HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-17, Page 3From My Window— Blissful Though u ..I. .1 -I- ..■i...nrrra-r- Allan King has long beep one of my very favourite comedians. He’s the sloppy one who is fore- ever flicking his cigar ashes onto Ed Sullivan’s rug. The dashing Mr. King has a rough time of it at home, ac­ cording to the stories he relates about Mrs. King whom' he por­ trays as something of a Stingy . spendthrift — stingy with her money, free with his. There is little doubt that Allan would heartily agree with the blues chaser which appear­ ed in the London Free Press re­ cently: Before marriage a man spends his time spooning a- round; after marriage he spends it forking over. I disaigree. And what’s more, I'm certain that even Allah King would concur that al­ though his jokes about Mrs. King’s dollar daze have made him the star he is, she is far from tae money-mangler he would like us to believe. It has been my experience that if it wasn’t for the thrift­ iness of the nation’s home­ makers, the nation’s homes would be dark, cold, damp and empty places to live — for a man has no conception of how to spend money wisely. HiS -idea of grocery shopping vyould be to purchase a box of crackers, a pound of limburger a quart $ milk for the kids ahd a base of beef for him. He would forget to mail the check to the hydrp company, neglect to straighten up the fuel ac­ count and flood the basement with sewage in his efforts to save his poker money from the clutches of a reputable plumber. W feet, what; our brawny boasting • bearded boys call “forking over” is more correct­ ly termed “slicing up” which is a woman’s only defence for a mail’s inability to handle fin- Thurs,, Nov. 17y 1966—^Clinton News-Record—Page 3 ,,,L..j ,LL,.L LJ. Home And School Meets November 24 The regular meeting of the Clinton Home and School As­ sociation ip scheduled for the public school auditorium next Thursday, November 24 at 8:30 P-to. A -special attraction of this meeting will be a demonstration of the new mathematics by Pricnipal Bei't Grey and R. Mc- Huy. Parents are reminded that an honour banner will be awarded to the classroom which has .the most parents in attendance at the meeting, There will also be “surprise ;entexf ainment’’ for the mothers and fathers who sit in pn the proceedings, Refresh­ ments will be served. Broke Hall arti- were ances, She intercepts hits pay envelope, divides it up so that 'each household account geits ifs proper due and then turns back to hubby his portion to squan­ der to WW heart’s delight, While men abhor this Friday night rifual — mostly because it is just further evidence of their inferiority — they bask in the glory of public approval Where men are judged by the home they keep, the car they drive, the clothes their wives wear, .the possessions they ac­ cumulate. Women are not being heart­ less when they demand hubby’s money. The deed is done each week out of love for him and concern for his image in the community. It is really the kindest thing a wife can do for the father of her children. Strange thing is, most men admire the little woman's financial wizardry but wouldn’t be caught dead admitting to the boys at the gun club that she manages the money and he likes it that way, Luckily, women know that . . . . Shirfey Keller men prefer .things as they There isn’t a man alive who doesn’t enjoy the agony of be­ ing wrapped around the pocket­ picking pinky of one .certain female, , m.—o-—i— Winners Named St. Andrews* Ladies Make Donations Last Tuesday evening, the regular meeting of the Made­ leine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mirs. Royce Macaulay with twenty- one ladies present, including four guests. Mirs. Allan Graham read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. James Edwards led in prayer. The Auxiliary will donate the candy for the Sunday School Christmas entertainment and a donation to help buy gifts at Christmas for the patients . at the Ontario Hospital at Gode­ rich. The president informed the group that the Auxiliary would be in charge of the hospital cart for the month of January.” Mrs. Howard Cowan, Mrs. Ronald McCann and Mrs. James Edwards volunteered to serve on the striking committee to bring in a new slate of officers by the next meeting. A pot-luck supper is to be held at the church on Wednes­ day December. 7 at 6:30 p.m. and Christmas gifts will be ex­ changed. Mrs. R. U. MacLean gave a short talk on the “Precious Books of Remembrance” that are on display in the Memorial Chapel in the Peace Tower at Ottawa. The baking draw brought by Mrs. Gladys Hoggarth was won by Mrs. James Edwards. Hostesses for the lunch were Mirs. Robert Homuth, Mrs. Howard Cowan and Mrs. Elmer Frey. 1 Summerhill Ladies Donate To CAS The ladies of the Summer­ hill Club met at the home of ■ Mrs. Jack March, with 21 mem-. bers and two visitors present. Mrs. Jim Snell opened the meeting. A thank-you note was read from Sandra Good. The Ho Bo . teas were report­ ed as very successful. , On November 25 at 7 p.m. the club members and their families will hold their. annual dinner at the Summerhill Hah. Mr. Fred Bissett will show pic­ tures after the dinner. A donation of $10 was given to the Children’s Aid Society. The program consisted of a guessing contest given by Mrs. L. Cummings, and won. by Mrs. Fred Vodden and a reading by Mrs. Lucy Ellis. Mrs. Clayton Ellis had Mrs. Lloyd Pipe show and give, 'an account of the Tweedsmulir. book of Hullett which she has put together. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. RoSs Lovett with 'an exchange of Christmas gfiffs. The -roll call will be answered with a fav­ orite Christmas Carol. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Fred Voddfen and Mrs. P. Westerhout; program,' Mrs. C. Farquhar, Mrs: Neville Forbes and Mrs. Perc Gilbbings. At the dose of toe meeting Mrs. Chester Farquhar wias presented with a table, lamp and dothes hamper, a gift from the Summerhill Community. -----------o------------ Clinton Wl Plans November Meeting ’ The Clinton Women’s Insti­ tute will meet in the Board Room of the Agriculture Office on Thursday, November 24 at 2 p.m, Roll call will be answered by naming a province and its in­ dustry. The topic on “Canadian Industries” will be convened by Mrs. Norman Tyndall. Program will be in the charge of Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. W. Hog­ gart. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Roy Connell, Mrs. F. Cummings. Mrs. 'J. Butler, Mrs. J. Brown and Mrs. E, Elfe In Orange Hall A very enjoyable card party and Penny Sale wias held Oct­ ober 22 in the Orange sponsored by the LOiBA. Members had donated cles and some 54 draws made. Card prizes were won as fol­ lows: high lady, Mrs. Cum­ mings; most lone hands, Mrs. H. Larder, Goderich; low lady, Mrs. Sloman; high man, Harold Crittenden; most lone hands, C. Johnson; low man, Bill Collins. The following is a list of the winners at the Penny Sate: Mrs, Jan Koene; Eiarl Willis. Goderich; Mary Heard; Chas. Johnston; Clayton Hodgins; Mrs. Percy Blundell, Goderich; Mrs. N. Heard; Mrs. Peter Harrison; Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hensail; Mrs. M. Buchanan, Goderich; Mrs. M. Nivins; Mrs. T. O’Connell; Henry Sloman; Mrs. H. Larder, Goderich; Mrs. H. Sloman; Mrs. S. CoMins; Mrs. Wm. McIlwain; Stan Col­ lins1; Mrs. H. Crittenden; Mrs. Riley, Hensall; Harold Critten­ den; Nibk Hodgins, Mrs. Read, Hensall; Frank Andrews, Mrs. P. Cummings; Mr. Buchanan; Mrs. Robert Cook, Godbrich; Mrs. Harold Lobb; Mirs. Josie Cunningham, Billie Collins; Mrs. W. Castle and Mrs1. Wilfred Glazier. On Tuesday, November 8 at the regular meeting, plans were made to help the LOL with' their annual sale for the Build­ ing Fund. It was decided to' have a Christmas dinner on December 13. Nettie DeeVes offered to phone members Who were ab­ sent and members were asked to get busy on the regular Christmas draw. ... _------------------Q)-----.----------------- Successful Sale Realizes $185 For Murphy LOL Murphy LOL held a very successful sale last Saturday when shoppers showed a keen demand for vegetables and bak­ ing. About 8185 was cleared for the building fund. The Lodge’s annual meeting with election of officers will be held Thursday, November 24 beginnliing with a supper at p.m. m the Orange Hail. -----------o----------- Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results 7 9 E t- f'' VII fl jp’T s Z— kX? si ,:-Air .o tn*? ■«SS ....w ffl 11 & Auxiliary Life Members Mrs. Margaret MacDonald, left, and Mrs. Alex Haddy, receive their life memberships in Clinton Legion Ladies Auxiliary from President Mrs. Ed. Porter. (News-Record Photo) (Continued from page 2) higher echelons is unbounded. But the guy I really envy is the layman of 2,000-odd years 'ago. Whait a snap he had. He turned up at the service with his offering, a loaf of bread or a couple Of onions, wor­ shipped, then went home and counted his sheep, his daugh­ ters and his blessings. Kp golf, no summer cojttage, no ski hills, no television. Noth- General Meeting Of UCW At Wesley-Willis The November general meet­ ing of the Wesley-Willis United Jhurch Women was opened with a reading by Mrs. B. Menzies. Mrs. Doug Bartliff read the Scripture and Mrs, Garnet Har­ land gave a detailed explana­ tion of the passage. An informative talk on drugs was given by Mrs. Menzies. A letter from the group’s foster child was read and it was decided to continue supporting this child for the coming year. Mrs. Doug Andrews reported the fowl supper ihad been a real success. Mrs. Ken Wood gave the Stewardship report, and made special mention of the projects which the UCW hope to finance if the Over and Above Gifts financial goal is reached. The following are ithe pro­ jects: a centre for youth at Banff, Alberta; a manse to, bo built at Fort Nelson; help to a hospital in Nepal; and assist­ ance to a rural project at Zam­ bia. Miss K. McGregor announced that there would be a meeting of the executive on November 23. . ■Lunch was served by the Fi­ delity Unit. ling to do for the rest of the day but meditate upon what a good layman he wias. It’s a little tougher today. But we’re tougher people. Anyone who can stand up to 'television commercials, the price of beef, and the threat of instant ainnihiiiatfon can cope with anything. Well, we Can do the chores, anyway. Let the rector hian- ‘ die the alkies and the infirm and the broken homes and the mentally ill. After all, that’s what he’s paid for. And in some cases he makes more than a truck driver. ------ —_o-----:------- A certain country minister posted this notice on the church door: “Brother Smith departed for Heaven ait 4:40 a.m.’’ The next day he found writ­ ten below: “Heaven, 9:00 a.m. Smith not -in yet. Great anxiety.” o- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results The Clintonian Club met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of- Mrs. A. Hurtle with 20 members and one visitor pre­ sent. Decision was reached to wait until the New Year to select a group Centennial Project, but final arrangements were made for the Birthday Party. Dinner to be at 6 p.m., November 25 at Ontarib St. Church. The next meeting will be the Christmas Party to be held at the< home of Mrs. E. Frey, the program to be in the charge of Mrs. Frey and Mrs. J. Edwards, A pot luck supper will be held and an exchange of gifts valued at 50 cents. ’ Mrs, Mullholland gave a Re­ membrance pay reading after one minute of Silence. Mrs. R. Elliott Was the win­ ner of a contest and Mrs. J. Batkin gave a reading. A Dutch auctibn on a pair of towels and a tray realized a good sum. Mrs. J. Edwards won the mystery prize. The slate of officers was brought in by the committee with the following results: Past president, Mrs. T. Lep- pingtoh; president, Mrs. M. Fal­ coner; first vice-president, Mrs. E. Frey; second vice-president, Mrs. H. Managhan; secretary, Mrs. J. Wise; treasurer, Mrs. F. .Cummings. Sick and vidilting committee, Mrs. G. Glazier, Mrs. H. Adams; Social committee, Mrs. Frey, Mrs. H. Adiams, Mrs. J. Edwards, Mrs. L. Forest, Mrs. T. Leppington; work committee, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs. T. Leppinig- ton, Mrs. R. Colclough, Mrs. H. Adams;- auditors, Mrs.' K. Mote, Mrs. Hobson. G. M From SHELBY and TONY DAY DOES WASHDAY KEEP YOU LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY HURON LAUNDRY 154 Beech St., Clinton (Near Drive-In Theatre) OPEN EVERY SATURDAY, MORNING 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON PHONE 482-9491 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY To enjoy holiday shopping at your convenience. i rp‘ ) PREPASTED WALLPAPER Reg. $1.55 ................. REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 45c Reg. $1.55.................. REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 39c INTERIOR SEMI-GLOSS WHITE PAINT - Gal. $5.95 D. A. KAY & SON 33 HURON STREET PHONE 482 9542 (Open Every Friday Night) S. k < $ 'V' Priced from $9.95 to $29.95 • CREW NECK • V NECK • CARDIGANS ..........- Shop This Weekend and Use Our CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN For Christmas Gifts jF LARGE SELECTION OF ° SHIRTS o BLAZERS ° SLACKS o JACKETS «TOPCOATS ® SUITS ® MEN'S JEWELLERY ® HATS & CAPS Herman’s Men’s Wear ....... (OPEN FRIDAY EVENING) 482-9351 CLINTON J for a cash advance Shopping with ready Cash can help you complete your holiday preparations early ... arid getting the money you heed to do it is a simple matter at your GAC office* You’ll get prompt, personal service and convenient monthly payments fitted to your budget Stop ih or Call. Get a cash advance from GAC for gift-buying, new clothing, home furnishings, holiday travel *.. Or for any good reason. (33)LOANS OF TO $5000 6ACINTERNATIOMAL FINANCE CORPORATION, LTD. — CtlNTON . 7 RsttenlxKy Streit*-*** ♦■$■*♦■ * ** •* • .Pbohe 482-3ttw d GREY CUP DRAW TICKETS NOW ON SALE — $650.00In Prizes—. First Quarter Pirxe — $ 25.00 Half Time Prize — $ 50.00 Third Quarter Prize — $ 75,00 Final Score prize — $500.00 $ 1.00 Per Ticket From Lions Club Members The Sale of Grey Cup Draw Tickets is a Major Source of Funds for Clinton Lions to carry on Welfare Work in Clinton and Area. L------------------------------------ . . ' ............................................................................................................................... j HOUSE of BARGAINS CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7735 Plan to do your Christmas Shopping now while the supply is at its best ’Don’t Delay”. USE PUR LAYAWAY PLAN I”"1" „■ „■..... j A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article till Christmas. Come in and make your selections and have us hold it till wanted. .................................... ..................... Do Your Shopping At The Store Where Your Dollar Buys The Most ........ ...................... .................- THEATRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business THUR., FRI., SAT. — Nov. 17-18-19 Warner Bros: super action show of shows! , ■ SHOWS 7 & 9:30 p.m. total* tj MUON SPERLINt toll? VOROAN • Written tj PHILIP VOflOW. MILTON SPERUNO. 40HK MELSON TECHNICOLOR*. • A SIDNEY HARMON in Aiwelitlon wiili UNIIED STATES PICTURES, INC. Production UL.TRA-PaNavision* * JOSEPH E, LEVINE prc,M‘r’b An Embassy Pictures Release HEAR: 4 ''Hobray, for Santa'” Claus” ON v fOURbOkNtRS RECORDS ADMISSION SAT. Matinee Special! I SEE: Th?Marten$ Santa's North,Pole Workshop! The Fantastic Martian Toy Factory! Earth Kids Meeting with Martian Kids! Space-ship Journey from Earth to Mars! Santa turn Mars-Robot into a Mechanical Toy! Written by . . fiodueej by Directed by A Jalor GLENVILLE MARETH PAUL L. JACOBSON NICHOLAS WEBSTER Production ONLY 50c CONQUERS THE MARTIANS IN SPACE-BLAZING COLOR D MON., TUES., WED. THE WILD ANGELS PANAViSiON**PATH£CdLbft AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL' THIS PICTURE IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADULtS C)1966 Annerican International Pictures X, Nov. 21-22-23 reraFONDA-MHcrSINAlM uMlHil IM 7:30 & Pu30 P.M, Coming Next «*■ ^A PATCH OF