HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-17, Page 5ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, Herman F- .Shoemaker are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of thejr. dear friend, Fay Wiersma, Gode- rtch, to Mr. Jacpb Stryker, FIR. 3, Clinton. The wedding to take place Saturday, December 10, 1966 at 3 p,m, in Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. 46b Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber of Kippen, Ont., wish to announce the engage­ ment of their youngest dau­ ghter Shirley Dianne to Peter Francis DeWys, son of Mr, and Mrs. George DeWys of Stratford, Ont, The w.edding to take place on Saturday, December 17, 1966 at ,2:30 o’clock at Parkview United Church, Stratford, with Rev. How­ ard K. Plant, formerly * of Kippen, officiating. 46b Shopping Begins In The Pages Thurs., Vh 1966—-Clinton News-Record—Page 5 32 $1,00 $1 98c 50 IS with great regret announce the death DEATHS BIRKMYRE — In Nora Hen; demon Hospital, Hamilton, on Friday, November 11, 1966, Mrs. Fred Birkmyre, former­ ly of Clinton, in her 70th ■ year. Funeral service from Beattie Funeral Home, Clin­ ton, on Tuesday, November 15- with interment in Tees- water Cemetery. BROWN — In Strathroy Mid­ dlesex Hospital on Tuesday, November 8, 1966, Mrs, John Laird Brown, RR 4, Komoka, in her 88th year. Funeral service from Denning Broth­ ers Funeral Home, Strath­ roy on Thursday, November 10 With interment in Maite landbank Cemetery, Seaforth. Survivors include sons, John C., Delaware Township; Har­ ry G., Clinton; James, Kom- - oka and daughter, Mrs. Clar­ ence (Irene) Allen, Komoka. COOPER ■— At Bayfield, Har­ vey E. Cooper, London, in1 his 56th , year. Funeral service ■from A. Millard George Fun­ eral Home, London, on Fri­ day, November 18 with in­ terment in Forest Lawn .Memorial Gardens. HOUSTON — In Clinton Pub- 'lic Hospital, 'on Wednesday, November 9, 1966, Mrs. John , Houston, Auburn, in her 84th year. Funeral service from Arthur Funeral Home, Au­ burn, on Friday, November 11 with interment in Col- borne Cemetery. Surviving besides her husband are dau­ ghters, Miss M. J earn Houston, Miss Jean C. Jamieson, both of Toronto; Miss Frances' E. Houston, Auburn, and a sis­ ter, Miss Olive1 Young, Au­ burn. PEARCE — In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thurs­ day, November 10, 1966, Al­ bert J. Pearce, Exeter. Fun­ eral servioe from T. Harry Haffman Funeral . Home, Dashwood, on Monday, Nov­ ember 14 with, interment in Exeter Cemetery- A daugh­ ter, Mrs. John (Doreen) Chapman resides in Clinton. (■--------------- --------.--------:------------------ -------------------------- i OBIT. Mrs. Frederick Mrs. Frederick Birkmyre, 69, Hamilton, formerly of Clinton and Goderich, died Friday, Nov­ ember 11, in the Nora Frances Henderson Hospital, Hamilton. She had been ill for the past .•two years. Born in Culross Township, Bruce County, near Teeswater on December 4, 1896, she was the ens, and and Clinton ,to Hamilton last ember. Surviving besides her band, is a. brother, Harry ers, RR 1; Greenoch. The funeral service was held Tuesday, November 15, from the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, with Rev. G. L. Mills of Ontario Street United Ch­ urch officiating. Pallbearers were ' James Drehmann, Bruce. Nicholson, Henman Young, D. Bird, Mac Sewers and Thomas Wharton. Flower-Jb carers were Morgan Agnew and Rus'scll Sewers. Burial was in Teeswater Ceme­ tery. /" former Annie a daughter of Mrs. Charles her husband Louise Sew- the late Mr. Sewers. She moved from Sept- hus- Sew- I War Veterans Receiving Life Memberships in Clinton Legion Seventeen of the 21 war veterans who were of the Royal Canadian Legion were present at the awarded life memberships in Clinton Branch 140 ceremony on Remembrance Day, ' (News-Record Photo) THE BIBLE TODAY Bible news from several landls shows in capsule what is hap­ pening throughout- the world. 250,000 copies, of Scriptures were Circulated in Indonesia in the first nine months of this year. This is more than the1 total for 1965. This comes about as a re­ sult of a new supply 'of publica­ tions from a new printing plant established recently, by the Bible Society exf Indonesia. Opened in February this' plant­ ing plant Was paid for, in part, by ■ contributions to the Cana­ dian Bible Society during last year. A special Scripture Selection, “The Bible Speaks of Liberty,” has been published in the Ar­ gentine in connection with the 150th Anniversary of the Dec­ laration of Independence in Ar­ gentina, being celebrated year. Financial contributions Japanese Christians to work of translating and distrib­ uting the Bible in Japan, in­ creased by 46% last year. The Zambia Episcopal Con­ ference (Roman Catholic) has given permission for school children to use the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, originally published for Protest­ ants. - One-half a million copies of • the Scripture Selection, “Prom­ esas”’(John .14: 1-17) are being provided by the. Bible Societies in Peru for the Evangelism-in- Depth campaign planned for 1967. Suggested Daily Bible Readings Sunday, Nov. 20: II Samuel 1. Monday, Nov. 21: II Samuel 7: 1-17. Tuesday, Nov. 22: II Samuel .7: 18-29. Wednesday, Nov. 23: II Sam­ uel 9. Thursday, Nov. 24; Psalms 145. Friday, Nov. 25: Psalms 110. Saturday, Nov. 26: I Kings 17. by the -----------o----------- “The Spirit of the Flight” is the theme of the Aiir Canada pavilion at Expo 67. The pa­ vilion will consist of 23 blades spiraling upward, a design bas­ ed on the principle of one of the scientific drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. that of Elisha A- Townsend of. Ottawa, on Thursday evening, Novem­ ber 10, who was fatally in- juved when Struck by a motor car in. Ottawa. Born in Hullett Township in 1892, the youngest son of Elijah Townsend and (Sarah Fisher Townsend, he attended SS 8 Hullett before moving to Clinton with the family after the deiath of his father, After further schooling in Clinton he attendecl College 'in Ottawa and became a Minister of the Free Methodist Church. He served charges in Quebec and Ontario and then was sent to' Changteh Hunan, China, as a missionary. He Was employed in an Ottawa Hospital for a few years during the war be­ fore returning to China where he remained Until the Com­ munists over-ran the country. Upon returning home he was engaged at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Montreal Where he remained until his retirement last year, Mr. Townsend was married in 1963 to Miargaret Ardill of Montreal, She passed away in 1964 after which he lived in Ottawa. He was on his way to even­ ing services at the Free Metho­ dist Church in Ottawa in incle­ ment weather when, struck clown by a car, rendered un­ conscious, and passed away soon after admittance to hos­ pital. The funeral was well attend­ ed on Monday, November ■ 14. the minister of his church of­ ficiating, interment was in Mertvale Cemetery in the fam­ ily plot of his wife. He was predeceased by three brothers, William, Robert, and Valentine, -and three sisters, Rebecca Wood, Susanah, and Amelia (Partlow). A sister of 16 months and a twin brother of a few days also predeceased him. Surviving are a half-sister, Mrs. James Robertson of Clin­ ton, and one brother, Walter L. of Brantford. ASSORTED DESIGNS Decorated with gold — 8 Designs ASSORTED DESIGNS — BOXED Slim and Regular Only ................. ASSORTED DESIGNS — BOXED 12 designs embossed $1.49 PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario (Continued from page one) ert’orte, krapfen and palatschin- ,ken with (toffee specialties and Austrian wines. India has a glass-enclosed kitchen in its pavilion restaur­ ant where Indian chiefs will display their skills in the tra­ ditional curries, shish and lamb kabobs, chicken baked in clay ovens and other' exotic dishes. The pavilion also, has a terrace, restaurant and bar, Israel has a sunken garden as an extension of the dining area in its pavilion Which Will feature folk .dancing and! sing­ ing. Jamaica plans a cafe-bar serving Caribbean rum's, coffee and coffee liqueurs. , Japan -has a menu including Tempura ('shrimps, fish, and vegetables) Misoshiru soup and •Tsukemon served in traditional style along with s'aki, ' Mexico will have a floating restaurant formed of half a dozen 15-foot vessels called trajineras capable of serving up to forty people at a time. The Canadian Pavilion has a 600-seat restaurant ■ complex made up of a fashionable dining room, a cafe, cocktail ^lounge, and two snack bars. The Tun­ dra Restaurant chefs are in­ volved in testing new ways of preparing and serving such Canadian foods as Manitoba wild rice, clay-baked Prairie grouse, and New Brunswick fiddleheads. Cuba will. have -a 100 seat seafood restaurant with Cuban entertainment. Czechoslovakia will feature the foods of its three states Slo­ vakia, Moravia and Bohemia in three separate dining rooms Sin The Castle Restaurant. The Pavilion of West Ger­ many houses three restaurants including a beer hah operated by the Reis Brothers, who run one of the better-known Munich beer halls. Greece1 has a garden restaur­ ant and amphitheatre in the centre of its pavilion Where visitors may • eat traditional Greek foods, sip wines and watch Greek entertainment. The Netherlands- will serve Holland gins, beers and cheeses and other Dutch fare in a float­ ing tavern on the lake beside its pavilion. The Ontario Pavilion has a restaurant complex consisting of a main dining room, an out­ door cafe overlooking the. lake on lie Notre-Dame and az small restaurant on a floating dock. Quebec will hiave a .roof ter­ race restaurant on the top of its pavilion. The Scandinavian Pavilion will have two restaurants with foods representative of all five Nordic nations including her­ ring, salmon salted and smoked, smoked eel. reindeer steak and tongue, served with beet and aquavit. In the Swiss pavilion, the restaurant will offer appetizers of alpine dried beef and ham, Schopps da Gioibta, a barley soup made with fresh cream, Onion Soup Baloise, served with cheese toast, Chicken Chateau Ghillon in a creamy tarragon sauce, pork chops a la jurass- stewed with tomatoes melted cheese, baked Clinton Man Manager AtOshawa The Bank of Montreal has announced the appeintment of Dopald J. Shanahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shianahian, Jos­ eph Street, Clinton, as manager of its King "and Stevenson Streets branch, Osihawa, Mr. Shanahan, a native of Clinton and graduate of Clinton District Collegiate'. Institute joined the branch in 1951 at Clinton He subsequently served at branches in Goderich, Gred- Iton, Zurich, Mount Forest, In­ gersoll and Grimsby. In April 1958 he was appoint­ ed Assistant Accountant at Simcoe and two" years later moved to ‘Newmarket as Ac­ countant.. • % -Tn July 1962 he was appoint­ ed Manager at Chippawa and in December 1964 was 'appointed Assistant Manager at the Osih­ awa Main Office. Mr. Shanahan has completed the first half of the- Queens University, Bankers Association Course, receiving the highest mark in Canada in accounting. Mr. Shanahan married the former Leota Freeman, only daughter of Mr. and’ Mrs. Doug­ las Freeman, Clinton. They have three children, Kevin, Karen and Kathryn. -----------o----------- Clinton Personel *rMr. and Mrs. Nelson Patter­ son, Auburn, are visiting the lady’s sister, Mrs. Margaret Lockwood, Men's Quilted or Orlon Pile Ski Jackets ...............15.95 to 24.95 Boys' (as above) .. 9.95 to 17.95lenne, under cheese tartlets, and Croustade Oberland which is cheese and ham with creamed mushrooms. Swiss wines will be served 'and ■among the deserts are tuorta da nuschs (honey and walnut pie), kirschwasser cake and Swiss pastries. The restaurant in Thailand’s pavilion has on its menu night­ ingale dishes, the greatest of Thai delioaces. The Soviet Union will have three indoor and three' outdoor. ..restaurants With a total seat­ ing capacity of more than 1,000. Twenty tons of sturgeon, eight tons of caviar, and 28,000 litres of vodka are among the sup­ plies being ordered for the Sov­ iet Pavilion restaurants. For stand-up, eating on- the-run throughout the exhibi­ tion site there are Expo operat­ ed snack bars including ham- burger and hot dog stand's; dairy bars; delicatessen shops; pancake, waffle and crepe grills; sidewalk cafes and cof­ fee shops. Mt ti,‘ * STRICT specifications have, been laid down by the Expo Corporation covering the types of restaurants, their size, lo­ cation and hours, minimum por­ tions of food and price ranges. In ah inexpensive restaurant the average bill should be about $1. Moderately priced meals will average at around 81.75. There are medium and high price categories corning to 82.50 and 83.75 o,n the average and de luxe restaurants from 85.00 and up. Drawing on the experience of the New York’s World Fair where in some unfortunate cases restaurant prices went up While quality went down, Expo will have restaurant inspection teams to check on quality ser­ vice and price standardls throughout the exhibition. Restaurants in the pavilions will be open from 10 a.m,. to 1:00 a.m. and until 2:30 a.m. in the La Ronde area. -----------o----------- The story of Expo. 67 can now be seen on television. Every week CBC-TV (Tuesdays 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. EDT) devotes a half hour to the Exhibition, summarizing the latest develop­ ments. visiting the site and talking to Expo officials. ---------------------------,Oi-------------------------- Use Classified Ads. Men's Genuine Suede Windbreakers and Jackets ........ 22.50-24.95-29.95 Men's Sport or Hunting Jackets, olive nylon quilt reverse to red duck ...........'22,95 Men's Corduroy Windbreakers and Jackets ..... 19.95 to 29.95 Men's Hydro Duck Parka's, quilt or melton lined ...... 12.50 to 14.95 Men's Quilt* lined Windbreakers and Jackets ................. SEE OUR CAPS - MITTS - SOCKS - GLOVES AIKEN’S LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS 482-9352 Work Clinton News-Record offers a complete selection of wedding announcements styled for the discrim­ inating. ask for. 9.50 to 10.95 COMPLETE RANGE OF Attend Your Church ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH AOTS MEN'S CLUB TALENT NIGHT Miss Anna McDonald, Adjudicator SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 8:00 P.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WING ONTARIO STREET CHURCH CLINTON This Sunday NOTE—ALL SERVICES on STANDARD TIME HERE B.A. 20 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, Sunday, November 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 pm.—Church Seiwice ALL ARE WELCOME Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, November 20 9:45 am.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Service of Baptism TURNERS' UNITED.CHURCH 2:00 pm.—Church Service 3:00 pm.—Sunday School 18 an HFC Shopper’s Loan EVERYONE READS AND USES r Special Guest Artists Admission: Adults $1.00; Children 12 & under, 35c TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM CLUB MEMBERS STEDMANS ^e0leg-£liIK0--$nlnw0biUe ^niteb dhurries REV. A. J. MOW ATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, November 20 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11’.00 a.m.—Church ServiceSubject: “Is It Courage We Need?” TOYLAND OPENS We have our usual LARGE SELECTION of Toys arranged for your easy shopping pleasure on our SECOND FLOOR Christmas Shopping Party November 22—7-9 p.m. Be Our Special Guest ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO COME Everyone Invited To Come and Layaway Anything Of Your Choice NOW HOLMESVILLE 1 pm,—Divine Worship 2 p.m.—Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr* W, H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday, November 20 — Sunday next before Advent 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Thurs., Nov. 17—Chancel Guild at home of Mrs. Pat Noonan, 8:15 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Above payments includo principal and Interest and are based on prompt repay moot, but do riot Include the cost61 We Insurance, AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS months 48 months 36 months 30 months 20 months 12 months $ 100 ?....*$..*.*$.*.*'$6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 28.37, 550 rrrrvt 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 «•« v Y c v r t »• r 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 » ii*57*72 ... r 2500 73.35 90.18 3000 ...u 88.02 108.22 r’ f t t f4000101.01 117.37 144.30 i f ■ r 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 Holiday shopping with cash from an HFC Shopper’s Loan cap save you money. And you’ll avoid big first-of-the-year bills, too. Later, repay HFC conveniently* Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signed Star) Ask about our evening hours SALES SLIP USED FOR TURKEY DRAW TOYLAND will be open Nov. 22 Handy Layaway or Budget Plan CHILDREN LEAVE YOUR LETTERS FOR SANTA CLAUS AT STEDMANS Sunday, November 20 9:45 a.m.-—Sunday School 10:45 am.—-Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME maplTstreeTW CLINTON Sunday November'20 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday Schdol 8:00 p.m.—Evening ServiceSpeaker: Charleg Shorten, London, Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting arid Bible Study ALL WELCOME ________________~ ST E D M A N|S| CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 482-7621 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OVj G. J. HEERSINK, Minister Sunday, November 20 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.hi.—Sunday Schoo] 2:30 pm.—Service in English Every Sunday, 12:30 noon,dlal 680 CHLO, St. ThdmaM. listen to “Back to God Hour”, EVERYONE WELCOME ...... ..... < * rJ f jji* * * A it A** Mu r