HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-13, Page 5BIRTHS .ATKINSON* — In Clinton Pub- lie Hospital on Tuesday, Oct­ ober 11, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, RR 3, Clin- ■ton, a son (stillborn) * BISHOP in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, October 7, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Bishop, RR 1, Ethel, a daughter. (FONGER — In Clinton Public Hospital ten Sunday, October 9, 1966, ’ to Cph and Nil's. Ralph Fonger, Clinton, a son, ^GIBSON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, October 9, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gibson, RR 5, Clinton, a * daugibtor. .HEATH In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Oct­ ober 12, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. R, G. Heath,. RR 1, Blyfh, a son, JROORDA — In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, October 11, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. John Roorda, RR1, Bayfield? a son, CARDS OF THANKS Sincere thanks, to my friends . and neighbours who sent me flowers, cards and gifts while I was at Clinton Hospital. Spec­ ial thanks to Dr, W A. Oakes, Dr, F. M, Newland, Addison and nurses. HOPSON. ; Dr, J, A, — MRS. 41b late W*The family of the ..... liam Gordon Turner wishes to express sincere thanks to friends and. relatives for their many kind thoughts and deeds, and floral tributes during th'pi,r recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, MacLt-an, Clin­ ton Legion, Bali and Mutch Funeral Home and staiff, pall­ bearers and flower-bearers, 41b Hospital Honours Former Employees CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends .for cards, Jlowerts, gifts and those who visited me; also those who helped at, home. ^Special thanks to Dr.’ Oakes, Dr. Walden, nurses and staff for kindness shown during my :Stay to the hospital. — MRS, >GEORGE MANN,_________41p AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS For MICHAEL HEALY Lof 16, Corner of Drumond and Combs Streets, Blyth, Ont. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 at 1 p.m. IH -refrigerator, McCormick Smyth 4 burner electric stove, Simplicity washing machine, electric frying pan, electric iron, heater, fan, toaster, electric tea kettle, wall clock, vacuum clean­ er, 6 chair chrome and table set (like new), chesterfield and two chairs to match Hike new), • 2 platform rocking chairs with padded arm' rests and spring- filled back, air cushion foot stool, lamp table, coffee table, 21” Motorola television, 2 table lamps, tri-light, floor stand ash­ tray, step stool, folding TV tray, Doherty pump organ and stool, Quaker pil space heater (used only two winters), 2pad­ ded rocking chairs, 2 parlour tables, buffet, ironing board, steel mesh enameled, new %, size bed, complete with new Sealy top and bottom mattress­ es, two centre panel double beds with mattresses, two bedroom dressers, washstand, matching pitcher and basin, sewing ma­ chine, 14 kitchen chairs, clothes rack, Lawn Boy rotary self-pro­ pelled lawn mower, 3 garden hose — 50 foot lengths. Num­ erous dishes and ■ glassware. Terms: Cash RICHARD H. LOBB, Auctioneer 40-lb I wish to express my sincere thanks and! appreciation to all my friends, neighbours and rel­ atives fol' all the help and kindness given my wife and myself both at home- and in the hospital. Many .thanks also for the lovely flowers, cards and visits, Special thanks to Dr. Addison, nursing staff and Rev. Mowatt during' my* recent i'lb ness. — RAY CANTELON. 41b I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for Cards, letters, flowers, gifts and treats and those who visited me while I was in hospital; also to the nursing staff on second floor, south wing, St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, for -their kind­ ness and attention; special thanks to Rev. Mills,'Eastern Star and Rebekah Lodge; it has all been very much appreciated. — JEAN I. KYLE. 41b We wish to express our sin­ cere thanks and appreciation, for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Foundation, cards and sympathy shown by the friends, relatives and neighbours, in toe recent sudden bereavement of our brother, Frank Clayton (Shorty) Walters. Special thanks to toe Canadian Legion. Ingersoll, Branch 119 and to all who -helped in any way. — DOROTHY GRANGE, MAIZIE GLIDDON and BENSON WALTERS. The Board of Governor's of Clinton Pulbljp Hospital paid tribute to former employees at a board -dinner 'meetihg last Wednesday evening in the hos­ pital dining rocm. Thomas Steep, wiho has been .eupployed at the hospital office for seven years and adpiinistito tor since the board' was change ed to' a board of governors in J965, and Mrs. William Pih'im ney, who recently .resigned as director of nursing, were each presented with engraved silver trays ‘by Joseph. Murphy, presi­ dent of the Board cf Gover­ nors, Mr, Steep is now administra­ tor of the now Four Counties Hospital at* ‘Newbury. He thanked the Clinton board by saying 'T learned all my hos­ pital administration knowledge here.” He also ’‘invited the Clin­ ton board members to the of- ficlal opening of the ,Fpw Counties Hospital on December 3, 1966, Mrs-. Steep also attend­ ed the dinner and was present­ ed with a bouquet of roses. in making tpe% presentotldn, board chairman Joseph Murphy ■ said Mr, Steep has .established hi?, name throughout hospital work in Ontario as a,good ad­ ministrator. Mrs,' Phinney ’ is now living in London where her husband, a former member of the RCAF at 'Clinton, is now wcrklng at the University of Western Ont­ ario. She -claimed she was re­ luctant dt leaving Clinton, and invited Clinton persons to visit them in London. Mr. Phinney was a guest at the dinner, J. William Counter, of toe public relations committee of the board, spoke briefly, as did board member Duff Thompson in thanking the hospital dining room -and ’kitchen staff. ’ DEATHS MacKinnon — Passed away on Monday, October 3, 1966, William N. MacKinnon, dear son oif Mrs. May MacKinnon, formerly of Clinton. Inter­ ment in Elmwood Cemetery, Moncton, New Brunswick. Also survived by two sisters, Mary Hunt, Ottawa 'and Mar­ garet Motyer,- Toronto. THIBIDEAU — In ListoWel Memorial Hospital on Thurs­ day, October 6, 1966, Mr's. John Thibid'eau, Dis-towel, in her 81st year. Funeral ser­ vice from McLaughlin and Reed Funeral Home, Listowel on Saturday, October 8, with Interment in Fairview Ceme­ tery. Survivors include a dau­ ghter, Mrs.- W. O. (Edith) Johnston, Clinton. Thurs., Oct 13/ 1966—-Clinton News-Record—Page 5 .. ”" *"■" “WH I'! CLINTON LEGION ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs., Carl W, Stamp pf Batavia, New York announce' the engagement of thefa daughter, Donna Dawn to Gerald J, Oesch. Mr. Oesch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Oesch •of .Clinton, Ontario* Miss Stamp is a gradm ate of Geneseo State University College, and is a school librarian near Data via, Mr. Oesch is employed by the Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester, New York. The wedd­ ing will take place on December 17 in Bat- avia, Mbs. Jamies Sallows, Sea­ forth, wishes to announce the engagement of her dau­ ghter Heather Rose to Ronald Percy Plumsiteel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plumsteel, RR 5, Clinton, The wedding wiill take place in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, at 3 p.m, October 29th, 1966. 41b Mr, and Mrs. Ray Tyn­ dall wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their son, Murray, to Mary McVeigh, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Mc­ Veigh, Capa Breton, The marriage' to take place on Saturday, October 29, 1966 in Blessed Sacrament Ch­ urch. London, • 41b CUNTON RETAIL MERCHANTS MEETING TOWN HALL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 8:00 p ms This Is An Important Meeting qnd Inyplyes All Merchants! Please plan Tp Attend* 41-2b Clinton Retail Merchants Committee Paper Drive WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 Thomas Steep, former administrator of Clinton Public Hospital, receiving a silver .tray from Joseph Murphy, president of the Board of Governors, Attend Your Church Note — All Services on Daylight Saving Time FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, October 16 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, October 16 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Mrs. Mary Phinney, former director of nurs­ ing, -being presented with' a silver tray by Joseph Murphy. (News-Record Photos) TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—104th ANNIVERSARY JBenleg-fWtifiS'’-^wlnrestnUe TInitrh (Churcljes REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., DX>., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist • , MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, October 16 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Church Service Subject: "These Things Shall Be” HOLMESVILLE 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 2:00 p.m.—87th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Subject: "A Living Church For A New Age*’ ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev.'R. W. Wenham, L.Th,, RectDr Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, October 16 — Trinity 19 9:45 a.m.—Church School ll!00 a.m.—Morning Prayer J IN MEMORIAM FINLEY — In loving mem­ ory of our dear husband and father, George R. Finley who passed away suddenly October 15, 1953. "Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longing for a- smile from a loved one gone; None knows the depths of our deep regret, But we remember when others forget.” —Always remembered by fojis wife: Effie and daughters, 41p WOON — In lovling memory of a dear husband', John G. Wbon, who passed away two years ago, October 16, 1964. "The joys we shared, together Are the memories I hold dear The love and happiness you gave me, Will always keep you near. It broke my heart to see you But-you did not go alone, For part of toe went with you, The d’ay God called you ho-me,” —Lovingly remembered by his wife Pearl. 41p CLINTONPERSONALS | Miss Kate Govier returned to her home in Toronto on Monday after visiting at toe home of Mrs. Wilfred Biggin, and other relatives and friends this past week. Harry Cummings, University, of Western Ontario, London, spent Thanksgiving weekend at toe home of foils parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, 129 Mary Street. DEATHS TURNER — In Stratford Gen- ‘Oral Hospital on Wednesday, October 5, 1966 Gordon Tum- ■ er, RR 5, Stratford', formerly of .Clinton area, in his 69to year. Funeral service from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home on Saturday, October 8 with interment in Baird’s Cemetery, Stapley Township- '■'■■'KM ......... ............ .. ............................................... .. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U.MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director TOWSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH SAVE ALL OLD PAPERS AND MAGAZINES ON OCT. 19 HAVE AT CURB SECURELY TIED The Legion Makes Money out of the Paper Drive and Householders can tidy up their scuoojojo;s pue sjuouicseq . Sunday, October 16 9:45 am.—Sunday School 10:45 a.m,—Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME I MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL Clinton Sdnday, October 16 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.-—Sunday School 8:00 phi.—Evening Service Speakers Jbhh Aitken, Shelburne ♦ Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study !; _ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J: Rev. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister - ;; Sunday, tjctobelr 16 ji 10:00 a.m.—Service ih English • '! 11:00 a.m.—Sunday Schoo] " 1; 8:00 pjri.-'rSetrvice to English I; Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLOt St Thotn&b, ' 1 listen to "Back to God Hour”. ;; EVERYONE WELCOME ? rs of NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 Of the Voters’ List Act and that I have (posted UP at my office at Tuckersmith, on the 14th day Of October, 1966, the list of all persons entitled to vote to Said MumCi- pality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection; And I hereby call Upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to ihaVe any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 28th day of October, 1966. Dated this 13th day of October, 1966. jame6 i, Mcintosh, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. 41-2b MeMMMH jZ (Continued from page 2) typical Canadians. We rec­ ognize toe beauty, the allure of autumn, but we do noth­ ing about it. If we’re youngsters-, we go­ to stupid school. If we're old­ sters, we rake the ruddy loaves. Or we worry about the silly, storm windows. Or we go- to idiotic meetings to exchange inanities. Or we trudge off to some ridicu­ lous job in order to puit food in our mouths and oil in the tank. Just because it's fall and all these asinine activit­ ies are back with us. It’s not only unintelligent. It’s unfair, unpatriotic, un­ scrupulous, unreligious and unbelievably. For years I have longed for a holiday in the fail. And tor years I have been denied it because of the incredibly in­ sane -social structure in this country, which decrees that you have holidays in the summer, or, if you can afford it, an equivalent hot-holiday in winter, down south. Who wants holidays in the summer? With long evenings and weekendls, we can fish, swim, ‘boat to our hearts' content. And with the up­ coming fbur-day work week, there’ll be even more time. But we’re stuck with an archaic sysltem that seems to- be tied to the school year. On Labor Day, we all go back to the plough, and spend the most glorious weeks of the year 'at mundane, monoton­ ous chores. Not for us toe gold and blue of autumn days at our myriad lakes, the wild fire of sumach on the hills, the honk of wild geese flying, the wood fire’s warmth on a cool even­ ing. Now, after Labor Day, we don sober garb and pious mien, crawl back into our huts and begin once again the pretence that life is real and earnest. It’s just as well they’re not planning to make me Min­ ister of Education. If they did, there’d be a month’s holi­ day in June, school through July and August (until one p.m. every day) and six week’s holiday beginning La­ bor Day, Don’t worry. It -wall pever happen in this country. It’s much too sensible. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT COURT OF REVISION 1967 ASSESSMENT ROLL A Court of Revision on the 1967 Assessment Roll for Hullett Township will hold the first sitting on November 7, 1966, at 3:00 o'clock p.m. at the Londesboro Community Hall. Complaints to the Court of Revision must be sent to the clerk of the municipality at least ten days prior to the date of the first sitting of the court. HARRY F TEBBUTT, . Clerk Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario. Si 41-2b •s FL ’ DRUG STORES' ■ THURSDAY I $ 2 for the price ofl ...plus a penny! Use Classified Ads For Quick Results ..—■■■■■ I N Annual ini ■■ hUmr CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK — OVER 300 ITEMS ON SALE Vitamins - Hair Needs - Stationery - Christmas Cards - Cosmetics First Aid Needs - Shaving Needs - Toiletry Sets - Chnistmas Gift Wrap Sunbeam Electric Razors - Dental Needs - Etc. CHECK THE HANDBILL YOU RECEIVED IN THE MAIL PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario r .. mnu CLINTON Rummage Sale Auction Sale Clinton Lions Arena-Saturday, Oct. 22 * ’ .• I Doors Open at 2.00 p.m. — Bake Sale at 3.00 p.m. — Auction Sole All Afternoon I . , Bake Sale at 3.00 p.m In order to make this a success and raise KITCHEN UTENSILS, AUTOMOTIVE ACCES- much-needed funds for the Lions Club, we are SORIES, SPORTS EQUIPMENT, GARDEN and asking all citizens of Clinton and District to SHOP TOOLS, and CLOTHING for Ladies, Men, • Children and Babies — anything you are not us­ ing, but which could be used by someone else. tontribute their unused articles of FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, DISHES and /* I Lions at the Arena all day 15 from 10 a.m. fa 5 p.m. and every evening next Weak/ October 17-21/ There will be Saturday/ October for the Rummage and Auction Sole. Any of the above articles will be accepted, plus any item you feel someone else could use. from 7 to 9 o'clock, to aeoept good used artitlei Call These Lions for More Information Den C. Colquhoun ... John Scruton .............. E. 8* Mehxies Maynard Corrie . Ted Davies ....... Howard Brunsdon 482-9506 482-9769 482-3475 Invitation to Rummage and Auction Sale 482-7758 482-7092 482-9690 ' * The Clinton Lions Club would like to thank all persons who tantributed to thi> year's Rum- magt Sale and Giant Auction Sale, and invite all persons in Clintoh and District to come to the KEN FLETT, President , Clinton Lions Club Arena on Saturday, October 22 artd purchase some of the good used articles. EdwardElliott will contribute his setvitas as auctioneer for the Giant Auction Sale. DON C COLQUHOUN, Chairman, Lions Rummage Sale J