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Clinton News-Record, 1966-09-29, Page 10
Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNQCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 Page 10——Clinton News-Record—-^Thurs., Sept. 29, 1966 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peter, Kin cardine, recently visited with Mrs. Beth Lansing. Miss , Jean MacLennan, Tor onto, visited last week., with her friend Miss Margaret R, Jack- , son. ’ ■ Robert Arthur and daughter Jayne spent the weekend with • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills and family at Lions Head. • Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rob ertson spent (the weekend with his father, J. J. Robertson and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- AUBURN —■ White and blue tinted blue carnations and gladioli decorated St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Broughdiale, London for the marriage of Barbara Joan Weir of Londbn and William- George Stales ‘ of Auburn, on August'27. The bride is the only daugh-. ter of Mr. < and Mrs. John R. Weir, London, and! the groom is the only0 son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward’J. Stilus, Goderich. Rev. Canon H. H.-Farr officiated for the double-ring ceremony. The bride entered the church, to the hymn, “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven,” on the Favours (Continued from page,9) ity of Western Ontario that county policy in. the matter be’ left for review and considera tion at the. i-regular meeting with Western officials in -the fall, with a report '.to be made at November session of County Council. Clarence E. Boyle, Exeter,; committee . chairman,, .said the University of Western Ontario would like county grants added to the building fund. County Council should consider grants to the universities in 1967. The amount was .$2,000-. to Western this year.. 1 Members of. the ■ committee reported touring the Canadian Forces Base at Centralia with the thought in mind of endeav ouring to evaluate the property as: a community college. “We note‘’'fhat the Agricul ture and Reforestation Com mittee has now taken up .this field in conjunction with -the possibility of research and test ing laboratories,” the commit tee! commented1. “We- heartily support the Committee and feel that a com munity college, , stressing agri cultural subjects, would be very advantageous for the county of Huron and neighbouring coun ties.” ' As a support to qccuring in dustries in the area,' the- com mittee had requested that the Mid-Western Ontario .Develop ment Association supply cer tain information regarding in dustries, types of industries, and types of machinery avail able in the area‘in the event a large industry or manufact urer might be considering the possibility of moving into the County, particularly in.connec tion with the Centralia area. The committee said, “We are endeavouring to secure -from the appropriate officials more details as to the Structure of the Board of Regents of th'e community colleges. We 'have been advised that a Board of Regents will be established for this area and we are trying to determline when and how this Board1 will be made up. To date s this information is not .avail able,” x “Has the County of Huron received any assistance from the Mid-Western Development. Association?” asked James Hayt'er, Stephen. . *A recent query had been turned back to the local committee; he pointed out. The chairman answered in the affirmative. 7 For 1 GM mark or txcntfwc< Phone 482-9133 On Highway 8, Half Way Between Clinton and Seaforth O Increases Feed Value O Makes Silage more.succulent, more flavorful O Improves Fermentation and Keeping Quality 30 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. Phone 482-9321 James I. McIntosh, Clerk. ess?-* LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Bo sure to sos Bonanza and NFL Football on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time; Chevrolet! Dm J Jiam Straughan.* Mrs. William Stiles hias ed the staff of the Imperial Bank. of Commerce at Blyth and began her duties this week. Misses- Ruth Bere and Sheron Collins attended the 4-H judg ing classes at Teeswater Fair last Saturday.* Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Weston, Toronto, .spent the weekend with her parents, Mr*, and Mrs, Alfred Rollinson.Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles and Miss Cathy Bere spent T........... ....... Stiles-Weir Wedding Solemnized In London Anglican Church Sunday in London With her parents, Mi*, and Mrs. John Weir and family. A large crowd attended the benefit dance last Friday even ing for Mr. and Mrs. John Hal lam, Maitland Block, Hulle-tt Township, who recently lost their barn by fire. The address was given by Gordon Daer and the purse of money was pre sented' by Stanley Ball. ’Mr. and Mrs., Wilfred Sander son and family visited* on Sun day at Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Youngblut and fa mily. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner and family, Masseion, Ohio, vis ited at the Wagner home on the baseline last week. * Mrs. Elmer Keller, Dublin, visited1 last Saturday with her daughter, -Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mr. Arthur and Family. Feted On Birthday Congratulations are extended to Mrs, Margaret dark, who on Sunday celebrated her 94th birthday. Many friends called throughout the day and cards, gifts and messages were receiv ed. Bom near Dungannon, Mrs.- Clark attended the Nile School. She was the former Margaret Smylie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James David Smylie. , In 1908 she was married.to J. - C. Clark. add moved to Auburn. In 1930, her hus band passed away and for the past number of years she has been living With her nephew, William Dodd ahdl Mrs. Dodd. She has one brother, Joseph of Millford, Sask. One brother, Jack, passed away on June 30 in the west. 4-H Cuties Meet Brenda East,, .president of the Auburn Cooking Cuties 4-H Club, was in charge of the third meeting held at the home of the leader, ;Mrs: Wes. Brad nock. .Minutes were read by Ruth Bere and roll, call was an-: swered by1 each girl telling the supper menu they had planned at; Ijqme during the past week. The leader discussed the im portance of the use of veget ables,' cereals and fruits in the daily diet. Brenda Ball and Diane Kirkconnell demonstrat ed how to prepare raw fruit' for a fruit cup. ■ Mrs. Frank Raithby spoke on the way to make coddled apples and prune sponge with a cus tard sauce. These were later, served at the close of the meet ing; r arm of her father who gave her in marriage. She wore a white .floor-length dress of silk nylon sheer with full skirt, lace applique, lace sweetheart neck line and long lily-point sleeves.- Her veil of silk illusion was held in place by small flolwers. She carried a bouquet of pink, roses and stephanotis. Miss Barbara Jo Anne Mac Kay, cousin of the bride, Sault Ste. Marie, was the maid1, of honor. She wore a deep pink street-length dress of peau de soie, white lace jacket and matching pink hat with veil and,, canted pink and white ’mums. „ . * ' . Miss Melba Stiles, Goderich, sister of the groom was* brides-, maid, wearing -a 'yellow street length dress of peau die soie, white jacket and matching headpiece and carried yellow and white ’mums. Miss Sonia Langlotz, Londbn, was- also bridesmaid, wearing a blue peau de soie dress, white jacket and matching headpiece*. She carried’ a bouquet of Pipe and white 'mums. J*. , ■ The groomsman was James Richard Stiles, Willowdale,/.cou sin of the groom, and the ush ers were Robert Stuart Weir, London, brother of the bride and James Herbert Evans, Wil lowdale, cousin of the groom. ’ Following .the ceremony a re ception took place at the Shel- lagh Motor Motel at Lucan, which was diecorated with pink and white streamers and white bells.” The bride’s mother re ceived the guests wearing a blue chiffon dress, matching ac cessories and a. pink carnation corsage. • She ..was; assisted- by the groom’s mother who wore a’’ .pink brocade 'dress ' with matching coait and"-accessories arid a white carnation'' corsage. For . a wedding trip to West ern. Canada,- the bride donned a lime green sleeveless dress, white hat and . gloves, - beige purse and. shoes and a yellow rose corsdge. .. , ' Guests -.were •; present ' from Ottawa, Montreal, , Sault Ste. Marie, Goderich and Auburn. Prior to: her marriage the, bride was honored by a number of showers given by the Auburn community in Knox Presby terian Church: Mrs. Don Aber- haint, Goderich; Miss Joyce Laidlaw, London; Mrs. Don Mc Namara, London and the ladies on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Dundas ’and Third Street, London.-----------o_—;------ - Use Classified Ads For Quick Results TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. No wire fence, old < concrete'or car bodies permitted. ,. 38-9-40b J Were They Discussing Municipal Affairs of Hydro? Mayor of Clinton Don Symons, left, discusses details of the District 6 conference of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association at Clinton last .Wed nesday with Ontario Hydro chairman George E. Gathercole. Mr. Symons is an Ontario Hydro lineman. (Ontario Hydro Photo) Auburn WI Plans For Coming Events And Entertains Area Grandmothers AUBURN — The grand; mothers of the community were guests at the September meet ing of Auburn Women’s Insti tute held in the Memorial Com munity hall with the president, Mrs. Donald Haines in charge. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. T. Lawlor and presented with a small gift of -a ball point pen. The minutes were read by-secretary .Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. Haines’ wel comed guests and members and read the. poem, Back To School. Ah invitation to attend the Blyth WI. meeting on October 6 was . /accepted. Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Thomas Law lor were appointed leaders for the course, Hats For You. Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Fordyce. Clark. Were appointed delegates for the county rally to be held in Auburn, October 3. Mrs. George Millian' and Mrs. William Straughan were ap pointed to be, in- charge of. reg- isitration and' Mrs: • Bert’ Craig was named convener, of the committee to serve the pot luck BUSINESS COURSES AND RECREATIONAL COURSES BOOKKEEPING © SEWING—BASIC OIL PAINTING —ADVANCED TYPEWRITING O MILLINERY MORE LOADSPACE ON A LONGER WHEELBASE |b- •—108" Wheelbase——— 188%" Overall CHEVY-VAN NOW IN TWO SIZES NEW 108" WHEELBASE — RESTYLED 90" WHEELBASE New Chevy-Van in two sizes for ’67 . . . new V8 power too! Need more room? Get the new longer, Stronger Chevy-Van 108 with 108" wheelbase and 256-cu.-ft. load space. Or pick the Chevy-Van 90 with the 209-cubic-foot cargo area. 283 V8 power available for both! NEW 96" CONVENTIONAL CAB WITH GAS OR DIESEL POWER Chevy’s all-new ipiddle-weight champ! Newly styled and extra rugged with the manoeuvra bility of a 96" cab at ho extra cost. Your choice Of gas or Diesel power, too! And these Chevies are built to last. Check them out at your Chevrolet dealer’s. TECHNICAL COURSES AUTO O GENERAL CARPENTRY SERVICING O DRAFTING—BASIC WELDING —ADVANCED ACADEMIC COURSES GRADE 13—ALGEBRA — GEOMETRY 7 — ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Management for Profit, Decisions and Records First Closs Will Be Held 24 October. In ordef that the Board may have an indication of interest in the subjects being offered please register now using the coupon. — _ -CLIP NOW AND MAIL— — APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION TO: MR. R. J. HOMUTH, CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, CLINTON, ONTARIO. From Courses Listed Above I Wish To Register in: 1st Choice 2nd Choice Name: Address: ................... Telephone No: Registration fee Will be payable on opening night. Names will.be listed for other suggestions as suggested here by you. lunch. Plans were made to assist in the serving of meals at the ploughing match and the rep resentatives to the hobby show, Mrs.’ T. Lawlor and Mrs:. Roy Easom also reported. A centennial project for the WI was discussed1 and plans will be made at a later date. In the report of the saving of labels for the coffee maker, it was. pointed out that all the .labels ! be saved as some are handing in the wrong part of the labels. It was decided to order centennial spoons to have for sale.’ Mrs. William zJ. Craig was appointed to mark the kitchen canners which will be taken to the ploughing match. The con vener of the card1 committee. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell gave her. report and Mrs. Frank •Raithby reported that 15 girls are taking the Supper Club 4-H project. Miss Margaret R. Jackson spoke on the theme, “Let us re member with grateful hearts what our grandparents did for us”, and a duet, “Don’t forget: the old folks” was sung by Mrs. William J. Craffig and Mrfs. Gordon MoClinchey accompan ied by Mrs.. George Millian. A musical contest was given by Mrs. Haines with harp accom paniment by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt was the winner. ■ Mrs. George Sciineider won the door prize and a piano solo was played by Mrs.- James Jackson. A reading entitled, “Grandmothers”, was given by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. The roll call was answered by naming a Canadian product our Grand mothers never used. The collec tion was 'taken by Mrs. Harry Watson and’ Mrs. "Fordyce dark. Contest winners were, tallest grandmother, Mrs. Frank Raithby; shortest grandmother, Mrs. Orval’ Free; grandmother with most t buttons,. Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. ‘ . After a successful bake sale conducted by -Mrs. Ed Davies a delicious .lunch was served by Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Oliver An derson and Mrs. Thomas Law lor. *■ Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results [i Plan to attend 1966 International Plowins Match and ♦ Farm Machinery Demonstration on the JAMES SCOH FARMS SEAFORTH t in Huron County, Ontario < v /■ The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board REQUIRES INSTRUCTORS FOR NIGHT CLASSES To Re Held At Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton As Advertised In This Issue Applications To Be Forwarded To The Undersigned Not • Later Than 30 September 1966. Mr. R. J. Homuth, B.A., Principal, Central Huron. Secondary School, .. Clinton, Ontario. 38-9b . The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board And Its Advisory Vocational Committee OFFERS ADULT NIGHT CLASSES Each Monday commencing 8:00 p.m. 17 October in the foliowing subjects providing sufficient enrolment is. received in each course and instructors are available. , REGISTRATION will be by coupon below and fees collected at 8:00 p.m. Monday 17 October. FEES shall be $5.00 for Business and Recreational courses; $15.00 for Technical courses and $10.00 for each academic course and Farm Manage ment. Material will be provided for Business Technical subjects. Ari additional $1.00 yyill be charged each person for insur ance coverage while on Board premis es’ in. accordance with Board policy. 7 i ♦ * 4 nt- 3$-9b -------j