HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-09-08, Page 5ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Huron March, 110 Mary St., Clin­ ton, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Donna Anne, to Mr, Albert Arthur Hallaxn - Jr„ son of Mir, and Mrs. Arthur Hallam, RR 1, Auburn., The wedding will, bake place on Saturday, October 1, 1966 at 3 p.m. ii'h Ontario Street United Church, Clinton- 36b Large Irish Delegation To Attend Plowing Match In Huron County M,Four Generations Attend Party Honouring Belgian Relative KIPPEN MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT BA1RD.HARRIS ~ In Grace United Church, Porter^ Hill, . on Saturday, August 20, 1966, Janet Ilene Harris to Gerald Thomas Robert Bail'd.. 36x F. A. Lashley, secretary ■manager of the International Plowing Match has announc­ ed that 125 Northern Ire­ land farmers Will visit the In­ ternational Match at Scott Farms, near Seaforth, to be held October 11 to 14. The party intends to spend about two * days studying Ontario farm procedures. Of particular lipteirest to the visitors is the fact that two of their party will com­ pete in classes open to visit­ ing plowmen from outside of tpe Province, They are Jack Barr of Coleraine and Ritchie DEATHS McCANN —■ In St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Satan- day, • September 3, I960, Mrs. Albert McCann, London. Rested at A- Millard-George Funeral Home, London, until Tuesday evening. Funeral ser­ vice from Ball and a Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton, on Wednesday, September 7 with interment in Clinton Ceme­ tery. SHIELDS — „ In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, Sept-- ernber 1, 1966, Mrs. Albert Shields, Dungannon, in her 63rd year. Funeral service from Lodge Funeral Home on Saturday, September 3 with interment in Dungannon Cemetery. Survivors include a brother, Robert McNab who resides in Clinton, Madeleine Lane Auxiliary Meeting September meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday even­ ing, September 13 in the church Sunday School rooms at -----------o----------- '' Voight pf Bailey Bridge, ■Two Canadians will return the viislit when the Northern Ireland plowing match is held. While in Ontario the Irish delegation will be the gue-s ts of the Plowmen’s Association and the Huron County local committee for the Ipter- national, An additional feature at this year’s match will be a "Com Day” at which the lat­ est development's in growing arid harvesting corn Will be demonstrated. This year’s match in Huron County promises to be one of the biggest in history with the. demand far exhibit space at a high level. , -----——o—•—— 8:15 CLINTON PERSONALS AUBURN — Mr, and Mrs.. Julien Delbergue of West Wa- wanosh celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary with friends and relatives to mark the occasion. , There were four generations at the gathering. It was also a farewell party for her mother, Mrs. Louise Dubuisson of Tournai, Belgium, who left on Wednesday for her home after a three months’ visit here. Mrs, Dubuisson likes Canada and this was her third visit to see her daughter and family, This time was‘her first to fly BOAC Via London, England to Brus-r seis, She likes the country life and especially did she like to gather the eggs twice a day fropi the 5,600 laying hens that are on the Delbergue farm. She was thrilled with the new ranch style home which the Del- bergues had moved into Novem-' her 7, 1965 after a disastrous fire on June 16, 1965. Those attending the party wore Mr, and Bwt Moss, RR 2, .Auburn; Mr, and Mrs. William Moss, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs, El; Bury, Bly th; Mr, and Mrs., Jim Nash, Seaforth; Mis. Kenneth Friar and daughter, Raisley; Mr. and Mirs. Gerry Blyth; Mr, and Mrs,Heffron, Kenneth Benpett, Clinton; Mr' and Mrs. Rene Delbergiue and Vicki, KB 3, Auburn and Andre Delbergue. -------——o— ......... Middleton WA To Meet in Clinton The WA of St. Jlames’ Angli­ can Church, Middleton, Will meet at the home of Mrs. John Grigg, Clinton, on Thursday, September 15 at 8:15 p.m. -----------o------- ---- IN MEMORIAM BEZZO — In loving memory of a dear husband, William Bezzo, who passed away 20 years ago, September 8, 1946. "Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved ihim miss him, But trust in God to (again.” Always remembered sadly meet by his wife, family and grandchildren. 36b COWAN—In loving memory or a dear husband and father, George W. Cowan, who passed away September 10, 1964. "His memory is a keepsake With which we will never part. . Though God has him in His keeping We still have him in our hearts,”. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife and family. 36p MOON — In memory of a • loving father, . George Moon, who passed away September 8, 1964 and a loving mother Mar­ tha Moon, who passed away September 12, 1950. -—'Sadly missed by itheir family. 36 b Huron County Crop Report Don S. Pullen, associate ag­ ricultural representative, issued the following crop report for Huron County: "Damp weather continues to delay the completion of cereal grain harvesting in Huron County. Many farmers have now finished and a few fine days would allow for total completion. "Pastures are producing con­ siderable feed and beef cattle are gaining particularly well at. this time. “Fall plowing is the order of the -day and the bean harvest Will commence at full speed When the weather becomes more favourable.” Ontario St. UCW Hears About New Ministries Mr, and Mrs. Frank Trewar­ tha and family of Cardinal, have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Gilbbings and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Trewartha Mr and Mrs. Robert Pollock have returned to their home in Preston after spending their vacation at "Suiits-Us”, the lakeside home of the latter’s 'brother and sister-in-law, Mir. and Mi’S. Benson Sutter. Benson Slitter was in Isling­ ton on Saturday attending the funeral of his cousin, the late Miss E, Louise Holmes. Roy F, Leppington, Bruce­ field, and his son Hans Lep- pingtoh, Woodstock, were La­ bour Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, 177 Spencer Street. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas And­ rews took , there daughter Mlary Ellen to Kitchener on Tuesday where she began nurses train­ ing at the K. and W. General Hospital. Miss Andrew's was co­ winner of a Glinton Hospital Auxiliary bursary this year. She is a graduate of CHSS. Miss Barbara EUiott visited for a few days last week with Miss Debra Glenn, Whitby. Early , in July Debra had spent a week with Barbara. Mrs. Louis Forest, RR 4, Clinton, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Charles Tharp of Detroit visited in- Chicago and Milwaukee with Mr. and George James. -----------o-------- - MRS, McCANN Clinton Man's Mother Dies In London Fair Grounds At Bayfield Get Facelifting BAYFIELD —• The Bayfield Agricultural Boeiety held a meeting on Tuesday evening to finalize plans for the fall fair to be held on September 27 and 28. Thirty-five members Were present. Reports were heard from the various committee heads, Starting Wednesday the fair grounds are getting a general "facelifting”; the grounds are being levelled and bleachers in­ stalled to help make this an outstanding fall fair. The fall fair for 1967, Can­ ada's Centennial, promises to be an even larger one as the arena has been enlarged. MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 Mr, and Mrs, Robert Allan, Jeffrey and Jane, arid Mr. and Mrs. David Triebner spent sev­ eral days at Eckford Camp on Restoule Lake, boating and fishing. Mary Anne Bernard, Brus­ sels, spent several days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, David Triebner, Little Debbie Switzer, Clin­ ton, visaed for a fbw (holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, William McLachlan, Mr. and Mhs, -Ross Carter, Chatham, spent the holiday weekend with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. iand Mrs. N. Hood. Miss Sharon McBride return­ ed home by plane Sunday from Banff, Alberta,- where she spent the past two and one-half mon­ ths taking a six weeks’ course at the School of Fine Arts there. The balance of the (time she visited with relatives and friends in Banff and Vancou­ ver, B.C. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long im eluded Mr, and Mrs. James Armstrong, Staffa; Mr, and Mrs. Oswald Brown, Detroit, Mich.; Mi’s. Marguerite Uldh. Windsor and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Little, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, Grant McGreg­ or spent a couple of days in Detroit and Lansing, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Eldin Kerr and Mir. and Mrs. Foster Bennett of Seaforth, were on holidays to Sault- Ste, Marie, coming home through the USA. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon -of Mc- Kfllop Townsihp, called on the Eldin Kerrs on Tuesday, Thurs,, Sept 8, 1966-—Clinton News~Record~<’-Page 5 Mris. VARNA Wesley-Willis UCW Notes atMonday, September 12 8:30 „p.m,, the Starlight Circle will meet at Wesley-Willis United Church .when roll call Will be "program suggestions”. Mil’s. Glenn Wise is in charge of the program. The next afternoon, Septem­ ber 13 at 2:30 p.m., Mrs. Frank Fingland will be -in charge- of the meeting of the Fidelity Unit. The Wo-He-Lo U.unit will be­ gin the season with a pot luck luncheon in the church at 1 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. All members of these units .are asked to keep these dates in mind. the will The ladies auxiliary to Royal Canadian Legion hold their first fall meeting on . Monday, September 12 with a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. fol­ lowed by the business and a penny sale, A'-"-1.. Mrs. G. L. Mills presided for the September meeting of Unit I of Ontario Street United Church Women in the church 'parlour on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. George Potter conducted the Worship period using as her theme the question, "Whom db we serve?’’. Various experimental., minis­ tries of the church were studied under direction of Mrs. Potter. A Canadian Indian Centre in Toronto; centres in converted store-fronts in down-town areas;, a new type ‘discount’ store selling used articles at low cosit. were ways in which the church is attempting to meet the chal­ lenge of the present needs. Ministries sudh as the Winnipeg Church for the Deaf, supported co-operatively by the Anglican and United Churches, and the minister in British Columbia who works' full time in a local mill, so that he can serve in the working world as well as the church, are examples of new and unusual ways of service. ■ After the business period, Mrs. W. B. Old® showed slides taken on her recent trip to Prince Edward Island. Mrs. E. Radford and her com­ mittee arranged the meeting and were hostesses for a social half-hour following the meet­ ing. Mrs. Jessie Stelck, who has been staying with -her brother, George Foster of Windsor, was at her home in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Gor- rill, Weston, were in the village on Sunday and Monday visiting friends and relatives. Mir. and Mrs. Robert Reid and family returned to Wallace- burg on Sunday after spending the past five weeks at their farm home on the Parr ppine. Patty Ann Pilgrim returned to New Hamburg with her par­ ents after spending the past two months with her grand­ parents', Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim. f*........ .." 1..... — Mrs. Jessie Lucinda (Chafe) McCann of 36 Frank Place, London, passed away at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday, September 3. She for­ merly resided in Clinton. Mrs. McCann was the widow of the late Dr. Albert Sidney Mc­ Cann. Born in Newfoundland, a 'daughter of the late James and Adelaide Chafe, she had been a resident of London for the past 12 years where She worked as receptionist at Parkwood Hos­ pital, Survivors are two sons, Ron­ ald of Clinton and Dr. Alan of Courtney, B.C.; sisters, Mrs. Royce (Alice) Peabody, Venice, Florida; Mrs. Ada M. Sweeney, London; Mrs. Roy (Rachel) Scott, Windsor and one brother, James Chafe of Winnipeg; three grandchildren, Susan and Kenneth, daughter and son of Dr. Alan McCann and J’ames Douglas, son of Ronald Mc­ Cann, Clinton. She Was prede­ ceased by a grandson, Robert John, a son of Ronald McCann, in 1962. - The body rested at the RidoUt St. Chapel of the * A. Millard George Funeral Home, London, until Tuesday evening at 9 p.m. then to Ball and Mutdh Funeral Home, Clinton, for funeral ser­ vice on Wednesday, September 7 at 3 p.m. with Rev. R. U. MacLean officiating. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were R. N. Irwin, Garnet Crowe, Walter -New­ combe, Wesley Holland, K. W. Colquhoun and Joseph Hart, all of Clinton. -------—o----------- Ontario St. UCW Starts Meetings Unit 3 of Ontario Street UCW will meet in the church parlour on Monday, September 12 at S': 30 p.m. Constance Anniversary Service 11:00 a.m. SPECIAL MUSIC - Guest Minister: Rev* J. R. Wheeler ------------------------ --------------------------- Use Classified Ads For Quick Results The Odd Fellows and Rebekah Humanitarian Service Committees (Hospital Bed — C.P. & T.) of CLINTON - SEAFORTH - BRUCEFIELD - HEN SALL EXETER - BRUSSELS - WlNGHAMMEN’S FASHIONS Popular Slip-on Styles in Several patterns with neolite dr foam type soles. from $6.95 CLOTHING and LUGGAGE 482-9352 Good looking, hard wearing shoes for school and dress wear. New styles and patterns. from $8.95 For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper’ And all for just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; Subscribe By The Year Rexall Stock-up Sale Thurs*, Sept* 8 through Sat*, Sept* 17 Baby Pants, reg. 35c .... 3 for 88c Rubber Gloves 79c or 2 for 1.49 Hot Water Bottles, 2 qt........99c Adhesive Tape 2”x5 yds. or l”xl0 yds. Reg. 1.00 .... Sale 77c ea. ASA-rex Tabs,, 100’s ....Only 59c Redi-Set Hair Spray Only 69c Milk Magnesia Liquid, 32-oz, Reg. 99c ......... Sale Price 88c Fast Home Permanents Reg. 2.00....... Sale 2 for 2.99 Cameras Poly Mulsion, 24-oz. Reg. 5.00 ............ Sale 2.89 Milk of Magnesia Tablets - 500's ........ 1.69 Mineral Oil, 40-oz........ Sale 99c Nail Polish — 8 shades Reg. 59c .............3 for Seamless Nylons Reg. 59c ............... 3 for Electric Heating Pads Reg. 5.98............... Sale Beef Wine & Iron, 16-oz. Reg. 1.50 ........ Sale Price 99c Films Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” 1.00 1.00 2.99 Printing & Developing PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In CUNTON AH Services on Oayiighf Saving Time Attend Your Church This Sunday BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE (FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Hugh Burritt, B.A. Sunday, September 11 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, September 11 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Rally Sunday Service TURNERS7 UNITED CHURCH iy 9:45 a.m.—Rally Day Service 10.45 a.m.—SundayjSchool_____ ^tetteir. dElptrrljee REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., DP., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist ’ MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, September 11 11:00 a.m.—Rally Day Service Guest Speaker: Mirs. A. J. -Mowatt HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Rally Day Service In In In In At In In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE RCAF STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM anhounce that they are again sponsoring a subscription campaign for the purpose of furthering their Humanitarian Services Programme ‘‘instituted for the purpose of relieving distress wherever found”, and for purchasing additional slckrodm equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, etc. This sick room equipment is made available to any resident of HURON COUNTY, FREE OF CHARGE For Home Use. Your MAGAZINE ORDER (New or Renewal) will help further this community project and every resident is urged to co-operate. Residents when called upon should request to see the representative’s letter of introduction signed by a C.P. & T. Committee Member of Clinton, Seaforth, Brucefield, Hensail, Exeter, Brussels and Wingham. This is to eliminate any misVepresentation by unauthorized persons. DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOLICITED OR ACCEPTED Your C.P. & Tt Chairman Is Listed Below Mrs* A. ff* Idle, Exeter Robert Richmond, Brussels J6hn Broadfoof, Brucefield Mfs* J. G. Clifton, Henshlf WiimPr Broadfoot, Sesiforth Khy Aitchison, Wingham Harold Tyndall, Clinton FOR SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT CALL NEAREST C.P. & T. CHAIRMAN Z ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L*Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, September 11 — Trinity 14 9:45 a.m.—Church School Registration 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Mrs. IVL Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister J. AgneW, Organist and Choir Director In In In 9:45 10:45 Sunday, September 11 a.m.—-Sunday School a.m.—Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, September 11 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker: Edwin Taylor, Waterloo Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Special Subject: ‘‘Time from Eternity to Eternity” Speaker: Robert McLaren, St. Matys ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH BEV. G* X HEERSINK, Minister Sunday, September 11 10:00 a.m,—Service in English 11:00 a'.m.~-Sunday Schoo] 2:30 p.m.—-Service in Dutch Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas, ; listen to "Back to God Hour”. J EVERYONE WELCOME 2 SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE . KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE Anna C3 JSeWOTa# O