HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-10, Page 7Clinton Firemen Start Muscular Dystrophy Funds Campaign
by Jo-
Youth Meets
The young people of Bruce-
field and Kippen churches held
their second meeting at the
home of Rev, Donald Stuart on
Sunday evening,
The meeting was opened with
the worship conducted
Annie Aldwinckle and,
Therp was a group
fiiop pp\ church union
the meeting was adjourned( fol-
lowed by recreation and lunch
aeryed by Mrs. Stuart.
Bill Coleman was , taken to
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
on Thursday after being involv
ed ip an accident at his home.
He is reported to be improv-?
PJlpne 262-5180
Roohus Faber recently re
turned home by plane from a
business trip to Calgary.
Robert Thomson
phew Lloyd were
Sunday; ‘ %
- Messrs. EJzar
Herb Mausseau, Jack Walper,
Dr, J. A. Addison, Cameron
Addison, Alex ' McBeath and
Jack Bannister left Friday
morning for Man.itou.lin Island
on a hunting expedition.
r-.,„o .
and his ne-
ip Goderich
Thur*., Nov. 10, News-Record—-Page 7
If you can, or you fe^l that you could be train
ed, why not come qlong to the Town Hall, Clinton,
for an interview on Monday, November 14 for 9:30
a.m. until 8: p.m,
Last Saturday afternoon Clinton’s volunteer
fire brigade opened their drive for funds for the
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada. Shown
here prior to distributing over 25 collection cannis-
Highland Shoe Division of Geneseo of Canada
is planning on starting a Stitching Line in Clinton. It
is light interesting work—so why not come along
and talk about it next Monday, November 14?A new right of court action
will go into effect January 1,
1967, for passengers in motor
vehicles in Ontario,
A guest passenger will have
the right to claim damages
from the driver and/or owner
of the car in which he is rid
ing, if he is injured1 jn an acci
dent caused by the driver’s
gross negligence,
At present a guest passeng
er — that ’is, one who is not
paying a fare —• has no claim
against the driver or owner
in such circumstances. (A fare
paying passenger does have the
right of action, however, and
this' right will continue.)
The change results from, an
amendment to the Highway
Traffic Act that was passed
at the last session of the Legi
In announcing the effective
d'ate of January 1 for the new
provisions, the Department of
Transport ’pointed out its sig
nificance for drivers * and own
ers as well as passengers.
The insurance industry ad
vises that almost all automo
bile liability Insurance policies
now in effect include coverage
against this new risk. However,
all car owners are urged to
check their policies to make
sure that ithe policy includes
passenger hazard coverage and
Where there is any doubt you
should check with your auto
mobile insurance agent.
- -v
/•■ters in local stores on Saturday, are left to right,
Fireman Harvey Carter, chairman of the local bri
gade’s muscular dystrophy funds drive; Fireman Art
Hoggart and at the right, Fireman Tom Twyford.
• (News-Record Photo)
//"Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty
Every once in a while you’ll
hear someone say “Why would
anyone want .to be a steeple
jack?” Or they might say it
about a policeman or a miner
or a fire fighter. People who
ask questions like this can’t
understand what makes some
men undertake such jobs.
Nevertheless there always
sdems tb be someone to do such
jobs — and high rates of pay
ai’en’t the incentive, by any
It’s only natural that we
should find such men doing
other tasks above and beyond
the call of duty. They are good
people to have around. Take
Clinton’s 20-man volunteer hire
brigade for example. They are
part of Canada’s 40.,000 firemen,
both professional and volunteer,
Many of them spend part of
their spare time trying to nelp
the unfortunate- children who
are victims of muscular dys
To date the fire fighters of
this country have raised up
wards of a million and a half
dollars for medical research.
Research into- muscular dys
trophy is. hot the easiest kind
of research.^ There may be
none more difficult. The cause
of the disease and the means ---------------------------1—:-------- -----
itof controlling it or curing
have been eluding the best
medical brains for decades.
It’s no wonder then that the
chief allies of the research
scientists are the 'fire fighters.
This is their kind of job. Clin
ton fireman request citizens to
help in the research to combat
this disease by contributing
generously to the muscular dys
trophy canisters in many local
Slides and Travelogue of Martimes
Highlights of Middleton
men’s Auxiliary of St. James
Anglican* Church, Middleton,
held an open meeting, .Friday
evening, November 4. '
The president, Mrs. Donald
Middleton was in charge and
turned the devotional part of
the. service over to Mrs.
Cole. i
Following devotilons,
Middleton welcomed the
crowd to see and hear
the Women’s Institute
times bus tour, presented by
Mrs. John Grigg and Mi's.
Stewart Middleton.
There was a large delega
tion present from Varna United
Church, several former WA
members from Clinton, neigh
bours and five persons from
Cromarty and Seaforth who
were also on the same trip
last summer.
Mrs. Grigg gave a concise
detailed account of this tour
from Clinton via the New Eng-
The November meeting of
Holmesville United Church Wo
men was held on Tuesday, aft
ernoon last week with • Mrs.
Harry Cudmore and Mrs. L.
Bond’s groups in charge. Tire
scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. Huller and tire comments
in four parts were taken by
Mto. E. Potter, Mrs; H. Wil-■ I J
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith
Young viSited last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs; Donald Treble
and family and also attended
the baptismal service for baby
Barry Treble in Benmiller Un
ited Church.
Mrs. Meredith Young visited
last Friday with Mrs. Margaret
Additon, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Day
man, Jordon, celebrated tiheir
25th wedding annfWersary at
their home’. Guests from, this
district attending were Mr. and
Mrs., Alvin Plunkett,. Mr. ano
Mrs. Bert Craig, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave McClinchey, Sid McClin
chey, Mhs. Gordon McClinchey,
John McClinchey, Fred' Arm
strong, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc-
Olinchey, Bly-th and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Miller, Windsor. They
1—1- ...... "■ 1
lilams; Mrs. D. E. Gliddon
Mrs. W. Norman. Mrs.
Mowatt led in prayer and
roll call was answered with, the
word “humble”.
Informative reports of the
Regional Rally were given by
Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. E. Grigg,
Mrs. Mowatt and Mrs. Bond.
The president, Mrs. E. Grigg
conducted the business. Two in
teresting letters from the
UCW’s foster daughter, Mo
Mui, were read by the corres
ponding secretary, Mrs. F. Mc
Four volunteers will go to
the Ontario Hospital this week
to take • patients for ah out
ing. The December roll call
will be answered with a cash
donation to buy Christmas gifts
for the hospital.
Hostesses for the day were
Mrs. D. Gliddon, Mrs. Mac-
Math and Mrs. Frank McCul
land States to the Maritime
Provinces and back by Riviere
du Loup,, Quebec City and
Mrs. Grigg outlined the tour
with maps. Then Mrs. Stew
art. Middleton, with Mrs. M.
Steepe at the projector, show
ed a great variety of colored
slides wi't’h emphasis on Peg
gy’s Cove, the Blue Rocks of
Lunenburg, marine drives, the
home of Anne of Green Gables
and the varied scenery of the
Cabot Trail.
The great St. Lawrence Sea
way and Canso Causeway pic
tures showed Canada’s engin
eering feats.
Many present stated! they felt
the scenery of Canada thus de
picted was second to none in
grandiose scale and variety to
The order Of Confirmation
Service will be held in St.
James’ Anglican Church on
Sunday, November 13 at 11
'The Right Rev. W. A, Town
shend, Suffragan Bishop of
Huron, will be present for this
special occasion. The members
cf Trinity Church, Bayfield,
and the community are invited
to attend this lovely service.
For the first time in Knights
of Columbus history, the wives
of members attended the cere
mony of the installation of of
ficers in the council rooms.
The District Deputy of Dis
trict 31, Cecil Tufts, Stratford,
and His - team installed the ex
ecutive members of Father
Stephen Eckert Council, No.
5289, on Thursday evening in
a very impressive- ceremony.
Following the installation a
social -evening was held and
lunch was served.
On Sunday evening a very
impressive memorial service
was held for two members who
passed away during the year.
A mass at 7:30 p.m. was cele
brated by the Chaplain, Rev.
H. L. Laragh of St. Janies’
Parish, Stratford, and services
were concluded at the council
Over 50 members and friends
of the deceased, Bro. John L.
Malone and Bro. John Mc
Quaid, attended the services.
This was another first for ■
the wiives of the members in
that they were invited to par
ticipate in these services for
the first time Since the incep
tion of a memorial service1 for
deceased members.
"..... ni. i.ini. ■
Phone 482-3214
Varna UCW
-The United Church Women
held their November meeting
in the church last Thursday
evening with 22 members and
one visitor present,
Group Four was in charge
of deyotibns.
President Mrs. Mervyn Hay-
ter opened the meeting \ with
prayer. , Mrs. Percy Johnston
read the scripture and a poem.
Mrs. William DoWson gave
the meditation.
The offering was received
and dedicated by Mrs, Lee Mc
Connell. Mrs. Ronald Taylor
took the study book on Trini
dad about conditions and im
provements there.
Brenda and Bonnie Dowson
sang a duet.
Mrs. Watson Webster and
Mrs. Lee McConnell gave an
excellent report on the Unit
ed Church Presbyterial Which
was held in Goshen United
Church a week ago.
Roll call was answered by a
donation of gifts for needy
children for Christmas?
Twenty-eight calls were made
to sick and shut-ins during the
past month.
Group Three served lunch.
Memorial Service
Remembrance Day service
held on Sunday last in the
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Contact your Investors Man today.
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........ ..M ■ ...........................
also attended the wedding of
their son Robert Wayne Day
man to Miss Joan Dale in St.
Paul’s United Church, St. Cath
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott,
Goderich, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Ralph D. Munro.
■ ............ .....................'... .... ...................
The Township of Tuckersmith will be offering
debentures for sale, in $1,000.00 units, with interest
at 6% for 1-10 year terms and 6Vi% for IT-20
year terms.I
it A
The total issue will be $50,000.00 which is
to finance the extension of services of the Tucker
smith Municipal Telephone System.
Anyohe interested in the purchase of any of
this debenture issue, contact either of the under
signed by hot later thah Nov. 16, 1966.
Mel Grahiim
Tuck. Mun. Telephone System,
tel. — 482-9908
James I. Molntosh
Tuckersmith Twp.,
Tel*-— 527-0358;
W. G. "Bill" Campbell |
——Or mail this coupon--------------------
Without obligation, please send me more Information,
Clinton News-Record
TO MAN ANtf) H»S >R| l>
United Church with Rev. M.
Morrison in charge. Following
the service, the congregation
walked to the cenotaph where
three wreaths were laid.
Reeve Ernest Talbot placed
a wreath on behalf of the
township, William McAsh plac
ed one on behalf of the veter
ans and William Dowsion laid
one on behalf of LOL 1035.
The choir, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Robert Stirling
sang and Rev. M. Morriso.
closed with prayer.
The grounds of Expo 67 will
include parkland stocked with
Canadian wildlife where visit
ors can relax. One area will be
dotted with woods, meadows a-
blaze with wild flowers, ter
raced hills and small islands.
offers a complete selection of
•wedding announcements
styled for the discrim
ask for.
to be held in Londesboro Hall
at 6:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Jim Jacklin
Admission: $1.75
Pl H t | * ’IL’KI |>| S U(
Expo 67 is ths candle on Cartada’S Centennial birthday daks. The Crowning
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Get your entrance Passpart bow—and save. Reduced prices up to February 28thi
Dally PaSsport, $2, Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Also big reductions on
Season Passports and Y'dtfth Passports. Children 2-12 on April 26th, 1967, half price. On
sale at banks, travel agents, transportation companies, department stores, Service clubs,
women's associations, labour groups, and wherever you see the official Ex|io 67 Sl{jrt. Ask
about Bonus Books, ted, rdf big discounts off food, rides and entertainment
Acddmtnddatiolns? GUdrffntded. Write to the dffklal EXPO 67 accomrhdddtidh bureau:
LOGEXPO, Exbo67, ditd dii Havre, Montreal, P.Q.
The Universal and Internaffohal.Exhlbltlon of 1967
APRIL 28-OCTOBER 27,1967
i Mm b ta tHa KmM lilt M w wrt tn CtftWiW MCwttfWl CwfcAtttton.
■ ■■■■— ............................................... ...
When the party’s over
a Cascade 40
electric water heater
can have its finest hoi
Seven-year-old socialites have a way
of leaving more than a gift at a party:
ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti-
topped tablecloth?
These are the times a Cascade 40 cart
reeiliy Win you over. It provides all the
hot water you need to siids up 8
strawberry-specked party dress, its
chocolaterCheeked owner, and the
pile of party paraphernalia you'll be
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A Cascade 40 electric Water heater
may not make the party . . . but It
could save the day. For more ihfotm-
:atiorv ask your Hydro.
your hydro