HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-08-25, Page 5DEATHS ANDERSON — At Cljnton Public' Hospital on Sunday. August 21, X966, Mrs. Arth­ ur Anderson, (tHe former Elizabeth Henrieitta Clark), 82, Kippen. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. EJvon (Olive) Jarrett, Brucefield, and Mrs. Robert (Frances) Upshall, Seaforth; two sons, John and Emmerson, both of RR 2, Hensall; two sisters, Mrs. John' Mason, Toronto, and Mrs. Myrtle KHricpalbniok, London; and one brother, Al­ fred of Hensall. Funeral sgiL vice from ithe Bonthron fun­ eral home, Hensall, on Wed­ nesday, August 24, with, burial in Baird’s Cemetery. REID — Margaret Rebecca Reid, beloved' wife- pf bJelsOjn. Reid1, Bruceifield, passed away in Clinton on Saturday, Aug- USt 20, 1966, in her 76 th year. Funeral froim Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Monday, August 22 With in­ terment in Baird’s Cemetery. STEVENS In Goderich on Tuesday, August 23, 1966, A^ beojt Reuben Stevens, 80, Eg- mondville. Survived by daugh­ ters, Mrs. Norman. (Eliza­ beth) MacLean, Egmondville and Mrs. Beverly (Isabel) Epps, Toronto; son Jack Close, Waterloo. Funeral to­ day (Thursday.) at 1 p.m. ■ from Box funeral home, Sea­ forth, with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery, Waterloo', H ■I Iggy; Bi A Coghlin-Schwalm Wedding Held In Hensall Presbyterian Church Thurs,, Aug, 25, 1966 s—Clinton News-Record-—Page 5' CLINTON PERSONALS Classified Ads Bring Quick Results jfr' Attend Your Church ■ TjjSS® Note — All Services on Daylight Saving Time ii FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH o (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) <1 Pastor; Hugh Burritt, B.A. ;! v Sunday, August 28 <1 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School j> 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, August 28 Sunday School withdrawn during August UNION SERVICE Ontario Street and Turner’s will be held in Wesley-Willis Church during month of Augustr^^^^_^ ■H ||g| sgi st i iliOTA ^esleu-Willts—fltolnwsbilfe Mmteh Ctyireljes REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, August 28 11:00 a.m. Worship Service • -Guest Trio, Snell Sisters, Londesboro HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Church Service WESLEY-WILLIS UNION SERVICES Ontario Street and Turner’s Congregations will worship with us during month of August. , ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. ,R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector. Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday, August 28 — Trinity 12 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Rector ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, August 28 No Church School during July and August Service of Public Worship withdrawn during month of August. MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, August 28 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service • .Speaker: Fred Zimmerman, Waterloo Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ALL WELCOME ;! CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH ;! ;! REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister ’• J; Sunday, August 28 ;! 10:00 a.,m.—-Service in English ;! .<! 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School '• 6 2 2:30 p.m.—Service in Dutch ■ ,'! ;• Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas, J; -! listen to “Back to God Hour”. ;> ;! EVERYONE WELCOME ]; r r ;............ ■ ' • J (Photo by Frank Phillips) MR. AND MRS. GENE THOMAS WINDSOR'POWELL were Hugh Flynn, RR. 1, Lon­ desboro and John Slavin, Lind­ say. Master John McGuire, nephew of the groom, was ring­ bearer. The bride's gift to her at­ tendants was a single strand of cultured pearls wlith matching earrings. The groom’s gift to the'bride was a single strand of cultured pearls with match­ ing earrings, and to his attend­ ants a set of matching cuff links and tie tack. Receiving the guests at the reception held in the church parlour, was the bride’s mother, wearing a berry red dress with beige' accessories and corsage of yellow roses. Assisting her was the groom’s mother dressed in a blue and white suit, white accessories, and corsage of yel­ low -roses. For a wedding trip to Niag­ ara Falls and New York- State, the bride wore a shocking pink crepe Sheath with % length chiffon sleeves, black accessor­ ies and a corsage of white car­ nations. » •Guests - were present Hrom Clinton, Goderich, Londesboro, Wingham, Seaforth, Stoatford, Auburn, Lindsay, and London. -----------o----------- Rita Eleanor Mary Flynn, RR 1, Clinton and Gene Thomas Windsor Powell, Goderich, ex­ changed marriage vows in Vic­ toria Street United Church. Goderich, on Saturday, August 20, with Rev. J. D. MacDonald officiating. The church was1 d'ec­ orated with White and pink gladioli and candelabra for the occasion. < The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, RR 1, Clinton and the .groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Powell, 98 St. David St., Goderich. ' ' *. - The ‘organist, Mrs.. Snider, Goderich • played • traditional Wedding music and 'the soloist was Mrs. George Carrell,> Gode­ rich. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride chose a bridal gown of salta peau taffeta, floor-length, With lily point sleeves, bateau neckline design­ ed with sequins and seed pearls. The bodice and slim skirt was enhanced with lace jewelled ap­ pliques. The front held an. over­ lapped panel falling to the back, bearing a cathedral train. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white stephandtis. The bride’s attendants were Mrs. Frances Butt, Stratford, sister of 'the ibridb, as matron of honour; Mrs. Dorothy Du- pee, Seaforth, another glister and Mrs. Muriel McGuire, Goderich, sister of the groom and Miss Marilyn Rathwell. Bayfield. They wore floor­ length pale aquamarine French crepe gowns with empire waist and matching headpfeces. They carried bouquets of pink car- natioris arid White ’mums. The fldwergirl was Miss Patti Butt, niece .of the bride, wear­ ing a full-length white lace1 over blue taffeta with headpieice similar to bridesmaids. She car­ ried a nosegay of plink carna­ tions and white 'mums. Attending the' bridegroom was his brother, Gordon Powell, Auburn 'and' Lawrence Wilson, Goderich. Ushering ithe .guests ■ ........... 1 A Rev. John C. Boyne, Exeter, officiated ait the double-ring ceremony in, Hensiall Carmel Presbyterian Qliuteh of Paffe ripiia Raehei Schwab™, .daughter of Mri and Mrs. Gordon H. Schwalm, Hensall and Donald Carl Coghlin, son of Mr, and Mi’s, Normaii P. Coglilin of RR 4, Atwood, on Saturday, Aug­ ust 2Q. Basitets of Rose of Shar­ on Rud'beckia daisies amidst the ferns formed the floral back­ ground for the ceremony. Miss Qreta H, Lammie, Hensall, played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Mary Goodwin of Hensall, who sang “O Father All Creating” - and “The Wed­ ding Hymn”. Given in marriage by her father, the bride'was lovely in a floor-length gown of White- faille with scoop neckline and long lilly-point sleeves; Empire walist and A-line skirt were ac­ cented with appliqueid floral lace, detachable chapel train of d'erip tiered Vienna lace fell from bias and across, the shoulders. Her headdress was a coronet of mother of pearl; shoulder-length veil featuring Wen eh embroidery. She carried a cascade of pink delight roses. Sister of the bride, Miss Bar­ bara L. Schwa'lm, who was maid of honor, wearing a floor­ length gown of light blue'1 Peau de Sbie with Empire waistline and A-line skirt with lace bod­ ice featured high neckline an'd short sleeves. Matching head­ band1 held light blue shoulder- length veil. -She carried a cas-i cade of pink carnations. Sister of the bride, Miss Marjorie E. SOhwalm, and sister of the groom, Miss Mary Eleaine Coghlin, were bridesmaids; and the flower girl was Laurie Plate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plate, * Kitchener, Who were gowned identical to the maid of honor. Groomsman was Ralph Doug­ las Poftei’ of Atwood. Ushers were Charles Gordon Schwalm, brother of the bride, and Mur­ ray Lerloy Coghlin, Atwood, brother of - the groom. The bride’s mother chose a dress of draped sheath of im­ parted Champagne lace, with mathching gloves and cocoa ac­ cessories, with a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother chose a dress Of teal green Chantilly lace with matching gloves and beige accessories, With a corsage of cream roses. GueSts were accepted at the Theceiving line and a wedding dinner was served to, 76 at the churph, catered to-by the Ladies Aid. The bride and groom put the threertierpd s-wan-pillered cake, surrounded with cloudy veil and bridal bouquets, flank­ ed with chandelier candle hold­ ers. Four grandmothers and two grandfathers attended and a re­ ception was given by the bride’s parents at the Community Centre auditorium-. The groom's parents also assisted with the reception. For travelling the bride wore a l'inen peacock blue three- piece ensemble with black ac­ cessories. After their Northern Ontario travelling and calling on rela­ tives and friends, they will re­ side in Blyth, where 'the groom is an accountant in a Blyth bank and the bride is on the office staff at General Accept­ ance office in Clinton. The groom’s parents from At­ wood entertained the bridal party following rehearsal at the home of the bride’s parents in Hensall. ---- -------------------- Lions President From Tennessee Coming To Area For the first time in its. life, Lions Intel-national District A9, Which consists of the counties of Stiimcoe, Dufferin, Grey, Wel­ lington, Perth, Huron and Bruce, will have a visit from the Association’s International president, Edward M. Lindsay from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. The meeting will be at . Fern Resort near Orilflia on Tuesday, September 6, where all Lions and their wives will meet and hear- the president. Mr. Lindsay is a former May­ or of Lawrenceburg, being nam­ ed tlie- State’s outstanding May­ or in 1955. He was elected president of Lions International, the largest world-wide organ­ ization of' its kind, at the asso­ ciation’s -annual convention in New York City in July 1966. His Objective for the Associ­ ation for the year is “Search for Peace”. -----------o------------ Use Classified Ads. Mi$> Marilyn Beach, Detroit, visited recently with her aunt, Mrs. J» Huller and Mr. and Mrs. William Batkin, Mrs. Margaret Farquhar and Miss Shariene Turner have re­ turned from a -trip to Texas and Oklahoma and while there vis­ ited with the former’s brother and sisteTrin-law, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Eagleson, Oklahoma.. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schro- eter, Kirk Street, motored1 west as fax* as Wawota, Saskatche­ wan and-visited with her rela­ tives, then continued thelir holi­ day to Portage La Prairie and visited with F/S and Mrs. V. A, Johnston. They -attended the wedding of their -daughter, Lyn to Wesley Klassen at the RCAF Chapel; also visited friends in Winnipeg and called' on Ted McCIreath in hospital. Weekend -guest with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, Albert Street, Was his cousin, Mrs. Ar­ abella, Bushel! of Stratford. Recent out of town visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Ouninghame of 116 Rattenbury Street West were- Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dogg,on of Windsor, Ontario and Mr, and (Mrs. Ar­ thur E. Saunders of Sarnia with sons.. Eugene, Michael, Derek, John and Paul. Master Paul Saunders remained for -an ex­ tended Visit •vfaith his: grand­ parents. Harry Cummings, son pf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings, Mary Street, was successful in passing nine of his Grade 13 papers at CHSS .in' June, with second class honours. Hairy plans to enter University of Western Ontario, London, in September. * Mrs^ Frank Cummings, 129 Mary street, has just returned from a week’s vacation with M?r. and Mrs, Ken Cummings, Two Mountains, Quebec, Mrs, J, B. Bryddn and family of Kingston have returned home after a two weeks’ va­ cation vrith their parents, Mr. and Mirs. J. Mulholland and Mr, and. Mrs, R. Beyer, Mrs, John Wopn, RR 1, Clin­ ton; lyfr, and Mrs, Stan, Shob- brook, Toronto, returned home recently from a two weeks’ va­ cation with the latter’s daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Josling and two children, Carailyn and Cheryl, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Mrs. John Woon, RR 1, Clin­ ton, yisited last week with her cousin, Ernie Webster of Wes­ ton. ------,---o-----■.---- Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Quality & Service A SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS 3-SUBJECT EXERCISE BOOKS .. reg. 49c for 33c 8-SUBJECT COVERS with Labels ............... Special 1.29 3-RING BOOK REFILLS: 5 Subjects and 5 Different Covers ....... reg. 75c for 55c TYPEWRITER PAPER, 8/2x11, 300 Sheets ........:....... Only 99c CAMERAS — PRINTING a 3-RING ZIPPER BINDERS ....................... $5.95 and $4.99 12 ASSORTED COLORING PENCILS .............................98c MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS ............. 77c DESK STAPLER with 1000 Staples ............... Special 69c FAST Home Permanents, $2.00 VACUUM BOTTLES for Lunch Pails ...................... 98c WALLETS ...... $3.95 to $7.50 d DEVELOPING —. FILMS Phone 482-9511 iPRESCRIPTIQNS^^^^H Clinton, Ontario Read the News of Huron County that MATTERS to YOU County Government Classifieds Subscribe NOW to the z^READ — *X / AND REAP... i I RESULTS'.Farm News Central Huron Secondary School County Organizations Household Features published weekly in the Hub of Huron Clinton — the County Convention Centre Just $5.00 per year 12c per single copy Consider the Classified Section! Free Telephone Connection between Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Hensall makes use of News-Record Classifieds easy. Just 75c for 25 words. They don’t cost — News-Record Want Ads Pay! (8:30-9:30 broadcast forthcom- CTV Network Color Special On September 1 The CTV network will intro­ duce national telecasting in col­ or With a full-hour special pro­ gram, Color Preview '66, Thurs­ day, September 1 p.m. EDT). The coast to coast will salute Canada’s ing Centennial, as well as cele­ brate the network’s inaugura­ tion of color telecasting across the country. The first half-hour of Color Preview ’66 will 'be a new National Film Board pro­ duction, Celebration, Which pre­ sents in colorful review the Canadian people at work and at play and the many reasons they (have to celebrate their country’s 100th ■ birthday. The second portion of the program will introduce excerpts from the network’s new Can­ adian musical and public affairs programs and other entertain­ ment which will be shown in color in the new season. Of CTV’s 1966-67 schedule of 62 hours of weekly programming, 70 per cent wiill be in color. Harvey Kirch, executive edi­ tor of CTV National News, will open and close the program. Pat Murray and Terri Clark, co­ hosts of CTV’s new daily break­ fast hour, Bright and Early, will 'introduce the program 'ex­ cerpts. The hour Ife being pro­ duced and written by Eleanor Wright Pelrine for CTV. . IN MEMORIAMI PERDUE — In memory of a dear wife, mother and grand­ mother, Florence 'Perdue, who passed away August 28, 1965. •—Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by huSband John, family and grahdchildren. 34p HOPSON — In (loving mem­ ory Of a dear htisibaiid, father and grandfather,' George, Who passed away Atigust 26, 1964. “He Would not wish for sor­ rowNor Would he1 wiish for tearS' ■But just to be remembered By us throughout the years.” —Lovingly remembered by Wife and family. 34b PARTRIDGE — In loving memory of our deaf mother, Luella Beuihett Partridge, Who passed away September 4, 1965. “Beautiful memories are all we have left Of Our mother We loved arid will never forget. On earth she. Was loved, ih Heaven she rests. God bless you mother, you were one of the best. —Lovingly remembered and Sadly missed by daughter Leona and sorein-law Olay- toil Wesfoii, 34b Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you maka our Want Ads your marketplace, all you do is place your ad and wait for the phone to ring (and ring it will), or sit back and enjoy reading the Want Ads. Want Ads do the work-—and quickly! Clinton News-Record 56 Albert Street Phone 482-3443