HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-06, Page 11dred.and twenty-five Qne.huP’ clpecltiisr (600.25) feet to its iii- tersectiop with the Northerly limit of the lands described hi Instrument .No. 2750 for the Township of Goderich; THENCE. North sixty-six de­ grees fourteen . minutes fifty seconds E«rit (N 66° 14‘ 50” E) and along the Noi4herly limit of the lands desciribecl in In- strument No. 2750, a distance of Three hundred ninety-two and three tenths (392,3) -feet to a point on toe South-west limit bf the lands, dtecribed in Instrument No. 67302; THENCE South sixty degrees thirty-one minutes twenty ®ec-r onds East (S 60° 31' ,20” E) along the Sputh-west limit of the lands described in Instru­ ment No, 67302, a distance of Eighty-two and four tenths (82.4) feet to the aforemention­ ed point “B", the said point |re- ing the point Of commencement of the parcel herein described.” All documents in gelation to the sail'd road allowance may be examined at the office.' of toe Clerk of the Municipality, RR 2, Clinton, Ontario. AND FURTHER NOTICE- that Council will, at such meeting hear in person or by- his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that hlis land will be preju­ dicially affected by the by-law andjWho applies to be heard. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, righteen mmutps thirty seconds lgt day f October, 1966. TTaci- TNT 9Q° IS’ QO” T7.1 anrl _ ’ toe TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE tliat ■Council of th® Corporation of the Township of Goderich, in the Comity of Huron, proposes to pass a by-law, at ihs. meeting .at 3 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, November 1, 1966, at the Mun­ icipal Building, Holmesville, •Ontario, for the purpose of stopping up that portion of road allowance between Lots 35 .and, 38, Maitland Concession, Township of Goderich, and that part of road being composed of .Lot 38, Maitland Concession, tn the Township of Goderich, open be Instalment No. 2750, for the salid 'Township, more partic­ ularly described as follows: “AU .and singular that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land ,and premises, situate, lying and being - in 'the Township o<f Goderich, in the .County, of Huron and Province'of Ontario . and being composed of part of Lot 38, Maitland" Concession and part of the origiiial,vroad , allowance between Lots 38 and 35, Maitland Concession, Town­ ship of Goderich, the boundaries of said parcel being more par­ ticularly described! as follows: PREMISING that the South­ east limit of Lot 38, Maitland Concession has a bearing of North twenty-eight degrees TAKE East (N 28° 18’ 30” E) and relating all beatings herein thereto; BEGINNING at the South-east angle of Lot 38, Maitland Concession; THENCE North-east and along the East­ erly limit of Lot 38, a distance of Six hundred thirty-six and twenty-four one hundredths .(636.24) feet to the Southerly limit of the lands described in Instrument No. 4301 for the Township of THENCE North sixty-one de­ grees’ forty-eight minutes West (N 619 48’ W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands de­ scribed in Instrument No. 4301, a distance of One thousand eight hundred seventy-two and thirty-six one hundredths (1872.36) feet to a point on the Southerly limit of ithe lands de­ scribed in Instrument No. 2750; THENCE South sixty-six de­ grees fourteen minutes fifty seconds West (S 66° 14’ 50” W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands described in In­ strument No. 2750 a distance of One hundred four and four tenths (104.4) feet to a point “B”, the said point being on the South-west limit of land’taken for a road by the county of Huron and being more particu­ larly described 'in Instrument No. 67302; 'the said point being the point of commencement of the parcel herein described!'; THENCE continuing South sixty-six .degrees 'fourteen min­ utes fifty seconds West (S 66° ■14’ . 50’-’ W) and along the Southerly limit of the lands de­ scribed in Instrument No. 2750 and along the production West­ erly-,a..distance of Five hundred forty-tivo and forty-six one hundredths (542.46) feet to- a point on the West limit of the original road allowance be­ tween Lots 35 and 38, in the Maitland Concession; THENCE North zero degrees nine min­ utes thirty seconds West (<N 0° 09’ 30” W) and. along the West limit of the original road .al­ lowance1 between Lots 35 and 38, a distance of Eight-hundred sixty mnd one tenth (860.1) feet to the intersection of theJ West limit of the road .allow­ ance between Lots. 35 and 38 with the Westerly limit of lands acquired for highway pur­ poses by the County of Huron by Instrument No. 67302; THENCE South-east, along the arc of a curve to the right, the said curve having a radius of One thousand, nineteen and ninety-three one hundredths]' (1019.93) feet an arc distance of One hundred seventy-two and thirty-five one hundredths (172.35) feet to a point on the East limit of the original road allowance between Lots 35 and 38, Maitland Concession, 'the chord connection the beginning and end of said arc having a chord length of One hundred seventy-two and fourteen one hundredths (172.14) feet and bearing South twenty-twoi de­ grees forty-two minutes nine seconds East (S 22° 42’ 09” E); THENCE South zero- degrees nine minutes thirty seconds East (S 0° 09’ 30” E) and ■ along the East limit of the road allowance between Lots 35 and 38 a distance of'Six hun- R. E, THOMPSON Township Clerk 40-43b Goderich; the TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that Council of,, the Corporation of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, proposes to pass a by-law, at its’ meeting at 3 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, November 1,. 1966, at the Mun­ icipal Building, Holmesville, Ontario, for the purpose of stopping up that portion of road allowance between Lot 41, Concession 12, and Lot .38, Bay- field Concession, in. the Town­ ship of Goderich, more particu­ larly described as follows: “All and singular that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and beling composed of part of the original road allowance be­ tween Lot 41, Concession 12 and Lot .38, Bayfield Conces­ sion, in the Township of Gode­ rich, the boundaries of said parcel bring more particularly described 'as follows: COM­ MENCING at a point, in the East limit of Lot 41, 'Concession 12, which said point is dis­ tant Sixty-severi (67) feet Southerly from the North-east angle of the said Lot; THENCE South twelve degrees nineteen minutes thirty seconds East (S 12° 19’ 30” E), and along the East limit of the said Dot, a distance of Eight hundred one and eighteen one hundredths (801,18) feet to toe point of intersection of the said East limit with the North-easterly limit of the Varna road as di­ verted by Plan No. 2148; THENCE East and parallel to the North limit of said'Lot 41, to a point in toe West limit of ■Lot 38, Bayfield Concession; THENCE North along the said West limit of Lot 38 to a point distant Sixty-seven and two one hundredths (67.*02) 'feet South from the North-west angle of said Lot 38; THENCE Westerly in a straight line, £o the print of commencement of toe parcel herein described.” ’ All documents in relation to the said road allowance may be examined at'the office of the Clerk of the Municipality, RR 2, Clinton, Ontario. , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Council will, at such meeting hear in person or by 'his counsel, solicitor t or. agent’ any person who olaims that his land will be preju­ dicially affected by the by-law and who applies, to be heard. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, the 1st day of October, 1966. R. E. THOMPSON • Township Clerk 40-43b {TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Goderich, in the County pf Huron, proposes to pass a bydavy, at its meeting at 3 o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, November 1, -1966, at 'the Mun­ icipal Building, , ZN, Ontario, for the purpose pf stopping up that portion of road allowance between Lot 36, Maitland Concession and Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, in the Township of Goderich, more particularly described as fol­ lows: , “All and singular that cer­ tain parcel or tract ipf land and premises, situate, lying and being in 'the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of the original road .allowance be­ tween Lot 36, Maitland Con­ cession and Dot 13, Huron Road Concession, in the Town­ ship of Goderich, the bound-, aries of said parcel being more particularly described as fol­ lows: PREMISING -that the rbad allowance between Lot 36, Maitland Concession and Lot 13, Huron Road Concession has a bearing of North twenty- eigliit degrees thirty-seven min­ utes East (N 28° 37' E) and relating all bearings therein thereto; COMMENCING at a point on the West limit of Lot 13, Huron Road Concession which said point is distant Six hundred Sixty-fiye and three tenths (665.3) feet measured Southerly along the Westerly limit of Lot 13, Huron Road Concession from toe most Northerly angle of- Lot 13, Huron Road 'Concession, the said point being in an existing wire fence; THENCE North forty-five degrees- fiprity-nine minutes West (N 45° 49’ W) along said wire fence and a- cross the road allowance be­ tween Lot 36, Maitland Con­ cession and Lot 13, Huron Road Concession, a distance of Sixty­ eight 'and fifty-one one hun­ dredths (68.51) feet to a point on the East, limit of Lot 36, Maitland Concession; THENCE South ' twenty-eight degrees thirty-seven minutes West (S 28° 37’ W) and 'along the East limit of Lot 36, Maitland Con-., cession, a distance of One hun-' dred ninety-seven and six tenths; (197.6) feet to tire inter­ section of said line with the North limit of a travelled road running through Lot 13, Huron Road Concession; THENCE North seventy-four degrees fifty-six minultes East (N 74° 56’ E) and along the North limit of-said road, a: distance of Ninety-one and twenty-seven one hundredths (91.27) feet to a point on the West limit of Lot 13, Huron Road! Conces­ sion; THENCE North, twenty­ eight degrees thirty-seven min­ utes East (N 28° 37’ E) along said limit a distance of One hundred sixteen and eighteen one hundredths (116.18) feet more or less to the point of commencement of the parcel herein described1.” All documents in relation to the salid road allowance may be examined at the office of toe Clerk of the Munidipa'lity, RR 2, Clinton, Ontario, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Council will, at such meeting hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land' will be preju­ dicially affected by the by-flaw and who applies to be heard. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, the 1st day of October, 1966. R. E. THOMPSON Township Clerk 40-43b Holmesville, ” / ■ $ : * R Auburn and District . ... MRS. WES BRADNOCK— Correspondent— Phone 526-7595 V.. j ;..-_ ■■■. ■...;...\ ....xr:. ... . Mr. and Mrs. .Oliver Ander­ son (and, Mr, and Mrt, Worthy Fowler of Goderich spent the weekend Jn Sudbury with Tom Anderson, Mr, and Mrs, Thiojnas John­ ston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and Miss: Laura Phillips visited on Sunday with to'rir cousins, Durnin Phillips and Miss Myrtle Phillips at Lupgon. Reach. Mr. 'and Mrs.. Lloyd Hum-, phreys, Dublin, visited 'friends in the village last Sunday', Mr. . and Mirs. William, J< Oraig visited last week with their Son Robert Oraig, Mrs. Craig and family at Ilderton and attended the Ilderton Fall Fair, Friends in this district of Mrs. Harold Phillips are pleased to know that s'he is recovering from surgery^ in Victoria Hos­ pital, Mr. lane London. and Mrs.' Albert McFar- are visiting in • Eastern Bible Society At Auburn Elects Officers AUBURN—Andrew Bmdjar, London, praised the Auburn district for its fine work for the past years in supporting the Canadian Bible Society at its annual meeting held in the Sxmday School room of Auburn Baptist Church. Torrance Tabb led the meeting which began with a hymn sing. The min­ utes Were read by the secre­ tary, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. In the financial statement, Mrs. Haggitt stated that $317.- 53 had been, sent from this community. Plans were also mad'e to hold the annual Carol service on December 18 in the Baptist Church. Mr. Brndjair spoke about the Bible display and- gave an il­ lustrative message of the work of the society throughout the world. He also showed the film, 316 — 'World Street, which was filmed in Ontario, showing the canvassers at their work and how they overcome many problems which arise. The election of officers took place for 1967 as following: president, Fordyce Clark; sec­ retary-treasurer,' Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; Canvassers, Westfield, Miss Jannetta Snell, Miss Marjorie Smith; Donnybrook, to be ap­ pointed; East Wawanosth, Mrs. William Empey, 'Mrs. John' Armstrong; West Wawanosh; Mrs. Harald Webster, Mrs. George Hallam; Gravel Road, Torrance- Tabb; 13th, Nancy Lapp, Wendy Schneider; Base­ line, Mrs. Brian Hallam, Mrs. Lloyd Penfound; Colborne, Mbs-. Donald Haines; Auburn .south­ east, Mrs. Bert Cra'ig; Auburn north-east, Mrs-. Russel King, Mrs. Oliver Anderson; Auburn south-west, William Straughan; Auburn north-west, Judy Ar­ thur, Gail Millet;. Ontario for a couple- of weeks. John Bere of Waterloo Uni­ versity, spent the weekend with his mother,. Mrs, Orland Bere and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Weij/r, London, spent the weekend in , the, village. ’ Mr- and Mrs. Charles Robert­ son, 'Ghderioh, visited last week , with ' Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. well, Michael Brantford, .spent with her parents, Gordon R, . Taylor, Mr. and Mirs. Harold Asquith, Islington, spent the weekend the village. A large crowd gathered at SS 9 Hulletit last Saturday to see the building and contents sold. The school was sold to Brian Hallam, RR 1, Auburn. Ed. Davies and Court Kerr ware among the prize winners at the Milverton Fair recently in the horse-shoe pitching con­ tests. Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan spent a few days last week in Wingham with their daughter, Mrs. Thionpas Jardin, Mr. Jardin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, RR 1, Part Albert, were hon­ ored- on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary with . a family dinner at Tiger Dunlop Inn. Mrs. Harold Nicholson, sis­ ter of Mrs. Bennett, read a con­ gratulatory message in poetry and Mrs. Wes Bradnock pre­ sented them with a gift on be- ..........................■■■—■■■■■..■I D. Munro, Ronald Rath­ and Janice, the weekend Mr. and Mrs. in •X ....iii, ,i. L ..ffRwim,, i,i......| i i half of the ^relatives. Those, at­ tending ware Mr. and Mrs, Harold Nicholson and Gary, Seaforth; Mrs. John Menhecre, Stephen and David, Dublin; Mrs. WeS IB radnock, Shewn and George, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Miss Margaret R. Jackson and Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Bennett, John, Jill apd Jim, all of Auburn. -——---o—-.—------ Children Eeger Participants At Fair (Continued from page 8) Oats, other breed's, David Bird, Holmesville; Mary Mc­ Fadden, Bayfield; Mark Rath- well, Hoiimesvil'le; Steve Mc­ Cullough, Holmesville. Rabbits, Valerie Merneir, Bayfield;. Dale Stirling, Hol­ mesville; Robbie Ratowell, Hol­ mesville. Pigeon Fantail, Steven \ Mc­ Cullough, Holmesville; Bob Mc­ Cullough, Holmesville. Pigeon, other, Robert McCul- lough, Holmesville, Loreileli Me- ClinChey, Bayfield; Steve Mc­ Cullough, Holmesville. Bantam, David Keys, Stanley 3; Barry Cleave, Stanley 4 W; Steven McCullough, Holmes­ ville; Bob McCullough, Holmes­ ville. Fancy fowl, Bob McCul­ lough, Holmesville; Bob McCul­ lough, Holmesville. Guinea Pigs, Steven McCul­ lough, Holmesville, Bob Mc­ Cullough, -Holmesville. Most unusual pet, Bonnie Makins, Bayfield; Edith. Ann Martin, Stanley 4; Ruth Mar­ tin, Stanley 4;. DaVid Keys, Stanley 3. "S Use Classified Ads. SCHOOLS FOR SALE The Public School Board of Hullett Township offers for sale by public auction, the1 following Schoo! Buildings, Land, and miscellaneous contents: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1966 Beginning at 1:00 O'clock P.M, x School House No. 6, Lot 5, Concession 12. The Land in the school ground, and the one room frame school complete with oil furnace, pressure system, flush toilets with septic tank and tile field. Contents of the school to be offered at the same time. There is a school bell to be sold at this school. ' - v School House No. 7, Lot 16, Concession 12. The Land in the school ground, and the one room brick school complete with coal stoker furnace, pressure system, flush toilets, .and septic tank with tile field. Contents of the school to be offered at the same time. » School House No. 8, Lot 26, Concession 12. The Land in the school ground, and the one room brick school complete with coal stoker furnace, pressure system, flush toilets, and septic tank with tile field. Contents of school to be offered at the same time. There is a school bell to be sold at this school. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1966 Beginning at 1:00 O'clock P.M, School House No. 12/ Lot 32, Concession 6. The Land in the school ground, and toe one room brick school complete with oil furnace, pressure system, and Chemical toilets. Contents of toe schobl to be offered at the same time. There is a School bell to be sold at this school. „ * School House No. 2, Lot 23, Concessipn 3. The Band in toe school t ground, and the oirie room frame school complete with' oil furnace, pressure system, flush toilets, and septic-tank with tile field. Contents of toe school to be offered at the same time. There is a school bell to be sold at this school. * School House No. 3/ Lot 6, Concession 6* The Land in the schdol ground, and the one room brick school complete with oil ifurriace, pressure system, flush toilets, and septic tank with tile field. Contents of the school to be offered at the same time. There is a schobl bell to be sold at this school. Mr*.Harold Jackson will be the Auctioneer, and * the conditions of the sale will be Os follows: The Sale df the contents will be Cash at the time of the sale/ ahd Sales Tax will be charged where applicable. On the Land and Buildings, purchasers will be expected, to pay 10% of the successful bid and the balance will bd payable In 30 days. PUrdhaselrs of the Land SlvUi be expected to pay the costs of conveyance and trahsfer of title frOni the sOhdol board to the buyer. There is no reserve bld oh ahy of the foregoing articles and the selling price will be Subject to the jurisdiction Of the BUydr. HARRY F/ TEBBUTT, Secretary, RR 1/ Londesboro, Ontario. ............................................... 38-41b WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR BUYING WHITE BEANS HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALSO . SHELLED or COB CORN AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES CONTACT W. 6. THOMPSON & SONS LTD. HEN SALL ONTARIO Phone 262-2527 Thurs,, Oct 6, 1966—-Clinton News-Record<—Page JI HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage AtCosf! —INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE— Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillon, RR. 2, Seaforth Peter Roy, Clinton Gordon Richardson, RR I, Brucefield Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albert St, Clinton Phone 482-9751 A Special Buy on •V AMBER ELM AND FIRESIDE ELM FINISHES . 4’x8‘ S9.98 PER SHEET BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED Complete Builders Supplies CLINTON 482-9514 J 1 r 40ib. -,-W SEE THEM AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALERS' TODAY ' ( • Authorized Oldsmobile Dealer in Clinton:LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITER ”