HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-15, Page 11I * Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 Miss Jane Doran has accepted a position at Kitchener and be­ gan last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Rueger and family and Dennis Rueger, all of Lucan, visited on Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cartwright, and family. Mrs. William Andrews and' son, Michael visited last Thurs­ day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy and fam­ ily at Lucknow. We are pleased /to report that William L. Craig is recov­ ering from his illness where he Was a patient in Goderich hos­ pital for over a week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chaim- ney, Windsor, visited last week­ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ohamney, Mr. and Mrs. William Stras­ ser, Stratford, visited last Sun­ day with Mrs, Ralph D. Mun­ ro. Mi's, Wes Bradnock attended the banquet of the Grey-Bruce Convention Area of the Wom­ en’s Institute at Lucknow last Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Haines began her teaching career at Gorrie last week; Mrs. Mary Bere re­ turned to her school in Ash­ field Township; Miss Bernice McDougall to Westfield School and Mrs. Beth Lansing to S’S 16, East Wawanosh. Miss Helen Little of Zurich is working at the home of Mrs. Mary Bere. Ladies Aid Meet The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres- ............ ..... ........... ... byterian Church met with the president, Mrs. Major Young- blut in the chair, The minutes were read by secretary Mrs. Roy Daer. Plans were made to cater to a wedding on Sept­ ember 23. The meeting was closed by singing Grace, and lunch was served by Miss Min­ nie Wagner and Mrs. John Hallam. o- BRUCEFIEll) LONDESBORO WI Meets The Women’s Institute met on Wednesday evening • with a good attendance. Plans were made concerning the share of the work connected with the Huron Ploughing Match. Piano selections were given by Kathy Carter, Barbara Lee and Joan Hewatt, AUBURN — The September meeting off the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society of Knox Pres­ byterian Church was held in the Sunday' siohoiol room with president Mrs. Wilfred Sander­ son in Charge. The Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs, Frank Raithby and . minutes were read by secretary Mrs.. Alvin Leatherland. Donations for the bale are to be in this' month ahd plans were, made to attend the fall rally of the Huron Presbyterial at Hensall, September 28 with afternoon and evening sessions. Mrs. Wes Bradnock was ap­ pointed leader for the CGIT group and Miss Laura Phillips assistant. Plans were made to hold the annual Fall Thankaflfering on Thanksgiving Sunday at the time of the regular service. Mrs. John Hallam was' in charge- of the devotional period and after a discussion period, Mrs. Hallam closed with pray­ er. The roil call was answered by a Bible verse containing the Word1, Bulild'Cr. The offering was received by the treasurer, Mrs. Donald Haines and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Hallam. The topic Was ’taken by Mirs. Ed. Davies', on Ca-Builders ■— God’s people and Watchmen 'in the city and this. was along the theme of the Bible study. The meeting was closed by singing the hymn, O Labour On and closed1, with the benediction by Mrs. Hallam. MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 Mrs. Ed'Win Wood gave the topic “How thankful we should be for our many blessings”, Everyone enjoyed the splen­ did discussion on flower ar­ rangements Which was given by Miss Luella Johnston of Clinton who brought three beautiful displays designed for different rooms in 'the home. Grandmothers will be enter-- tained at the October meeting. Church Service The Thankoffering Service of the UCW will be held Sunday evening, September 18 ’at 8 o’clock. Rev. W. McCansion of Hamilton will be guest speak­ er. Everyone welcome. Personals Mr. land Mrs. Newton Clark of Stratford accompanied by Miss Carol Babb visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shadd'ick. Guests over the weekend with Mrs. Robert Fairservice and Ann were Mr. and Mrs. Dave M!air of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coffman of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' McEwing, Moorefield, and Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaughlin, Detroit. Season Ends Hullett Township Softball League played their final game an Saturday evening in the ball park. The four iteams-have beem playing all' summer' with ‘the following coaches: for Bandon, Glen Carter, Ben Riley; Au­ burn, Len Archambault; Kin­ burn, John Radford, Keith Allen; Londesboro, Jack Lee and Robert ) Anderson. Auburn and Bandon met for the final game with Bandon winning by a score of 15-25. The season closed with a wiener roast at Jack Lee’s. About boys attended. --------__o----------- 50 'Outline beneath a picture in last week’s edition .of the Clin­ ton News-Record titled “At Hope Chapel Memorial Ser-. vices” should have read, Wil­ liam Honking, chairman of Hope Chapel Cemetery Board, instead of Colin Fingland. As well, in a Story regarding the reunion at SS 2, ‘ Hullett, the name of one footer tea­ cher was inadvertently omitted. We are advised that C» H. Hol­ land was a teacher at the school for some year's. We regret any embarrass­ ment these errors may have: caused. i-------------------- -------------- ------ Brenda East 4-H President AUBURN — Brenda East was' named president off the new project “The Supper Club” at the first 4-H club meeting 'held last Friday evening alt the home of the leader, Mrs. Wes Brad­ nock. Other officers named were: first vice-president, Don­ na Ohamney and secretary, Ruth Bere, Mrs. Bradnock outlined the course of the club and told of each member’s requirements to complete this fall project. Working conditions in a kitchen were discussed; also cleanliness and dishwashing along with the value of good food and what the different age groups re­ quire for good living. How to measure liquids and flour was demonstrated by the assistant leader, Mrs. Frank Raithiby, The meeting was clos­ ed1 by all repeating the 4-H creed. MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snelling vidited with their daughter and other relatives in Port Col- borne. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Boyce left on Monday 'morning for a trip to the East Coast. Miss Gaye Elliott and Mrs, H. Berry spent the weekend in Stratford and attended the.. Smith-Saxby wedding ‘in Till- sonburg. Harvey Taylor has purchased the Alex Murray residence and Mr. and' Mrs. Alex Murray are moving back to Varna. The community was shocked to hear of the isudden passing of Lome Pepper of Niagara Falls1. Sympathy is extended to his wife and his father John E. Pepper and members of the family. Thurs., Sept. 15, 1966—Clinton News-Record—Page 11 MRS. LLOYD BOND Phone 482-3210 Rally Day Rally Day Service of Holmes­ ville United Church Sunday School was observed on Sunday with a large congregation in at­ tendance. Rev, A. Mowatt was assisted in the spivice by Sun­ day School Superintendent Jim Lobb. ' Responsive reading was led by Connie Harris and the scripture was , read by Gary Potter, The Sacrament of Bap­ tism was administered to Glen­ da Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. J. Bolger and Douglas John, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander. Children’s story was given by Mrs. A. Mowatt illustrating the importance of making the most of the present. Twenty five pupils were pre­ sented with perfect attendance certificates and pins by Mr. Lobb and the promotion' exer­ cises followed. Teachers of the Sunday School are: beginners,* Miss Norma Walters; primary, Mrs. J. Lobb; junior, Mrs. D. Nor­ man; . intermediate, Mrs. E. Grigg; senior, Mrs. W. Nor­ man; adult, Irvine Tebbutt. Personals Mac Elliott who was a pa­ tient in - Clinton Public Hos­ pital last week has returned heme. Miss Dianne Elliott is in 'Clin­ ton Public Hospital recovering from an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Vand'erwal spent last Tuesday at » Port; Huron. Edward Grigg returned home on Tuesday from Victoria Hos­ pital, London. WHAT ELSE gives you so much for so little? Auburn Baptist Church Holds 98th Anniversary Services 1 AUBURN — The 98th anni­ versary of Auburn Baptist Church wais held Sunday with afternoon .and evening services. Pastor Adolph Hahn of Elm­ vale was guest speaker and' the student minister, Hugh Burr, Hamilton, was in charge of the services. Baskets of multi-colored gladioli and roses decorated the church for this special occasion and guests were present from Goderich, Kincardine and the surrounding district. Mrs. Ella Donaldson, Goderich, was or­ ganist and accompanied the guest singers, David Medley, Stratford, and William Chase, .Gfpderich. They sang a duet; and -Mr. Medley sang. <a solo. Pastor Hahn took for his in­ spiring message the Parable of the Feast when everyone in­ vited made excuses to stay away. In his remarks he stated that we today are all victims of our own excuses, and excuses can be tragic defeat when they get out of balance; “we must make time for the important things of life,” he said. " The ladies of the congrega­ tion served supper between the_ December 3. /■—.. ....... 111.... ■11111 ■ ......... ................................................... services. The evening service began with .the singing of hymns and 'Pastor Hahn .spoke on the theme “Understanding the Scriptures’’. Mr, Ch'ase and Mr. Medley sang a duet and Mir. Chase sang a solo. The ushers for the day ware Frank Raith- by, Torrance Tabb and James Rice. -0- Ont. St. UCW 3 Hears Reports Unit three of Ontario St. United Church met in the church parlour on September 12 with 17 members present. Mrs. Don Forbes led devo­ tions, assisted' by Mrs. Harriet Tyndall and Mrs. Ivan Carter. Two piano selections were played by Mary Lynn Forbes. Various, reports were heard and business discussed. Next meeting will be October 10 when members 'are requested to bring with them, an item for the Christmas bazaar on OIL BURNER SERVICE AND SUMMER CLEANOUTS Make Your Arrangements Now Before The Fall Rush Everybody’s Touring Expo Visitors from many countries tour the site of the 1967 World Exhibition at Montreal to view the progress of construction. Among recent visitors were three nuns, shown in fiard hats and chatting with a workman, Sister Marie-Irene du Sauveur (Irene Leblanc) Girpuxville, Alberta; Sister Mary Damien (Juliette Boucher), stationed in Pakistan and Sister Marie Cyrille (Jeanne d’Arc Guimond), Green Valley, Ontario. For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; OR Subscribe By The Year $5.00 Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” LAUNDRY SERVICE f FREE PICK-UP dA I AHD DELIVERY Phone 482-9491 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON (Near Drive-In Theatre) Open every Saturday morning 10 a.m. -12 noon for your convenience LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY ■ TIRE SALE CLEARANCE SALE OF SUMMER TIRES If You Need Tires... See Us Now SOME LINES AS MUCH AS 40% OFF BIG VALUE - - KOOL KUSHIONS SEAT COVERS LOW PRICES RADIOS FLOOR MATS The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In In In In In In CUNTON BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexoll DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIELD — PATERSON'S STORE HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE Vi .........vz,-.,z. SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE At CFB CLINTON C. & W. GROCETERIA AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIG IE'S POOL ROOM REMINDER TO MOTORISTS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT GODERICH- Phone 482-9411 Clinton Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs 20tfb STOP BOTH WAVS FOR SCHOOL BUSES When a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing, a motorist approaching the School bus from the front or overtaking it from the rear, must stop and must remain stopped Until the red signal lights oh the bus are no longerfiashing. EFFECTIVE NOW. clear view The windshield and the windows on either side of the frortt seat must afford a clear view df the roadway and vehicles ahead and to the sides. The rear window must afford a clear view of the roadway and vehicles behind, Unless there l§ an outside rear-view mirror Which does afford this Clear view. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1966. UNNECESSARY NOISE A person who drives a motor Vehicle ahd causes it to make On unnecessary noise' comrfiits an offehce. EFFECTIVE NOW. INTERNATIONAL DRIVING PERMIT Any non-resident of Ontario, who Is the holder of an International Driving Permit, may operate a vehicle In Ohtafid.EFFECTlVENOWM SIGNAL LANE CHANGES When changing Ian6s, you must signal SUth change. EFFECTIVE NOW. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LOADS The gross weight of a trailer, other than a semi or pole trailer shall hot exceed 32,000 pduhds; and the weight on one axle shall not exceed 18,000 pounds; and if the axles are less than 8 feet apart, the weight Shall not exceed 14,000 pounds. EFFECTIVE NOW. All loads on trucks must be secured, Covered dr loaded in such a mariner that no part of the load may become dislodged. EFFECTIVE NOW. PEDESTRIANS A pedestrian Walking along a highway must Walk facing the traffic and as Close id the left hand edge of the read ds pdssible. EFFECTIVE NOW. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon, IrV/ln Haskett, Minister your car wheels your tires Come in for a '■VISUALIN ER'■ check-up Visualiner scientific "bedhi Of light” wheel aligning is faster and more accurate than any other method. Align your Wheels for safety and savings. SCRUTON’S Unbalanced wheels take the joy out of motoring. Balance means even .fire Wear, smo&th riding, a sehse of Safety. Balanced wheels pay dividends in peace of ihind and tire economy. HaVe your wheals' balanced the John Bean way. TIRE &AUTO SERVICE Repairs To All Makes of Cars 238 Albert St. N.— CLINTON —■ Phone 482-7681 Q jjewpapet# O