HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-20, Page 15Page 2 — Clinton News-Record r— Thurs., Oct, 27, 1966 N,. ' Ontario Scholar Bruce McBride Giving His Valedictory Address at* CHSS Commencement CHSS Graduation Diplomas Presented at Commencement ’ V ' ’7 ' '■ •■•**:...>■ ■' ■ L”' '• ’ ‘ .• Guest Speaker Robert McKinley, MP Huron a graduate of CHSS. Martin Montmorency receiving the Asmussen Award from Technical Director William Craig. HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS John Lavis, former chairman of the board1-of GDCI, and still a beard member representing Clinton Public School Board, presented the Secondary School Honour . Graduation Diplomas. He ‘ was assisted by Robert Smith, ’head of lihe foreign language department and Ken­ neth, Walzak, assistant English department head. Those receiving the .diplomas were: Margaret Rose Aldington, Frances Ann Blacker, Murray Moffat Blackie,. Patricia Anne Burns,, ....... — .... - wright/ _____ _____ ___, Steven .Charles Cooke, Robert Cart-Waiter Keiilth „ Arthur James ’Cole, Bruce McBride receiving a cheque from Charles Stiver, head of CHSS Guidance Services. RsljBi J Y r Elwin Cooper, Francis Harry Cummings, Douglas Wayne Currie, Maur­ een Ruby Driscoll, Bradley George Dutot, Ronald D. El­ liott, Gail Donna Maye Gar­ nett, John Alfred Geiger, Kevin Gordon Henley, Sandra Belle Himmelman, Barbara Joan Irwin, John Bryan Lavis, Michael Lewis LeBeaiu, Percy James Liver­ more, Clarence Addison Magee, Clara Ruth Martin, Edward Keith Martin, Gary Bruce Mc- . Bride, Sandra J. Merrill, Sandra Dawn Middleton, Gail Lynne Milton, Linda' Joyce. Murphy, Kenneth Lloyd Os­ born, Lawrence Herbert Pear­ son, Donna Jean Peck, Barbara Elizabeth Pegg, Lynn Kathrine Rees, Patricia Sharon Robinson, Susan Roorda, William Joihn Ross, Richard W. Russell, Gary Richard Semeniuk, Deborah Ann Smith, Roberta Grace Smith, Bonnie Sharon Snell, Donald1 Wayne Sprung, Rich­ ard M. Steegstra, Marsha Lilian Teoibutt, Richard Frederick Tinsley, John Vanderhaar, Louis VanLammeren, Anthony Verhoef, Dianne Verhoef and Lenus William Yeo. GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Vice-chairman of" CD CI Board. Robert Elliott Who rep­ resents Goderich Township and is a‘ former graduate of the school, presented graduation di­ plomas to the graduates in the various four and five year courses. He was assisted by Vice-Principal Gordon Phillips and Kenneth Clynick, head of the physical education depart­ ment. Receiving diplomas were: Five-Year Arts and Science Mary Ellen Andrews, Linda Armstrong, Keith Ashton, Pen­ elope .Bateman, Nieliil Bellcham­ ber, Bonni'e Boyes, Susan E. Brown, Ruth Bylsma, Rolfe Coolie, Bonnie 1 Cox, Rowena Coirey, Grace Cullen, John C. Cullen, Bonnie Dal-, rymiple, Paul Dyck,-FredEckel, Bruce Elliott, Margaret" For­ rest, John Geiger, Ralph Ging­ erich, Helen Good, Edward B. Gomall, Janis Guthrie, William Guthrie, Robert Harland, Gwendolyn •Hay, John Irwin, Fred Jewson, . . ■......................!...........11,1 ..................■ "" '"Sk Glenda Johnston,, Elwiin Kings- well, Linda Little, Elizabeth A. Livermore, Marie Lobb, Gordon J. Logan, Terry J. MacKenzie, Grace Mc­ Adam, D. Campbell McAlpine, Murray McBride, James Mc­ Connell, Ann McKibbon, Lawrence W. McKinley, Shir­ ley Norman, David Overboe, Lawrence Pickett, Nicholas Poppenk, Gloria Prest, Douglas C.‘ Proctor, Carol Reichert, Jannigje J. Roorda, Cafhrane Scott, • . Jeffrey Shaddliick, Beverly Sparks, Wayne .Sprung, Marsha Tebbutt, Cai'dl ■ Thompson, Frederick Tyndall, . Glenda Wade. Rosalie Westlake, Doug­ las Yeo and Theresa Zalblocki. Five-Year Sciejice, Technology arid Trades John Breeze, Danny Camp­ bell, Wayne Hamilton, Douglas Hyde and Raymond Radford. Five-Year Business and Commerce William __ Estabrooks, Linda Donald and Cheryl Toll. Four-Year Business and Commerce Richard .Andrews, Gary Black, Brian Burbridge, Eliza­ beth. Carter, Rosemary Canter, Bert Coleman, Robert Cosford, Marina’ Coughtney, Ruth Cudmore, Jane Doran, "Marie Elliott, Tom Etue, Mar­ garet Fahner, Robert Farquhar, Jane Hamilton, Harold Gil­ lespie, ‘ Freda Goldsworthy, Richard Holland, William Hulls, Barbara Jowell, Carol Kemp- s'ton, Herman Lans'ink, Sharon MacDonald, Peggy McAsh, James McCann, Margaret McCulloch, Douglas McPher­ son, Janice "Merner, Mary Jean Neilans, Linda Nesbitt, Linda /’ ............. ■—I...-..—............... I III. HIM ■■ GemeihhardL BeveHey M. Mac- Nott, Jaqudline Patmore-Went, Patsy L. Rathwell, Jerry Rivett, Karen Saddler, Clara. Sal ver da, Donna Lynn Shobbnooik, Sharon Smyth, Ann Stephenson, Susan Stinson, Charles Swit­ zer, Barbara Turner, Joseph Van Rooijen, Ruth Warwick, Eleanor Wein ‘and Blaine Wright. Four-Year Science, Technology and Trades Gary Baxter, Bryan Bell, Paul Boolth, James Broadlfoct, Ronald Carter, James Cox, Douglas Currie, David Deput­ ter, Jeffrey Dixon, Michael Dren- rian, David" Durand, Raymond Eckel, Grant .Elliott, Leroy Felkar, Blair Fletcher, Thomas Gillis, David Gra­ ham, (Jerald Hayter, Bryan Hoy, Terrance Johnston, Wil­ liam 'Jongejan, Donald Maehari, Michael Maloney, Frank Mc­ Larty, ’Raymond K." McLean, Daniel McMillan, Martin Mont­ morency, Wayne Potter, ’ Ed-, Wdrcl Preszcator, Larry Presz- chitdr," Robert Riehl, Thomas Riley, Earle Rose, Paul Sampson,- Larry Scott, William Siemah. Gary Simpson, Frederick Stirling, Ronald Sytnick, Douglas Thompson, Brian Triebner, Wiliiiiam Turn­ er, Robert Vod'den and Douglas Warwick. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL COURSE Barbara Ball, Connie Beck, Patricia Brodie, Patricia Coyne, Linda Bales, John Doyle, Cathy Draper, Henny Drost, Susan Duncan, Patricia Ferguson, Joanne Fisher, Anne Harnack, Eliza­ beth Irvin, Carolyn Langille, Valerie Mathiieson, Mary Jean (Continued on Page Five)) F " 1 ' . .............................. NOVEMBER 2nd and 3rd — 7 to 11 p.m 2 NIGHTS — 8 HOUR COURSE 14 YEARS OLD AND UP 168 Queen Street, Clinton W. E. COLLINS 482-7420 I ■rk — THE OLD MILL — BLYTH, ONTARIO — 523-4413 G WOOL & LEATHER GOODS SPECIALS • STAhTlNG OCT. 26 THROUGH NOV. 19 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily including Wednesdays'-— Saturday to 16 p.m. SEE THE BACK PAGE OF THE HURON SHOPPING NEWS FOR DETAILS Ji WoHe-Lo. Unit Gives Thanks Mrs, Cliff Stewart opened the October rneeting of the Wo- HprLo with a ^jtq’ble jn?- Ucle ph “Thanksgiving”, teen ladies were present for •the worship service written by Dr. Walter" Pidgeon. Meditation was given by Mt?.t T. Oliver and prayer by Miss Mary Muir. Miss Luella Walkins'haw •spoke of Dr. Robert McClure’s missionary work in Ratlam, India. Comments cm missionary current- events were 'given by several members. Miss, E. Jamieson gave an article on ho<w the Jewish people have .kept Thanksgiving customs from the time of the Old Testament and Miss Muir gave a reading, .“The Little Things”,. A Bible contest was. enjoyed by 'toe, ladies which Miss E. Jamieson- won. The ladies answered roll call by giving thanks for some high­ light during the year. Mrs. Haddy announced the bale would be packed by the end of October and seven home calls were reported. This. Unit is .sponsoring the Dominion Life Choir Concert in the church. November 15. Ladies in meeting were ermore, Mrs. Luella Walkinshaw, -Miss Mary Mu!ir, Mrs. Ross MacDonald. charge of this Mrs.’. Percy Liv- T. Oliver, Miss In Clinton The 29 th office cif Morden and Helwig Ltd., Insurance Adjusters, will open for bus­ iness in Clinton on Monday' morning, October 31. It is located at 45 Albert Street, and Don MacEwan, who has been handling aill classes of insurance losses in 'this area will be in change. . ' ' This office^ at Clinton is the newest link in the “Chain of Service” provided by Morden & Helwig Limited. With an office at Clinton, as well as -in London, Sarni^, Hanover, Lis- toiwel, and Stratford, Morden & Helwig Limited are organ­ ized to render even more ef­ ficient service in this part of Ontario. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 bi GET YOUR REDECORATING DONE IN NOVEMBER BEFORE CHRISTMAS PREPASTED WALLPAPER Reg. $1.55 . ... .... . REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 45c NON-PASTED WALLPAPER Reg. $1.55 ................. REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 39c OTHER SPECIALS per D. A. KAY & SON 33 HURON STREET PHONE 482-9542 (Open Every Friday Night*) a FREE I Electric Blanket (S2435 RECOMMENDED RETAIL VALUE) when you buy a new Electric Clothes Dryer E. R. DOUCETTE 482-9741 Instructors „Phone I BUYSYOU A CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT CANADA'S FIRST BAN K BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS. DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%-$2s« FOR A $50 BOND; $5™ FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. BUY YOURS AT ANY BRANCH OF THE B OF M. Bank of Montreal Canada’s First Bank • Clinton Branch:. ... K. G. FLETT Manager RCAF Station (Sub-Agency) ‘ Operi Daily Londesborough (Sub-Agency): Operi Mon. & Thurs. / Until November 12-at all stores where you see the Hydro Special display. Quite possibly you have several good reasons of your own for buying an elec­ tric dryer. But here’s an excellent reason to buy right now: a double-bed size elec­ tric blanket, complete with illuminated dial control and two-year guarantee. This $24.95 value is yours free when you buy an electric dryer at any store featuring the Hydro Special. Why an electric dryer? It's the safe, speedy, odourless way to dry clothes. It /lets you forget the headaches of a clothesline. And it eliminates rainy-day delays. In short, an electric dryer leaves you more free time. Visit the store where you see the Hydro Special display. Tell them you’re in­ terested in more free time—and a free electric blanket. This offer applies only to residents of Ontario. ■ / Clinton Public Utilities Commission J. E. RANDS, Manager H. E. HARTLEY, Chairman 17 Park Lane — Phone 482-9601 * y f —