HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-20, Page 11ID—Clinton 1966 sentiy Jiving in Barrie but ex­ pects to mcye to the local area in the near future. Sgt. Roy Aylesworth Additional Staff Members Join CF SIT At Clinton Following the Jritegrotion of the Canadian Forces School of Instructional Technique at CFB Clinton last month, several new members joined trig staff of the school. The majority pf the new .arrivals are' from the anny’s Methods, of Instruction-' al Wing at Canadian Forces Base CBmp Bordgm WWWWF <?F G0pm<W NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE Wt the Qpunpji of the Corporation: of the Township of Goderich, ■ M the County of Huron, proposes- to pass a by-law, at jt$, meeting, at 3 -o’clock p.m„ on Tuesday, November 1, 1966, at the Mum- laipal . Building, Holmesville,. Ontario, for the purpose pf' stopping up that portion of' road allowance between Lota 35- and 38, Maitland Concession, Tpwnship pf Goderich, and that part of road being .composed of Lot 38, Maitland Concession, ip, the, Township of Goderich, open be Instrument No. 2750, for the said Township, more partic­ ularly described as follows: . . “AU and singular that oer^ tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Goderich, in/ the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Ept 38, Maitland. Concession and part of the original road allowance between Lots 38 and 35,. Maitland Concession, Town­ ship of Goderich, the'boundaries pf said par cel being more par­ ticularly described ais follows: PREMISING that the South­ east limit pf Lot-38, Maitland. Concession has a bearing of North, twentyreigilit degrees- eighteen minutes thirty seconds East (N 28° 18’ 30” E) and relating all bearings herein thereto; BEGINNING at the South-east angle. of Lot 38, Maitland Concession; THENCE North-east and along the East­ erly limit of Lot 38, a distance pf Six hundred thirty-six and twenty-four one hundredths (636.24) feet to the Southerly limit of the lands described in Instrument No. 4301 for the Township of Goderich; THENCE North sixty-one de­ grees forty-eight minutes West (N 61° 48’ W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands de­ scribed in Instrument No. 4301, < a distance of One thousand eight hundred seventy-two and thirty-six one hundredths (1872.36) feet to a point on the Southerly limit of the lands de­ scribed in Instrument No. 2750; THENCE South sixty-six de­ grees fourteen minutes fifty seconds West (S 66° 14' 50” W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands described in In- ' strument No. 2750 a ■ distance of One hundred. four and four tenths (104.4) feet to a point “B”, the said point being on the South-west limit of land taken for a road by the county of. Huron and being more particu­ larly described in Instrument No. 673.02; the said point being the' point of. commencement of the parcel ' herein described; THENCE continuing ’ South sixty-six degrees fourteen min­ utes fifty seconds West (S 66° 14' 50” W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands de­ scribed’ in Instrument No. 2750 and along the production West­ erly a distance of Five hundred forty-two and forty-six one hundredths (542.46) feet to a point oh the West limit of the original road/ allowance be­ tween Lots 35 and -38, in the Maitland Concession; THENCE ■North zero degrees nine min­ utes thirty seconds ’West (N 0° 09’ 30” W) and along the West limit of the original road .al­ lowance Between Lots 35' and 38, a distance> of Eight hundred sixty and one tenth (860.1) feet to the intersection of the West limit of the toad allow­ ance between Lots 35 and 38 with the- Westerly limit of lands acquired for highway pur­ poses by the County of Huron by Instrument No. 67302; THENCE South-east, along the arc of a curve to the right, the •said curve having a radius of 'One thousand nineteen and ninety-three one hundredths (1019.93) feet an arc distance of One hundred seventy-two and thirty-fiye one hundredths • (172.35) feet to a point on the East limit of the original road allowance between Lots 35 and 38, ...Maitland Concession, the. chord connection the beginning, arid ■ end of said arc having a chord length of One hundred seventy-two and fourteen one hundredths (172.14) feet and bearing. South twenty-two de­ grees forty-two minutes nine seconds East ,(S 22° 42' 09” E); THENCE South zero degrees nine minutes thirty seconds East (S. 0° 09' 30” E) and along the East 'limit of • the road allowance between Lots 35 and 38 a distance of Six hun­ dred and twenty-five one hun­ dredths (600.25) feet to its in­ tersection with, the Northerly limit of the lands described in Instrument No. 2750 for the Township of Goderich; THENCE North sixty-six de­ grees fourteen minutes fifty seconds East (N 66° 14’ 50” E) and along the Northerly limit of the lands described in In­ strument No. 2750, a distance of Three hundred ninety-two and three tenths (392.3) feet to a point on the South-west limit of the lands described in Instrument No. 67302; THENCE South sixty degrees thirty-one minutes twenty sec- onds East (S 60° 3T 20” El along tlie South-west limit of the lands described in Instru­ ment No. 67302, a distance of Eighty-two 'and four tenths (82.4) feet’to the aforemention­ ed point “B”, the said point be­ ing the point of commencement Pf the parcel herein described.” All documents in relation to the said toad allowance may be examined at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality, RR 2, Clinton, Ontario. AND FURTHER TARE NOTICE that Council will, at such meeting hear in person or by Iris counsel, solicitor t or ageht any person who claims that his land will be preju­ dicially affected by the by-law arid who applies to,be heard. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, the 1st day of October, 1966. R. E. THOMPSON Township Clerk 40-431) An Attractive Display of a Huron County Product The Huron County Wheat Producers spent . many hours and much jnpney on their exhibit in the Huron pavilion at the International Plowing Match. Their efforts were rewarding as it is one of the most attractive, at the show. The signs pretty, well tell the story of wheat growing in the county. The first wheat was planted near the site of the 1966 match in 1829 t— 137 years ago.' Attendants at the ! illuminated booth ‘are, left, Robert Henry, Blyth and Philip Durand, RR 2 Zurich.. Russell ’ Bolton, McKillop farmer, who is chairman of the Ontario Wheat Growers Association, and a member of the Huron County Local Committee of the Inter­ national Plowing Match, was never very far from the wheat booth. ' Y Sergeant Roy Aylesworth comes to Clinton from Camp Borden. A native of Calgary, Sgt, Aylesworth belongs to the Queen’s Own Rifles, of Canada, He resides in Centralia with his Wife, and three children. WO1 Bruce Laidlaw WO1 Bruce Laidlaw iis a Korean veteran and a member of the Royal Highlanders ■, of Canada. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Warrant Officer Laidlaw comes to Clinton from Camp Borden. He lives in Cen­ tralia with his wife, Helen, and their four children. WO2 Cecil Moody weekend with F/L Jan Kok Flight Lieutenant Jan Kok was previously based at the Officer Selection Unit in Cen­ tralia. Born, in the Dutch East Indies, Fit. Lt. Kok served as a pilot with the Netherlands Air Force during World War Two. He and his wife1, Connie, reside at RR 3, Exeter, with their six children. Ik ' J WO2 Cecil Moody, a military .instructor by trade, served at •Centralia prior to hi's posting to ’Clinton. He hails from Chatham and resides in married quarters at Centralia with his wife, Mar­ tha. - • • CpI. Peter Frost Corporal Peter Frost was stationed in Camp Borden be­ fore being posted to Clinton. An administration clerk by trade, he served with the. Royal Air Force before joining the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps in 1957. Cp'l. FTOst, his wife, Pamela, and their two children, reside at RR 5, Clin­ ton. F/L Ken Williams Another Centralia ex-patriot is Flight Lieutenant Ken WiL liarns. A pilot by trade, he flew Spitfires during the' War, as a member . of 416 Squadron in the 2nd Tactical. Air Force. A'native of Port Colborne, Fit. Lt. Williams lives in married quarters at Centralia with his wife, M and their four children. WO2 Leslie Mac Bride ■Prior to arriving in Clinton, WO2 -Leslie MacBride of the Royal Canadian Engineers, served with the United Nations Emergency Force in Egypt. His hometown * is Ottawa, and he resides in Centralia with his wife, Elizabeth, and ’their three children. There will be an ultra­ modern marina at Expo 67. Yachtsmen will find a dub house, barber shop, restaurant, weather service, and repair and fuelling facilities. Most of 'the floating docks' will have electricity, Water and telephone connections. ton he was on the staff "of the,. Method's of Instruction Wing at Camp Borden. A Torontonian by birth Capt. Leask lives in Centralia With his wife, Audrey, and their three children. -----------o----------- Bride-elect Feted at Party AUBURN — Miss Aantje Bakker,’ bride-elect, was the guest of honor last Saturday evening when friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. John Durnin-to honor her'before her marriage. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Durnin assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Barry Young of Clinton and Mrs. Donald Dur­ nin. The room was attractively decorated with a large umbrella, wedding bells and streamers and a decorated chair. Beautiful .corsages were pin­ ned on Miss Bakker and her mother and the groom-to toe’s mother, Mfs. Charites Robinsion. A program of -contests' was en­ joyed and prize winners were Mrs. Elmer Sproul and Miss Marian Hickey of London. Mrs. Ernest Durnin gave a humorous reading with adjec­ tives given by the guests to complete the story. Gifts were carried in tro the, bride- by Cathy Hallam, Anne Foran, Mary Anne Boyle, Betty Er- rington, and Sally Kerr., Miss Bakker thanked her fri'ends for their gifts and lunch was served by Mrs, Durnin as­ sisted by Mrs. Ernest Durnin, Mrs. Harold Webster, Mirs. Ted Mills, Mrs. Don Durnin, Mrs. Barry Young and' Cathy Hal­ lam. County Roads In Ontario Survey Explained By Minister of Highways A report on county road needs entitled “County Roads in Ontario”. has been released by Ontario Highways Minister Charles S. MaeNaughton, who is Huron’s MPP. The report is based on com­ prehensive studies’ carried out by each of tire 37 counties' vin Ontario in co-operation with MRS. BILL LOBB Phone 482-3263 (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tebbutt, Gregory and Wendy spent Thanksgiving __ ___2 Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt and Marilyn. Albert Snary, Willowdale, has been spending the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.- Jack Merrill. Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Snary were up for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, California, visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Lome Jervis, Rev. and Mrs. Charles: Cox, .Te'eswater and Mrs. Fred Lobb. They also took time to call at the old “Lobb Farm” owned by Bill Lobb. It was his. first visit back since 1918. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Snyder and son Gibb, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hunter, Thornhill; Mrs. Marie Henderson, Toronto and Mrs. Gertrude Kemiball, London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt on Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Tebbutt and family, Woodstock, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.- Carman Tebbutt. Miss Beverly Bishop, and fiance from St. 'Catharines, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Forbes on the weekend. /■.................—.......................... ............ the Department of Highways, and the program developed by the department as a result' of these studies contemplates a joint expenditure of $318.2 mil­ lion by the counties and the Province between now and 1969. The. over-all study sets ' out future road needs, projected financial resources and desir­ able administrative arrange­ ments for the county road sys­ tems and supplements the indi­ vidual reports prepared -by the counties in 1965 which were re­ leased earlier this year. Accordingly, the'counties now' have objective and comprehen­ sive assessments of their re­ spective road and bridge needs, the . costs of meeting these need's, the relative priorities at­ tached to them, and the general level of government aid avail­ able to them. In summary, the, report­ shows that thejvalue of needed construction on the 10,025 miiles ‘of roads and the 1,511 bridges under- the jurisdiction of the counties currently amounts td $239.7 million, with further needs of $71.4 million antici­ pated to occur before the end of 1969. In addition, some $100.4 million will be required to maintain the system. Against this dollar need of $411.5 mil­ lion the report forecasts reve­ nues from local taxes and nor­ mal subsidies of $256.2 million,- leaving an unmet need of $155.3 million at the end of 1969. So as to reduce this unmet Classified Ads. I " Bring Quick x Results s // need to riiore manageable pro­ portions the Minister of High­ ways has announced an incen­ tive program of extra, direct aid to those counties whose needs will require mill-rates in excess of six mills. This aid, to be made available through De­ velopment Road designations, is forecast at $61.9 million in the report, thus reducing the esti­ mated 1969 backlog to $93.3 million — only about 40 per­ cent of the current backlog of some $239.7 million. One novel feature of the .in­ centive program is that, while- it encourages low-spending counties .to raise their tax-rates' slightly, it is so designed' that counties spending above ah op­ timum mill-rate will lose some of the extra aid to Which they would have been otherwise en­ titled. In no case will a county have to levy in excess’ of. 8% mills for current expenditures on its desirable' county road system, though 'in some circum-. stances this amount may be ex­ ceeded slightly .for administra­ tive and ' debt-retirement costs. Clinton News-Record miH'i’iiif iliscmii (News-Record Photo) How to make money money Take a sum you can comfortably afford to invest . .. say $500. Put it in Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., or Investors Growth Fund of Canada Ltd. Add to your account every month and reinvest ail dividends. Your modest investment will have wide diversification and professional management — ad­ vantages which only a millionaire could once afford. . Wondering about results? An investment in Inves­ tors Mutual has more than tripled since 1950. Yes, this is the way to make money make money " X ' ' Just write or call. / \For The Best Meals in the area ... Eat at W. G. "Bill" Campbell i P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 <r GODERICH mJ 42 WEST STREET Under New Management Clean & Tasty Food ■ « Capt. Jack Main Captain Jack Main of Winni­ peg and Calgary, was also a Staff member of the Methods of instruction Wing, He joined the aimy in 1940 and belongs ■ uto the 8th Canadian Hussalrs. <3ai>tain Main’s family is pre-Vi Best Homemade Soup SPECIAL STEAKS^—Wing, Small, T-Bone, Sirloin, Canadian Clubt Filet Mignon ALL KINDS OF FISH Also 13 Kinds of Italian Pizza — I Meat Balls with Sauce Try Us < . . Youll Be 100% Satisfied Italian Spaghetti J SYNDICATE LIMITED Or mall this coupon—— WWi«ut obligation, please send me more information. NAME **4*+r»»*94»*4 ADDRESS^ CTTY/TOWN iMHMWHMHWMNflHMHHIIIUI iWMfWl . ..................i...,... ......................... iwihnik PROV. TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Goderich, in. the County of Huron, proposes to pass a by-law, 'at its meeting’ at 3 o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, November 1, 1966, at the Mun­ icipal Building,. Holmesville, Ontario1, for the purpose of stopping up that portion of road allowance between Lot 41, Concession 12, and Lot 38, Bay- field Concession, in the 'Town­ ship of Goderich, more particu­ larly described as follows: . “All and singular that cer­ tain parcel or » tract of land and premises, situate, lying arid' being in .the Township, oi Goderich, in 'the ■ County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of the original road allowance be­ tween Lot 41,. Concession 12 and Lot 38, Bayfield Conces­ sion, in the Township of Gode­ rich, the boundaries’ of said parcel’ being more particularly described as follows: COM­ MENCING at a point in the East limit of Lot 41, Concession 12,. which said point is dis­ tant Sixty-seven (67) feet ■Southerly from the North-east angle of the said Lot; THENCE- South twelve degrees nineteen minutes thirty seconds East' (S 12° 19’ 30” E), and along the East limit of the said Lot, a distance of Eight hundred one and eighteen one hundredths (801.18) feet to the point of intersection of the said East limit - with the North-easterly limit of the Varna road as di­ verted . by Plan No. 2148; THENCE East arid parallel to the North limit of said Lot 41, to a point in the West limit of Lot - 38, Bayfield Concession; THENCE North along the said West limit of Lot 38 to a point distant SiXty-seven arid two. one hundredths (67.02) • feet South from the North-west angle of said Lot 38; THENCE Westerly in a straight lirie, to the point of commencement oi .the parcel herein described.” All documents in relation. to the s'riuid road allowance may be examined at the, office of tho Clerk, of the Municipality, RR 2; Clinton, Ontario. AND. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Council will, at such meeting hear in person oi- by his counsel, solicitor v or agent any person Who claims that his land will be preju­ dicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Dated at Clinton, Oritario, the 1st day of October, 1966. V R.'.E.' THOMPSON Township Clerk 40-43B1 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOTICE OF RQAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that __ Council of the Corporation .of the ..Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron,'proposes to pass a by-law, at its .meeting at 3 .o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, November 1, .1966, at the .Mun­ icipal Building, Holmesville, Ontario, for .the purpose ' of stopping, up that portion of road allowance between Lot 36, Maitland Concession and -Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, in the Township of Goderich, more particularly described as fol­ lows? “All and singular' that cer­ tain parcel. or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in -the,’'. Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron arid Province of Ontario arid being composed of part of the original road allowance be­ tween Lot 36, Maitland Con­ cession and ■ Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, in the Town­ ship of Goderich, the - bound­ aries of said1 parcel being more particularly described as fol­ lows: . PREMISING that ' the road, allowance between Lot 36, Maitland Concession and Lot 13, Huron Road Concession has a- bearing of North twenty­ eight degrees thirty-seven min- .utes East ('N 28° 37’ E) and relating all bearings therein thereto;.. .COMMENCING at a point on the West limit of Lot 13, . Huron • Road Concession which said point is distant Six Hundred sixty-five and three tenths (665.3) feet measured Southerly along the Westerly limit of Lot 13, Huron Road Concession , from the most Northerly angle of Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, the toid point being in an existing ’wire fence; THENCE ’ North forty-five' degrees forty-nine minutes West (N 45° 49' W) along said wire fence and a- cross the road allowance be­ tween Lot 36, Maitland Con­ cession and Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, a distance of Sixty.- eighit and fifty-one one hun­ dredths (68.51) feet to a point oh the East limit of Lot 36, Maitland Concession; THENCE South twenty-eight . degrees thirty-seven minutes West (S 28° 37’ W) and along the East limit of Lot 36, Maitland Con­ cession,’ a distance! of One hun­ dred , ninety-seven and six tenths (197.6) feet to the inter­ section of SaJid line with the North 'limit of a travelled road running through Lot 13, Huron Road Concession; THENCE North ; seventy-four degrees fifty-six miriultes East (N- 74° 56’ E) and along the North, limit of said , road, a distance of Ninety-one and twenty-seven one hundredths (91.27) feet to a point on the West limit of Lot 13, Huron Road Conces­ sion; THENCE North twenty­ eight degrees thflariy-Hseveri min* Utes East (N 28°v 37’ E) along said limit a distance of One hundred sixteen and eighteen one hundredths (116.18) feet mere or lefes • to the point of commencement of the parcel herein described.” All documents in relation to the solid, rdad allowance may be examined at the office of the Clerk' of the Municipality, RR 2; Clihton, Ontario, AND . FURTHER the TAKE NOTICE that Council will, at such meeting hear In person or by his counsel, solicitor k or agent any person who claims that his land will be preju­ dicially affected by the bydaw and who applies to be heard. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, the tst day of October, 1966. ■ K. E. THOMPSON Township Clerk ' 40-43b