HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-29, Page 9i
(Near Drive-In Theatre)
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Classified Ads, Bring Quick Results
THmyji., Sept, 29, 1906-~rCliritoi» News-Rec ord—Page 9
Frank has had over, three years, experience
in his father's .business,
Impact-absorbing steering column -Safety-
designed instrument' panel • Hiway-hazard
light-flashing system • Dual braking system
■ driver’s side mirror • Prismatic rear view
mirror •. Back-up lights • Variable-speed
windshield wipers • Windshield washers •
Padded sun visors • Safety-Rim wheels
• Safety-design door handles • Safety lap
belts on all seats.
Training Command Chief Signs Guest Book
During his'/'inspection of CFB Clinton, while’ attending the 25th Anniver
sary of, Radar -Training in Canada on September 15 and 16, the Commander of
Training Command paid a visit to the Airman’s Mess.. LAC John Eaton, presi
dent of the mess’committee, asks-Air Vice Marshal R. C. Stovel to sign the
guestbook. - . • . (CFB Clinton Photo)
County Council Resolution
Favours Uniform Education
(By R. S. Atkey)
GODERICH — The problem
of variation in subjects taught
at schools through-oult 'Ontario
was considered at the S'ept'em-.
ber meeting of Huron ■ County
Council which met in the Court
House, Goderich.
The Legislative and Educa
tional committee pointed out to
Council that on many occasions
a student transferring from one
school to another finds1 that sub
jects being’taught at the new
school differ considerably. This
is particularly noticeable a-
mong the Armed Forces' per
sonnel who move bn many oc
casions. . ? .
As a result of the cominlit-
tee’s. recommendation,'.County
Council, forwarded a resolution
to Hon. William G. -Davis; Ont
ario Minister of Education, re
questing. that an effort be made
to establish a more uniform
system in connection with the
subjects ' being taught in the
-various grades throughout the
Province, So, that the students would be able,to carry on wRh
thfeir subjects without consid
erable variation in their grades,
and "if possible, that such sys
tem be extended throughout the
Dominion of. Canada.” •
A letter had been received
from-the University-of Western
Ontario relative to the matter
of scholarships and bursaries
now being paid by the County
pf Huron.
‘‘Apparently there is a new
policy being established by the
Province this year which may
have a bearing on the future
aid and needs of the .students,”
the committee commented. •
It was suggested by the rep
resentatives from the Univers-
. (Continued on Page Ten)
A letter with the
correct address
is delivered right
away - A letter
with a wrong
address takes
lodger On its Way,
Fbr posfa/ information See.your
telephone book Yellow Pages
1.W ■
Your envelope
should have
’ "■ , • * correct postage . in
upper right’coWer.
■ .. /tt * *
the name of. p&r^on
who should/rfeceive
the letter. Jy;-.
street ' number,
Street ntfrfie, post
office box or rural
route nUrhber.'Also,
apartment or busi
ness bjock, and suite
number. 'J*-*
village,"town or ,city
(and postal ztoqeVif
» in use).' Prd.vipc,e,
tOO. -,W' A '
your name’and com
plete addfess in up
per left corner. _
The Public School Board of Hullett Township
offers for sale by public auction, the following School
Buildings, Land, and miscellaneous contents:
w Beginning at .1:00„ O'clock P.M...
.School House No. 9, Lot 43, Concession 13.
The Land- in the school ground, and the one room brick
school complete with Propane furnace, pressure system,
and chemical toilets. Contents of the school will be offered
at the same time. There is a/school bell to be sold at this
school. v ‘ •
School Ho.use No. 10, Lot 37, Concession 11.
The Land in the school ground and the one room brick
. school complete with oil furnace, spring water supply, and
chemical toilets. Contents of the school to be offered at the
same time.
Beginning at 1:00 O'clock P.M.
School House; No. 12, Lot 32, Concession 6.
The Land in the school ground, and the one room brick
school complete with oil furnace, pressure system, and'
chemical toilets. Contents of the school to be offered at
the same time. There • is a school bell to be sold at this ■-
School House No. 2, Lot 23, Concession 3.
The Land iin the school ground, and the one room frame
school complete with oil’ furnace, pressure system, flush
toilets, and septic tank with tile field. Contents of the school
to be offered at the.same time. There is a school bell to be
sold at this school.
School' House No. 3, Lot 6, Concession 6.
The Land in. the school ground, and the one room brick •
school complete with oil furnace, pressure system, flush
toilets, and septic tank with tile field. Contents of the school
.to be offered at the same time. There is a school bell to
be sold' at this school.
Mr. Harold Jackson will be the Auctioneer, and
the conditions of the sale will be as follows:
The Sale of the contents will be cash at the time of the
, sale, and Sales Tax will be charged where applicable. On
the Land and Buildings, purchasers will be expected to pay
10% of the successful bid and the balance will be payable in
30 days*
School House No. 11, Lot 16, Concession 10,
The Land in the school ground, and the one room brick
school, complete with oil furnace, pressure system, and flush
toilets with septic tank and tile field. Contents, of the school
to be offered at the same time. There is a school bell to be
sold at .this, school. "
Beginning at 1:00 O'clock P.M.
School House Nd. 6, Lot 5, Concession 12.,
The Land iin the school ground, and the one room frame
school complete with oil furnace, pressure ’ system, flush
toilets with septic tank, and tile field. Contents of the
school to be offered at the same time. There is a school
bell to be' sold at this school.
School House No. 7, Lot 16, Concession 12.
The Land tin the school ground, and the One room brick
school complete With coal stokef furnace, pressure system,
flush toilets, and septic tank with tile field. Contents of the
school to be offered at the same-time.
School House No. 8, Lot 26, Concession 12,
The Land, in ithe school ground, iand the one room brick
school complete with Coal stoker furnace, pressure system,
flush toilets, and septic tank with tile field. . Contents Of
school to 'be offered at the Same time. There is a school bell
to be sold at this school.
Purchasers of the Land will be expected to pay the hosts
of conveyance and transfer of title from the school board, to
the buyer.
There is no reserve bid on any of the foregoing articles
and the selling pried Will be subject to the Jurisdiction of the
RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario.
(Continued from Page 4)
students, •
4eaoh^rs. are dull
clods. Somo of them, Just as
.some doctors, lawyers,. mim
isters and '^olummsts. are dull
clods. But the great majority
work their heads to the bone
shoving, urging, .exhorting,
encouraging and leading the
youngsters jte adulthood. :
And the students? Ate they
& sad, beaten cpowd, cowed
by autlwit^i 'eager for secur
ity,/afraid to-think feu theni-
s elves? This is what Mr.
Needham, with his Victorian
view- of schools; would have
z US believe, Ha!h!
Many' models of electric
clothes dryers ’ feature a '‘saf
ety start”. switch, When an op
erating dryer is opened and
then, closed again, the dryer
will not operate until the
“start” .‘button has been push
A fW mfe. But the
ity juM the opposite.
They are rebellious,‘ daring,
adventurous, and just hunting
to have .a w'hiri at life, as.
youngsters have beeh since
the time of Socx'ates.
Right how my son, who is
19, 'is ejithei1 hhoh-hiking a-
crossCanada, on Jlis way
home, or headed for Mexico.
We're not sure. Right now,
my daughter wbo is 15, is
belting out folk songs which
she wrote herself, to keep her
mind off ,her sore ears.' She
'had them pierced'-yesterday,
for earrings/ • -a .
, And right’ now, all’ over'
town 1)200 kids from pur
high school .are ignoring tlieir
homework and Watching TV,
or. shooting pool, or. gassing
on the phone, or falling in
love, or riding, motor-cycles..
They’re certainly not cowed
by authority, or squelched by
the system, or indoctrinated
by anything', except human
nature.' .- •
Don't be naive, Mr. iSfe^d-
ham, ■
jjpward McOuUoiugih return-
ed on Friday from Westminster
Hospitak London, having im-
dergw eye surgery.
Mr. and Mrs, D. Qliddon. vis
ited om Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Brown, ’Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Pres, Beck vis
ited recently with Mr- and Mrs.
William Batkin and Mrs. J.
Mr, and Mrs. William Nor
man, accompanied Dr. and Mrs.
Frank Norman to Sudbury for
the weekend.
Miss Lena Crake, Vancouver,
B,C., iis; enjoying a visit at the
home of Rev. A, J, and Mrs.
Mow-att. ■ >
. Wishes to announce that he. has purchased
the Excavating' Business formerly operated by
his father — Joe Postil I,
R.R. 3 Clinton Phone 482-9101
,k .. ,.r........
Plymouth 67!
This is the year to move lip and enjoy the
Chrysler way of life. For 1967, Chrysler
offers five glamorous series — the mod
estly-priced Newport, the Newport Cus
tom, the exciting Chrysler 300, the elegant
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tinctive, individualized Styling. For 1967,
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ments, extra touches of luxury, and a com
plete new safely 'package' make this car
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Look what's happened to Fury! What's the most that can happen to any new
car? A total change. That's Fury! Fresh ... dazzling new ftom bumper to bumper.
Inside, the luxury's extravagant. Behind the wheel you'll-experience Fury getaway
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out to win you over. From the Fury I up thru the. Fury II, 1)1, Sport Fury to the
elegant VIP ,.. Fury has everything, all-over, all-riewl Truth is, you'll nCver guess
'this big car is a.Fury till you check the name plate. For the freshest*surprise of
'67, come in to your Plymoulh dealer's and see what's happened to Fury. Il's
sensational! » .
Sport Fury 2-Door Fast-Top?— 119-inch wheelbase
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New Yorker 4-Door Hardtop — 124-inch wheelbase
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Plymouth is out to win you over this year with the exciting new '67 Belvedere! ||
Belvedere's a young car — lively, fun to drive. It brides, on an easy-handling •
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When it comes to compacts,
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Where else can you get solid con
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Valiant has outsold every other compact in Canada
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