HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-10-06, Page 9. There's Got To Bo One At Every Fair No fair is; complete without the feiris wheel and children’s rides, and Bayfield’s annual fall fair last week was no exception. The rides were well patronized Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday. ' (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) 8 0 Top IHomemakirig Show At Bayfield Fair; Needle Champ Named Tlwt./ Oct 1966-r-Clintqn 9 Women of the area vied for many honors in needlecraft and cooking at Bayfield Fah’ this year when entries in .these "classes wore varied and. of high' quality, Mis. J. Merner was declared the champion of the needle^ craft segment of the fair and earned the Village Guild award while Mtis. Ehen Weigand, Dashwood, took home the spec- ial commercial production, ture fea- VEGETABLES Early potatoes, Warba, J„ H. ■Johnston; Cobblers, R. Oesch, ’ F. McClymont; late potatoes, F. .McClymont, R. Oesich; table turnips, H.- Beirerling. Table carrots (long), Bea er- ling, Mrs. Tosczak; carrots (Short), Mbs. Tosczak, MrS. Beierling; beets, Russell Oesch, Mrs’. J. H. Johnston; pansnips, Mrs. Tosczak; wintea? radishes, Mrs. Beierling, Mrs. Tosczak; largest tomatoes (green), R. Oesch, Mrs. Tosczak. Cauliflower,' R. Oeisch; cab­ bage (white), R, Oesch, F. Mc­ Clymont; cabbage (red), Mrs. Tosczak, R. Oesdh; white onions, R, Oesch; yellow onlibns, Mrs. S. Keyes, R. Oesch; red onions, R. Oesch, Mrs. Tosczak; Spanish onions, Carol Penhale, R. Oesdh. ' Red tomatoes, R. Oesch, Fred MpOlymont; yellow tomatoes, Mrs. Beierling; largest tom­ atoes (red), Oesch, Mrs. Tosczak; collection of small ■fruit tomatoes, Mrs. J. H. John­ ston, Mrs, Beietling. Collection of peppers, Mrs. Johnston; sweet peppers, Mrs. Tosczak, L. Koene; hot peppers. Mrs. Jake Reder; pepper squash, Mrs. J, Howard, Fred McClymont; muskmelons, Mrs. F, Schilbe, Mrs. A. Sohiil.be; Watermelons, Mrs. A. Schilbe, R. Oesch; citrons, Mrs. Tosczak, Fred McClymont. Hubbard squash (green) Mrs. Tosczak, Carol Penhale; hub­ bard, squash (yellow) Fred Mc­ Clymont, Carol Penhale; veg­ etable marrow, .Mrs.- Tosczak, Fred McClymont; pie pumpkin, Mrs. Tosczak,. Fred McCly­ mont; largest pumpkin or squash, Mrs. Tosczak, H. Mc­ Cullough. Gherkins, Mrs. Tosczak, R. Oesch; cucumbers, Joe Koene, Wendy Bird; largest head sun­ flower, Mrs. Beierling, H. J, McCullough; collection of gar- A-Go-Go Fair In 1967 G. N. Rivers, a retired gentleman in Bayfield, used, a swinging, a-go-go theme, and also included Canada’s centennial symbol, in his entry in the an­ nual poster contest at Bayfield Fall Fair last week. His poster, advertising the 111th annual fair in Bayfield in 1967, won him thez$15 first prize. This annual exhibit always comes up with unique ideas. - (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) < < a J ".BET Best Calf In 4-H Dairy Calf Club Robert Voddeh, RR 1 Clinton, showed the top celt in the junior section of Bayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club, at Bayfield Fall Fair last Wednesday. He Was was also judged best showman in the class. His Holstein calf also won the South Huron Veterinary Clinic, Zurich, special of $5.00 for the truest to type dairy heifer, under two-years old. (Photo by Audrey BeUchamber) den herbs, Mrs. Johnston. Most points tor vegetables, special prize . by Larry Aid­ ham’s Men’s Shop, Mirs. Tosc­ zak, FIELD CROP COMPETITION Ensilage • corn, Eldbn Yeo, Pioneer; Grant Stirling, Pfistv; Les Armstrong, De Kalb, and Robert Taylor, Funks; (tied); Wilmer Riddell, De Kalb. Grain Corn, Bill Steckle,- De Kalb; Frank Hili, Funks, Wil-, •mer Riddell, De Kalb, Earl Schilbe, Pioneer* (tied); Gordon Hill, De Kalb. FLOWERS and PLANTS Bouquets — collection .of cut flowers, Mrs; Don Middleton, Miss Wendy Bird; mantle .bou­ quet, Mrs. Don Middleton; table bouquet, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. Eldon Ye.o; Fall bouquet of wild flowers, Mrs. J. Howard, Mrs. H. McCullough; winter bouquet of dried, flowers, Mils. Don Middleton, Mrs. J. How­ ard; miniature bouquet, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs, Eldon Yeo. Potted plants — African Violet (single); Mrs. Albert Sdhilbe, Mrs. E. .Tosczak; Afri­ can Violet (double), Mrs. H. McCullough, Carol Penhale; Begonia (fibrous rooted), Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. E. Yeo; Be­ gonia (tuberous), Mrs. Don Middleton, . Mrs. .Tosczak; coleus, 'Mbs, 'Tosczak, Mrs. S. Keyes; geranium, Mrs. S. Keyes.. Cut Flowers — snapdragons, Mrs, Herb Beierling, Mrs-. Tosc­ zak; Calendulas, Mbs. Herb Beierling, Mrs. J. Howard; as­ ters, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mirs. Carol Penhale; chrysanthe­ mums, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. J. Howard'; cosmos; Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. S. Keyes; dahlias (pom-pom), Mrs. J. H. Johnston; dahlias (dwarf hy­ brid), Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. J. ’ H. Johnston; dahlias (display), Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs. Don Middleton. Gladioli (3) Mrs. H. Beierling, Mrs. Don Middleton; gladioili(7) Mrs. Don Middleton; mari­ gold's (African), Mrs. H. Beier­ ling, Mrs. Don Middleton; marigolds (French), 'Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. Eldbn Yeo; pansies, Carol Penhale, Mrs. S. Keyes; petunias, Russell .Oesch, Mrs. Mayman; roses, Mrs. Don ‘ Middleton, Mrs. H. McCullough; salvia, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. Eldon Yeo; zinnias, Mrs. H. Beierling, Mrs. J. Howard; zinnias (pom-pom), Mrs. H. McCullough, Mrs. H. Beierling. Centrepiece for Thanksgiving table, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs. J. Howard. Most points for flowers and plants, Mrs. Don Middleton (Rose Bowl given by Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce). GRAINS and SEEDS • Fall wheat, Russell Oesch, R. Potter; white oats, R. Oesoh, W. Porter; barley, R. Oesch; Tony Bird; pea beans, R. Oesch, F. McClymont; red clover seed, B. Keyes. Timothy, Vernon Oesch, Mrs. tB. Keyes; Hybrid sweet coin, Mrs. E. Tosczak; dent corn, R. Oesch, Mrs. E. Yeo; Bantam sweet corn," Mrs. E. Tosczak, Russell Oesdh; Tallest stalks of com, Oesdh, Gordon Mill. ARTS and CRAFTS Oil Paintings, landscape, Fisher, M. S. McKay; seascape, Mrs. C. Talbot, Mrs. S. Keyes; flowers, Mrs. S. Keyes; still life, Mrs. S. Keyes; any other subject, Mike Scotchmer, Mirs. E. OddlelifsOn. Water colours, any subject, Mrs. S. Keyes, Mrs. J. Howard. .Black and White, any subject, Mrs. E. Oddleifson, M. S. Mc­ Kay. Collection of photos, 65 years or over, Mrs. S. Keyes. Painting on fabrics, Mrs. Frank Cantelon, Mrs. E. Weig­ and. Collection of floral emblems of the Province, Mrs. S. Keyes, Mrs. J, Howard. A $5 special prize donated by Mrs. Mabel Middleton whs awarded to Mrs. C. Talbot. POSTER CONTEST G. N. Rivers, Mrs. S. Keyes, Mrs. E. Oddleifson, Mirs. How­ ard, Mrs. R. Blair; stuffed toy, A. Whiteman. FRUIT Plums, Lombard, R. Oesch, F. Stirling; plums, Reno Claude, Fraser Stirling, ’Fred McCly* mont; plums, German Prune, R. Oesdh, Harold Penhale; plums, Burbank, F. McCly­ mont; piums, Italian .prune-. •Carl Diehl, H. Penhale; plums, A.O.V., >F. McClymont. Pears, Bartlett, F. McCly­ mont, Harold Penhale; pears,. Duchess, Fraser Stirling; pears, Beure D’Anjou, Fraser Stirl­ ing; pears, Beure-Clairgeau, Fred McClymont; pears, Shel-; ■ don, Harold Penhale, F. Mc­ Clymont. Peaches, Earl Schilbe, Fraser Stirling; white grapeis, H. Pen­ hale, Mrs. J, H. Johnston; red grapes, Mrs. J. H. Johnston; blue grapes, H. Penhale, Mrs. J. H. Johnston; collection of grapes, Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Best basket of fruit, Fred McClymont; hamper Northern Spy apples, Fraser ’Stirling; Mac’s F.- Stirling, F. McCly­ mont; A.O.V, fall apples-, F, Stirling, F. McClymont; A.O.V. Winter apples, F. McClymont; 6 quart basket Northern Spy, F. Stirling, F. McClymont; Mac’s, F. Stirling, F, McCly­ mont; A.O.V. fall apples, F. McClymont, F. Stirling; A.O.V. winter apples, F McClymont; Yellow-Delicious, F. Stirling; Kings, F. Stirling, F. McCly­ mont; collection of apples, fall' varieties. F. McClymont, F. Stirling; collection of apples, winter, F. Stirling, F. McCly­ mont. Crabapples, J. E. Mayman? F. Stirling, x F. McClymont; Baldwins, F. Stirling, F. Mc­ Clymont; Blenheim Pippins, F. Stirling; Delicious, F. Stirling, F. McClymont; Golden Russet, F. Stirling, F. McClymont; Greenings, F. Stinting; F. Mc­ Clymont; Golden Delicious, F. Stirling; Red Delicious, F. Mc­ Clymont; Mac’s, F. Stirling. Carl Diehl, F. Mcdymonit. Northern Spy, F. McClymont, F. Stirling; North Star, F. Stirling; Ontario, F. Stirling, F. McClymont; Snow, F. McCly­ mont; F. Stirling, Carl Diehl; Talman Sweets, F. Stirling, F. McClymont; St. Lawrence, F. Stirling, F. McClymont. Plate of Quince, F. Stirling, H. Penhale; Wealthy, F. Mc­ Clymont; Wolf River, or Alex­ ander, -F. Stirling, F. McCly­ mont; Kings, F. McClymont. Special $5 prize donated by Smith’s Repair Shop, Varna, for Snow Apples won by Fred Mc­ Clymont. Special Commercial Product­ ion Feature: Mrs; E. Weigand? Mrs. Eldon. Yeo, Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs. James Keyes. Field Crop Competition En­ silage corn, Eldon Yeo, Grant Stirling, Les Armstrong and Robert Taylor, Wii-lmer Riddell. award. LIVING ROOM ACCESSORIES Needlepoint, Mrs. J. man; table centrepiece, Lloyd Makins, Mrs, Carol Pen­ hale; cushion (complete), Carol Penhale, Mrs. E. Weigand; tat­ ting (doillie), Mrs. Maltins, Mrs. E. Yeo; crocheted tablecloth, Mrs. Howard. DINING ROOM ACCESSORIES Tea towels, Mrs. E, Weigand, Mrs, E. Yeo; teacloth, A. Whiteman, Carol Penhale; ’luncheon cloth (embroidered), Mrs. C., Mrs. H, McCullough; buffet set (3-piece embroider­ ed), Mrs. H. McCullough; four place mats and centrepiece (any other work), A White- man. ' . BEDROOM ACCESSORIES Pillow cases (1 pair embroid­ ered), Mrs, Eldon Yeo, Mrs. E. Weigand; pillow cases (cross stitched), Carol Penhale, Mrs. C. ; pillow cases (crochet trim), Carol Penhale, Mrs. E. Woig- ■ and; crocheted bed 'spread, Mrs. Howard. CHILDREN’S WEAR • Girl’s wool socks, Mrs. C., Mrs. J. Merner; girl’s wool miitts, Mrs. C., Mrs. J. Merner;. boy’s wool socks, (Mrs; J. Mer­ ner; boy’s wool mitts, Mrs. E. Tosczak, • Mrs. C.; child’s sun­ suit, Mrs. Francis Cantelon. Child’s pullover sweater, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs.. J. Merner; child's cardigan sweater, Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. E. Yeo; baby's jacket, bonnet and -bootees (crocheted), Mrs. J. Meaner, Mrs. C.; baby’s jacket .bonnet and bootees (knit), Mrs. C., Mrs. Merner. One crib qu'ilt, A. Whiteman, Carol Penhale; sport Shirt, Mrs. E. Tosczak. LADIES’ WEAR Work apron, Mirs. E. Weig­ and, Mrs. Tosczak; house dress, cotton, Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. E. Makins; women's wool glaves (hand knitted), Mrs. C., Mrs. J. Merner. Hostess apron, Mrs. E. Mak­ ins, Mrs. J. H. Johnston; ladies’ sweater ('handknit wool), A. Whiteman, Mirs. J. Merner; ladies’ skirt, Mirs. E. Weigand, -*A. Whiteman. * ■ Ski miitts and hats to match, Mrs. J. Merner; millinery, ’A. Whiteman, Mrs. J. Merner; baby doll pyjamas, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. E. Yeo; ladies’ blous'e, Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. Bruce Keyes. MEN'S WEAR ■Pyjamas, homemade-, Mrs. Tosczak; ’ knitted pullover, sleeveless, Mrs. J. Merner, Mrs. E. Yeo; mitts, heavy handknit, Mrs. Merner, Carol Penhale; gloves, fine handknit, Mrs. C., Mrs. Merner. Socks, diamond handknit, Mrs. C.; Socks, heavy hand­ kbit, Mrs, C., Mrs. J. H. John­ ston; socks, ■fine, Mrs. C.; man’s sport shitt, Mrs. E. Tosczak; jumbo-knit sweater, Mrs. Jack Merner. OTHER LADIES’ WORK Quilt applique, A. Whiteman, Mrs. Makins; quilt, cotton patched, Mirs. A. Merner; Quilt, cotton, fancy quilting, Mrs. Tosczak; afghan knitted, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. J. Merner. Hearth rug, hooked yam, Carol Penhale; hearth rug, hooked rags, Mrs.. A. Merner, Mrs. E. Weigand; house slip­ pers, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. H. McCullough; braided 'mat, A, Whiteman, Mrs. Keyes. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Baked beans, Mrs. R. Taylor, ■May- Mrs. Mrs. E. Yen; salmon loaf, Mrs, E. Yeo;, fruit salad, Mrs. E, Yeo; maple cream candy,. Mrs. E, Yeo; chocolate fudge, Mrs. - E, Yeo, Mrs. Carol Penhale. Dipped chocolates, Mrs, Ropt. , Taylor, Mrs. JS. Keyes; six scopes, Cprol Penhale, Mrs, James Keyes; six bran mufe fins, Mrs, E, Weigand; six bis-, cults, Donna Klopp, Mrs. Ft. Bird, Peanut butter cookies, Carol Penhale, Mrs, Esther Makins; shortbread cookies, Mrs, R. Taylor, Mrs, E. Weigand; roll­ ed oat cookies, Mrs, E., Weig­ and; chocolate chip cookies, Mrs, Tosczak, Mrs.' R. Taylor; drop cookies, Mrs, E, Tosczak. Oatmeal date squares, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs? E. Weig- and; Dutch apple pie, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs, Elsie Reder; raspberry pie, Mr,s. R. Taylor; raisin pie, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs, E. Tosczak. Orange cake, Mrs-. W. Col­ clough; angel food cake, Mrs. W. Colclough, Carol Penhale; loaf home-made white bread, Mrs, L. Hill, Mps, E. Tosczak; loaf brown bread, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. L. Hill; six ’buns (plain), - Mrs. E, Weigand Frances Schilbe. Box of treats, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Carol Penhale; straw­ berries (canned) Mrs. E. Weig­ and,. Mrs, E, Tosczak; rasp­ berries, Mrs. E, Weigand, Mrs. E. Tosczak; peaches, Mrs. E. Tosczak. Mrs. J. H. Johnston; plums, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs1. E. Tosczak; pears, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. Weigand; prunes, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Canned corn, Mrs. E. Tosc­ zak; tomatoes, Mrs. Weigand, Mrs. E. Tosczak; pickled beans, Carol Penhale, Mrs. E. Weig­ and; beans (canned), Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. J, H. Johnston; pickled beets, Mrs. J. H. John­ ston, Mrs. E. Weigand; canned beets, Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs. E. Tosczak. Cucumber pickles- (sweet), Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. E. Weig­ and; chili sauce, Mrs. E. Weig­ and, Mrs. R. Taylor; catsup, Mrs. Tosczak, Carol Penhale; maple syrup, F. McClymont, Mrs. J. Reder; strawberry jam, Mrs. Tosczak, Mrs. R. Taylor; grape jam, Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs. ,E. Weigand; apple jelly, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. B. Keyes; any currant jelly, Mrs. E. Tosczak; tomato juice, Mrs. J. Keyes, Mrs. Tosczak. SPECIAL PRIZES ‘Bayfield Agricultural Society Special — light fruit cake*, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. B. Keyes; dark friiit cake, Mrs.- A.'Aim­ strong, Mrs. Tosczak. William Neilsons Limited, chocolate cake, Mrs. A. Schilbe, Mrs. J. Keyes; Fry-Cadbury Ltd., chocolate cake, Mrs.' W-. Colclough, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs-. J. Keyes. Ogilvie Five 'Roses, white bread, Mrs. Tosczak, Mrs. A. Armstrong; banana layer cake,. Mrs. E. Weigand; blueberry pie, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. A. Schilbe. McCormicks, Graham Crack­ er pie, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Carol Penhale. Arva Flour Mills', chocolate brownies, Mrs. E. Tosczak; date and nut loaf, Mrs. Carol Penhale, Mrs. Esther Makins, Mirs. E. Tosczak; apple *pie, Mrs. Tosczak, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. Colclough; coconut tarts, Mrs. E. Makins, Carol Penhale, Mrs. E. Weigand. Schneiders, red cherry pie, Mrs. E. Weigand, Mrs. R. Tay­ lor, Mrs. W. Coiciough; butter tarts, Mrs. Weigand, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. Bird. Ida McClinchey, spice cake, Mrs. Colclough. Standard Brand ______ (Fleischman’s Yeast Special), White bread, Mrs. E. Weigand, .Mrs. Tosczak, Mrs. L. Hill; brown -bread, Mrs. Tosczak, D. Klopp, Mrs. A. Armstrong; milk rolls, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. E. Tosczak, Mrs. Coiciough; cinnamon buns, Mrs. Weigand, Mrs. Tosczak, Frances Schilbe. Magic Baiting Powder Spe­ cial, white cake, Mrs. Col­ clough, Mrs. J.- Keyes, Mrs. Tosczak. JAMESWAY POWER CHORING EQUIPMENT Fbr Beef « Dairy - Hogs and Poultry SILO UNLOADERS 3-Point Suspension — Power King Gear Drive Optional Filling Attachment PHONE 523-4241 36-38-40b *, HOWSON & HOWSON LTD., BLYTH Power Choring Dealer.for Hurqn County International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration x\ Limited on the JAMES SCOTT FARMS SEAFORTH in Huron County, Ontario I GEHL SHRED-ALL ...YEAR 'ROUND HANDYMAN £ This "light running machine, compactly designed for quick and easy turns out of cramped quarters, is a multi-purpose farm tool. . . that can pay for itself in less‘than a year! The Shred-All’s 39 high-speed, free-swinging flails cut a 6-ft. swath: corn stalk shredding, renovating pasture, straw mulching, root crop devining, cotton stalk shredding . . . any land clearing job. Revers­ ible transmission lets you adjust the Shred-All’s . R.P.M. (540 or 1,000) to match your tractor. Name the reason, pick the season and the Gehl Shred-All will do the chore ... economically, too. For a first­ hand look at the Gehl Shred-All that practically “does-it-all” , . . stop in and visit with us. TODAY! Financing available. Make u$ Prove it with a H. LOBB & SONS, EQUIPMENT ’Bayfield Road CLINTON — Phone 482-9431 n iiww; V everybody needs GETUP AND GO of tUt fl t^t KWII AmtIL '' You never outgrow the good things you get in a glass of milk. Enjoy it anytimeyou need a real pick-me-up. And glass for glass, milk is" still one of your best buys in pure food value. Enjoy it every day. It’s one of the. I healthiest habits you can get into. THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD