HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-08-25, Page 3For Good Or Evil From My Window some,' this may a different age new breed for SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 THE REEFERS FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 THE WOT LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND IT SWINGS! IT’S FUN! IT’S SUPERVISED! IT’S TOPS IN ROCK! Some nian who thought he was very wise once said, “Moriey is the roof of all eviil” , , . and for still be true. But now is filled with a whom money is easily obtained and evil more easily purchased, thereby making evil legs de­ sireable and money not much of a threat to society. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 THE CHEVRON SEXTET (If yon are having difficulty figuring out What I have just written, think of the muddled thoughts that permeate jny brain and Know the reason for the nonsensical jibbeylish that makes this space entertaining only to folks; as muddled, as I), Wihat I have just said is that money is no longer the roof of all evil , something far more deadly' has replaced it in that capacity. Root of gil evil is that tang­ ible, uncontrollable, unsatlisfy* ing thing known commonly as worry. Doctors advise against it, everyone trie's to avoid it, the Bible gave forewarning of it , . . yet worry continues to ravage the very soul of human life. And people: will worry about the darndeist things . . . like how the baby’s diapers will dry in the pouring rain and should the fam'Hy go to. the movies Monday or Tuesday or could the thermos jug spring a leak all over 'the tuna sandwiches. Nature causes us to' worry over the impossible ... and that is the thing that drives us to tire maddening lengths of evtil. More than one home has i1 ..... hi i "" ........«—............\ THEATREPARK —■ ■ ■■lHBON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED * COMFORT —— Entertainment Is Our Business - .... THURS., FRI.. SAT. — I — DOUBLE BILL —■ August 25-26-27 A HEARTWARMING ADVENTURE filled with fun and music! THE SECOND FEATURE ALL THEIR BEST COMEDIES ROLLED INTO A Vanguard Production Narration written by Gene Wood Narrated by JACK E. LEONARD 1 1 f it •] •Tali o A Universal Release August 29-30-31 WILDLY COMIC! YOU SHOULD CERTAINLY SEE IT!” NX Times Coming—Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Sept. 1-2-3 "BORN FREE" z Walter C. Newcombe, Chairman, CDCI Board Shirley Killer broken up not because an abun- i dance of dollars sent hubby 'scurrying in all directions to spend it foolishly but because, he was possessed of a nagging Worry that he was mfcsing out! Plenty of cash assists 'teen­ agers tin the pursuit of question-, able -activities but that which sends them searching is an ,un- sataaibjie worry that.they will be ■considered “odd” if they don’t. Even the teeniest of tats are bad because they unknowingly worry they are losing an oppor­ tunity far attention if they are­ n’t mischievous some of the time! Those who preach against worry haven’t the answer to overcome it. They admit, worry is unavoidable, so they prefer to label, it “concern” which is thought to have much less ef­ fect on the nervous system . . . but even the experts cannot tell where the thin line between concern and true worry begins and ends. Alcohol fogs our sensitivity tn worry, cigarettes* lull lit to sleep'for some precious fleeting moments. Diversion is so noisy we can’t hear the inner voice ' that invites us to worry. Modern man has the solution, though.' Relaxation is forbidden since worry needs peace and quiet to flourish. He may never succumb to acute worry which leads' to- hideous acts of violent evil against himself and others —but he permits himself to be so concerned about keeping busy, he is tired at thirty and dead1 at forty! To live in evil at eighty or die in good at forty . . . that is the question we all Worry over. rO- HOLMESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND . Phone 482-3210 Recent guests with Mrs. J. B. MacMath were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and Robert, and Edgar Fourney of Lancaster, Ontario. Robert Grigg 'left on Wed­ nesday for Montreal where he wiill be working on a landscap­ ing project for Expo ’67. Mirs. Frank McCullough who is undergoing medical treat­ ment at a Kitchener hospital was at her home in the village for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay moved to their mew home at Goderich last week, having, sold their farm to John De Ruyter. Misses Linda ands Debbffe Cunningham spent the 'weekend with their grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Storey and family, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boden and fam­ ily, Woodstock, were weekend guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. William Bender. • Mrs. N. Heard and Mary spent last week holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Fonthill. . Mr. and Mrs. Strykers and family have moved to their new home at the village, 'formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson. Showers For Bride Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Frank Yeo were hostesses at a shower on Monday evening at the Grlilgg home for Miss Mari­ lyn Yeo, a bride of next month. Several contests were condhct- ed by Mrs. David Williams and Dawn Grigg. The bride was .the recipient of many lovefly gifts. Miss Shirley Norman held a surprise shower for Miss Yeo. on Saturday evening when a group of former classmates met to offer best wishes. CHILD PORTRAITS JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 James Taylor, Chairman, Advisory Vocational Committee Announce the Opening of Classes for the School Year 1966-67 as Outlined Below: I GRADES 9 and 10—Report to the Auditorium at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6. GRADES 11 and 12-—Report to the Cafeteria at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6. GRADE 13 —Report to the Library at 10:15 a.m. on Tues­ day, September 6. All students should bring d pen. , Dismissal at. 11:45 a.hi. NOTE: 1. Busses fdr Clinton area students will operate 1 hour later than usual for opening day only. 2. Book store Will be open for Grade 13 students offer dismissal oh September 6. 34-5b Thurs., Aug. j25,. 1966-—Clinton News-Record-—Page 3Mrs, Nelson Reid Died Saturday/ Funeral Monday After a lengthy illness, Mrs, Nelson Reid passed away in Clinton Public Hospital qn §at- urday afternoon, August 20, in her 76th year, Formerly Margaret R. Ste- watt,.s'he was born in Stanley Township and had lived in the Varna district all her life until moving to Rrucefield to take up residence tour years £go. . Mt§. Reid is survived by her husband; daughter, Mrs, Jack (Mary) Mustard, Brucefield; sister, Mrs. Janie Turner, Varna ■and five grandchildren. Funeral services were con­ ducted Monday afternoon from the Ball Funeral Home1 by Rev. E, Rqulston, assisted by Rev, Dr. Mowatt, Clintdn. Pallbearers were Wilmer Tur­ ner, Robert Taylor, Merton Keyes, Alex Whitfield, Alox Murray and Melvin Webster. Flower-bearers, were four grandsons, Stewart, .Neil, Jef­ frey and Charles: Mustard, and two nephews, Wayne Cantelon Ervine Keyes. -----------0----------- Shopping Begins In The Pages Of This Newspaper ARTHRITIS a BACK TO SCHOOL A't Ray’s Shoe Repair NEW and USED TYPEWRITERS Now on Sale at RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 Huron Street ' SUNSET DRIVE IN GODERICH THURSDAY IS “BUCK NIGHT” . FOR A CARLOAD (Photo by Frank Phillips) MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH L. COUSINEAU Health EXTRA FIRM LUXURY FIRM Family Sale I Sealy Mattress Values at Beattie's ! i i S H ® ;r > f 1■ ■ AA'7 11B Cl assified Ads. Bring Quick Results , Sealy Posturepedic Designed in cooperation with leading orthopedic surgeons to give you firm support. Naturally, your mornings will be better— never a morning backache from sleeping on a too-soft mattress. Choose extra firm or gently firm. . ,■ ' J matching foundation 579,50 (win ska V • Dondesboiro United Church was decorated with white gladi­ oli on Saturday, August 13 ficu the wedding of Elaine Alex­ ander, Londsstoco and Jo&epi L. Cousineau, Saulit Ste. Marte', in a double-ring ceremony of­ ficiated 'by Rev. R. J. Tschantz and the , organist, Mrs. Harry Dear played traditional wed­ ding music. The brlid'e is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman Alex­ ander, Dondesbaro. Given in marriage: by her father, the bride wore’ a floor­ length gown of white organza over taffeta, appliqued wiiith Swiss embroidery; bodice and sleeves had matching delicate lace appliques. Her fingertip veil was accented With rosette headpiece. She carried a bou­ quet of p'nlc d-NiNet re^es ct cp’han oil e. Miss Ruth Hodgins, Wilton, was maid'ct hioeov.r, wearing a flocir-length go>vn. cf tur­ quoise chifton, empire lines, bodice cf white lace with matching headdress and carried a crescent bouquet of white _’ih asita c hrysan t h eimumis. Jim Alexander, Toronto, bro- iher of the bi'Cde, was' 'best man, and David Alexander, an­ other brother, Kincardine, ush­ ered the guests. For travelling the bride choSp a two-piece suit of deep rose lace, over taffeta with navy accessories and a corsage of White roses. They Will reside at. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. THURS., FRI. — Aug. 25-26 They live and love from spinout to crackup.. "FIREBALL 500 — In Color — Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, Fabian, Chill Wills from the CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION There has been moire learned about arthritis in the last 15 years than in the previous 1,500, the Canadian ’Medical Associ­ ation reports. It now is possible to cure some kinds of infectious arth­ ritis and control most cases, of gouty-arthritis. Osteoarthritis is frequently associated1 with' being over­ weight, thereby leading to over-use of a joint. The most common joints, affected are the hips, knees, 'and1 back, which bear the brunt of excessive day- Squadron Leader J. H. Woodrow OC New School (Continued from Page One) Management Training for the RCAF. He relinquished his exchange post earlier this year when named to his current position as Director of the Officer' Training Division at R&CS, Clinton, S/L Woodrow is married to the former Arlene Thorp of London. They arid theur two children: Judith Anhe, 16, and Bruce David, 14, will ..reside in the RCAF Married Quarters at Huron Park, Centralia, Ontario. /—■.................... —....................... by-day wear and tear on tire joint linning or cartilage. Re­ duction .in weight by proper dieting, and the use of proper drugs to suppress inflammation and pain, will help. Physiotherapy, in the form of heat to help relax tight1 muscles, and special exercise to rebuild, wasted muscles, are also of value. The most serious form of arthritis is rheumatoid arth­ ritis. It is fortunate, however, that most cases are mild and. respond to treatment Well if caught early. Proper treatment involves, in the first place, a 'trip to the doctor for proper diagnosis, rather than, relying on your own judgment or that of a neigh­ bour. The patient must make every effort to follow the doc­ tor’s instructions in an attempt to stop the disease. Possibly in­ jections will be prescribed, and almost certainly drugs contain^, ing salicylates or other inflam­ matory agents will be used. Ad­ vice will be given on. how to protect your joints with rest and splints, and how to' rebuild muscles with physiotherapy and occupational therapy so you can continue to walk and1 use your hands. The C.M.A. advises that you do not neglec,t your joints' — protect them through early di­ agnosis and prompt treatments z V LADIES and MISSES Dress Sheer, Walking Sheer, Strefchfes Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd. OFEN 9 TO 5 DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAYS lBtfb z "Die Monster Die! — In Color — Boris Karloff — ,Nick Adams SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 "JOHNNY DARK" —- In Color — Tony Curtis — Piper Laurie ~MONDAY "TUESDAY- AUGUST 29-30 THE TROUBLE WITH ANGELS' — In Color — Rosalind Russell—Hayley Mills A Man Called Peter" — In Color — Richard Todd — Jean Peters WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. AUG. 31, SEPT. 1,2,3 WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS Including best picture "MY FAIR LADY"’ — In Color — Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison "siTNDAYrSeptember" 4~ TRIPLE MIDNIGHT SHOW "Frankenstein Meets Spacemen" 'Curse of the Voodoo AND "Circus of Horrors" — In Color — Adult Entertainment Golden Luxury Quilted to foam®* \, • Coil-on-coil support A. • Golden Edge borders • Luxury weave cover *urethane foarn • Quilted to foam®* • Hundreds of coils • Golden Edge borders during our GOLDEN SLEEP SALE • Beige damask cover ^urethane foam There’s r world of difference in this mattress sale • It’s our Golden Sleep Sale. • That special time •' for spectacular once-a-year values on quality Sealy bedding • Buy now with assurance'• And sleep from now on in your new world of luxury • SEALY’S GOLDEN SLEEP SALE ON NOW! AT BEATTIE FURNITURE LTD CLINTON MAGNOLAX Reg, $1.50..... ..................... WILKINSON BLADES 5's ......................... SUAVE HAllt-SETTING GEL ____ BAN ROLL-ON DEODORANT Reg, $1.29 CREST TOOTH PASTE Reg. $1.19 ,....... LD.A. TOILET TISSUE 6 Rails ................... BAYERS ASHRIH 100's ...... CLEARASIL For Pimples, Large $1.25 .... f—~ 1 ......... — SPECIAL BALL-POINT PENS FOR SCHOOL OPENING 1c Many "Back To School" Bargain, 4 EDWARDS’ PHARMACY PRESC RIPTIONS Clinton, OntarioPhone 482-6626 9 Albert Street