HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-11-10, Page 3F At an impressive installation ceremony in St. Paul’s Parish Hall last Thursday evening before oyer 100 lodge members, a local team installed the offic­ ers of Clinton Chapter No, 266 of the Order of the Eastern Star. The officers are, seated, left to right, Mrs. William Norman, associate matron; Mrs. Bert Garrett, worthy matron; Harry Williams, worthy patron; Don Watson, associate patron; standing, left to right, Mrs. Harry Williams, Esther; Mrs. Don Over 100 Persons Of Clinton Eastern . •■; ,.<F r- ••• , Over 100 persons were pre­ sent lasit Thursday evening when Mrs. Bert Garrett was' installed as Worthy Matron of Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern Star. The installation was conduct­ ed1 by Installing Matron Mrs. Harry Williams and Installing Patron Gordon Steepe. Other members of the instal­ ling team, were Marshal Mrs. William Wells, Clinton Chapter, Home and School To Study New Math Fifteen of the eighteen mem­ bers of the executive to1 the Home and S chool Association in Clinton were present at last Thursday's meeting to draft plans for the corning year. - The next general meeting is set for Thursday, November 24 at 8:30 p.m. when Clinton Elementary School Principal Bert Gray and Ron McKay will demonstrate die new math ■which is taught in the. modern classrooms. It is also hoped some musical entertainment, will be provided by some stu­ dents at the school under the direction of Mliss Lois Gr'asby. Regular monthly rneetings will be held the last Thursday of each month with the excep­ tion of December. Executive meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of every month. The Association is looking for some parent to fill the position of vice-pneslid'enit on the executive, as well as Women to act as “Room Mothers” dur­ ing the remainder of the school year. /■ ........... - ' ........... ALSO RE-DECORATE FOR THE WINTER SEASON PREPASTED WALLPAPER Reg. $1.55 ................ REDUCED TO 98 c Some Rolls reduced as low as 45c NON PASTED WALLPAPER Res. $1.55 ................ REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 39c KiAKivriTi-iFD RDFr.iAl <? IN OUR STORE While you run all over looking for a coat your neighbour is buying a good coat at home and saving money! too — Our Sale Continues on All COATS and CAR COATS 10% OFF FOR A CASH SALE ARMISTICE DAY SPECIAL — *» I Ten Coats Only Misses and Matron Styles COO ftE Values to $69.95 ............. SPECIAL SALE /3 November 11/ Armistice Day Open 1 p.m* Until 9 R.lm* only for a cash advance . Shopping with ready cash can help you complete your holiday preparations early . . , and getting the money you need to do it is a simple matter at your GAC office. You’ll get prompt, personal Service and convenient monthly payments fitted to your budget Stop in or call. Get a cash advance from GAO for gift-buying, new clothtrig, home furnishings, holiday travel.». or for any good reason. Mrs. Bid Thompson, Stratford; organist Mrs, Clare McBride, Zurich; and Mr. and Mrs. Dion Symons, w!ho sang a dtoeit. Other officers are: Worthy Patron, Harry Williams; As­ sociate Matron, Mrs. William Norman; Associate Patron, Don Watson; secretary, Mrs. Don Watson; treasurer, Mrs. Alex Haddy; conductress, Mrs. Gerry Holmes; associate con­ ductress, Mrs. Jack Reid; chap­ lain, Mrs. Willard Aiken; mar­ shal, Mrs. Lloyd Carter; or­ ganist, Mrs. Don Symons. Adah, Mrs. Gordon Steepe; Ruth, Mrs. Lawrie Slade; Es­ ther, Mrs. Harry Williams; Martha, Mrs. Ken Johnston; Ontario St. UCW Views Slides Mrs. Art- Groves opened th,e November meeting of Unit 2 Ontario Street UCW with a poem and Mrs. R. Connell read a Psalm and Mrs. J. B. Lavis gave the devotional. Mrs. W. MacArthur report­ ed on the regional meeting with details Of the address giv­ en by Mirs. E, Egdlsson of Wood- stock. Mrs. Art Aiken described slides taken on a recent rip to Quebec City and New Bruns­ wick. Arrangements were made1 for the bazaar on December 3, and meeting with Unit 1 will be held December 6. Selections, played by Gordie Lavis, Clare’ Proctor and Lariy Gibbings on electric guitars were enjoyed by the ladies. A social time at the close of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. W. Hoggart, Mrs. G. Mann and Mrs. W, MaicAntihiur. Symons, organist; Mrs. Willard Aiken, chaplain; Mrs. Alex Haddy, treasurer; Mrs. Lawrie Slade, Ruth; Mrs. Don Watson, secretary; Mrs. Jack Reid, in rear, associate conductress; Mrs. Gerry Holmes, conductress; Mrs. Gordon Steepe, Adah; Mrs. Don Kay, Electa; Mrs. Frank Cook, warder; Ken John­ ston, sentinel; Mrs. Lloyd Carter, marshal; Mrs. Ken Johnston, Martha. (News-Record Photo) Attend Installation Star Officers Electa, Mrs. Don Kay; warder, Mrs. Frank Cook; sentinel, Ken Johnston. Past Matron and Past Pat­ ron jewels were presented’ to Mrs. D.on Watson by her hus­ band and to Gordon Steepe by bis wife, Shirley. WSllfiam Man- ness, London, sentinel of Grand Chapter of Ontario1, attended; Other visitors were from Niles- town, London^'Stratford, Exe­ ter, Strathroy, Miitch'ell, Sea- Newspaper Club At CHSS Needs Year Books (By Twyla Arnston) The Newspaper Club' at OHSS, in conjunction with the school Library, wish, to start a School Archives S'ection in the Library. ■ We wish to establish a collec­ tion of school yearbooks .that will date back to the original of the school's yearbook. Also we wish to gather a complete file of former newspapers from this school. We would appreciate it if all students would ask older brothers and sisters and their parents, wlho may have any of these articles at home. Any donations of s’chooi yearbooks or newspapers will be grate­ fully accepted in the library. The d'onor’s name will be noted' in the book. Let’s try and make this school live by discovering our traditions! I I ...... ........ ■ II „»,!■■■ Ml-... .......... OUR 'CASH ON COAT' SALE forth, Goderich, Blyth, Hamil­ ton and Pairkhill. 40 YearsWed; Couple Feted At Son's Home Relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbings last Saturday evening for a surprise party to mark the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings, RR 1 Clinton. The table was decorated with ruby streamers and centred with a three-tiered wedding cake made by the bride’s sis­ ter. Mrs. Norman Radiford, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shoib- brook, attendants to' the bride and groom at their wedding 40 years ago, were present. The celebrants have three children, sons Bill and Bob of Hullett Township and a.daugh­ ter, Mrs. Jack (Doris) And­ rews, Scarfooro. They also have nine grandchildren. Gifts were presented follow­ ing an address read by Connie Gibbings. The 95th birthday 'of John G. Gibbings was celebrat­ ed1 the same evening. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 S From My Window— Going Once Going — Gone! At the risk of becoming an incurable addict, I threw cau­ tion to the seven winds last weekend and uttered two words I am quite apt to regret for the rest of my husband’s life. The words? Seventy-five. The place? An Auction Sale! I used to scoff at the ardor of some people as they follow­ ed .blindly after the gabbing auctioneer, hardly able to breathe Until the very last pickle crock and cider jug had been sold to the highest bidder. Then, in elated jubilation they carried home th dir treasure’s—a leaking feather tick, two rusty flatirons, a -nightmarish study in watercolour of George Drew, a musty butter churn. In truth, I scoff no longer. I have experienced the ex­ citement of purchasing merch­ andise at a price I can decide, rather than shopping via the m oxr e conventional method where’ articles are tagged at a certain. price •— take it or leave it. I really hadn’t intended to open my mouth, I’d always been very careful at an auction sale not to move my hands, my lips, my eyes, a muscle un­ til the bidding had ceased, In fact, until Saturday I was root­ ed to the spot, paralyzed with fear at the mere thought oif placing a bid. I think, perhaps it was a ser­ ies of three tiny remarks which loosened my tongue sufficiently to shout to my own surprise “Seventy-five1’ when Some cur­ tains were on the block. Earlier, I had watched my neighbour enjoy her first ex­ perience as a bidding customer. She assured me, “there was nothing to it”. Then I observed my friend-, Obviously a sophisticated bid­ der. She nodded so' slyly as the auctioneer’s watchful eye To enjoy holiday shopping at your convenience. < /■> ( / * scanned the crowd, indicating so silently and easily the am­ ount she was willing to spend. She told me with pride, “I go home with .a lot of little bar­ gains.” The clincher was the con-* versation I had with an ac­ quaintance whom I admire greatly. She said, “I just started to go to sales this sum­ mer but I have a bail. You get the bug you know, Mostly the things I want go to high for me, but it’s lots of fun to bid until it gets out of your range. And once in a while, you get What you want at a price you want to pay. What could be nicer?” I didn’t get started to bid until the sale had nearly ended; and it took only one' bid tor me to “geit the bug” as my friend had predicted1. Every time the auctioneer took a breath, I was tempted to inter­ ject a bid. I found I was eager to bid on everything I saw, useful or not, and.' the excite­ ment mounted each time a new Goderich Pair Married 52 Years Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young, Huron Rd., Goderich, will cele­ brate their 52nd wedding anni­ versary tomorrow. The couple, married, in Bay- field by the Rev. Alfred Mc­ Farlane. on November 11,1914, farmed in Goderich Township until their retirement to Gode­ rich. • ' ■ They have three children: Mrs. Graham (Olive) ston, Clinton; (Bessie) Black, James, seven great grandchildren. John- Mrs, Harold Clinton; and Goderich Township; grandchildren and two ► ij ........ Based on the novel by KARL MAY ■ Directed by HARALD REINL • Produced by HORST WLNDLANDI SAT. MATINEE at 2 p.m. — 25c each MONDAY, TUESDAY — Nov. 14-15 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Sean Connery— JoanneWoodward JeanSeberg ’A Fine Madnees” A JEROME HELLMAN Production CO-STARRING PATRICK O'NEAL* COLLEEN DEWHURST cove revill-werner peters -john fiedler bsi KAY MEDFORD • JACKIE COOGAN • ZOHRA LAMPERT • SORRELL BOOKE and SUE ANE LANGDON - Music Composed and KA Conducted by John Addison Screenplay by ELLIOTT BAKER • Produced by JEROME HELLMAN - Directed by IRVIN KERSHNER At 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. TECHNICOLOR® FROM WARNER BROS, i r* i / T Shirley Keller article was introduced. I spent very little for the enjoyment I received. I have found a new challenge — a new spprt! Honestly girls, it’s more fun than bpwling and twice as much fun as bargain hunting anywhere else,. RECLINER CHAIRS . ROCKERS and . SWIVEL ROCKERS EVER SHOWN FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS With the big demand for quality recliners this year . . . you should order yours today. We carry 20 recliners in different models and colours; also all styles in rockers and swivels. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS ANY ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS BEATTIE FURNITURE Albert Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9521 z—nan if theatreJi GODERICH A n AiAwAAon THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business -------------................— - — ■ —---------------- ■ - i -i THURS., FRI., SAT. — Nov. 10-11-12 — DOUBLE FEATURE — ' IT’S THE FLINTSTONES! ... in their first full-length MUSICAL SPY ADVENTUREI K»Bl 7 HIT SONGS! At 9:00 p.m. Only PLUNDER! VENGEANCE! COLUMBIA PICTURES-2 presents !k/J APACHE COLOR CINemaScopE 4,,. JIw K: ,L. & •LJLv Beginning WED., NOV. 16 for 4 Days ■ax; Warner Bros: super action show ofshows!L.« B 'W' Clinton News-Record-—Pg^ 3 Thurs., Noy. 10, 1966 Kinetics Get New Members Clinton Kinettes' met at the home of Mrs. Andy Peterson o,n Tuesday, November 8. Two new members, Mrs. Ted Mc­ Cullough and Mrs1. Ron Jewitt were welcomed into the club. Lunch was served by Mrs, Maiit Edgar and Mrs. Al Finch. The next regular meeting is to' be held at the home of Mrs, Bob Mann. s * If J IS M ~ SHO.WS 7 & 9:30 p.m. DREWS-