HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-06, Page 12>
Pg, 12-Clinton News-Record
Thurs * " """
Another' meeting of hockey '
enthusiasts is called for to
night (Thursday) tp ejeict an
executive to promote inter
mediate hockey in Clinton
this winter.
The meeting is scheduled
’for the Legion Hall at 8:30
At a meeting two weeks
ago, (interested persons de
cided to canvass for donations
to start a club. The response”"
ha's been yery good. Names
of the donors will appear in a
future issue of the News-
Clinton rinds itself with an
abundance of young men
(many in their early 20’s)
wanting to play hockey here.
Any. older sportsmen wan
ting to serve in an executive
capacity are invited to come
out to tonight’s meeting.
Group Captain' K. v R. Greenaway presenting
Corporal Brian with CD medal for 12 years meritor
ious service with the RCAF. In centre and right pic
tures^ the base commander is shown presenting the
Three airmen at Canadian
Forces Base Clinton, with a
combined1 service life of 56
■■ years were presented with
Canadian Forces Decorations
and1 clasps
'Brian, ’ a
Technician .
Communications School, who
at a recent base
George Edward
at the Radar and
-hails from Winnipeg, joined
the RCAF in April 1956. He
came to CFB Clinton from
ANS Winnipeg in 1965. Cor
poral Brian and his wife
Glinda- with their three child
ren, David 9 years, Dilane 6
;and Ellen aged 9 months, live
at 6 Bond St., in Clinton.
Sergeant Percy Griffin who
is originally from Mount
' clasp to the Canadian Forces Decoration to Sergeant
Griftin and Flying Officer Leefloor who each have
22 years of meritorious service in the RCAF.
(CFB Clinton Photos)
-■ Stewart, PEI,, is a member of * served -at sea on a variety of
the Supply Section staff -at
CFB Clinton. He and his Wife
live at 6 Winnipeg Road', Ad-
astral Park with their child
ren, Raul 17, Sharon 15, Jes
sie 13,. Mark 12 and Ross
aged 10.
Flying Officer Howard
Leafloor joined the Royal
Canadian Navy fin 1946. He
Mrs. Russ Holmes
Wins $1,000.00
At Local Bingo
The Goderich Siftos, formerly
of the. O.H.A, Central Junior
“B” League, have been grant
ed entry this year as a Junior
“C” team.
The accent this year will be
more on local area players. Any
players of junior age from this
• area are invited to attend the
opening practices which are
scheduled to -begin under coach
Doug- Cruickshank, Saturday,
October 8* at 2 p.m. at the
Goderich arena. Workout will
also be held on, Saturday and
'Monday afternoons.
---------—o---- -------
Huron County
Matter of Principle
Past and Present
attracting a larg-
ships including the aircraft
carrier "HMCS Magnificent",
in 1951 he'left the Navy and
enlisted in the .RCAF. Pre
vious to coming to OFB Clin
ton’ where he is the Base
Ground Training Officer, he ’
spent a number of years at
No. 3 Wing, Zweibrucken,
F/O Leafloor and his wife
Rita have three children,
Patricia aged 19, Linda 17
and " Faye 7; they live at 34
Cambria Road, Goderich. I-Iis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lea
floor reside at 43 Grant St.,
Mrs. Russ Holmes, Albert
Street, wen $1,000 Monday
night in the last pf eight major
bingos sponsored by the serr
vice clubs of Clinton in aid of
Clinton and District Commun
ity Qentre Centennial Fund.
Mbs. Holmes won the major
prize on 51 calls. This lis con
sidered an exceptionally low
number of calls to fill a bingo
were Mrs. ^^rr!r._,.
and Mrs, Ross Daer, Auburn,
Winners of the - three share
the wealth games .were: Mrs.
Jack Henderson, Wingham
($119).; Annette .Manderson,
Goderich ($132) and three win-
neps split. $127 in the third
share the wealth, Mrs, Deline,.
Qintoh, Mrs. McDougall, Clin
ton and Mrs. G. Elliott, RR 2,
Clinton; each received $42,50,
The regular' $30 ’bingo single
winners were: Jim Carey, Gode
rich; George Cole, Goderich:
Mrs. Hall, Goderich, Miss
Eileen Munn, Goderich; Mrs.
James Cruickshank, Holmes
ville; Mrs. Richard Kuntz, Wal
kerton; Mrs. Archie Fleet, Clin
ton; Russell . Byers, Clinton;
Mrs. Clarence Regele, Seaforth;
Mrs. James Manfield, Holyrood
and Mrs., McCuspey, Godlerich.
of $5,00 door prizes
Sam Shipp, Clinton
Persons who split yegpJar
bingos were; Mrs, Abbott, Mrs.
Draper and Mi’s. Hall, all’of
Goderich, $j.Q each; Mrs. Wib
bur Thom, Abburn, Mrs. Frank
Walters, Walton, and Mrs1,
Archie Fleet, Cliinton, $10 .each;
Mrs. Robert McClinchey, Blyth,
Mrs. Baker, Goderich and Mrs.
Sandy Gibb, Clinton, $10 each;
Mto. Gorden Gallow, Wingham,
Eva MacDonald, Clinton and
Mrs, Clarence Hoy, Port Albert,
$10 each.
Rally At Auburn
Huron County Women’s In
stitute rally was held in Au
burn Community Hall on Mon
day, October 3 with registra
tion showing 133 present.
Greetings ■ and reports were
■brought by * the district presi
dents and secretaries, by Mrs.
Wes. Bradnock and 'Mrs. Stan
ley Bride FWIO members;
Mrs. Wombold of Goderich
diid a precision drill with the"
Trimbel and ’Mrs. E. Radford.,
off Clinton favoured with two
piano insltrumentals.
Miss Shai'on Carroll, Huron
County Home Economist, re
ported on the 4-H club work.
The scholarship was awarded
Janette Wright, RR 1, Clifford,
and was1 accepted by her
Plans for the ploughing,
match were finalized by Mrs.
Drummond and Mrs. Beer ex
tended South Huron’s invitation
to next ..year’s rally.
Mrs. Mervin Batkin, Clinton,
gave a display of hats, fabrics,
colours and feathers for fall.
Ladies .attending from Hen
sail branch were Mrs. V.
Pyette, Mrs. Clarence Relid,
Mrs. E. Riley, Mrs. James Mc-
Allfeter, Mrs. F. Beier and Mrs.
W. Dilling; from Kippen East
WI, Mrs..Grant MacLean, Mrs
James Drummo-nd, Mrs. Vern
Alderdice .and Mirs. Harry Cald
* i
The fall fair season is prac
tically over -and in spite of the
best intentions earlier in the
summer, I ended up the same
as the past several years and
only managed to- get to our
local fair at Brussels1.
How times have changed!
As a boy it was a-real event
to watch the road onzfair day
morning. Three or four herds
of cattle would be driven
through the sideroad that
bordered our farm. Then a
team of horses with three or
four older colts or a mare or
two tethered to the back end.
A couple of young colts .would
be lingering along behind. If
they hadn’t come too far these
young colts would be running
into the ditches, or ahead of
the team or stopping to' investi
gate some weeds or bush far
behind to suddenly race like
Classified Ads.
Canada's Country
Tommy Hunter began his
second season as star of his
awn show on. CBC-TV this
fall, and it’s in color. Tommy
is joined1 again by Pat Her-
.vey, The Rhythm Pals, Jiim
Pirie, Al Cherny and Bert
Niosi’s orchestra, with pro
duction by Dave Thomas.
mad to catch • up with their
None of this now! We go to
the fa!ir and see a few trucks.
The livestock walk off and on
almost as readily as their hand
lers. One can' almost feel that
the animals are simply resign
ed to another day’s work.
As far as livestock is con
cerned i't has become a com
mercial enterprise. A few and,
apparently, a fewer number off
breeders are attending the
fairs. Local farmers seldom
show livestock. This1 is partly
because the' local farmer can
hardly compete with.,the pro-
fessional showman but prob
ably the biggest reason is’ the
lack of help and Spare time to
devote to all the special at-
other livestock require. As far
as horses are concerned they
just aren’t to be found on the
In the livestock division the
feature that does attract -local
attention is the 4-H exhibit. I
really haven’t too much in the
way of statistics but it seems
to, me that there is a definite
trend for the members of the
4-H calf clubs -to use calves
of their own raising and this
is good. The quality may not
be quite as high but the ’meas
ure of incentive and achieve
ment is much better;
With the services of the arti
ficial insemination units avail
able to any farmer he can eas
ily in a few years have calves
suitable for the 4-H club son
or daughter, and, . incidentally
up tlie quality of his whole
herd. As far as cattle and hogs
are concerned, it .is very large-*
ly the 4-H exhibit that justi-■
fies the existence of, the local
In the horse section, younger
people were conspicuous by
their adsence. Perhaps I’m be
ing^ kind to hyself but I believe
that my age would be less than
the average of those who were
showing real interest in the
very fine exhibit of light hors
es at Brussels Fair. On this
basis the horseshow is dbomed.
One pant of the faffir that
. .............................. 1 ■ "I,WI" ■
J. Carl Hemingway
seems to be
er number of younger exhibi
tors is the. baking, canning
and flower sections. Vegetabl
es, seed's, forage crops and com
also seem to be attracting more
and more entries.
Now that the fairs are over
we can think about the Plow
ing Match. See you there.!
12 Step‘Dancing Girls Plus Added Attractions.
A Complete Grand Ole Opry Show
Show Starts Si30 p.wu
No Seats Reserved
RATE; Four cents a word;
Minimurri 75 cents
Thursday, pet. 6 BINGO
at Clinton Legion Hall, 1(5 reg
ular games for $5.00. 2 share-
thp-rwe^th games.’ 1 special
game for $25.00, the first letter ~
‘L" and first letter °T" applies
cm this game for $2.00, each. 3-
share-the-wealth games, jack
pot applies on those 3. games
$55.00 in 55 numbers. 2 dopr
prize? tor $2.00 each. Admission
50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for
■ Friday,
to round
mencing ___
8:30-11 p,m. Building 107, CFB-
Clinton, instructors Earl and
Marie Bowles, civilians and
personnel welcome. 40b
Friday, October 7 •— Dance
to Desjardin.es Orchestra in-
Londesboro Hall. Sponsored by
Courts 86 and L1901 Canadian
Order of Foresters, Benmiller,.
Lunch Counter. Everyone wel
come. - 39, 40b
Saturday, October 8 ■— Bake*
Sale, Bayfield Village Hall, 2
p,m. sponsors Bayfield ’Youth
Activities Group. All are wel
come. ’ ' ■ 39, 40b-
Monday, October lO—AnnnaJ.
Turkey Shoot, Benmiller, 1 p.m.
12 guage shot gun, .22 rifle.
Free turkey draw for alii con
testants. Sponsored by COF No.
86. ' 40b
Tuesday, Oct. 11 -r- BINGO*
at Huron Fish and Game Club.
Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers^
Six door prizes. 8:30 pjm.
Tuesday, October 11 — Last
chance until next season to
join Beginner’s Square Dance
class, Last open night,. Tues,,
Oct. 11, 8:30-11 p.m. Building
107, CFB Clinton, caller —
Larry Steeves. Admission $1.00'
per couple. Everyone welcome.
Wednesday, Oct. 12 — Beta
Sigma Phi presents fall fashion
show, bazaar and refreshments,.
Goderich Collegiate, 8 p.m. Ad
mission $1. Tickets available
at door or from sorority mem
bers. , 40b
Friday, October 14 — Euchre
.and Bridge, Parish Hall, Bay-
field, 8 p.m. sponsors, Trinity
Church Guild, admission 50c,
lunch and prizes. 40b'
Saturday, Oct. 15 — Rum
mage Sale, Clinton council
chambers, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
sponsors ' Women’s Auxiliary
CFB Clinton. 40b 41X
Reserve Wed., Oct. 19 — 3rd
Annual Fowl Supper, Wesley-
Willis United' Church. Watch
for further announcement. 40b
Saturday, Nov. 5 — Bazaar
and Tea, St. Andrew's Presby
terian Church, homemade bak
ing and miscellaneous: articles.
3-5 p.m. auspices Madeleine
Dane Auxiliary. 40, 43, 4b
Friday, Nov. 11 — DANCE
to Lionel Thornton and his
Casa Royal Orchestra at' CHESS
auditorium; this popular West
ern Ontario orchestra 'from.
London is' 'being brought here
by Clinton Dions Club. 40b
Sat. Nov. 12 — Auction Sale
at Orange Hall of donated arti
cles, also articles may be con
signed to this sale, commission
rates 10% with minimum of
$1.00. Ail proceeds for LOL
Building Fund. 40, lb
Reserve Tues.-, Nov. 15 —
Dominion Life Mixed Choir
from Kitchener wall give a con
cert, Wesley-Willis Church. 40b
Canada Savings Bonds—For
information call R. S. Athey,
Investments Consultant, sub
agent Of A. E, Ames and Co., ■
Limited, Clinton 482-7892. 40-3p
October 7 w Learn
(couple) dapjpe ..com- ,
Friday, October 7r
NEWS-RECORDBox Office Opens at 7:30
First Show at 8:00
October 7-8
(Adult Entertainment) *
John Wayne - Kirk Douglas
Patricia Neal
Jerry Lewis- Susan Oliver
Color Cartoon
Double Feature
(Adult Entertainment)
Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson
Plus A Science-Fiction Thriller
October 14-15
Double Feature — 'In Color
Ursula Andress
John Richardson
Peter Cushing
Joy In The Morning"
Richard Chamberlain
Yvette Mimieux
Arthur Kennedy
Adult Entertainment Cartoon
In Color
* TV*
Buying, Selling, Renting,
Hiring Is Never
a Problem With These
Little Marvels
Open 9 a.m. to 6 p m.
Monday to Friday >
A World Of Music
' Each Saturday, starting in September, Malka
and Joso invite you to A World .of Music, CBC
television’s new variety series featuring music from
many lands sung by performers from all over the
world. •
Photo Albums
Picturip Cover — size 10x13
screw type closing ....,($3.50 ea.
Scroll Decoration on White —
Brown, red, black cover,
size I Ox 13 .......................$3.00 ea.
Plain Cover with Gold Lettering -
Screw type closing — Ivory,
Brown, Green ...................$6.00 ea.
Clear-vue Pho+o Album for colored
pictures up to 8x10—• Blue,
Brown, Red ..............?:.......$7.50 ea.
Fotd-file Album for colored pictures
3 f/2 x3 ’A and 3 ’Z? x5 — Blue
Green, Tan, Ivory. $3;50 & $4.25 ea.
Clear-vue Foto-file for Grand*
children, Wedding, Baby
and Plain......... $L25 & $L50 ea.