', the fore
man in charge of construction,
and Ken Wilmot, assistant en
gineer with the Ontario Depart
ment of Highways, Stratford.
Mr., Wilmot complimented
the Hu'llett Council on its fore
sight in its bridge building pro
gram, Since 1955 Hullptt has
constructed 12 new bridges and
large culverts, more than any
other municipality in that time.
He also stated that ‘’Huron is
one of tlie most advanced coun
ties in road building.”
A metal plaque on the bridge
.lists the names of Reeve Tom
Leiper; Councillors; Lep Arch
ambault, Don Buchanan, Clare
Vincent and Hugh Flynn; road
superintendent Len Caldwell;
McLean-Foster Construction Co.
Limited, Stratford, and B. M.’
Ross and Associates, engineers,
✓"READ — >
! AND REAP...»
tors about, the county system.
Included in the $23,100 build
ing permits authorized was a
new house wthiidh Mayor Don
Symons is building on Raglan
Street at a price of $19,000.
Public works chairman Jiim
Armstrong has a balance' of
$4,079 out of his $20,000 bud
get for the year. He remarked
that the signs which were bro
ken down on Hallowe’en night
had been repaired or replaced,
but that there has been two
more broken since.
Reeve Duff Thompson spoke
of a business trip he had made
in the Georgian Bay and Barrie
area, which has been a desig
nated slow-growith area. He
said there are many million
dollar -industrial developments
in that area.. “Midland and Col
lingwood are now screaming for
industrial workers; the indus
tries have now out-grown the
available employment,” he Said.
The reeve termed Ottawa’s
fringe benefits to these areas
■as tax cuts, or in other words,
“price cutting”.
Councillor Cameron Proctor
reported that the 41 delegates
from 45 municipalities, who' pre-
sented a brief to' Hon. Charles
M. Drury, federal minister of
industry, last month were well
received. This delegation was
seeking designated area status
for parts
Grey and
He said,
have gone
pantment of Economics and De-
m'ittee, spoke jof attending his
first meeting in S teatford in
October. The other member is
Clarence Denomme.
“Other than the election of
officers at the meeting, I gain
ed very little,” said Campbell.
He complained that the cities,
Kitchener, Stratford, Waterloo
and Guelph got the major part
of the publicity.
He claimed he was going to
be heard from at future meet
“As your representative on
MODA tourist council, I’m gon
ing to do something; I’m not
going to sit on my seat and
do nothing,” Mr. Campbell
Councillor Gordon Lawson
who is one of the town’s repre
sentatives on the MODA coun
cil, agreed that the four-county
association works- more
east than west pant
Councillor Korman
more requested that
main street should be
off for the Santa Claus parade
on Saturday. December 3.
Councillor Jim Armstrong will
consult Clinton Retail Merch
ants Committee as tp where to
place the Christmas tree and
Coun. Lawson suggested that
the outside of the town hall be
Council paid its $10 fees for
membership in Huron County
Mutual Fire Aid Association
and the mayor explained to the
visiting Adastral Panic coundil-
Mayor Symons reported that,
an officer of Highland Shoe Di
vision of Geneseo of Canada
was very pleased with the num
ber of appl'icaitliions from local
women to work on-shoe stitch
ing in Clinton. This company
was hoWing interviews in the
town hail all day Monday. They
will. be back in the town hiall
next Monday, November 20.
from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. to
accept further applications for
Shoe stitching factory work.
RATE: Four cents a word;
Minimum 75 cents
Thursday, Nov. 17 — BINGO
at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg
ular games for $5.00. 2 share-
the-wealth games. 1 special
game for $25.00, the first letter
"L” and first letter “T” applies
on this game for $2.00 each. 3
share-4he-wealth games, jack
pot applies on those 3 games
$56.00 in 56 numbers. 2 dOor
prizes for $2.00 each. Admission
50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for
51.00. , tfb
Friday, Nov. 18—Cash Bingo
in Legion Hall, Seaforth' 8:15
p.m. 15 regular games for $10;
3-$25 specials; l-$50 jackpot.
Sponsors, Branch 156 Royal
Canadian Legion. 46b
Friday, Nov. 18 — Benefit
Dance, for Jim Harrison, Au
burn Community Hall, sponsors
Court Benimiller No. 86 C.O.F.(
Ken Wilbee’s Orchestra. Lunch
Counter. Admission $1.00, danc
ing 9-1. 46b
Wed., Nov. 16 and Sat., Nov.
19—“Country Christmas Fair”
Sale of Country Crafts by local
artist craftsmen, Colborne
Township Hall, Carlow, 2-9 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 19 — Bake
. Sale and produce, Council
Chambers, Clinton, 2:30 p.m.
sponsors Order of Eastern Star.
Saturday, Nov. 19 —PAPER
DRIVE, sponsored .by Varna
HiC; for pick-up call 482-7497,
48-3332 or 262-5320. 45,6b
Tuesday, Nov. 22 — BINGO
at Huron Fish and Game Club.
Jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers.
Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 26 — Bazaar
and Bake Sale, Council Cham
bers, Clinton, 2:30 p.m.; spon
sors WA and Mission Circle,
First Baptist Church. 46-7b
REMEMBER the Knights of
Columbus Turkey Bingo of last
year? This will be bigger than
ever. Keep this date open. K
of C Turkey Bingo, Thursday,
December 1 at 8:30 p.m. in the
Legion Hall, Seaforth. Mark
this date NOW. 45,6b
—— - ’ .....................
6:30 p.m.
All Boys born after May 31, 1952 are eligible
Sponsored by the Huron Fish and Game ClubIndustrial Hockey
League Begins
Next Monday
The Industrial Hockey Lea
gue begins next Monday, Nov
ember 21 at 8:00 p.m. with
two games scheduled. In the
first game the Teachers play
the Main Street Team and at
nine o’clock the Bankers and
the Juveniles square off.
The league consists of the
above four teams and games
are played on Monday nights.
.Anyone wishing to play in this
league should phone Ken Cly-
nick at 482-9971.
Nov. 21 —
z Teachers vs. Main Street
Bankers vs. Juveniles
Nov. 28 —
Main Street vs; Bankers
Dec. 5 —
Teachers vs. Bankers
Main Street vs. Juveniles
Dec. 12 —
Bankers vs. Juveniles
. Teachers vs. Main Street
Dec. 19 —
'Teachers vs. Juveniles ,
for the
of the
part of
of Huron, Bruce,
adjoining counties.
“Perhaps we should
to the Ontario' De-
Caravelle Watches
Wins Golf Trophy at Bayfield
Stan Telford, Goderich, who has just taken the
■game of golf seriously this year, won the match
play competition trophy at the Bayfield-Clinton
course (this fall. He is shown here receiving the
trophy from course owner-pro Fred Hulls. Stan
will get a replica of the trophy to keep. In 1964
and 1965 the trophy was won by George Telford,
a brother of the 1966 champion.-
(Photo by Audrey Bellchamber)
Christmas Parade
Sat., December 3
At 1:30 P.M.
If Planning To Put A Float In The Parade
Contact Eugene McAdam at
Sutter-Perdue Hardware
To Treat Your Fa
CHATHAM — Transitional Stylihg makes this the focal 0oint of almost any
room. Finishes include Walnut Swedish Walnut, Mahogany^ 34%*' wide;
27%" high; 19%"' deep. ' * s
All Watches Serviced and
Guaranteed By
Your TV Service' Dealer
irt„ ti- I 1 liiiiiiiMniiiiNiiiii.l ..............
Phone 482-3841
You may not see just what you want on the Lot.
Why not talk to our friendly salesman. Fresh new
trades are coming in every day. We may have
what you want by the end of the week. One owner,
well cared for cars move out fast!
Come in and talk deal to us. Wa'va a pretty nice
selectioh of NEW CARS AND TRUCKS.
Your Friondly Chovrolot, Oldsmobile It Envoy Dealer,
Ontario Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9321
Open each evening until 9 for your convenience