HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-29, Page 6CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES . (REVISED JMay 1, 1966) . CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25$ Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last .insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 5Qc DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and 'Deafh Notices " ’ FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 \.H I .-INI-......-......■ ............................ ...... ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT T Page 6—Clinton News-Record-—-Thurs., Sept, 29, 1966 REAL ESTATF ■! ,■■■«?! 1 ji?.r REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE BEEF - for your home freezer or locker, by the side or quar­ ter, Bayfield Cold Storage,. Phone 565-2652 after 6 p.m. ;_________39-41b MAC APPLES and prune plums. Bring your own contain­ers and pick your own. John Semple, RR 2, Bayfield, Phone 482-7456. “______. 39b 'ORDERS TAKEN for alum- inum storm windows, size 68" to 105", $17,0,0 each, tax inclu­ ed. Phone Ceriel Van Damme, 482-6685. v 38r9b GUN LICENSES Special price on shot shells while they last at $2.00 per box; high powered rifle for moose or deer $35, Merv. Batkin. 38, Op CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner Service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb BABY BUGGY, in good condi- •'tion; Chesterfield 'and' chair; 2 endtables; single bed, spring and mattress. Apply Trailer No. 25, Becker’s Trailer Court, Clinton. • ’ 39p OVEN 'READY CAPONS. Or­ ders taken now, delivery in 3 to 4 weeks. Phone Mtns. Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, 482-9155, 39-40b GIRL'S winter ,coatf quilted lining, fur collar, beige, size lOf like pew; girl’s terrylene tunic, size 8, like new; pair of nylon suede shoes, size' 4-5; lady's suit, airforce blue, size 12. Phone 482-3895. A 39b FORMER CLINTON AND HURON RESIDENTS Get your copy of “THE SETTLEMENT < HURON COUNTY" Scottby James OF From , McEWAN'S IN CLINTON The story of hpw* Huron County was pioneered and settled. $5.00 PER COPY We will be pleased to handle mail orders. 39b FURNISHED Apartment, heat­ ed, suitable for couple, 93 Hur­ on St., 35ptfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, good lo- cation, gas heated. Available - now. Phone 482-7303 days or 482-3833 evenings. 39p 4 BEDROOM HOUSE located near. hospital. Immediate pos­ session. Phone 235-1296 Exeter after six. • 39b TWO 30’’ Continental beds with spreads and sheets, $50; 8" combination TV radio1 with pil­ low speaker for bedside or trailer use, 12 and 110 volt $75. Phone 482-6632. ■ ’ 39b AUTOS FOR SALE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 miles east of Kippen on paved1 road, all conveniences, oil heated. Phone 262-5504. 39b 2 BEDROOM UNIT available Oct. 1 at 65 Princess West. J. W. Counter 482-9612 days, 482-6687 after 6. ■ 39ip 2 BEDROOM uptown apart­ ment, furnished; ' 2 bedroom house in village of Holmesville. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, self- contained apartment. Central location. Phone 482-9005, 46 Princess St. West. 37p-tfb GOOD, late Bartlett pears for bath eating and canning. Bring your' own containers and 'pick your own, Apply Mrs. Will Mc­ Pherson, phone Clinton 482- 9652. . ■_______39b DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free- estimates given. Irwin’s Dry Goods. ■_________________tfb FAUCET kitchen oil range with oven and ■ warming closet, white enamel, in good condition. Reasonably priced. Heat houser for 1950 Ford tractor. Reason­ ably priced. Neal Lowey, phone 524-6381. 39- 40b 1958 AUSTIN A55, fair /condi- tion, cheap transportation- $60.---------- 39p 1950 CHEVROLET, cheap transportation; also 1956 .Volks­ wagen, good motor, tires and fair body. Phone 482-7634. 39b •Phone. 482-7754. 1955 PONTIAC Sedan,' 6 cylin­ der standard. Good motor, tires, battery, needs very little body work. $75,00. Phone 482-3897 after. 6 p.m. v 39x 1962 OLDSMOBILE, •' 2 door, hardtop, power steering and brakes, custom radio. 'Phone Clinton 482-7382 after 6 p.m. . , 39b 4-BEDROOM brick house, mod­ ern facilities, oil furnace. Lo­ cated 3 miles east of . Hensail. Apply Robert Bell, Phone 262- '■ 5271.________________ 39b .GROUND^ FLOOR HEARTED ~ ~ living room, kitchen and bath. Lloyd Batkin, Phone 482-7057. 38tfib 1. COLEMAN Gas Space Heater with fan and automatic con­ trol, $50.00; 1 Marchan gas space heater, $25.00; also some 4. in, galvanized -pipes'. Apply Les Nice, 101 Huron St. Clin­ ton, Ont. 39, 40p COMMUNITY — The Finest Silverplate Half Price Sale. South Seas, White Orchid andapartment, one bedroom, large 1 Coronation patterns in sets.or open stock. Order yours today. 36 piece sets for 8, $43.12. Counter’s Jewellery. 37tfb CUSTOM WORK 'WILL PLOUGH gardens. C;,i: A. Shanahan, 142; JpisObh St, 482-3802'.after 6 p.m. 39, 4Qb JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP.’ Furniture and other wpoden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert-St Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed,! Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE ' RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels ,________________ -36r51p PIANO TUNING. YOUR PIANO should bi tuned and checked for m.pth damage and, other defects, regularly. 1 appreciate the continued priv- ilege - of servicing many of the instruments ip this area.. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. REAL ESTATE ’ EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL DQ BABYSITTING in my own home for working mother. Rhone 482-7345. 39 b WILL BABYSIT in own home weekdays. Phone 482-7138, , 38,9b HELP WANTED . CRESCENTVTEW Apartments, Goderich — luxury unit avail­ able Nov. 1. No pets or small children, all utilities paid. Phone 524-9371 • or • 524-9264. 39tfb 5 ROOM BUNGALOW? fur^ nfehed, TV aerial, gas heated, new frig, and stove, newly dec­ orated, couple only, no child­ren. Available Oct. 24 Phone 524-8152 Goderich._______39tfb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room, heated, unfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed­ room, furnished, heated apart­ ment. Both self contained. Phone Roy Tyndall at 482-9928. 47tfb ........................................................................ ACCOMMODATION WANTED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE or apart­ ment, unfurnished, in Clinton, wanted by October 31st, desires garden, references, Phone 482- 7500. .. 39p ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD AND CEDAR kindling for sale Rhone 482-3221. 38tfb NEW POTATOES far sale. Phone 482-7578. 16tfb DOHERTY Upright piano with bench, reconditioned. Phone 527-1494. , 39p OVEN READY DUCKS for Thanksgiving. Phone 482-9159. 39 b ONE USED furnace, complete, priced for quick sale. Phone 482-7309._________________39b WOOD — free of Charge to person Who pays for this ad. Merv. Batkin, Clinton. 38-9p NEARLY NEW Hollywood single beid, box .spring and mat­ tress, white and gold leather headboard, half price; 2 coal conveyors, cheap; Astral and' GE refrigerators, very reason­ able. Apply George German, 482-9624. ' 39ib. RUBBER STAMPS made to order; personalized Christmas cards and stationery; wedding stationery, wedding Cake boxes, “Thank you” cards; counter check books. Ask us about your needs. Clinton NewsHRecord, Phone 482-3443._________3&tfb APPLES now ripe at Art Bell’s Fruit Farm. Crisp juicy Mac­ intosh and .Courtland; orchard prices -now in effect. Save money, bring contaliners. No. 8 to Holmesville, turn towards store, follow signs. Phone 524- 8037. 39tfb OCTOBER SPEOIAL! 20% dSs- oounit on men’s Warren Knit sweaters; 10%. discount on all blankets and Moihair throws. October , store hours: Tues., Wed. and Fri. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday L to 9 pjm. Bayfield Woollen Shop. 39-43b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs", hoses and bags for all makes of. vacuum cleaners and polishers. ’ Reconditioned mach­ ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensail 262-5350 NEW AND USED Pianos by Sherlock - Manning, Heintzman, Lesage & Bell, New and used organs all at money saving prices. Contact Garnet E. Far- wier Piano and Organ Sales, Whitechurch; Phone 357-2068. Wingham. 21tfb Mon., DARK ROOM Equipment, en­ larger, trays etc. Phone 482- ,7329 after 5. 38-9p FIREPLACE WOOD, beech and mlaple. Phone 482-9161. 18tfb TIMEX WATCHES. . . Said and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 13tfb CUSTOM WORK WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron - County’s Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb MOTORS REWOUND and re- paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street. South, Clinton. 7ptfb “THE PIXIE” Beauty Salon' cuts and perms your hair the way you like it. Tinting a spec­ ialty. Phone 482-7792 for ap­ pointments, open ’ .evenings. 20tfb WAITRESSES BOOTH ATTENDANTS LABOURERS Required for Temporary Work at ln+erna+ional Ploughing Match Seaforth I 1-14 October 1966 Interested applicants^ should apply in PERSON at the Seaforth Town Hall Saturday, I October 50 ACRE FARM fori sale, -house, barn, hydro, water. School bus at door, 3 miles east of, Kippen. Phone,527-0306. ' 37tfb FOR sAEE OR RENT''—\ 8 room house, complete *nath up and washroom down, oil heated immediate possession. Rhone AJ Garon 482-9216. 38-9b FRAME HOUSE, in Bru,qefield,- 2 bedrooms, modern bathroom, heated by oil furnace. Apply to Harvey Taylor, -phone 482- 9968. _____39> 40b HOUSES in BLYTH — Insul brick, cottage,-. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, hard and soft water practically new oil furnace; 1% storey brick house, 3 bedrooms, bathroom ,built-in ’cupboards, pil ‘■furnace, both on main street, close to business section. Mrs. • William Cockerline, - Box , 22, Blyth. 3$-9p LOT FOR SALE — Located on Townsend S t. East in new hous­ ing area. 82' frontage by 133' deep. Apply Larry Jones. Box -472, Clinton, or jAipne'482-7121, /......../ ’"■ ~;; 39p HOUSE FOR SALE — ’ B4(?k cottage in village of Egmond- ville with low taxes, equipped with new gas lurnacp arid large garage. Must be seen to be ap­preciated. Apply to Mervin Nott, Seaforth. 39/ 4=0b EXETER — Modem 4 bedroom ranch style brick-and cedar '— attached garage, den, fining room, large living room with open'fireplace, 4 pep. and 2- pep baths, full basement, rec­ reation room, close to schools, churches and down town, large landscaped lot. Terms to be ar­ ranged. 404 Edward St. Phone 235-2835._______ 38tfL MAITLANP RIVER — Fem­ hurst Glen, neap Holmesville, between Clinton and Goderich on Benmiller Road, close to 1% acres; 167 feet of safe rivet frontage; perfect wooded., “'hide­ away" for swimming, fishing, hunting; lovely 3-bedroom cot­ tage, $4,900, with terms. See , it this weekend. B'ill Row, Lon­ don, phone. 438-4455. 35to39b & > •% I FOR SALE REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around, the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, .Ken McNairn. 52tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is ait 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode- rich.___________________38tfb CIRCULAR and handsaws, woodworking tools and equip­ ment, household and garden tools sharpened. Radio 'and re­ cord player repairs.' Levett’s, 123 Erie St. S., Clinton 32tfb MASONRY SERVICE —Chim­ neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base­ ments repaired, wateiproofed and white coated. Work guar­ anteed. Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 2tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 24tfb CLINTON CAB CALL GEORGE McGEE At 482-7011 ALSO WEED CUTTING, PLOUGHING - CULTIVATING 24tfb We Specialize In .►.* . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing 10 MILK CANS. Ted'Sjaarda, RR- 4, Clinton. Phone1 482-9882. • 39p 12 ACRES of good corn, stand­ ing. ' Phone 482-3280 ■ after 8 p..m, „ . , 39ib ELECTRIC Welder, 180 amps, in new condition; 10 steel far­ rowing crates. Phone 482-7622. 39b 1966 Between 10 a.m. and 4 or National Employment Service ..Goderich p.m. A 39b HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED. .— Housekeeper., for adults. Live in. This is a per­ manent position. Far further in­ formation phone Lucknow 528- 2906 ar write Morrison 'Bros. ,RR 2 Lucknow. 38, 9b EXPERIENCED CASHIER ONE INNES Modbl 520 wind­ rower with cross conveyor, new this year. Phone 262-5190 Hen­ sail. * 39b NEW BEAN. Knives in stock for all types of pullers. Basil O’Rourke, Brucefield. Phone 482-9131.___________ 38-9b FERGUSONL. 2-furrow plow; International ace-bottom. plow in A-l condition. Apply to Doug Farquhar, phone 482-9241. 38,9b CUSTOM COMBINING 'of grain, beans and corn, call Frank Hill, Varna, phone 482- 7596. 20tfb OLIVER tractor;, 21" Pioneer chain saw; New Hol­ land Hammermill.. Call A. Shanahan, 482-3802 . after 6 p.m.’, 142 Joseph St., Clinton. 39, 40b CANADIAN rind PIONEER chain saws. Oregon/and S!abre saw chains for all makes of saws, used saws, saw sharpen­ ing. Robert Glen Pioneer Saws; 482-9292 Clinton. 39-52p CALREA CORN SILAGE ad­ ditive, available at Harriston Fertilizers Limited, Clinton, phone 482-9133. 35tfb POWER DRIVEN John Deere 90m binder, rubber tired, 'with loader and 15" George White cutting box with up land down pipes. Phone 482-3353. 39p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 30 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone 482-9177. ” 39b ONE FIRST’ CALF Holstein heifer, fresh 5 days with Here­ ford calf. Contact Earl -Cox, phone 482-3343) Clinton.-. 39p 2 HOLSTEIN heifers due in October; Holstein heifer due in December; Guernsey heifer, springing; Jersey heifer, spring­ ing; 2 cows due in January, A. E. Townshend^ phone I482-9107. -39b 3" BEDROOM Cottage, lame livingroom, kitchen, 2 piece bath, large Jot with exception­ ally good view of lake, com’ pletely furnished. $2,800 down, $25 a month. Lauckner Real Estate, Adam -Flowers, Box 41, Bayfield, phone 565-2813 , 38, 9b 4 bedroom, two storey, liew oil furnace, 3’piece bath up; 2-pipce down; modern kitchen, den, living room and dining roam. Fpr sale or rent, $12,500 —■ 4 bedroom house, .6 years old, gas furnace; mod­ ern in every way, P.I.T, pay­ ments of $73.00 a month.rOwn- er is moving to smaller house. Two storey 4-bedrbom, close to post office; modern kitchen; bath up and 3-piece ba!thxdoyyn. Owner would consider small down payment and mortgage could 'b^ arranged to the bight person. $7,700.00—two bedroom; den, kitchen and living room down; 4-piece bath down. Full base­ ment; new oil furnace. One-car. garage, 4 bedroom, solid brick. -— 3- . piece bath up and 3-piece bath down; close to main street. House was used as a duplex prior to 'this year. Owner would consider mortgage. $7,50.0.00 — 3 bedroom, IVa storey; Icitchen, living room and den down. New Oil furnace, 2- car garage. Owner would con­ sider small dawn , payment and -balance in monthly payments of $75.00 a month. 2 bedroom — 5-room house; H/W oil baseboard heat; house 9 years old; 82x132 lot; car ■port; full dry basement heated, with , 2-piece bath, bedroom, (recreation room and laundry room 'down. Owner is moving, mortgage can be taken over. - 82.5xJ32 lot, in good resi­ dential district. INCOME PROPERTY Apartment house with * low down payment; 2 two-bedroom apartments and two one-bed­ room apartments; 4 separate baths; near s^hoois. All apart­ ments .well rented at present. Owner has been ill and cannot look after this investment. $8,500.00 — 10 acres; 3 bed­ room 1%’storey, new gas furn­ ace, 4-piece bath; low taxes. Owner would sell to the right person and take back mortgage. If not sold by October 15 Own­ er would consider renting for the winter month's. 3-bedroom, solid brick cot­ tage — new gas furnace, full dry basement; aluminum win­ dows. This property. in good ■shape and owner would Sell reasonable for cash. 2-bedroom cottage — 3 miles from Clinton on Highway 8. Close to school This house built in 1964. Must be Sold, before winter. $13,000.00 — 3-bediroom, 1% storey, in good residential, dis­ trict. Lot 77x132. Basement has been recently finished as beau­ tiful rec room and bedroom. Owner is moving. P.I.T. month­ ly payments of $73.00. Attached ■ garage. > Two-bedroom cottage — close to post office, oil furnace, ■brick fire place in living room, 3-piece bath; easy to heat, own­ er is moving. K. W. Colquhoun INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE Office: 14 Isaac St., Clinton Phones Business — 482-9747 Residence — 482-7804 STORE FOR RENT STORE *11 and * office on main street, Phone 482-6094. SERVICES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514, 153 Lighthouse St, Goderich. 18tfb AUCTIONEER RICHARD H, LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World’s Largest Reisch American School of Auctioneering ’ 43-65 to 43-66P CALI, LOUR FULLER BRUSH representative now ■— orders now being taken for new Super Detergent Resistant Ful Brite Floor Wax and Floor1 Stripper, also ' Teflon cookware, first prize winner at Chicago Fair. R, R. Hoggarth, phone 524-7624. ' X 39-43b Classified Ads Bring Quick Results TENDERS RE SNOW PLOWING Tenders for snow plowing at Huronview will be received by the undersigned up to 4:00 pm., Tuesday, October 18, 1966. Details may be secured .upon request. H. C. JOHNSTON, Superintendent, Huronview, Clinton, Ontario. 39b ' /______._____________ 1400 HEAD OF Stocker and Feeder CATTIE SALE A SERVICES OVER 130 YEARS dependable service at law cost. John Bach, Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your IH dealer. • 32tfb WANTED FOR PART-TIME 24 TO 30 HOURS PER WEEK Apply to Box 361 Clinton News-Record • . 36tfb HELP WANTED MALE BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows '• Phone 482- 9561 ARROW Gasoline and’ Diesel oil — Valvbline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb BRUSSELS Livestock Sales Ltd. TUESDAYf . OCT. 4-—at 1:00 p.m. Jack Bryans and Hugh Pearson, Managers Alvin McLeanan and Allan Mclntrye, 'Auctioneers ' 39b Tomatoes Bring Your Baskets and Pick Your Own Tomatoes BREAD SALESMAN for estab­ lished route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 39b MAN TO WORK in greenhouse. Steady employment. Must have chauffeur’s licence. Apply in person to K. C. Cooke, florist, 61 Orange St. S. 37tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR SALE OR RENT 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE for sale or rent. Phone 482-9512. 39, 40b Beginning Friday, we will be picking Monday, Wednes­ day and Friday afternoons and evenings of each week. RESPONSIBLE person needled to help with carpentry work, 'roofing and cement work for approx. 2 months. Phone Ken McNairn 482-7676. 39p LOST AND FOUND BEACH electric range, kitchen table, small tables; studio couch converts to bed. Phone 482-9005. 39b WOMAN’S full length mouton coat. Size 14. Good condition. Very reasonable price. Phone 482-6643 after 6 p.m. 39p 5 ROUND TOP, good quality storm windows, 3214:”x65". Ira Geiger, 55 King St,, HehSall, Ont. 38-9b LIVINGSTON coal , stoker with rebuilt motor ahd ail aut­ omatic controls,. Cliff Stewart, phone 482-9646. ■ 39p ZENITH Chest Type freezer, large size;’ also girl’s bicycle with gears', Al conidtioh. Phone 482-9216. ; 38, 9b DEMONSTRATORS for sale — sewing machines (straight stitch and automatic) vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, type­ writers and TV’s, used on shop floor, but' fully guaranteed. Re­ duced to clear, great savings on ririy article. Singer Company of Canada, phone 524-8431 Gode­ rich or ,, Clinton 482-9103. . 39b CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 Broken or Cracked Windows? SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. ,A. Duttbh Appli­ ances, Brucefield; Open even- irigs. i ......... , 38tfb EICO MODEL 425 Oscilloscope With spare transformer, $50; Eico model 360 sweep generator with 2 crystals $30. Art Lovett, 123 Frie St. S< Clinton. 4 39tfb HUNTING CLOTHING Reversible Hunting Hats, cham­ ois lined, $4.50 ea.; Hunting Caps, $2.50 —- $3.25; Hunter’s Safety- Vests, $2.50 ea.; Red and Black Wool Breeches- $8.95; Shower-proof Hunting Pants, $10.95; Hunting Shirts and Vesta, $3.75 to $10.95; as sorted Hunting Jackets, Up to $16.95; Balaclava (toques), $1.95 AT ELLWOOD EPPS SPORTS SHOP Phone 482-9622 80 KING STREfeT CLINTON 39b Sash ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE CREST HARDWARE 69 Ball & Mutch Ltd. ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 39tfb S'MALL CALF strayed onto the premises of Lot 10, cone. 17, Goderich Township. Owner may have same .by proving Ownership and paying expenses. Phone 482-3213. 39b MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- sonaible rates. McGEE’S, Gode- rich. Phone 524-8391._____3tfbx COMPANION wanted in her 40’s with good health, in re­ turn for board, in comfortable home with all modem conveni­ ences in village. Phone \524- 7331, MrA Redmond. x39b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re­ stringing. W. N. Counter. tfb NOTICE ...............■................ ------ BOATS, MOTORS, 'TRAILERS and lawn furniture stored. Pick up and delivery if required. Spring painting and repairs done. Phone 482-7222 after 5 p.m. 36-39b V r Clinton Community Auction Soles EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager- ■ - ■* For DEAD or DISABLED . ANIMALS — Can Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada'Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 ,7tfb “DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please' phone promptly, phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 390C65 NEWLY BUILT fully modern brick house, ,3 bedrooms, gas heat, hardwOod floors, inside walls painted, solid' cement centre wall, centrally located to schools, arena and race track. 65 Blake Street, Gode­ rich, phone 524-9081. 39b Z i 3tfb fa Cl WANTED LARGE quantity, baled straw, barn stored for fall pickup'. Write stating amount and price expected to S, McFadden, RR 1, Milton. 34-43p PLAN YOUR FALL FERTILIZER PROGRAM for Pasture - - Hay - Wheat - - Corn >. with Agrico Fertilizer CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AGRlCO DEALER OR Robert Taylor, Sales Representative, RR 3, Clinton —- Phone 482-9144 SOIL SAMPLING SERVICE — BAG AND BULK DELIVERY — SPREADER RENTAL (S ton cap.) I BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A* J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 33eow Phone 482-3462 F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON 36tfb "RUGGED WESTERN" is the look for- fall PILE LINED CORDUROYS and SUEDES rom $18.95 to $29.95 \ X pl 1 — / 1 SMART SUEDES COZY PILES All have smart* lacing at* neck From $9.95 up Pickett & Campbell iMd Main Cotner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482*9732 ».... „ t ,iiii ■ ........