HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-20, Page 2* 1 Huron County Exhibits At International Plowing Match DONE IN NOVEMBER BEFORE CHRISTMAS I PREPASTED WALLPAPER Page 2—-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Oct. 20, 1966 GET YOUR REDECORATING — OTHER SPECIALS — Reg. $1.55 ...... REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 45c w . , M I 1,, , » fV’M'-ss '«>'«. .feto;. JSft >■& * s;. $ WiOSliBB Reg. $1.55 ................. REDUCED TO 98c Some Rolls reduced as low as 39c An Attractive Co-op Booth The Clinton office of Huron Co-operative Medical Services had an at­ tractive booth in the county building. Left to right, Mrs. Gail Glanville, a clerk, ■at HCMS office; Harvey Taylor, Bruce field, a director of the next door CIA booth and Doug McNeil, RR 6 Goderich. Huron Apples Well Displayed Huron County Fruit Growers had a well arranged exhibit of many varieties of apples grown in the county. ■ -* . . . ’ ' z II 4112* tag Art!' > s m :1 s ill 1? Huron being the arranged a display of . bean products. Bean Products on Display largest producer of beans in Ontario, the local directors CHSS ■ ■ •.......... Where The | -Action Is •tlie- I*- D. A. KAY & SON 33 HURON STREET PHONE 482-9542 (Open Every Friday Night) This column will appear every week of the p.'Ci -ent school term. This week’s initial column is submitted by Twyla Arnston and Diane Mc’Kinl.ey. . ft ft ft The 1966-67 schqiol • year at Central Huron got off to, a roaring start! School- Spirit Week from' September 26-30 began with “Clash Day” follow­ ed by an “Apple Polisher’s Day”. There was a day for the initiation of Grades 9 and 10; the Grade 9’s were- decked out in their initiation apparel and the Grade 10’s were bought as slaves by Grades 11,’ 12, Also included 'in the a “Bermuda Shorts a “Dress 'Up Day”, ended with a smash sponsored by Council.>■« * Where Is Our The chocoil ate tai' campaign is progressing, but if we are go­ ing to beat last year’s results? some, action will have to be taken by the students them­ selves > as salesmen. The-first issue of the school newspaper was released on Tuesday. It was delayed be­ cause not enough of the stu­ dents were willing to pay 50 cents for 10 issues. Sales of the school year-book are down, Why? ‘The Year. Book Club has taken many measures to assure us with one of the best yearbooks in West­ ern Ontario for only 51.50. .This club aLso sponsored itihe second school dance at Central Huron. Having taken their time to- dec­ orate the gym for a hardtimes dance, which proved to be a success. We were honoured on Sat­ urday, October 15 to see an ex­ hibition basketball game be­ tween the CHSS Redme-n and ■the Harlem Diplomats, Can­ ada’s version of the Harlem Globetrotters. The final score was 40-47 for the Diplomats, who made a wonderful show of sportsmanship. On Tuesday, October 18 we held a sardine assembly to- hear the world-renowned RCAF Central Band from ^Ottawa. The music varied from cl-assl- -cal to- popular including various the 13. week was Day” and The. week hit dance Students’ ft School Spirit? solos, They were given a stand­ ing c/ation body. The Paper is at Central all English classes are being allowed special time to pur­ chase books. ' . Commencement is to be held in' the auditorium, on Friday, October 21. We hope that this gala annual event' will be highlight for many during 1 school year. •-----------o---------- Guest Speaker by the student Back •.Bookmobile Huron this’ week; and had her Mils. f » a the Tuckersmith Unit Of UCW Meets The Tuckersmith Unit of United Church Women, Bruce- field, met at the home of Mrs. D. Stuart with an attendance of 19. ' Mirs. Mac Wlilson Mrs. John Henderson Charge *of the devotion. Mrs. Wilson took as topic “Stewardship” and Henderson gave an account of the day spent at Alma College in August. Mrs., Berry accepted' the president’s' chair for the re­ maining of the year and opened the business part with prayer. Roll Call was answered by each member- naming her first school teadher. Mrs. Ham read thank-you notes, from Mrs. Jarrott and Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. Stoll thanked all the la’dies of the Tuckerlsmith unit for helping weddings. The Unit cart at the and will purchase enough flan­ nelette for. two dozen diapers to be sent in the bale-. obit will help With the hospital in October to serve at several Rev. Craig Peters, B.A., B.D. ... Having been ordained in Clinton and Auburn Baptist Churches ' on May 12 this year after graduating from Mc­ Master University Divinity Col­ lege on May 10, Rev. Peters is now associate director of the Yokefellow. Institute at Rich­ mond1, t Indiana, he had served for five years as pastor at the Clinton and Auburn churches while attending college. He is coming back to' Clinton this Sunday, October 23 as guest speaker at First Baptist Church, Huron Street, anniver­ sary services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.< There is also special music planned. Requiem High celebrated by Father Reinhart in St. Francis of Assisi Church, Montreal, for Leo D. Flynn who passed away ■ on October 12. Burial was in Cote- de Ndiges Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the* former Louise Quesntei; a dau­ ghter Mrs. Stan (Noreen) Nis­ bet, Ormocto, N.B.; a son Charles, Grimsby; two grand­ children, Michael and ’ Lisa Flynn; a brother, Thomas, Seaforth; four sisters, 'Mrs,. John (Eulala) Curran, Cooks- vlil'le, Mrs. E. J. B. (Loretta.) Duncan, Mrs. F. (Ann) Thomp­ son, Mrs. L. (Tena.) Rowland, all of Toronto. Mr. Flynn was. predeceased by his parents, Mr. and Mirs. Dominic'Flynn, Clinton, and a brother, John. Detroit. FALL SAVIHGS A PLENTY At Sutter-Perdue Hardware LEAF RAKES $1 up FURNACE FILTERS "Glassaire" The filter that chlorophene. Kills germs 10 x 20 x 1} ’ 11 x 20 x L 16x25x 1, 20 x 20 x 1, 20 x 25 x 1. features hexa- and bacteria. 16x20 x .1, 20 x 24 x 1, Your Choice 49c X SEE OUR FALL VALUES FOLDERS SUTTER-PERDUE , . / Z ' Eugene .McAdam Proprietor ALBERT STREET Phone 482-7023 Home Hardware Stores . Clothes Lines Are For The Birds WHEN YOU CAN OWN A Beatty Dryer FOR AS LITTLE AS SHOP THIS WEEKEND AT HERMAN'S AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF TOPCOATS AND ALL WEATHER COATS FOR FALL. Topcoat Time at Herman’s ROYAL BAN K Groves & Son Electric 10 HURON ST. — CLINTON — PHONE 482-9414 FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET CIA Agents Had Booth » ' I These two Co-operators Insurance Association agents, Ross Francis, Kirkton and Russell Knight, Brussels, were on duty passing out insurance litera­ ture. • ’. At Hydro Exhibit • Don Kempston, East Street, Clinton, a lineman with Ontario Hydro’s Clinton area office, helped man Hydro’s exhibit'at the international Plowing Match last Friday.________ _____ ______ Ail the above photos Were taken by a News-Record photographer on Friday at the International Plowing Match* • WOOL, WOOL and CASHMERE • KORATON FINISH. ZIP LINED Priced from $19.95 to $65.00 FORSYTH Smooth Set, Permanent Press I WHITE SHIRTS 65% POLYESTER 35% COTTON ALL SIZES 141/1 to 17/2 PRE-PRESSED TO STAY SMOOTH FOREVER HERMAN’S MEN’S WEAR (OPEN FRIDAY EVENING) c Buy your Canada Savings Bonds at Ask for application form at your nearest branch. Buy for Cash or by inStab ments. Canada Savings Bonds never fluctuate in value, cart be cashed arty . tirrie fot full face value, plus interest.