HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-08-25, Page 2Page 2—Clinton News-Record—Thurs.z Aug. 25, 1966 -r Teen-Agers And “Fun Riots” : been in trouble. Police a few years back could have quelled such disturbances quickly and silently by cuffing the of­ fenders gently with a billy and keeping them in durance vile over night, Now, the law does not dare lay a finger on the little dears and 'the kids are well aware of, and take advantage pf this fact. ’ . , Until ' parents mature enough to realize that sometimes their offspring are far from perfect and cease to howl whenever their >‘little moods” are brought in check, riots such as foe one at the Bend will grow and prosper. The police .are not to blQine, and neither are the kids. How can you. respect a law that has no more teeth and punch than a century old billy- goat? (The St, Marys Journal-Argus) THE RECENT incident at Grand Bend was, according to a St. M^rys youth on the scene, highly magnified by some segments of the press, Be that as it may, the actions of those respon­ sible should not be condoned under any ■ circumstances, ’ Many jn this area, the writer a- mongst them, have spent a few gay weekends at this same resort in their youth, sleeping on the sand and having a ball in general. We did not, however make a sport out pf “bating the bulls”. The difference in the two genera­ tions, tp pur piind, niay be traced direct­ ly to the fact that modern parenthood is much too soft and lenient toward their 'offsprings From the day- that a teacher could be hauled over the coals because he slapped little Edgar on the ear for shooting spitballs, society has Seven-Tenths of A Second PHOTOGRAPHED at 1,000 frames - a second, motion pictures were made of an automobile striking a tree at 55 miles . an hour, a speed most motorists con­ sider (<safe”. , It’s the' kind of a crash that could happen to anyone, It’s the kind that can be prevented, . - The story below paints that picture of what happens in a split second when the car hits the tree. Read if ’aloud for best effect. .. One-Tenth of' ,a • Second — Front . bumper and chrome frosting of grill col­ lapse. Steel slivers penetrate tree one- and-a-half inches. Two-Tentfts of a Second — Hood crumples, rises, smashing into wind­ shield. Spinning rear wheels leave the ground; ■ Grill disintegrates. Fenders t New president of the Canodian Weekly Newspapers Association John W, Sancfcn, publisher' of She Westmount, P.Q., Examiner, is shown pt right 'chatting with retiring president, J, L, McKenna, jeff, publisher pf the Sussex, King's County Record in New Brunswick, and jack Struthers, centre, senior editor, Centennial Commission, Ottawa. Mr. Struthers, a former weekly newspaper editor at Newmarket, Ontario, was a panel member at the CWNA annual 'convention held at Spipt John, N.B., August 3, 4 and 5. The group was photographed following a panel ses­ sion on CWNA publishing plans for the Centennial celebrations next year, Mr, Sancton also is chairman pf the association's advisory com­ mittee on CWNA Centennial projects and next year's punveation which will be held at Ottawa Sept. 6, 7 and 8. From Our Early Files , . . 75 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, August 28, 1891 Mr. Praetor's .team rap away on. Thursday afternoon, throw­ ing him out on fats shoulder, straining his neck and breaking the wagon. A number of Clinton people treated themselves to a visit to Bayfield last Tuesday. It has been remarked that Clinton and Bayfield have not been on ‘‘visiting terms” this summer, but we see there are some ex­ ceptions. Mr, T, K. Grigg, late man­ ager of the Grigg House, Lon­ don, and an old Clinton boy, Was the recipiapt of a diamond ring pn Saturday nigtht, front a number of commercial men who had enjoyed his hospitality in the past, body now off the seat, torso upright. Plastic and steel frame of the steering, wheel bend under his death grip. His head is near sun visor, his chest above steering’ column. Four-Tenths of d Second — Car’s front 24 inches is completely demolish­ ed but the rear end is still travelling at 35 m.p.h. The half-ton motor block crunches into the tree. Rear of the car, like a bucking horse, rises high enough to scrape bark off lower branches. Five-Tenths of a Second—Driver's hands bend steering wheel shaft. Lungs and intercostal arteries are punctured. • . Six-Tenths of a Second -- Driver’s . feet are ripped out of laced shoes. The brake pedal shears off at the floor. Chassis bends in the middle. The dr-iv- __ er’s head smashes into-the windshield, come into contact with tlie tree, forcing' Rear of the car begins falling, to splay out over.the front door. Driv- Seven-Tenths of a Second — The er’s body continues to move forward entire body of the car is forced out of with a force’of 20 times that of gravity. - shape. Hinges tear, doors spring open, His body now weighs 3,200 pounds; His seat rams forward pinning driver again- legs, held straight out, snap at the knees., st steening shaft. Three-Tenths of a Second-—Driver’s He is dead. A WARNING The Evil Deed of Humans The Ontario Department oif Lands ar<! • Forests reports, that in 1965, children started 198 forest fires, which burn­ ed ■over one thousand •ar"1' of Ontario woodlands, Clhild cn ' playing with matches account for a numfcer of fciocct fii’us every year, wh'iidh dirrt'.oys many acres of valuable lb'test land. . It is therefore heartening to know there are still young­ sters who realize the extreme’ danger of fire and its serious1' consequences. One of these js Kaithy Winter, a 13-year-oM Scarborough school 'girl who has put Her thoughts down in poetic form. 55 Years o CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, August 24, 1911 More citizens of town and townships are taking advantage of oiur offer of the New Era from now ’till January 1st 1912 for. 25c. John Chapman, formerly cf Stanley, Donald and Malcolm Frasei’ and Donald Jr. have lately taken up homesteads on the Peace River, Sask. They bujlt houses and are improving the land- and it is expected that a ’railway will soon reach them, The farmers are bringing in considerable stone for the street department but there is.room for a good many more loads. 25 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, August g8, 1941, Th'amos Pry de, of Exeter, a StetetW of th# laist Great War, has been called' to the colon's With, the' Royal Canadian Air Force, having ibden commission­ ed as a Flying Officer. Any girls of Clinton and vi­ cinity wishing to enter t'he Beauty Contest at the Go'derich Water Sport-s on Saturday, August 3Qth, please see Mr. M, Scboenhals, secretary of tjh'e Clinton Mons1 Club. ■ Tons of cucumJbers are baling graded at Clinton for an Ont­ ario canning and pilckling com­ pany. Upward of 100 acres were planted in -cucutobeirs in thiis Vicinity this year under con­ tract with the company and the crop is naw beiihg harvested. LAUNDRY SERVICE f FREE PICK-UP I AND DELIVERY Phone 482-9491 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday. August 30, 1951 Donald MacLaren, a 12-year- old Hensall boy, lost his wallet containing his money 'and a few other possessions, not worth much, except to a boy, while riding a combine a week ago, It seems that the barley Donald Was cutting was shipped to a big elevator in Toronto, where someone found his wa'llet in a pile of grain and iteturned it in tact. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON (Near Drive-in Theatre) Open every Saturday morning 10 a.m. -12 noon for your convenience LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY Clinton News-Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1865 <5 10 , Authorized . •* Second Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 1924 Established 1881 Published. Every Thursday At The Heart Of Huron County Clinton, Ontario, Canada Population 3,475 A. LAURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBLISHER a ® ® , Sign.d contributions to this publication, are the opinion* of the writers only, and do not necessarily express the views of the newspaper.* Class Mall, Post’ Office Department, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash t SUBSCRIPTION- RATES: Payable In advance — Canada and Great Britain: $5.00 a year; United States end Foreign: 6.50, Single Copies: 12 Cents. i THE EVIL DEED OF HUMANS The sky was filled with smoky haze, The trees stood still in silent daze, An eerie silence filled the air, And every sign showed much despair. The tall, charred , stumps stood boldly by, While wisps of smoke soon filled the sky, And all green life is now so dead, And all the creatures now have fled. But once this was a forest fair, Where every creature made his lair, But now just ashes do remain, To show where beauty once had lain. One careless thought to cause this ruin, One careless match so mindless strewn, Could cause the end of all who roam, Within the realms of Nature’s home. Use Classified Ads. 40 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, August 26, 1926 The windstorm on Saturday evening last did quite a bit of damage in the community. Mr. Fred Potter had part of the roof torn off his 'barn and Mr. D. Crl'iddon had a shed blown .down. The Collegiate Institute de­ bentures are being rapidly fall­ en up by investors of Clinton and surrounding country. A good portion of the whole a- mount to be issued has already been sold. Mark the name of Beaverton on the road map. It is one of the few Canadian towns where the roads in town are better than the highways leading to it. That used to- be said (of C'lfflnton’s streets before the speeding tourists wore ’em all out. 1 Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY INSURANCE r J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays 20 ISAAC STREET 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 527-1240 K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 . G. B, CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE-REAL ESTATE 1 INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 482-9644 Res. 482-9787 25 YEARS OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE GODERICH US I NESS COLLE HIci | x ■i I ■= w II ill PLAN A CAREER WITH A FUTURE 'OUR AIM IS TO JUSTIFY^ THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN US, AND WE ARE ' ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS. ■ngf Iff Bilil MK, r XL 3 I ; Ik • ACCOUNTING SUGAR AND SPICE $ by BillWStoiley - R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. L. Jervis— 68 Albert St. Clinton—482-9390 Riding The Waves • BUSINESS MACHINES MODERN COURSES ■ ,p • i '<r .. J; ...... ....' ' .... - ,k . ,, Qur courses, final examinations and diplomas are under the direction of the Business Educators Association of Canada. Our courses are consfaritly being revised to meet ‘ the- demands of modern business. • ** . * J ’ ■ ' . f V . -d REGISTRATION WEEK 25th FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6 IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER. RESERVE YOUR DESK TODAY! Ift to obtain the best W urge stodenfs to attend on the opening date. Dial 524-8521, 7284, or 6307 for ah appointment f ' ■ • SECRETARIAL I This summer, I’ve been out in a boat only twice, but each was memorable in its fashion. The first time, old. friends called and told us to be at their cottage sharp at won • next day. They were enter­ taining friends from the States and wanted us to -join them for a special scenic ride by chartered boat. It sounded interesting. And it was. We drove 50 miles to' the'ir cottage. Light refresh­ ments and we -all 'piled Unto two ears and1 drove 15 miles to Tobermory. The boat’s skipper was an old friend, Archie Simpson, and we exchanged, "Long- timie-nO'-s'e'e’s.” - Everything went swim­ mingly. It was. a beautiful afternoon, our host had pro­ vided all the trimmings', the company was pleasant and the scenery superb as we cruised along the 'rugged north state of the Bruce Pen­ insula. - Then the breeze freshened. We began to wallow a bit. Nothing serious, but two of the party began turning a pate green. Should we go on or turn back? It was dedided to press on, pul'l into Winfield Basin, and wait for the bre'eze to- drop. It didn't. It became a Wind. The skipper said it would be a rough, -trip back. The ladies looked longingly at the shore. After \ two hours, ouir host, stout chap, borrowed a dinghy and rowed 500 yards to the lighthouse, made arrange­ ments, and rowed back, with­ out eVen suffering a coronary. We went ashore. Two. cars were available.- We would drive to. Tobermory, pick up 1 dur own car's, and1 ditive back to the cottage. Hut who was going to> drive ihe two cars back to thd lighthouse? That was only the begin­ ning of the compiiidatifcns, tod involved to reflate here. Both cars broke down. The ire'ar end went oh one jufst as we reached Tobermory, and the other crept into the village Sans brakes. The ladies,- grimy hut glad,, took one of our own oars and went back to the cottage. My ihoSL another chap and myself spent two hours and drbve about 80 mile's, organizing the rotufn of the borrowed cars. Buit it all ended pleasantly, with hamburgers at the- cot­ tage about 10 p.m. Midnight found me arguing racial prob­ lems with a big, dumb Nor­ wegian lawyer from Chicago. He’s so dumb hd' has only three million dollars to his name. Ancl we still had to1 , drive 50 miles home. A .memorable boat ride. Ten miles by boat and 250 by ear, But good . clean fun all the way. The other boat ride was a typical Sm'iley event. Kim and I Went out in her uncle’s boat, after a three-minute period of instructions. She insisted on driving, though she’d never steered anything mote powerful than a canoe. We staggered, about the lake, she -grinning wildly, I rigid with fear. in the1 bow. Four miles from the home dock, we hit bottom. ‘‘Drop the anchor! man overboard! Hard astern!” I yelled these and a few other salty, seagoing terms. Too late. We had sheared a pin, Whatever that means. I spoke silently to myself for about five minutes, head ■bowed as if in prayer. Then I reached for the paddle. No paddle. We made it ashore in 40 minutes, using our hands bis paddles. She stuck with the ship. I waded rocky shoreline and clambered, bare-footed, through poison ivy, seeking help. Three hours after we had set out on a 15-minute whirl about the lake, we got back to port, Mauna- Was waiting. If you’re planning a boat trip, perhaps you shouldn’t ask yours truly along. * —-----*—o------------ OMSIP Questions and Answers QUESTION: Will premium­ paying subscribers be advised, in advance, when premiums are payable? ANSWER: Yes. Normally 15 days advance notice will be given, Subscribers aifd Hot re­ quired to remember dates for payments as they will be noti­ fied when premiums become due. I THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY MCK1UOP muSjIv « HRE INSURANCE ” . COMPANY | Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Class of Farm Property • Summer Cottages O Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects etc.) is also available.. Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea- | Agents: James Keys, RR 1, bcaiwui, v. u. u.w.v m, ««*- forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Seaforth. f ATTENTION KNITTERS! KNITTING WOOLS Si LOTS OF BARGAINS ... Clear^Ouf* Baskets . . . Left Overs WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW WINTER STOCK! DON'T MISS THIS! Lots of PATTERNS and NEEDLES BRINIG IN YOUR FAVORITE PATTERNS FOR HELPFUL KNITTING ADVICE'. . . BIGGEST BARGAINS are: SKEINS OF WOOL. (l.l, Mr App. 4 ox(/ tor Sweaters or Shells ...... VIHJ SKEINS DL. Knitting WOOL BALLS of 100% COTTON, 2 fOF 59C START OFF YOUR WlNTEk KNITTING NOW! Shop At . . . AMSING’S KNITTING CENTRE 55 ALBERT STREET CLINTON