Clinton News-Record, 1966-10-06, Page 8Page 8r—Clinton News-Record-?-Thurs., (M, 4r 1966 A First Prize Oil Painting At Bayfield Fair Make Scotchmer’s oil painting of an old Chinese man, won him first prize at Bayfield Fall Fair last week. The painting was entered in the any other sub­ ject class of the arts and crafts section. There was a large number of entries in all classes of arts and crafts at the fair. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) BEAUTIFUL BREEZY 9 , ,, , , By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL IfEAAS • CHURCH REWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES < VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER w Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. ■?% (Continued from page 1) "Holmesville. Armstrong, Stanley 4 E; Pat Brandon, Bayfield; Delbra Ging­ erich, Stanley 4 E; and Eldon Amorosa, .Holmesville. Set of homemade bookends, Freddy Bird, Holmesville; Glen­da Blake,< ‘ Holmesville, and Linda Anderson, Stanley 1. Box sculpture (robot), Randy Blake, Holmesville; George Thompson, Holmesville; Wally Pierson, Holmesville; Dorothy Collins, Holmesville; and Brian Beck, Holmesville; handmade pot holder, . Julia Armstrong, Stanley 4- E; Elaine Gingerich, ■ Stanley 4 E; Brenda -Talbot, Stanley 4 E‘; Marlene Bachler, . Stariley 4 E; and Kathy Tom­ kins, Stanley 10. Totem pole', from paper tow­ el, Mary McFadden, Bayfield; Kathy Logan, Bayfield; Peggy Campbell, Stanley 4 W; Deb­ orah Brodie, Stanley 4 W; Rob­ ert Stirling, Holmesville; and Audrey Gingerich, Stanley 4 E. Stuffed toy, ‘ Dinah 'Blok, Holmesville; Debbie Riehl, Holmesville; Dale Scotchmer, Stanley 3; Sharon Gingerich, Stanley 4 W; Wendy Greer, Stanley 4 E; and Geraldine Martin, Stanley 4 W.Wallpaper design for bed­ room, Peggy Campbell, Stanley 4 W; Sherry Hodgtins, Holmes­ ville; Jim Riddell, Holmesville; Roseanne Middleton, Holmes- ? Ville;-Rhoda Steckle, Stanley 4 W; and Debbie Aitkenhe'ad, Stanley 1. Historical event in Canada in black and white, Diiiane Tyn­ dall, Holmesville; Linda Sparks, Bayfield; Jim Heard, Holmes­ ville; Connie Harris, Holmes­ ville; George- Thompson,’ Hol­ mesville; and Dorothy Collins, Holmesville. Wild animal in natural sur­ roundings, David Pocock, Hol­ mesville; Helen Colclough, Hol- mesville; Diane Collins, Hol­ mesville; Marilyn Dulizer, Stan­ ley 1; Kevin Swan, Stariley 1; and Roseanne Middleton, Hol­ mesville. View of your school and land­ scape, Dorothy Collins, Holmes­ ville; Susan Lobb,* Holmesville; Sharon Keys, Stanley 7; Wendy Rathweil, Holmesville; Ivan Merrill, Holmesville; and Chery Potter, Holmesville, Homemade scrapbook, Julia Armstrong, Stanley 4 E. Hallowe’en mask, Linda Blake, Judy Johnston, Sheila Montgomery, Debra Biggin, Teresa Steegstta, JoAnn Col­ lins, all of Holmesville. Unusual event (fire or acci­ dent) , Roseanne Middleton, Billy Whitely, Helen Colclough, Mark Giover, Susan Freeman, Freddie Bird, all of Holmes­ ville, Poster, outdoor safety, De­ lores Telford, Bayfield; Dorothy Collins, Holmesville; Mark Mc­ Lean, Holmesville; Nahcy Por­ ter,. Holmesville; Maureen. Mil* lor, Holmesville; and Larry Johnston, Stahley 3. WRITING Grade 3, Steve Talbot,- Stan-' ley 4 E; Paul Robinson, Stan­ ley 5; Elaine Gingerich, Stahley 4 E; Francos Armstrong, Stan­ ley 5; Marjorie Keys, Stahley 6; and! Philip Erb, Stanley 4 E. Grade 4, Eloh Amorosa, Hol­ mesville; Carol Chowen, Hol- mesvilM; Betty Taylor, Stanley 10; Paul Middleton, Hiolmes- • yille; Wendy Mustard, Stahley 6; and Michael Dupris; Holmes- Ville, '. - Grade 5, Rhodri Steckle, Stahley 4 WJ Sharon Brodie, Stanley lj Kathy Logan, Bay* fieikt; Jacqueline Koene', Stan­ ley 3; Debbie Aitkenhead, Sltan* ley 1; and Karen Brandon, I Bayfield. ' Grade 6, Jbyce Colclough, Helen , Colclough, . Katherine ; Forbes, Jim Riddell, Mary 1 Heard, Glenda Blake, rill ’ Grade 7, Winnifred Arm­ strong, Stanley 4 W; and' Dinah Blok, Diane FSlon, Debbie . Riehl, Ronald Young, Cathy Schil'be, all of Holmesville. Grade S, Evelyn Siteckle, Stanley 4 W; Geraldine Martin, Stanley 4 W; Carol Elliott, Stanley 1; Dorothy Collins, Holmesville; Jane Encleniburg, Holmesville, Lesley Blacker,, Holmesville. PRINTING Grade 2, Janny Zandwyk, Stanley 4 E; Debbie Sowerby, Holmesville; Robert Steckle, Stanley 4‘E; Gary Powell, Hol­ mesville; Linda Campbell, Stanley 4 E; and1 Dennis‘•Po- cock, Holmesville. ART ■ Picture of favourite nursery rhyme, Cindy Middleton, Hol­ mesville; " ~ mesville; mesville; __ Stanley 4 E; Stanley 4 E; -— ---------- Leitch, Holmesville. -Crayon colouring anitaal in action, Fred Schilbe, Paul Wise, Michael Rivet, Michael Leitch, Cindy Middle ton, Wendy Mc­ Lean, all of Holmesville. Collection of snowflake de­ signs, Ruth Martin, Stahley 4 E; Dawn Gingerich, Stanley 4 E; Connie Talbot, Stanley 4 E; Mary Cantelon, Midhael Leitch, Darlene Chowen, Model animal Ricky Forbefc, . . Jimmy Mackie, Bayfield; Larry Biggin, Holmesville; Faith Renner, Bayfield; Phillip Potter, Holmesville; and Christine Wise, Bayfield. COLLECTIONS Homemade scrapbook, Dar­ rell Steckle, Stanley 4 E; Dfene Freeman, Holmesville; Philip Potter, Holmesville; Susan Ful­ ler, Holmesville; Jane White, Holmesville; Robert Orr, Hol­ mesville. Picture collection' of bene­ ficial insects, Wendy Rathwell, Holmesville and Garnet Mc­ Bride, Stanley 3. Collection of evergreens, Paul Forbes, Holmesville; Carol Por­ ter, Holmesville; Paul Payne, Bayfield; Rusty Ormandy, Hol­ mesville; Betty Orr, Holmes­ ville; and Catherine Wise, Hol­ mesville. Design of paper shopping bag, James Armstrong, Stanley 4 E; Dawn Gingerich, Stanley 4 E; Sylvia Wilson, Stanley 10; Debbie Elliott, Stahley 10; Daisy Davidson, Stanley 10; and Elizabeth Davidson, Stan­ ley 10. Table bouquet of garden flowers, Karen DavidsOn, Stand­ ley 10; Mary Cantelon, Hol­ mesville; Andy Sturgeon, Bay­ field; Danny McLeod, Bayfield; Elizabeth Davidlson, Stanley 10; David Bird, Holmesville. Thanksgiving centrepiece for, dining room table, Maly Mc­ Fadden, Bayfield; Marie Bet­ ties, Holmesville; Freddy Bird, Holmesville; Jim Riddell, Hol- mesville; Janice Turner, Stah­ ley 7; Debra Torrance, Stanley 7. ’ Coffee. table arrangement, Brenda Turner, Stanley 7; San­ dra Graham, Stanley 1; Linda Sparks, Bayfield, Wendy Greer, Stahley 4 W: Winnifred Arm­ strong, Stanley 4 W; Sharon Keys, Stanley 7. VEGETABLES Field corn, Janice Turner, Stanley Brenda Turner Stah­ ley 7; Barbara Aidwinkle, Stan­ ley 6,‘ Linda Wood, Stahley 1} Paul Aldwinckle, Stanley 6: Tim Ott, Holmesville. Table corn, James Arm­ strong; Stanley 4 E; J Betty Glett, Stanley 10; Paul Ald- wiiikle, Stanley 6t Kevin Swan, M Rhoda Perrot, Hol- Charles Cook, Hol- Dawn * Gingerich, ; Ruth Martin, and Ml'chael Holmesville; Holmesville; Holmesville. ..(plasticine), Holmesville; Stanley 6; David Anderson, Stanley 10; Barbara Aidwinkle, Stanley 6. Beets, Janice Turner, Stanley 7; . Marilyn Duizer, Stanley 1; James Armstrong, Stanley 4 E; Harold Gengerich, Stanley 4 W; Brenda Turner, Stanley 7; Julia Armstrong, Stanley 4 E. Carrots (long), Janice Turn­ er, Stanley 7; Audrey Ging- , eridh, Stanley 4 W; Edith A. Martin, Stanley 4 E;. Douglas Schilbe, Holmesvill.ei;' Mervin Steckle, Stanley 4 W; Dorothy Collins, Holmesville, Carrots (short), Ivan Merrill, Holmesville; DebTa Torrance, Holmesville; Brenda Turner, Stanley 7; David Renner, Bay­ field and1 Faith Renner, Bay­ field (tied); Brian McGregor, Stanley 10, Spanish onions, Elizabeth. Davidlson, Stanley 10; Douglas Schilbe, Holmesville. Onions (any variety), Paul Payne, Stahley 8; Bill Collins,. Holmesville; Mervin Steckle,' Stanley 4 W; Dorothy, Collin's/. Holmesville; Diane Collins, Hol­ mesville; JoAnn Collins, Hol­ mesville. Potatoes (White), Ivan Mer­ rill, ’ Holmesville; Irene Wubs, Stanley 10; Faye Wilson, Hol- mesviille; Mervin Steckle, Stan-' ley 4 W; David „ Oesch, Stan­ ley 4 E; John Longmire, Hol­ mesville. , Potatoes (red), .Brian Koene, Stanley 3; Ralph Welsh, Hol­ mesville; Sylvia Oesch, Stanley 5;, Dorothy Collins, Holmes­ ville; Bill Collins, Holmesville; Deane Collins, Homesville? Maple Cream candy,' Mary- McFadden, Bayfield; Eleanor Lobb, Holmesville; WiirinifrCd Armstrong, Stanley 4 W; Linda’ Anderson, Stanley 1; Joy Cleave, Stanley 4 W; Catherine Wise, Holmesville. v ■ Shut-in box, Winnifred Arm­ strong, Stanley 4 W; David Oesch, Stanley 4 E; Mary Can- teilon, Holmesville; Mary Mc­ Fadden, Bayfield; Robert Stir­ ling, Holmesville; Dorothy Col-' lins, Holmesville. Unbaked cereal cookies, David Oesch, Stanley 4 E; Patti Greer, Stanley 4 E; Mary Heard, Holmesville; Cathy Mal­ colm, Holmesville; Bill Collins, Holmesville; Colleen Merner, Bayfield, SPECIAL EVENTS Tug of War, public school, boys, Goderich Twp.; girls, Goderich Twp.; softball, public school, Goderich Twp. (iby de­ fault) . PONY CLASSES Best pony outfit, Dayle Scotchmer, Louise McVeah, Patricia Payne, Paul Payne; saddling contest, Dayle Scotch- mer, Wayhe Straughan, Wendy Miller, Jim Straughan. Musical chairs, Dandy Wise, Wendy Miller, Dayle Scotch- mer, Louise McVean.; potato race (public School)., Hahvey Cleave, Patricia Payne, Wendy Miller,. Dayle Scotchmer. Potato race (under 21 years), Wayne Straughian, Carol An­ gus, Patricia Payne, Brian Maltins; bareback wrestling, (public school), Lynda Wise, Brian Maldns, Cathie Steep, Harvey Cleave, Pony race, (public school), Lynda Wise, Louise McVCari, Harvey Cleave, Wehdy Miller; pony race (•Under 21 years) Wayne Straughan, Carol An­ gus, Pat Rayne, Brian MaitihS, Calf race (14*18 years), Leo­ nard Lobb, Fred Trewartha, Mafie Trewartha; calf rath (Under. 14 yrs), Brian West- brock, Tom Lobb, Bob McCul­ lough, _ „ PET SHOW 1 Persian cat, ’ Lorelei McCliri- chey, Bayfield; Bob McCul­ lough, Holmesville, Steve Mc­ Cullough, Holmesville. (Continued On page 11) Mrs. H. , S, Gowan,-, Mrs, James Askin, Miss . Mudge Winch and Miss Kay Reid, aJI 'of Windsor, were luncheon .and tea. guests of Canon and Mrs. F. H. Pauli at Camborne House On Tuesday. Miss Relid1 -is spend­ ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Diehl at The Hut. Mr. and Mrs, R. K. Rivers and family, London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers, • ■ • Mr. and Mrs. W. E Parker accompanied Mr, and Mrs/ W. C. Parker and. children to Ni­ agara Falls for ;the weekend. Reeve F. E. ’^d Mrs, Me- . Fad'd'en attended'’'the wedding, of their niece, sWss Carolyn PhW to Mr.y Doug Henry jn London on 1 Saturday.Miss •Philip was givenin marriage by her uncle, and attended by her cousin, Miss • Mary McFad­ den, who. was one of the junior bridesmaids. Mr. and Mrs, R. Peterson and Richard have sold their home in the village, and will take up residence in Clinton at the weekend. Mrs. Norma Wai-, lis, the new owner,'‘.expects to move into her new ’home the latter pant of October. . Mr. and Mrs. • H. S'. Harris,' St. Catherines, were guests of Mrs. William Metcalf from Wednesday ’til Friday of last week. ’ - ' Canon ■ H. M. Lang-Ford, Kitchener, is a guest of klrs. R. H. F. Gairdner this Week. Mrs. Les Armstrong is home after -undergoing surgery in Victoria Hospital, London. Dr. and Mrs. William Till- mian and family, London, were aft fihelilr Bayfield Terrace cot­ tage for the wepkend. Mrs. G. Hopson, who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, returned Home at the .weekend. Mrs. Hopson 'states that the surgeon did not am­ putate her sense of humour! Mrs. Stanley Bryant who has spent the summer at her Louisa St.* home, returned! to London at the weekend with, her daugh­ ter Mrs/ Barney Myers. |Canon and Mrs. F. H.’ Pauli were in Listowel for the week­ end. , Mr. and Mrs,. R. J. LaTs'on had their grand-daughters, Lea Ann and Karen with them for the weekend'; Opl. and1 Mrs: S. A. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. LarSon joined' them Mrs. Keith Pruss, Janice and Charlie, London and! Glen Pruss were at the former’s cottage for the weekend. .’•Miss Gayle "Turner returned to Stratford' on Tuesday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Turner .since Sun­ day, ' • Mrs. Neil Sparks of Detroit,' was1 a recent gdest of Mrs; Gebrge Little. Dr. arid Mrs. A. L, Chapman, who have- been at their sum­ mer home on Louisa Street since May, left for their home in- Pensacola, Floridia, last Thursday. ■ Miss Della Lou Ferguson has returned, to Pramburn, Sask., Where she attends the 'Miller Memorial Bible Institute. ■ Mrs. E. A. Featherston 'Who is. visiting her' daughter-, Mrs. Keith Leonard and. 'family, Willowdale, recently had the misfortune to break her aim. . Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ R. 'R. Wfl- /r— — ................ 'lock, Toronto, are (spending this week at their Cottage, their children, Cathy, Douglas and Ainslie will join them at the weke.nd. The Right Rey. William A. Townshend, .Suffragan Bishop of Huron, will be'at Trinity An-, glican Church, Sunday, October 9 for' Harvest Thanksgiving, and National Thanksgiving, and dedication of the organ. Mr, and Mrs. William Foster, Who have spent September at their cottage have returned to their home 'in Ferndale', Mich.; Mr. Foster was ordained' a dea­ con on June 29 at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Detroit, and has.as­ sisted .the Rev. E. J, B. Harri­ son at early morning services during the summen and fall. There will be a general meet­ ing in Bayfield Library on Fri­ day, October ,7 at 2 p.m! All subscribers are urged to attend.- Mr. and Mrs; E. Kells', Mr, and Mrs. E. Butler and daugh­ ter, all of Petrolia and Mr, and Mrs. E. Burks, Detroit, Mich., —. -.......... . . / were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Kerr; their guests last week for several days were Mr. and Mrs, Les Wheeler of Kitchener. Mrs. June |Iumphrlies return­ ed last week from a week’s va­ cation in Port Stanley, ..... .. ■■inni i I.............i j |........................I, 1 . Area Cattle Breeders At Bayfield 4-H Calf Club Members Compete 'Livestock entries' were down at this year’s Bayfield Fail Fair. Prize winners are' as fol­ lows: DAIRY CATTLE Holsteins •— senior calf, Leo­ nard Lobb, Doug Trewartha, Maile Trewartha, John Keys;- junior calf, R. Vodden, B. West­ brook, W. McIlwain, John Keys; herd, Trewartha, Keys. Jerseys — yearling, Howard McCullough; junior calf, Diane Puckard, Wayne Pickard, Fired Webber, ' Special award,.. South Huron Veterinary Clinic, R| Vocld'en. BEEF CATTLE Shorthorn, Frank Falconer AUBURN — The annual Sunday School meeting of Knox United Church was held in the church. The new officers elected for 1966-67 are: co-superintendents, Harold 'Webster, Tom Cunning­ ham; assistant superimtendent, Bill Stiles; •treasurer and .peri­ odical secretary, Bill Stiles; as­ sistant treasurer, Betty Moss; assistant secretaries, Barbar'a- Oarter, Klaske Koopmans; Teachers: nursery, Mrs. Leo­ nard Archambault, Mrs. Tom Cunningham, Mrs. RosS And­ rews; primary girls', Miss Ber­ nice McDougall, Mrs. Kenneth Patterson; primary boys, Mrs. •John Armstrong, Leonard Arch­ ambault; Sunshine girls, Miss' Marsha Koopmans, Mrs. John Durnin; explorer boys, Glen Webster, Bill Stile's; Goodwill girls, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. John Hildebrand; senior boys, Norman Wightman, Mrs. .Maur­ ice Bean; senior boys, class 2, Mrs. Charles Millian, Miss Martie Koopmans; cradle toll, Mrs. Ernest Durnin; pianists, Miss Bernice McDougall,/ Miss Laura Daer, Mrs. William J. Craig: projectionists, Douglas Archambault, Bill Millian, Floyd Rosebush, Allan Craig; Representative to official board, Miss ’ Margaret R. Jack- son ; nominating committee, Mrs. John- Armstrong, Mrs. Stewart Ament, Mrs. ’John Hil­ debrand; librarian, .Miss Nancy Anderson; diplomas, Mirs. Wal­ ter Cunningham; social com­ mittee', Mrs., Ted Mills, Mrs. Harold Webster, Mrs. George Hallam, Mrs. Harold McClin- chey. (10, awards); Aberdeen Angus, yr. old heifer, H. McCullough; baby beef, Howard McCullough, Frank Falconer, SHEEP Shropshire, Russell Mansion, Zurich, (3 award's); Oxford,. Donald Deering, • Exeter, (10. awards); Dorset Horn, C. W. Paff and sons, Ailsa Craig, (11 awards); Suffolk, Russell Man- son, Zurich (5 awiardfe). Special, Donald Deering and C. -W. Paff and Sons. 4-H DAIRY CALF. CLUB ' Holstein, senior project, Leo­ nard Lobb, RR 2, Clinton; Douiglas Trewartha, RR 4, On­ ton; Marie Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton; Fred Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton; Thomas Lobb, RR 2, Clinton. Holstein, junior project, Rob­ ert Vbdden, RR 2, Goderich; Brian Westbrook, RR 2, Clin­ ton; Walter McIlwain, RR 2, Goderich; Darwin Porter, RR 2, Goderich. Jersey, junior project, Diane Pickard, RR 4, Clinton; Wayne Pickard, RR 4, Clinton; Fred Webber, Varna. ' Showmanship winners were Robert Vodden, Douglas Tre­ wartha, Walter McIlwain, Marie Trewartha, Diane Pick­ ard, Leonard Lobb, Fred Tre­ wartha.-----------o----------- Former Clintonian Wins Trophy In Goderich Golf Budd Boyes, 197 Blake Sit. W., Goderich, won* the Men’s Handicap championship at the Maitland Golf and Country Club and was presented with the Papernick Trophy and a Gruen whist watch at the din­ ner' and dance held on Satur­ day evening, October 1. Will your child attend College? He should—when you consider a university educa­ tion is worth at least an extra $150,000 more in lifetime earnings. The Man from Investors can work out a profitable and flexible educational plan for your child. And it Won’t even strain your budget. Your son will be ready for a university education before you know it You, too, can be ready. Why not Start an Investors Syndicate Education Plan ' now. See the Man from Investors today. Bayfield Fall Fair List of Judges Judge® of the various classes at Bayfield Fall Fair last week were: pet show, Dr. G, Leitch, Zurich; dairy cattle, RoSs Mar­ shall, Kirkton; beef cattle, Wil­ liam Pepper, Brucefield; sheep, Ephuhnn Sneij, Clinton; domes­ tic science. Mrs. A, Merner and Mrs. Steinbach; grain and, seeds, Harold Stade, Zurich; fruit and vegetables, Arnold Truax,. Forest; flowers and plants, Mrs1, L- Oesch, Zurich; ladies work, Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter and Mrs. Robinson; arts and crafts, W. M. McLaren, Ben- miller^ poster contest, W, M, McLaren; Bayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club, Ross Marshall and Norman McCully; field crop competition, Harold Stade, Zur­ ich. BELTONE y HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE First Friday of Each Month FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 From 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. . Kitchener SEE Harriston Fertilizers LIMITED For *) CALREA CORN SILAGE ADDITIVE Q Increases Feed Value O Makes Silage more succulent, more flavorful O Improves Fermentation and Keeping Quality Phone 482-9133 On Highway 8,,Half Way Between Clinton and Seaforth 3S-9-40b W. G. ’’Bill" Campbell P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 SYNDICATE LIMITED -Of mall thia coupon--—————— Without obligation, please send ma more Information. liiAME.,♦<><(«••**>* ADDRESS.^. CfTYZTOWN PROV. Champion Angus Steers 1966 Toronto ONE eseeeeeoee $8.00 per IK Ixmdon $5.00 per lb. Carcass ONE (Hay’s Classification) Plan To Attend The Following ANGUS SALES Peterborough .............. 65c per IK. Ottawa (Dressed wt.) 50c per lb. WESTERN ONTARIO, OCTOBER 15, 1966 Bulls and Females MacSted Fanns, 5 miles north of London on Hwy. No. 4 OTTAWA VALLEY, OCTOBER 26, 1966 Bulls and Feiriales C.F.R.A. Farms, Kars WALKERTON, OCTOBER 22, 1966 Bulls and Penuries - Fair Grounds PETERBOROUGH, OCTOBER 29, 1966 BOO FCeder Cattle, 50 Piirtebred Cows, 5'Ms, 20 1H Steers , Ret Sales Barn . ONTARIO FUTURITY, FEBRUARY 18-19, 1967 Hayes Sales, Oakville Arena Dorothy Bowden, Sec. Alex McTaggart, Pres* FORT ELGIN BEETON . .