HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-13, Page 6page 4-^C.Iiotpn Oct; 13, 1966 . BEAUTIFUL BREEZY ... ... By BELLCHAMBER RAYFTFin PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864i Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. ond Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. »S!T—•— Mr. and Mrs,. Chris Kiaudi and. Albert, Woodstock, and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas .E. Dong, Gregory, Andrea and Jennie spent the weekend with the lady’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker. Rev, and Mrs. Peter Renner returned to their home in Wiar- ton on Tuesday; while in Bay- field they were guests of their son and family, Mir. and Mr?. Percy Renner, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Knights, London, visited 'the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs; Charles Scotchmer over the weekend. Mrs. Fletcher MciDau'ghllin joined her husband in New York from Friday until Wed­ nesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Moss, -Lon­ don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. LeBeau. Spending Sunday with 'Mir. and Mirs. F. P. Arkell were were Mr. and’ Mrs. Ed. Mitchell, David, Mary, Robert, Douglas and Ian of Scarboro. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon were Mr. and .Mrs, Dave Baird, Mrs. Louisa Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs; Adam Ketrchener and family, all of London. Mrs. Ed. S’turgebn gave an afternoon tea last Tuesday in honour of Mrs. R. Peterson. The guests, Mrs. J. MacKenzie, Mrs. B. Menerey, Mirs. 'F, Frazer and Mrs. Carrie Heard gathered at the home of Miss J, Stirling and presented * Mrfs. Peterson with a going-away gift. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knights, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy were -at the former’s Louisa Street home for Thanksgiving weekend. A large number of Bayfield Boat Club members and their friends attend'eld' the annual boat club dance and reception at the Pavilion on Saturday night. Miss Barbara Clift, Ottawa, joined her parents; Brig, and Mrs. F. A. Clift for Thanks­ giving weekend. Mr. and Mirs. Edi Rowse, Jim, Cathy, Vicki and Jill, Weiland, were guests of Mrs. Rowsfe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith from Saturday until Monday. Miss Hazel Weeks, TeieS'- Water, spent several days last week 'as the guests o>f Mr. ‘and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons. and family. On . Tuesday, Miss Wocks and / Mrs. Fitzsimons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Green, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz­ simons attended the Canadian Provost Corps Reunion banquet a week ago Saturday in Lon- .III .......... I i "■..... ■■■[■■nw Spending the Thanksgiving weekend at their cottages. on Delevan .Street were, Mr. and Mirs, Jiack Tillman and Baiv bara, London; Mr, and. Mrs. W. Oates and family, Kitchener, Mir. and1 Mrs, Stephen Scotchmer, Sarnia, were with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A'. F. Scotchmer for the. weekend'. Miss Joanne Huh's, Milton, spent Friday ’til Sunday With her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Fred Hulls. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tomlin­ son, who are on the staff of the Petrolia Advertiser-Topic, were guests of Mir. and Mrs. Russ Kerr last Friday. • J Dr. and Mirs. William Till­ man and family, London, were at their Bayfield Terrace * ept- tqge from Friday ’til Monday. Dr. and Mirs. R. G. Hunter, Miss Sally Beth Hunter and Mrs. Charles Roger?, Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving week­ end at their, village home; on Saturday Dr. Hunter went for a swim in the lake, but admit­ ted he found the water rather chiUy. x Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook and daughter Sera, ^turned! to London on Monday evening, . after spending the weekend with the lady’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Cook. Among the many summer residents of Bayfield at their cottages last weekend were, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. -Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman and family, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. P, Qook and children, Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs, Donald iLance and family, Troy, Mich., spent the weekend at their cottage. Miss Ethel Blair, Toronto, joined her parents, Mr, and Mi's, Robert Blair for the Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and-Mrs. Monty Poulter, Ottawa, spent Sunday with his aunt anl uncle, Mr, and Mrs; G. N. Rivers;’ their guests on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Poulter, Ottawa, Mrs. Lance Bricker spent the weekend with Mirs, R, H. F> Qairdner; she was accompanied on. her return to Waterloo by her father, Canon H, M. Dang- Ford who. had ‘been the guest of Mirs. Gairdner for the past week. Scout Master Percy Renner and the' Scout Troop attended a lecture and demonstrations at the CFB Fire Hall on Wednes­ day evening. Mr. and Mirs. O’Lone, their daughter and' friend returned to Michigan on Tuesday, after en­ joying the long weekend in Bayfiel'd. Dennis Logan, UWO, London, Spent Friday -til Monday with his parents, Mr; and MTs. T, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bellchamber had their family with them for the weekend; Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Grime, Derek and Barry re­ turned to Guelph on Sunday night and Nigel Bellchamber to UWO, London, on Monday. Bayfield Burning Harbour Debris This is some, of the debris removed from the north shore of Bayfield, harbour which will be burned. The old fishing vessel, “Douglas T” of Owen Sound, shown here was once owned by Fred Telford. (Photo by Audrey BeUchamber) Bayfield Village Council Briefs «•z All members of council were present on Monday night in the Village Hall. The meeting had. been deferred one week. Purchase of a set of tire chains, for the grader Was: au­ thorized at a cost of $75. A letter from a Dow Street resi­ dent was read requesting action be taken to prevent accumula­ tion of surface water on his lot. Council is to' investigate the problem. The clerk reported that she had been ordered to submit a list of 26 -eligible jurors. The names will be selected and sub­ mitted on direction of the Reeve, assisted 'by the clerk and assessor. A. request' iby the Brownie Leaders for allocation of an area in the Park in which spring bulbs may be planted as a Centennial project, was granted; Brig. F. A. Clift read a let­ ter on -behalf of Bayfield Li­ brary Association, asking coun­ cil to take Over ‘the assets of the association. The letter also asked that council pass a by­ law establishing a Public Li­ brary to ensure th!e continuance of facilities previously provid­ ed by the. Bayfield Library As­ sociation. It \was suggested that the. services of the pre­ sent executive members be re­ tained and that other members of the present board be asked to continue on . as an advisory committee and voluntary staff until the end of 1966. PTefe-ent executive members are: Mrs. F. A. Clift, president; Mrs. Robert Scotchmer, secretary; Mrs. G. N. Rivers, treasurer. By-law 28 for 1966 was passed, establishing Bayfield Public Library, effective Nov­ ember 1, 1966. Council passed a resolution that three executive members six advisory members of present ’board' be asked' to tinue to operate the library on. behalf of Council until Decem­ ber 31, 1966. I Reeve • McFadden was auth­ orized to report that Bayfield wished its library to become part of the Huron County Li­ brary System. The 1966-67 winter works program was outlined and1 in­ cluded clearing .and ditching of Margaret Street to Lidderdale; opening the gravel pit; opening Glass Street from Margaret to Blair; clearing Fry Street from Agnes to Euphemia and clear­ ing Cameron Street as far as Jane Street. also the and the con- STOCKER FEEDER SALE ‘S HENSALL SALES ARENA SATURDAY, OCT. 15 -1:00 p.m. - 600 HEAD - Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers For Consignment Contact The Management VICTOR HARGREAVES JACK MORRISSEY 482-7511 234-4200 Auctioneers HEtiTdK McNEIL HAKOLt) JACKSON 40-lb |»|I.IW»—................I.......j . .......................... .......... I.^.,—III—.1 H.IH....I ■I.IH.iZ ---------- ------o--------T------- |d- Hsl don, Terry Fitzsimons and Don­ nie Lindsay accompanied them and attended the show. At a -surprise fire -drill on Tuesday the Bayfield school was evacuated by the pupils in 38 second!?, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer is visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Aitken, London, and members1 of their family; were at their .Howard Street cottage over the1 week­ end. Ambitious Group Works Toward Bay. Roller Rink A very successful bake sale was held Saturday by the ,Youth Activlilties Group of Bay- field! and $220 was realized! for the effort. Draw winner of the turkey and trimmings was Mrs. Don Warner, Bayfield and a corn count was won by Danel Mac­ Donald, Goderich. Money from this sale is to be used to bring roller skating to Bayfield. More activities will be planned1 for the winter months including supervised teen dances, card parties, eitc. Walkerburn Club Assists Victims of Fire AUBURN — The Walker­ burn Club held its monthly meeting at' the home of Mrs. Nellie McDougall in Goderich With the president, Mbs. Ted Plunking in charge. Roll call was answered by 20 members. It was decided to give a don­ ation to a member, Mirs. John Hallam and her husband, who recently lost their bam by ■fire. Fifteen dollars was sent to the Children’s Aid Society to assist with their Christmas gift buying and $4 was sent to buy the Club’s Korean foster child a Christmas gift. Plans were made to hold a card’ party in 9 Hullett School for the members of the school section and1 those former resi­ dents who had assisted in the plans’ for the school reunion this past summer. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mirs. Wlalter Cunningham and the program will be in charge of Mrs. Henry Hunking and Mrs. Arie Duizer. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Worthy Young, Mi’s. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Stewart Ament and Mrs. Stan­ ley Ball. Mrs, Arie Duizer donated the1 rug which she had made for the Club for exhibit at Blyth Fair and a draw for it will be held at the next meeting. Mrs. Leonard Archambault introduced the guest speaker .of the .afternoon, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe of Londeslboro. She showed the table centres she had made out of plastic jugs and then dem­ onstrated haw they were made. Mrs. Lome Hunking thanked Mrs. Pipe. Lunch was served! by Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. Elli­ ott Lapp, Mirs. Lloyd McClih- chey and Mrs, Garth McClin- chey. -----------o----------- Bayfield Sees Fire Films BAYFIELD —. An attentive audience of adults and young people half filled the Village Hall Tuesday evening when fire-fighting films were shown by Reg Francis with approp­ riate talk by Percy Renner, Various types of extinguishers were exhibited and later onstrated outside. The was extremely strong so wood' fires ' could not be but gasoline fires; were quickly quenched. dem­ wind that used, GODERICH , ONT. Dancing for the Young Crowd resumes Every Saturday Night THIS WEEK Dancing 9-12 "of Admission $1.00 per person V, r Now Booking Christmas and Winter Parties Catering to Banquets, etc. PHONE 524-9371 or 524-9264 OIL BURNER SERVICE Ask For a SPRING AIR HUMIDIFIER Only $29.95 Installed ] FOR YOUR SAFETY OUR DELIVERY TRUCK I CARRIES FUEL OIL ONLY GORDON GRIGG PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON A V Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs Bayfield Scouts and Cubs Preparing for Apple Day ceived $48.50 in donations for their efforts, (Photo by Audrey BeUchamber) These eager Scouts and Cubs had to polish hundreds of apples last Saturday morning for the annual fall apple day in the village. The boys re- Dr. David M. C. Hislop, spe­ cializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology, has opened medical offices at 2920 Pine Grove Av­ enue, Port Huron. Dr. and Mrs. Hislop are fre- Ontario St. UCW Has Mission Talk The October, meeting of Unit 2, Ontario Street UCW was opened' by Mrs; A. Groves with a poem “Are We Grateful”. The devotional entitled “From Our Abundance,” taken by Mrs. Murch, pointed out why we should be thankful, Mrs., G. Patter gave a very interesting paper, on missions, particularly the work of the United Church in Canada. She told about an Indian Centre in, 'a downtown city and a Toronto Centre where NW Canadians or any person, with problems, could get help. The work of the student minister and the Wel­ fare Industries under the Board of Home 'Missions were de­ scribed' by the speaker. The ladies enjoyed a solo by Mrs. Don Symons; Mrs. Brook Olde described slides which she had taken dur­ ing a trip to Prince- Edward- Island!, Cape Breton Island and Nova Steotia. Mrs. Groves expressed thanks to the guests who took part in the program. At the close of. the meeting Mrs. William Managhan, Mrs. W. ■ M. Aiken, Mrs. E. Mittell and Mrs. Glazier were hostesses for ..the social halif hour. ..................... '■■■I in.................... ......... .... quent and well-known visitors to Bayfield. Their daughters were both baptized at Trinity Anglican Church, in the village. Dr. Hislop is a son-in-law of Mr.‘and Mrs. Harty F. Baker, Bayfield, Born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1934,'he was graduated, in 1958 with an M.D. from the Univer­ sity of Glasgow, and in 1960 re­ ceived a degree in obstetrics from the Royal College in Glas­ gow. He interned in Scotland. In 1961 he was a licentiate of the Medical ’Council of Canada. He served as medical officer for the Royal Canadian Regi­ ment in Ipperwash and. London, Ont. 1960-61; and as medical officer in' the Fort Churchill Military ’ ■ Hospital, Manitoba, 1961-63. He took post-graduate train­ ing at Cleveland (Ohio) Metro­ politan General Hospital, 1963- 64; and then at William Beau­ mont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich., 1965-66. He and his wife, the former Constance Baker, R.N., who trained at Victoria Hospital, London, Ont., and their two children, Julia, 4, and Laura, 1, live at 4462'Gratioit Avenue. -----------o----------- Surprise Shower For Young Bride A surprise shower in honour of Miss Sheila Lockwood was held at the home of Mrs. Mar­ garet Lockwood, Albert Street, bn Friday, September 3Q. Sev­ eral contests were enjoyed by friends and ’ relatives!. Sheila made a fitting reply. A de­ licious lunch was served. /■ v,l Hydro Special FREE Electric Blanket ($24.95 Value) With every Westinghouse Electric Clothes Dryer sold at Clinton Electric Shop WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Dryer FEATURING . . . Three temperature selections Balanced Air Flow Drying System Four Way venting J* Easy to reach Lint Collector Porcelain Tub HIGH SPEED DRYER X, PRICED FROM S199.00 Clinton Electric Shop D, W. Cornish —- Your Westinghouse Dealer Albert Street CUNfON Phone 482-6646 ■ . --- --------------- ,.....-er ■ -................................■ .................... Guest Minister — Rev. Wray Mather, B.A., B.D. Blyth, Ontario Special Music ..................................................................................................................... ■ - .. ...................... A Meeting of Holmesville Local 219 of Ontario Farmers Union Monday, October 17 AT THE OLD HOLMESVILLE SCHOOL at 8:30 p.m. FARM PRICESTopic No. I Topic No. 2 —THE CONVENTION if you are disabled by accident or illness... makes your payments for you on loans over $1500! When you borrow money for any good reason, it's wise to protect yourself from unexpected hardship . with GAC AID Plan coverage. If you are unable to work for more thart 30 days, due to accident or illness, AID pays your monthly installments until you recover or until your loan is paid in full. In the event of death, AID pays thb out* standing balance of the loan in full. AID is simple, inex* pensive, provides world-wide protection... and is avail­ able to all GAC international customers, up to age 65', whose loan$ exceed $1500. Stop in or call. Find out how you can get dollars worth of loan protection for only pennies... with GAC AID. LOANS UP TO $5000 GAG INTERNATIONAL finance corporation, lto. C LI NTON-............... ............. 7 Rattenbury Street... 4Phone 482-3486 J 4