HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-10, Page 6Peg® ,6—-Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., Nov. 10, 1966 W'1 .J ... ■ !■■■■»!U...I J'!■' BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , . , By BELLCHAMBER Adastral Park 0 A> < Jp M JE w JIB Ir Social Notes Editor: Carmen Lawson t—■ Phone 482-7337 PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENING? Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER —- Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. See Hair Styling Demonstration At WA Meeting; Much Businessi ................ ........... ..... i li I ii ■—imw Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Taylor, David and Paul, London, yisiit- ed the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckle, over the Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris who have been staying at their cottage north of the village, left for Detroit pn Monday. Tuckerbells Meet The 'Tuckerbells held tfeir Sixth meeting November 5 at the home of Mirs'. Veenstra. The seventh meeting was held at the'home of Mrfe. F. Falcon­ er, November 7, ' Discussion was’ on table set­ ting and service, variations in tea bisculits, how to use cereals and how to make biscuits. Group work showed members how to make salad. Mrs. W. E. Parker sdlsited relatives and friends in Mit­ chell over the weekend. Mrs,. Pearl Shaddock, Hensail, spent several days last, welek with Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz­ simons and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smale, Darlene and John were their guests1 day, Mrs. Gilbert Knight recent weekend guest sister, Mrs. 'Jack Sturgeon^ Miss Joanne Hulls, panied by Robert J. Rowan, Milton, spent the weekend with h£r parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hulls. Mts. Raymond Bristol, who has spent the summer months at her cottage on Charles St., left for London on Monday, en route to her home in Wash­ ington, D.C. BRUCEFIELD Auk /•( ft '•' on Sun- wa s a of her Vaecpm- Dr.’ William Swan and fam­ ily, Walkerton, visited with Mrs, C. Hahi and Miss M. E. §wan orb Sunday. Mrs. E, Forrest visited a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott Ontario St. UCW Unit 3 To Meet Unit 3 of " Ontario Street UCW will meet in the enuheh parlour on Monday, November 14 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring any items you may have for the Christmas bazaar. _______MRS. H. F. BERRY Phqne 482-7572 spent the weekend with rela­ tives in London. Rev, F. P. Delong, chaplMn, CEB Clinton, will exchange pull­ pits with Rev. D. E, Stuart on Sunday, November 13. Sunday, November 20, will be “White Gift” Sundlay vat Bruce- fiield United Church. Gifts of money, toys, new clothing are much neded to help the Chil­ dren’s Aid Society.----.----o----,---- Classified Ads, Bring Quick Results Danny McLeod and Bradley Turner salute the memorial after laying wreaths for the Cubs and Scouts, li The meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of CFB Clinton was preceded by a demonstration of hair styling §md facial ap­ plication of makeup by mem­ bers of a’ school of hairdress­ ing from London, The instruc­ tor, Mrs. Engrid, and advance and senior students, gaye a good display of basic to, fancy hair styles, dress-ups with pos- tiiches, etc., answering ques­ tions from the large group of women present. The aim oif this ' ^hqw was to demonstrate the advantages of good hair styling and hairdressing. v The group was sincerely appreciate ed and many thanks proffered to them. Lunch was served, prior to their departure. WA Business The WA's business meeting was brought to ord'er by presi­ dent “ wlith minutes being read by Mrs. - ---- treasurer, Mrs. Marg. Amirault, gave the financial report. Volunteers' for the monthly Huronview tea were requested. Plans for Christmas activities ait Huronview were also discus­ sed.. Plans for the WA members’ Christmas party were outlined, with the mention that smajl gifts be exchanged at this oc­ casion, at the next meeting, Monday, December' 5. The Bonds Raffle will also* be made at that time. It wias decided that the annual ‘‘gift-wrap” be performed this year as usual, and volunteers were requested. Concerning the proposed course on Home Nursing by the St. John’s Ambulance, Mrs. Refuse announced that a repre­ sentative of that organization had looked over our facilities for such a . course. Everything being quite satisfactory, Fly­ ing Officer Ballantyne has consented to instruct the ........................................................................ ■ Mrs. Doris McConnell, Sally Rafuse and the course, Jt will last eight weeks, with classes starting pn Wed­ nesday, January 4, 1967; there Will be a charge of $1,25 for the Home Nursing manual and $1.00 registration fee and cer­ tificate, If more than 20 per­ sons register for this course, a second one will be repeated at a later time to accommodate everyone interested. A motion , to glive the Muscu­ lar Dystrophy Association a donation of $15 was approved. A nominating committee was appointed for elections to be held1 in January 1967 for a- new executive, The sum of $10 to be sent to the WA's Hong Kong child for Christmas gift was approv­ ed., The door prize of shampoo arid hair set given by the Base hairdresser was v/on by Mrs. Doreen McKinnon. Protestant Ladies Guild The next meeting of the Protestant Ladies’ Guild will be held on Monday, November 14, at 8:15 p.m,. in the Chapel Lounge. Please keep in mind that on Friday, December 2, the Guild will be sponsoring a travelling Jack Frost Bake Sale, with Christmas baking, etc. Call HFC tor money for any good purpose Ti@^MMM^wW>^IWM?lnterKfand*r.lMMd . m arMW WWl tat do »ot Inckida U|e cost of life Iruujince. AMOUNT OF MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS > so , mtntiis months St months ^o. months 2t months 12 months ♦ IH I..'?,.i..„.$6.12 $9.46 3H 18.35 28.37 SH •"••••«23.73 32.86 51.24 41.45 58.11 91.56 57.72 iHt 73.35 90.18 ■ fTtri' MM’88.02 108.22 t4M»101.01 11137 144.30 > MM 126.2$146.71 180i3Z :....................... Whenever a loan can help you, remember Household Finance can provide you up to $5000 with up to 60 months to repay. May we help you? Ask about credit life insuraoct •n loans at low group rates. HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours * HENSALL MOTORS LTD. BayFielders At Cairn For MemorialService Mg k % A Personals Visiting with Wing Com­ mander and Mrs. B. Rafuse for a week was 'hen sister,' Mrs. Grace* Gelnett and Miss Patty Straup of Middleburg, Pennsylvania, U.S. At' home over the weekend was Cadet ’ Richard’ Russell, Royal Military College1, Kings­ ton, son of Warrant Officer II and Mrs. Ben Russell.* Also,. .presently a guest, is Mrs. Min­ nie Studdington of Canadian Forces Base. Lazo, B.C., Mrs. Russell’s mother. Warrant Of­ ficer Russell will be leaving CFB Clinton on Monday for Armstrong, Ontario. COMET CONVERTIBLE. NEW COMET 2 DOOR HARDTOP Lie. A98843 GALAXIE 4 DOOR CORVAIR MONZA 1963 GALAXIE 2 DOOR OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR METEOR 4 DOOR Lie. A95174 Lie. E9159 Lie. A95717 Lie 525-373 Lie. A97773 FUEL OILS Our Office Is Now Located PONTIAC WAGON RETRACTIBLE HARDTOP Lie. 843-525 FORD FORD FORD Lie. 80524-X stake, F 600 ’A ton Lie. C-72124 BAYFIELD — Veterans of World War II, Legion mem­ bers, Bayfield .Scouts,, Cubs, Guides and Brownies were join­ ed by many local residents as they pal'd tribute to the me­ mory of those who* died in the defence of freedom. A church parade to St. An­ drew’s United Church preced­ ed the interdenominational ser­ vice at the cairn in Clan Greg­ or Park. The church service was con­ ducted by Mr. Donald' R. Beck. Mr., Beck’s sermon was based on tire texit “For Everything A Season”. The service at the cenotaph was opened by Mr. Beck wiho called upon' the Rev. Bruce Ea­ ton to offer a prayer. A short address by the Rev. Canon F. H. Pauli followed. Roll call was read by Legion representative, George Bell- ifc AT j r Quite often television stations receive calls and letters' com­ plaining about types of pro­ grams; the times they are scheduled; various personalities and commercials. A recent letter-to-the-editor in The London Free. Press was headed “TV’s Rude Noises”, and complained about commer­ cials. In part, here is ithe let­ ter: “I was specially annoyed last evening, while at dinner, When Pierre B er ton was on, (CFPL-TV London) to have a commercial come on with, such power than the din was deaf­ ening. In our home, when com­ mercials .offend us. by noise or in tasite, then we are mark­ ing down the name of the sp­ onsor to make sure we shall never again buy his product until he learns some semblance of the good manners expected from a guest an one's- home". Having just returned from Europe1, I had the opportunity of watching television in two different countries, namely England and Belgium. It's true •that these countries are far ahead of us in many, many dif­ ferent \vays, but the people in the United States and Canada don’t know how tacky* they are as far as television program- imirig is concerned. We can be entertained alrriost 24 hours (Continued on page 9) ’ chamber. Those on the Hon­ our Roll from the War, 1914- 1918: Private Harvey Currie; Private Kenneth Currie; priv­ ate Wilfred Toms ; Private'Ro­ bert McLeod; Private Allan McDonald; Private Victor Ev­ ans; Private Edward Adiey and Private Arthur Clarke; 1939-45: Warrant Officer Richard V. Weston; Merchant Seaman Robert David James Hopson; and Private Charles Stewart Cann. Wreaths were laid under the direction of Legion representa­ tive R. Roy Fitzsimons; Prov­ ince of Ontario, Mrs. George Hopson; village of Bayfield. Reeve F. McFadden; Clinton Legion 140, Legion representa­ tive Merton Merner; Loyal Or­ ange Lodge 24, Malcolm Toms; Lions Club, Lloyd Makins; Bap­ tist Church, Mrs. Russell Kerr; Anglican Church, Fred Arkell; United Church, Albert Dunn: Presbyterian • Church, William Armstrong; Cubs and Scouts, Danny McLeod and Bradley Turner; Brownies and Guides, Karen Gemeinhardt and San­ dra Telford’. After the two mlinute silence, the National Anthem was sung, led by Mrs. J. B. Hig­ gins. Closing prayer was of­ fered by the Rev. E. J. B. Har­ rison. ' Colour Sergeant Jo'e Mayman led the parade. The Legion Colours were carried by J. E. Hovey an'd Lyle Hill, the Scout Colour by Robbie MacVean, the Cub Colour by Paul Payne and the Canadian Flag and Guide Colour by Monica Gemeinhardt and Colleen Merner. h;A- r g .2 aw pi- aS Reeve Frank McFadden laid the wreath for the Village of Bayfield. (Photos by Audrey Bellchamber) II V HURON NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY ASSOCIATION / Will Meet At The Elm Haven Motel, Clinton Ontario Thursday November 10,1966 at 8:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME TO HEAR DONALD C. MacDONALD ' M.P.P. Ontario Leader Lunch Will Be Served Published by the Huron N.D.P. Association 44-5b 1 * ...........—.............. — — 'l< jr LADIES and MEN'S WEAR O ^e^lTl0Sc?tMoBrT _ CLINTON Ha ve Just Been Appointed to Represent the W. R. JOHNSTON Made-To-Measure SUIT CO. BETTER QUALITY MADE-TO-MEASURE As An Introductory Offer $89.95 to $99.95 Range S79.50 • J I- FOR ONLY .......... wi VaW And The Regular $109.95 Range for $85.00 THIS OFFER GOOD FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY At LEE'S — CLINTON. — PHONE 482-9711 I at 245 VICTORIA STREET | FOR YOUR SAFETY OUR DELIVERY TRUCK I |_________CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY_________[ GORDON GRIGG PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs THAMES Lie. C-70943 Lie. C-72233 CHEVROLET 3 ton stake FORD «/2 ton Lie. B-33816 INTERNATIONAL good telephone box Lie. C-72074 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. MERCURY — METEOR — COMET FALCON — COUGAR PHONE 262-2604 Al X! SECOND TIRE when you buy a pair W A z Ik S, fS ftll kid RADFORD’S GARAGE LONDESBORO PHONE CLINTON 482-9221 or BLYTH 523-4519