HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-20, Page 18IT (USS Where The t Action Is ' e , Commencement for 1965-66 was held in the school October 2jjx The auditorium was $Ued With anxious and proud parents. Diplomas were given to Grade 12 and 13 students in the Five-Year Arts and Science, Five-Year Science, Technology and Trades, and Five-Year Business and Commerce Bran-, ehes, Students who had com­ pleted the Four-Year Business and Commerce, Four-Year S.T.T. as well as the Special Corpmercial Branch received their Diplomas. Certificates of Standing and Certificates Training were, presented to gpaduatmg students of Two-Year programme and versified, Occupations. Twenty-six awards were pre­ sented to the top students at chss. The school would like to thank the donors of these awards. Bruce McBride re­ ceived the Ontario Scholar Di-» ploma as well as five other awards. The guest speaker, Robert McKinley MP, addressed the graduates, stressing competition in a changing world. The finale of the gala, even­ ing was a dance for all gradu­ ates and families. On October 22, 34 cadets from COSS attended an ‘out­ door shoot’ at Cedar Springs. The three top boys from Clin­ ton were Jim Keller with 72, John Sprung with 69 and Doug Armstrong with 64. These were their scores out of a possible of the the Di- St. Andrew's WMS Mrs, R. U. MacLean led the Thanksgiving service of the Women’s Missionary Society of . St. Andrew’s ■ Presbyterian - Church, and.' opened' the meeting with the Scripture reading. Two readings on religion and agriculture showed how closely the two were connected. President Mrs. Blacker dudted the business. -----------o----------- con- St. James WA At Work Meeting The Women’s Auxiliary of St. James’, Middleton, held its Oct­ ober meeting at the home of Mrs. Milton Steep, Clinton, a former member. This was a work meeting and the ladies quilted on a crib quilt. President Mrs. Don Middle- ton conducted tire burliness meeting. Mrs. Jqhn Grigg read ■ the minutes of %e lasit* meet­ ing and the roll call was an­ swered by nine members and five visitors.’ The president, reported the 1967 Study Book would be’ on Canada and. that a Centennial Educational Conference Study would be held in London. All subscriptions for the Liv­ ing Message should be sent in by November 15 as well as the Deanery Apportionate to the Diocesan Treasurer. A missionary Rally was' held in St. George’s Church, Gode­ rich on October 21 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Don Middleton, -Mrs. Keith Miller and Mrs. Ed Wise, went to the Ontario Hospital and helped .entertain the pa­ tients in September. Mrs. Jack Smiilth, reporting for the Dorcas Society, was quilting the fifth crib' quilt. Blocks for three more were reaidly and an order for another one had been received. Mrs. Ray Wise conducted, the worship service. The Litany for Thanksgiving .was read respon­ sively from the “Living Mes­ sage!’. Theme and. comments on the scripture lesson were on the season of harvest and Thanksgiving, I/—, ........................ , , , one-hundred shots, The CHSS Redmen .are veiling fo South Hunon on Fri­ day, October 28 for a football game. Also on Friday evening there will be a “Monster Mash." in the form of a Hallowe'en Dance sponsored by the Stu­ dent's Council. The music will be supplied by. 'the “London Set’’. Come one, pome all to the gala costume ‘ball’! CHSS Graduation Diplomas Presented BRUCEFIELD HALLOWE’EN DANCE i Oct. 27-28-29 MON., TUES., WED. — Oct. 31, Nov. 1-2 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents a Jacques Bar Production starring ORCHESTRA---------LUNCH ' Prizes for Costumes and Special Dances COUPLES ONLY Persons Must Be Over 21 Years Old Admission: $2,50 per couple slutting - FERLIN HUSKY MINNIE PEARL GEORGE JONES LORETTA LYNN ROY ORUSKY SKEETER DAVIS BILL ANDERSON and many other,. Wr^HS vSl COUNTS Thurs., Oct. 27, 1966'm Clinton News-Rec ord Page 5 / THE FABULOUS V Remember The Dead By Helping The Living Evening, November 3 V 't CLINTON'S NEW CENOTAPH IN LIBRARY PARK A ED PORTfeP, President Clinton Legion, Branch 140 ✓ "S MOTOR HOTEL HURON ST. WEST CLINTON, ONT. Adult Biltei-tatriment Showing at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion BOB BURKE, Chairman tnitffon Legion Poppy Committee Hotel Clinton Featuring' CLOUD 9" Room Friday and Saturday Evenings Only "CHICKEN IN A BASKET"- SUS ORDERS BY TELEPHONE Friday—-Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. • Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight *'#^^!*^*******l*/'<r**'*UM***<^*Mr#>^MM**^afMh#>«Mr***Mlh**'*'^#**>*^r**^ SMORGASBORD DINNERS Every Sunday Evening from 5 to 7 Phone 482-3421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions McLean. Shirley Mustard, Huth Rankin, ' Joyce Rath; Patsy D. Ryan, Barbara Sanderson, Barbara Semple, Betty Shea, Darlene Sills, Marjorie Turner and Janet Young. VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATES The chairman of tlxe Advis­ ory Vocational Committee to the CDCI Board, James Taylor. Hensall, who represents South Huron' District High‘ School : Board/ Exeter, presented cer­ tificates of standing and cerr tificates of 'training to voca­ tional students. He was assisted by William, Craig, director of technical training, WiilhW MacArthur, director' of com­ mercial training and. Mrs. Mel­ ba Whetham. head of toe home economics department,. Certificate Of Standing Two-Year programme Janet Adam, Rulssel Adams, Debbie Amoroso, Arlene Ayotte, Susan Barlow, Janet Beattie, Pauline 'Bell, Valerie Beuer- mann, Leslie Broadfoot, Norah Brown, Robert Cook, Joanne CMonin, Leo Cronin, Theresia Cronin, Leslie Dykeman, Ann Eckert, Joan Eckert, Mona Enzensber­ ger, Douglas Erb, Brian Fisch­ er, Cameron Gardner, Gary Gray, Stanley Harburn, Susan Hay, Sharon Heard, Dennis Hodgert, Louise Kenny, Peter Kling, Sandy Lamont, Ray Lawson, Jim Letshman, Ian Mabon, Bob McBride, Laverne Mc­ Clure, .Kevin McCoi’mick, An­ gus McDonald, Jacqueline Mc­ Intyre, James McIver, Murray McKenzie, Jack McMichael, Ruth Miller, Patricia Murray, David Nigh, Heather Oakley, Murray Obre, Brian O’Neil, GTen Overholt, John Rau, Dan­ ny Riehl, Marion Shipp, Douglas Smith, Alan Sprung, Dorothy Stebbins, Jopn Steeg- s'tra, Welby Stone, Joanne Stryker, Bedford Taylor, Grant Tyndal'l, Donald Watson and Ross Wilson. Certificate Of Training Bonnie Bell, Marlene. Beiber, Donald Clarke, George Colter, Larry Cowell, Paul iCuthill, Dariene Desjardine, Joyce Dol­ mage, . Rosemary' Fleming, Lynda Glenville, Mary Lumley, Irene Mac­ Donald, Brian Miller, Myles Price, ■ Brenda Riachio, Gerald Rader, Marion Schroeder, Fred Webber, Wayne Young. -----------o------------ Canvass Next Week For Bible Society The Clinton Branch. oif the Canadian Bible Society is plan­ ning a canvass of -the town during the week of October 31. The' work of the -Bible Soc­ iety depends en!tirel.y on volun­ tary contributions from congre-- gallons and individuals and on legacies. The Society receives 'no grants from Church Head­ quarters. It was founded and is main­ tained because every church and all miisisiionarieis must have the Scripture in the languages of the people. It is endorsed by ail Church leaders' and all mtis- sionaries. In the Bible Society, the various churches and mission­ ary societies co'-operate to ac-.- complish. a task that no one could undertake alone. The Bible Society exists because it performs a 'necessary function and is an agency which, pro­ vides for a. recognized and es­ sential need of all Christians. The canvassers hope Clinton- ians will receive them couirte'- ously and respond as generous­ ly as possible. . ■ -----------o----------- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results 3uew Has Meeting Unit 3, of the. Brucefield UCW met at the home of Mr's. SL Wilson, .with Tuckersmith Unit as guests, Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. R. McBeath. led the worship. The Study led by Mrs. Allan was taken from the Study book “The Church and, the World'Chapter 35 “The* Min* istry of the Laity’’ was studied and discussion groups, formed, Mrs. A. Hill took charge of the business session. It was a.- greed to sell church calendars again t'h'i's year. A supper spon­ sored by Unit 3 wdl be held around the middle of Novem­ ber, Tickets will be sold by unit members,. A few members will meet at tod home of Mrs. Allan to try their hand at candle making in the neiar future. Mrs. William Burdge will select a new executive for next year and Mrs. A. Taylor. Mrs. M.. Graham and Mrs. R. Allan will look after programming for next year. After the meeting an auction sale was held with Mrs. HUI as an able auctioneer, A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Burdge and her assistants. Personals Mr. Victor Hargreaves made a business trip to Calgary early this week. Miss Mary Elliott, Clinton, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Dutton. ■ Anniversary services will be held in Brucefield United Ch­ urch on Sunday, October 30th at 11 o’clock and 7:30 p.m. Mr. Wally McBeth is not as well as1 his many friends would like, • . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smiley, Eian, spent a week with' their cousins in the. village. Mrs. Shou’ldice, Exeter, visit- A, Paterson this' weelc Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley Neale are spending this week with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and tyfrs. Mac Wilson. ' Mrs. Ruth Koivaek and Miss Thelma Snelling of Pont Col- borne' visited last week with Mr. and Airs. Charles Snelling. -----------o----------- O Bik - ■ - ; '■ - /•. .7 'ai',' i> ■" •<?■? Local Firemen Responsible For This One! Clinton Volunteer Fire Brig­ ade were commissioned by John S, Parker to burn down the old insul-brick sided frame house at 'the corner of Matilda Street and' Victoria Terrace on Satur­ day afternoon. Mr. Parker had purchased the property which butts on the Bayfield River near the sewage disposal plant, from J. Gilman, Toronto, earlier this year. The property was formerly owned by William Steep. In the above picture the Little England kids watch an old landmark disappear. At left, firemen Art Hoggart, left and Hec Kingswoll watch Tom Twyford put the match to kindling 'in the corner of the former living room. ’ STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 Clinton Branch 140 Royal Canadian Legion CLINTON BRANCH 140 OFTHE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION POPPY SALES Historical Society Final Meeting Mrs. Wilfred Mack, president of Huron County Historical Society, Chaired the final open meeting Central evening, October 24. A comprehensive history, of Usborne Township was read by Mrs. Theron Creery; Mrs. Philip Johns played a medley of old- time favourites. Mr. John W. Smith, London, was guest speaker. His stories of life in Whitehorse, Yukon and on the far Arctic coast were well-illustrated by pic­ tures and' a. film,.t Elimville and Hurondlale, Women’s Institutes displayed their Tweedtemuiir Histories and a collection of relics. These two groups also catered, for the. meeting. of 1966 at .tfsborne School on Monday // . Beginning at 7:00 O'clock CLINTON LEGION HALL—KIRK STREET SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Is Holding Its Annual PEANUT SALES DRIVE House-to-House Canvass Will Be Conducted On The Evenings Of •DAY, NOV. 1 - S.:' ESDAY. NOV. 2 - £rT' I CHRISTMAS PACK - PARTY PACK and PEANUT BUTTER Ci Net Receipts from this Planter's Peanut Sales Drive will go toward equipping the Kinsmen Peewee Hockey League, also for the Annual Kinsmen Toy Campaign. IF CONVENIENT, HAVE USED TOYS READY, AS WELL AS GOOD USED CLOTHING, FOR THE KINSMEN CANVASSERS TO PICK UP. BE GENEROUS ... These Ar6 Worthwhile Projects u. PARKM GODERICH ■i ■ ■fllfBBON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business ----------,.............. . THURS., FBI., SAT. 'County Musitoh Broadway i GREAT! ...HOW THE GREATEST CO’JMTRY MUSIC SPECTACULAR fcVfP. HIM ^.c I . Showing at 7:30 and 9:^0 p.mk SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:15 P.M. ■ e a liner —always a target, for either side of the law! All wdir veterans are invited to participate in remembrance day activities . , . not just Legion members, The Canadian Legion^, Poppy Trust Fund is the answer for thousands of war widows, orphans and disabled veterans.