HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-29, Page 3Married
From My Window
It is in Colombia I believe
where the church is malting it
more difficult for people to get
married'. I wish them luck with
their campaign to make mar
riage more enduring by forcing
a premarital course of Study
on all those contemplating the
step, bu.t somehow I fear ait
will take-.much of the excite
ment out of the honeymoon and
the following few months.
Marriage could very well be
come obsolete un Colombia if
one must pass, subjects like
housekeeping' and money man
agement to qualify; for 'the trip
down the aisle.
Giving . young couples a com
plete rundown on What to ex
pect from, marriage is- like leav
ing the icing off th'o wedding
cake, _
All the sweetness of discov
ery is lost. If the crunchy cov
ering is removed, what lies be
neath ’is no surprise and 'there
fore less attractive,
imagine starting marriage
With a diploma in “getting
along’’. The bridle has learned
how to avoid an argument. The
groom is well versed in the art
of, dodging the issue. How in
the world can this couple get to
know each other by means off
the good1 healthy. fight that
starts most marriages off? And
When do 'they over get a chance
to kiss and make up? 1
Suppose husband -and wife
are both wise in the ways of
spending the family income. He
pays the bills Without effort.’
She spends only what she is
allowed. Where is the element
Of wondering how to make ends
meet? How can man and Wo
man be drawn closer together
by a common worry over hoiw
to make the car payment?
I don’t know readers. I think
this business of passing a test
to get miarried! is carrying
things a bit too far. Not many
of us know too much about
Wadded1 bliss when we repeat
Shirley ' Keller
pur vows, but half, the fun most of the meth-pries come
from this ignorance and our
ability to- learp together.
Besides, I doubt if .I’d ever
pass the marriage examination;
and I’d rather be married and
miserable than, single and a
public outcast because I was a
marriage reject.
4 Bacon Waffles Make Brunch
The Best Meal Of The Day
Exponents of relaxed living
Uhd. casual ^entertainnt^nt haye
given a new meal — brunch-
What ;a. wonderful rnpal en
tertaining friend's, bb •vWinS
With the family, .
Serve brunch where it’s mos't
pleasant for the guests arid
easiest. for .the hostess,. —- on
the patio or in a cheery spot jn
the family room. Give the table
a • little extra flourish .with
flowers or plants; pretty dishes,
and a gay coloured cloth or
piacemats. Select foods winch
are easily prepared, sensibly
priced, huve a bit of, glamour
and, most of all. are scrump
tious eating, . .
Try 'this. tr,eat on your family
soon. • ,<•
pound sliced slide bacon
(20 ounce) can pineapple
tablesoons cornstarch
cup sugar ■
tablespoons grated' orange
rind </ .
'cup fresh orange sections
cups packaged pancake mix
cup melted bacon drippings
cups milk .
Cut 7 slices of bacon cross
wise into - pieces *4 ’inch wide;
cook over low heat until lightly
browned, stirring frequently.
Drain and save, drippings;, Cook
remaining bacon' liri frying pan
orf on grill over low heat until
lightly browned, turning as
needed to brown evenly. Drain
bacon; roll into,,bacon curls, if
desired, and keep warm until
waffles are made.
Drain piinapple; save syrup.
Mix cornstarch and sugar in
Saucepan. Stir in pineapple
syrup and 1 tablespoon orange
rind, Cook over low heat, stir?
ring <x)nstantly until clear and
thickened/ - Fold in pineapple
chunks' and orange sections.
Keep warm , until needed.
Combine pancake mix, eggs,
bacon drippings and milk; max
well, Fold in small -bacon pjjieip.es
and remaining orange rind.
Bake in hot waffle iron, Cut
waffles into quarters, For each
serving stack 2 waffle quarters,
sandwich-fashion with pine-,
apple-orange sauce between,
squares, Top with additional
sauce and bacon curls or slices.
Makes about 4 sewings.
Clinton WI Sees
By 4-H Girls
The, Clinton - Women’s Insti
tute met in the Agricultural
board < rooms on September 22.
Mrs. W,- Colclough, president,
opened1, the meeting and Mrs.
A; Groyes,, secretary,. read the
minutes of the last meeting and
the correspondence,
A leaders course on making
hats is to be held in the agri
cultural board rooms on Oct
ober 24 and 25. Two members,
were appointed to attend;// . /
Mrs. F. .Cummings and' Mrs.
J. Wise' Were appointed dele
gates to attend the rally at Au
burn on October 3 and as many
of the members as possible are
to’ attend.
Mrs. Charles Nelson, reported
on the canvassing for the CNJB
under ..the sponsorship of the
WI which was a tremendous
Plans’ foi’ the part the Clin
ton WI are to have at the
ploughing match were dis
cussed. They are responsible for
help and pies on October 13'.
Roll call was answered by
» naming your favourite subject
in school; spelling was’ the most
popular one. . • ■
Mrs. A. Crich convener of
the topic on “education”, intro
duced' Fred Sloman who > gave
a very 'interesting talk.
The 4-H girls and their lead
ers attended' to demonstrate
their work on the project “Hats
and accessories”. Mrs. Norman
Tyndall, the leader, introduced
her assistant leaders, Miss
Margaret Stewart for group 1,
and .Mrs. Keith Tyndall apd
Mrs. B. Holland , for group 2.
Misses Betty Salverdia, Mar-
■garet Stewart and Diane Pick
ard won county honors and
were each • presented with a
silver spoon by President Mrs.
Mrs. E. Radford and her
group served' the lunch.
Thurs., Sept. 29, 1966-r~Clint<»n News-Record-—Page 3
Londesboro Area Couple Married
Dancing 9 to 2
Door Prizes
Spot Dances
I - to Glen Miller
• RaUy
(Photo by R. J. Nephew)
saries and a corsage of deep
rose 'mums.
Guests from Holland, Cedar
Springs, Sudbury,' ■, Burlington,
■Kitchener, Walkerton, Rock
wood, . Stratford, and Clinton
were received at the . reception
at Elm Haven Motor Hotel,
Clinton., ?The young cohpie left
on a wedding, trip to. points
north, the bride travelling in a
red suit fashioned of light Wool,
red accessories and a corsage
of white roses and ivy.
On their return, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Johnston' will reside at
RR 1, Walton.
Helen Ruth Buffinga and
Larry H. Johnston exchanged
vows ’before Rev. G. G. Heer
sink in the Christian 'Reformed
Church, ■ • Clinton, recently.
White' gladioli, formed the set
ting for the double-ring cere
' i . . • ■
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Buf
finga, RR 1, Londesboro are the
parents of the' .bride and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh V. Johnston, RR
3, Walton, are the parents Of
the groom.
Given in marriage by her
father, the .bride wore' a gOwn
of white peau de sOie and lace,
U crown headpiece which ’held
her veil and she carried a bou
quet of orange delight roses
and ivy. Her only, jewellery was
a huguenot cross necklace, a
gift from her aunt who travel
led from Holland to attend her
niece’s wedding.
;Miss Teresa Bylsma,' Bly th,
as matron of honour Wore a
turquoise street-length fashion
of peau de.sdie. Her matching
headdress held a tiny veil and
she carried bronze ’mums.
Bridesmaids Miss Mary Van-
dendOol, >. Clinton, and ' Miss
Linda Johnston, Walton wore
gold peau de soie street-length
dresses', matching rosette head
bronzedresses and carried
The groom’s, brother,
Johnston, ^Kitchener, w <x a
groomsman and WayneLilpskie,
Kitchener, cousin of’ the groom
and Ralph ’ Buffinga, Londes-?
boro, brother of the bridle ush
ered guests.® , <t • -
Organist Jacob Roorda, Clin
ton, accompanied the. soloist
Mrs. Jerry Zondervan, Cedar
For her daughter’s wedding
Mrs. Buffinga chose an em
broidered gold dress which she
wore with beige accessories and
a corsage of deep roise ’mums.
Mrs. Johnston, mother of the
groom selected a light wool
beige dress, dark brown acces-
Three temperature
Balanced Air Flow
Drying System
Four way venting
Easy to reach Lint
Porcelain Tub
Clinton Electric Shop
D.W. Cornish — Your Westinghouse Dealer
Albeit Street CLINTON Phone 482-6646
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Featuring the 11 -Piece Orchestra of
Mr. and Mrs.. Gunner Ander
sen, Livonia, Mich, visited a
couple of days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis.
Dr. and^Mbs. Murray Fisher,
Gravenhurst,- visited last .week
at-the home of. Dr. Fisher’s sis
ter, . Mrs. Walter Moffatt.
Mrs. A. "E. ’Haywood, Tor
onto, was the guest of Mr; and Mr?., Nejsoh’.'Hodd, last week.
Mr.’ /and, Mrs/ Rossr Carter.
Chatham, spent the</Weekend
with them. / z
Mr.-, .and,. Mrs. .-Robert Stokes.
London, visited the latter’s fa
ther, Robert Thomson bn Sun
day afternoon.
Miss Eleanor Fisher, Winni
peg, is visiting relatiyes in Ont
ario tins month including cou
sins, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood,
her uncle, Robert Thomson, >all
Phone 262*5180 .
of Kippen and cousin, Mrs.
Norman Stanlake, Exeter..
Charles Taylor, Stoney Creek,
visited'Saturday afternoon with
Mr,, and Mrs. Norman Long.
Archie Parsons is- a patient
in’ Victoria Hospital, London.
An .electric clothes dryer en
sures' that washing will always
be dried in fresh, pure air.
'. :Inyan electric clothes dryer
wash and wear fabrics are dried
and pressed requiring only’ a
touch-up with an iron.
Guide, Brownie
Leaders Alone;
Get No Support
BAYFIELD — The local As
sociation for - Guides and
Brownies report extremely poor
attendance at' their annual
meeting held last Wednesday.
President, Mrs. W. MciHlwain,
secretary, Mrs. F. Weston and
Mrs. Mert Memer, hostess,'
were the only members present.
A special meeting is sche
duled for October-4. It is to be
hoped the Local Association
will not be ‘forced to disband
due to lack, of support.
At the 12th Annual
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