HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-15, Page 2Page 2—Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., Sept, 15, 1966 By Our Bayfield Correspondent Weekend Magazine Photographer Sees Carribean Likeness In Bay field’s White Sand Beach Ori- BAYFIELD — Summer is oyer, but not in Bayfield. On Thursday last a preview of 1967 suits. Miss Beverley Weekend Magazine grapher, with assistant David Phillips, placed two gorgeous gals in eye-catching poses on Bayfield’s Huron shoreline. Much as I Would like to reveal the fashion flash for next summer, my lips are ■sealed, However the glamor-? ous gals in the "soupah” suits will be in a January edition of Weekend Magazine. Although nervous at re­ cording a professional photo­ grapher, I was loathe to pass the assignment to the Clinton staff! Miss Jennifer Leak of Tor­ onto' and Montreal — and, as she told me, originally from Wales — and Miss Lynda Syrota of New York and Toronto, are professional models. All members of the group commented on the similarity between Bayfield and Carri- bean beaches, noting the whiteness of the sand. Mr. Phillips remarked that when walking up the steps to Howard Strpet, he had only to close his eyes and the apple trees , became palms, so marked was the resemblance to the Oarribean. While in Bayfield the group stayed at the Albion Hotel. This! was Mr. Phillips’ second visit to the Albion as he was a guest there last fall. UWO Classes To Be Taught At CHSS University of Western tario Extension, Department is planning to offer two courses, in Clinton this coming fall and winter at the Central Huron Secondary School, These courses are offered par­ ticularly for the teachers of Clinton and surrounding ‘arqa. Classes will be three hours in length and the fall meetings Will be held on the following Saturdays: September 24; Oc­ tober 1, 15, 22; November 5, 12, 26; December 10, Beginning on Saturday, Sep­ tember 24 at 9:30 a.m., Prpf. G. Buckley will offer English 20, general literature and com­ position and beginning on Sat­ urday, September 24, Dr, H. M, Simpson will lecture in' Psy­ chology 20, 'introduction to Psy­ chology. These two courses to be of­ fered in Clinton, will be pre­ sented for a total of 16 three hour sessions in the1 Central Huron Secondary Schoo!, and will be open to both, credit and non-credit students. Three courses will be offered at Central Secondary School, Stratford and will begin on Sat­ urday, September 24. -----------o----------- from the CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Health Tips NEWS OF MIDDLETON Mr, and Mm. Murney John­ ston anfi family of Brandon, Manitoba and Jack M. Johnston of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. James Storey is on a motor trip to the Canadian West. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Wise and Cpl. Farl and Mrs. Bowles, QFB, motored to Halifax last week via U.S.A, and the Marli-. times, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mid­ dleton returned on Saturday from a most enjoyable trip to the Maritimes. They were on the chartered WI bus which took off on Monday, August 29th ifor the New England States and four Eastern pro­ vinces, The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church, Mid­ dleton, will meet Thursday evening, September 15 at 8:15 gm. at the home of Mrs. John rligg, Clinton. Mrs. Lprne Jer- Vis will be the guest speaker, There will be a quilt and the rail call is ‘‘An outstanding woman of the Bible and why.” The annual service of pro­ motion and graduation of the Sunday School will be held on Sunday, September 18 at the sprViop of morning prayer. Dr. and Mrs, Andrew Grind- lay and family of-London and Mrs, A- Grindlay Sr, of Moose Jaw spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Midfileton. THE EYES precautions the Lynda Syrota from New HOUSEHOLD FINANCECHILD PORTRAITS Phone 482-7006Use Classified Ads STUDIO Rockett; photo- we ‘had bathing Photographs by Our Bayfield Correspondent Mrs.' Audrey Bellchamber value infor- weakened. Proper GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 J (above the Signal Star) Ask abotit our evening hours CARE OF K BONELESS/ SIRLOIN ROAST begins Sat., Sept. 24, 9:30 a.m. offers a complete selection of wedding announcements Blyld for the discrim ifinliiTg. 1966-1967 (For University Credit) English 20 (Literature-Composition) . .. . .. ... J* • - A' JNl • STEAKS SIRLOIN T-BONE CLUB Important factors in care of the eyes are knowledge of what is likely to damage them and ability to recognize symptoms of eye disease, ithe Canadian Med­ ical Asis'odiaitiipn reports, just las it is necessary for anyone working'' in a plant or shop where fragments ,of ma­ terial are flying around to wear protective goggles, it is equally AT RIGHT: Model York and Toronto. BELOW: Left to right, Miss Beverley Rockett, photographer; Miss Jennifer Leak, model, from Tor­ onto and Montreal; kneeling, David Phillips, photo­ grapher and Miss Lynda Syrota, model. ' > 4-'' s 'HBOl1 n yy 1 8 B Hy'.- |yy |H <1; 'A l||| /.//J? Area No. 1 School Board Meets, Hears Complaint BAYFIELD — Huron County School Board, Area No. 1, met at Bayfield Public School Wed­ nesday, September 7. Also pre­ sent were Inspector F. W. Wil­ kinson and Centennial School Principal Arnold Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Dick were pre­ sent to ask if their daughter could be picked up at' the end of their lane. A board member said that this would add ten minutes to ithe school bUs route and cost $5 more. Mr. Dick said that he was Willing for his daughter to: at­ tend another school in the arela and would pay tuition cost if necessary, but that he consid­ ered it was dangerous for her to board ithe bus at the present stopping place. Told by the Board that things would be different in January with the opening of the Cen­ tennial School, Mr. Dick stated that he had never been in fa­ vour of the new school. The board stated that they could make no exception' and. also since they had to save every penny in View of the costs of the new school. Principal Mathers reported that the new school is pro­ gressing satisfactorily and should be ready for occupancy in January, Bayfield' council was present in ah effort to determine the cost of purchasing Bayfield Public School. Area No. 1 Board chairman, Vein Aiderdlice, as­ sured council that although they had no objection to the purchase of the school by ‘Bay­ field, the outstanding deben­ ture is now the responsibility of the three municipalities. Bayfield council members Stated the need of a purchase price to present to the village. The board stated it would ask county assessor Alexander to determine an assessed and would forward the mation to Council. THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO CLINTON EXTENSION Clinton News-Record Psychology 20 (Introduction) begins Sat., Sept. 24. 1:30 p.m Classes meet in Central Huron Secondary School The classes will meet for 16 three hour sessions and are open to credit and non-credit students. Credit course, tuition fee is $100.00; the non­ credit fee per course is $50,00 and is not refundable. English 20, English 44 and Psychology 48 begin September 24th at Central Secondary School, Strat­ ford. Students previously admitted to University should register immediately for Extension classes. Registration forms are available from the Summer School drid Extension Department, U.W.O. London, - .............. Agr. Club Team At Western Fair Twenty Huron County Agri­ cultural ClUb Members will take part in the 4-H Live- itock Judging Competition to be held .-art Westen Fair on Friday, September 16. All con­ testants will judge eight classes of livestock • including daliry, beef, Sheep and swine. Huron County will be repre­ sented in the Inter-County team demonstration competition 'by the Turnberry 4-H Calf Club. Team members are Robert Johnston, RR 2 Wingham and Jim McKague, RR 2, Wingham. They will be 'in competition with other 4-H team demon­ stration from South. Western Ontario at the Western Fair. First Fall Meet Sees Busy Season First fall meeting of Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion was’ held on September 12 with Mrs. Ed, Porter presiding. A busy fall season is ahead with several banquets in the near future. Ladies' Bowling is set for Wingham on September 28, mixed bawling in Walker­ ton on October 1 and there is a birthday parity in Hensall, October 6. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Don McLean, first vice-president will attend the convention of the Ladies Provincial Command to the Royal Canadian Legion to be held in Windsor next week. A donation of $5 was made to the Canadian National In­ stitute for the Blind. A past-president’s plaque is to be purchased for the ladies’ lounge and all previous presi­ dents’ names will be' inscribed. -----------o----------- important to take when Similar conditions prevail When working around the homie or farm. One common cause of eye injury is the use of a ham­ mer and punch or cold chisel, When sharp fragments from the head of the hammer may fly into the eye. While many causes of eye in­ jury can be avoided, eye dis­ ease may develop without. one knowing there is anything wrong. One example of this (is glaucoma, in which eye pres­ sure becomes high, The C.M.A. suggests it is wise for people over 40 to have eye pressure checked by their family phys­ ician or an ophthalmologist (eye physician). In the care of children’s eyes, it is only common sense that sling shots, air rifles and bciws and arrows must be kept from youngsters until you are sure they are old enough to handle them safely. Parents should al­ so be impressed that any child with a turn or cross eyes should be treated without delay. Child­ ren seldom grow out of these conditions Withdut proper treat­ ment, and if the condition is neglected, vision is often per­ manently- treatment may result in com­ plete cure. One company alone-HFC-serves more than 2J4 million people each year Above payments Include principal and interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life insurance. AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 months 48 months 36 months JZ7 months 20 months 12 months $ 100 $.......$.......$.......$....$6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 28.37 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 .1600 57.72 ..,.. 2500 73.35 90.18 P ¥■ ♦ f ‘• tt - 3000 88.02 108.22 .......,,,,, 4000 101.01 117.37 144.30 .......« » » « •,.,, , 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 ....... Ask about credit life insurance on loans atl ow group rates One company alone—HFC— recommends "Never Borrow Money Needlessly.” But if a loan is the sensible answer, remember you borrow confidently at Household Finance. CORRIE'S CORRIE'S BEEF BONANZA ROUND STEAK OR ROAST/ PORTER­ HOUSE )PLATE BOIUNG BEEF SHORT RIBS 5 BONE % ROYAL PRIME! RIB ROAST 1 LENGTH 6" THICK JIB ROAST brisket CROSS RIB ROAST BLADE . CHUCK ROASTS OR STEAKS FSHANK rSTEWING ROUND BONEMEATROAST NECK . ✓ RED BRAND BEEF BLADE ROASTS Blade Bone Removed .......... 47® LB RED BRAND BEEF SHORT RIB ROASTS Well Trimmed ............... LB. RED BRAND B SHOULDER POT ROASTS EE F 47c lb. RED BRAND' BEEF CROSS RIB ROASTS 57c lb RED BRAND. BEEF PRIME RIB ROASTS KING OF ALL AW , roasts.... ... Of C LB. RED BRAND BEEF LEAN MINCED BEEF 2 u.,97c ■ J RED BRAND B RIB STEAKS Well Trimmed .'.................. E E F 77e lb. LEAN B0I STEWING BRAND BEEF 1ELESS BEEF 67c lb. RED BRAND B REEF RRISKE Ideal For Soup .....................- E E F T 33c lb. RED BRAND BEEF BRAISING RIBS Lean and Meaty....... ............ 47LB. RED BRAND FRONTS OF BEEF WRAPPED .39c lb LBS, FOR $4.67 LBS. FOR $7.47 BANANAS