HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-08-25, Page 1.l.'.'JiMI..!'I.T
Local Horse Wins Clinton Merchants" Pace
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$5.00 Per Year—,12 Cents Per Copy-—10 Pages
sjty Reserve Training Plan will municatio-ns Officers and spec-
receive training in the branch ial courses, in electronics war-
they have chosen as their trade, fare and nuclear safety will also
Advanced training for Telecom- be provided.
THE NEW ERA —. 100th Year THE HURON RECQRD 84th Year
No. 34—-The Home paper With the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1966
CHSS Graduate
Wins Dental
Hygiene Award
Graduating from CHSS, Clin
ton, in 1965, Miss Anita Irene
Nelischer, daughter of Flight
Diieutenant and Mrs. Joseph E.
Nelischer, 78 Osborne Street,
Anita 1
Irene i
■ At the successful harness horse races in Clinton Community Park last Sat
urday, a local horse owned by Charles Brandon and Frank MacDonald won both
heats of the feature race—The Clinton Merchants’ Pace/Shown here leading
the pack near the finish of the second heat is Rythrn Brook C driven by Mac
Donald. His time was 2:15; the first heat was won in 2:15 and three-fifths. Mr,
MacDonald also was judged the best dressed driver of the meet and was present
ed with $5 by J. D. Thorndike, who is chairman of Clinton Recreation/Commit- .
tee, . ’ (News-Record Photo)
Hamilton Lady Wins $1,398
At Service Clubs’ Bingo,-
$1,000 Prize For Sept. 5
A Hamilton woman —■ Mrs.
■Angus Caruston — who is pre
sently visiting at a home at
Adiastral Park, CFB Clinton,
won $1,398.25 at a Clinton
bingo Monday -night.
She won the snowball bingo
— Which Started at $500 on
June 13 and! had snowballed to
' $1,079.75 for Monday’s game —
one-half the money taken in
Monday on the ishare-the-weailth
Accepted For
ROTP Training
A 1966 graduate of CHSS,
Richard Tinsley, has received a
telegram from Minister of Na
tional Defence Paul Hellyer
congratulating . shim and an-
New Officer Training School
Opens Monday at CFB Clinton
August 29th marks -the transfer of training for
certain RCAF technical officers from CFB Cent
ralia to CFB Clinton, On this date, a now Officer
Training. Division will be opened at the Radar and
Communications School, Clinton, to replace the ‘
training facilities previously situated at Centralia.
The new diyisCoh will provide
raining , in the telecommunica
tions, armament, and aeronauti
cal). engins'ening professions for
newly commissioned officers
from either the airman ranks
or .divulian life. Those commis
sioned from the ranks will have
behind them years of experi
ence; those entering the ser
vices directly from ciyilfen life
will have graduated'from a Uni
versity or Institute ' of Tech-
Going ,
nouncing that he had won. a
scholarship under the Regular
Officer Training Plan to attend
the University of Western Ont
ario, London,-for the next four
Richard will major in politi
cal sdience at university and
take training under ROTP at
university and -during the sum
mer holidays.
He is the son of Sergeant and
Mrs. George .Tinsley, 41 St. An
drew Street; London,- formerly
of Clinton. Sgt. Tinsley is still
stationed at CFB Clinton.
part of the snowball, - which
Was $288.50; plus one of the
regular bingos worth $30.00.
This was the Sixth bingo in a
series of eight planned by the
four service clubs of Clinton,
to raise funds for Clinton and
District Community Centre
Centennial Fund.
She won the big game in 55
On June 13 the snowball was
worth $500 in 50 calls. It, and
four more snowball share-the-
wealths were not won when the
numbers increased by one every
second week. In 'the last six
bingos $579.75 had been' atfded
to the snowball, malting Mon
day’s snowball worth $1,079.75.
$1,000 Bingo
After the big prize went Mon
day night, the committee, head
ed by Kinsman Frank Cook,
called a quick meeting and a-
greed to have a $1,000 sh'are-
the-wealth major bingo at each
of the two’ remaining dates
September 5 and 19 — in the
The full list of prizes in the
two> future bingos will be: 15
regular games for $30 each;
three share-the-wealth bingos
and the $1,000 major bingo.
There .is no snowball con
nected with the $1,000 prize'and
it must be won, regardless- of
the number of calls.
Young Banker Wins
“Chuck” Andrews, son of Mi-,
and Mrs. Doug Andrews, Albert
Street, Who is a junior out the
local branch, of the B'ank of
Montreal, won the other major
prize at Monday’s bingo. He
won $500.
Walter Learner, Goderich,
won $169.50 in a share-the1-
wealth game, 'and John Poiwell,
RR 3, Clinton and George Hen
derson, Clinton, split the other
shiare-fre-wealth which was
worth $166 — each received
Individual Winners
Besides' ’Mrs. Caruston, other
winners of $30 regular bingos
’were: James Cruickshank, Clin
ton; Mrs. George Bell, Bayfield;
Mrs. George Knights, Clinton;
Mrs. Harvey Kennedy, Sea
forth; Mrs. R. J. Dixon, Clin
ton.; .Frank Hamilton, Lucknow;
Mrs. Outt, Goderich.
The other seven $30 bingos
were split by from ‘three -to
seven persons each.
Nearly . 650 persons attended
Monday’s ibingo in'Clinton Lions
Arena. The six bingos so far
have not produced much profit
fox* ijllc CDrniriLiiTLty CGirvtn/G fuxicl
but the committee has commit
ted itself to a series of eight
bingos and made the decision
■to put-up a $1,000 prize for each .
,qf;,;4?he,..hext.. two-,, plus fifteen
$30 regular games and three
share’- the-wealths.
has been awarded a bursary by
the Ontario Department of
Health to .complete her studies
for a diploma ‘in dental hygiene.
The bursary covers tuition
fees and living expenses at the
University of Toronto for the
next year. Miss Nelischer has
completed her first year -in den
tal hygiene there. The bursary
agreement stipulates that upon
graduation next year, she work
wlith. the Ontario Department
of Health for two years. Her
work will consist of instruction
in preventative dental care
n-ology with a degree in Engin
eering or a ’closely allied field,
On completion of a general
technical course; officers from
-both groups diverge into spec
ialist training branches approp
riate to their future. employ
ment. .
In addition to this main func
tion, during the -summer months
University students who are
members of the Regular Officer
Training Plan or .the Univer-
New Staff to Instruct New Officers
Clinton Citizens’ Horticul
ture Society are holding their
annual flower show tomorrow
(Friday) in the council cham
bers, town hall. The doors
are open to the public from
3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. •
There are 44 classes for a-
dults from single bloom flow
ers to mantel and table ar
rangements,. and classes for
children in both flowers and
Squadron Leader
. A. G. HEAL
-Who holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Electric al
’Engineering -will be instruct
ing telecommunications. In
addition to holding positions
at Air Force Headquarters,
and Air Materiel Command,
he has been a staff pilot and
flying instructor
Flight Lieutenant
Was a hliirect entry into the
RCAF 'in 1960 after gradu
ation from St. Francis Xavier
University, Nova Scotia, with
a Bachelor of Science Degree-.
I-Ie was a member of the
Manitoba Provincial Champ
ions small bore rifle shooting
. team tin 1963-64.
Squadron Leader J. H. Woodrow
To Head New School at R & CS
Squadron Leqdpr J. H- Wood-
■ row has been named to head
the new Officer Training Divi
sion at the Radar and Com
munication School, ■ CFB Clin
A native of Windsor, Ont., he
joined the RCAF in 1941 and
was .trained as an Observer at
-No.4 AOS, London.
Upon graduation from the
Bombing -and Gunnery School at
Fingal, he was awarded his air-
crew wings and Was posted
overseas to England to serve as
a Bombardier with_ No-. 425
Following a tour oif oper
ations on missions over Europe
and. North Africa, S/L Wood
row was assigned to- instruct- .
tonal .duties in England and
subsequently returned to Can
ada in November 1944.
He enrolled in the engineer
ing faculty at the.University of
Toronto after -being returned to
civilian life in March. 1945, and
then rejoined the RCAF in 1948
after graduating with the de
gree of Bachelor of Applied
.Science in Mechanical Engin
He attended the RCAF’s Aer
onautical Engineering Course at
Camp Borden and then served
in various Technical capacities
until selected to attend. Staff
College for the 1960/61 aca-
domic year. Following gradu
ation the ■ was named Detach
ment"" Commander at Orenda
Engines’ Mail ton 'plant.
. In 1963 S/L Woodrow was
selected to serve as Exchange-
Officer in the Directorate- of
Maintenance Engineering at
USAF Logistics Command
Headquarters, Wright-Patterson
Air Force- Base; While .there he
earned his Master of Business
Administration degree from
Ohio 'State University. with a
Thesis entitled: A Program of
(Continued on page- three)
New Staff to instruct New Officers
News-Record Makes Good Showing
In Canada-Wide Competition;
Finishes Fifth In Its Class
“The Home Raper With the
News” compiled an excellent
record in the 1966 Better News
papers Competitions conducted
by the Canadian Weekly News
papers Association.
A. Laurie Colquhoun, publish
er of the News-Record, this
week was pleased to, receive
details of the results involving
the circulation class from 2,001
to 3,000 weekly. Incidentally,
according to ABC ratings; the
News -Record’s net circulation
now stands at an alldime high
of 2,314, culminating a steady
and' substantial increase over
the past decade. ,
Out of 36 papers from all
over -Canada entered in thlife
class, “The Home Paper” was
adjudged fifth for “all-round”
excellence, scoring 69 points out-
of 100 as against 76 for paper
number one, Fraser Valley Re
cord, Mission City, B.C. Last in
the- class had 47.5. Of the week
lies which marked higher than
the News-Record, two were
from' British Columbia, one
from Alberta, and one was from
Eastern Ontario.
A breakdown by divisions
showed that the paper was tied
for second place in pictures
(7.5 out of 10); and in typo
graphy, make-up and general
impression (7 out of 10); and
was tied for Sixth position in
front page excellence (17.5.out
of 25); editorial page (16.5 out
of 25), and news of the com
munity on the inside pages
(14.5 out of 20).
Commenting on the groups,
the judges said: “The weekly
newspapers in class three are
doing the job they are meant to
do — tell the community what
4s going on.”
Small Adv
Flight Lieutenant
A Bachelor of Science grad
uate from the University of
Ottawa, has been connected'
with instructing in the Can
adian Forces since 1954. His
wife, Mrs. Ann Hansen, is an
English teacher at Seaforth
High School.
Flight Lieutenant
A man with much exper
ience in the RCAF, has a
Bachelor of Arts Degree; Be
fore coming to CFB Clinton
he was ‘in charge of telecom
munications .at CFB Cen
Flight Lieutenant
An Armament Officer, is a
Bachelor of Engineering
graduate from McGill Univer
sity. He has just finished a
two-year advanced weapons
course at the Royal Ait Force
Technical College.
Flight Lieutenant •
A native of Liverpool, Eng
land, holds a certificate from
Liverpool -College of Tech
nology in Mechanical Engin
eering, Prior to joining the
RCAF in 1956, he was a:
prodtictio-n -engineer in. Eng
First Harness Race Meet
Proved Huge Success
Clinton Turf Club staged! a
zery successful harness race
meet here last Saturday—over
l,000 persons attended. The
ast harness' races were held
lere in June 1961.
Already the club is planning
>ne or more twilight, face meets
iCxt summer, possibly on Wed-
tesday evenings in June or July.
Not only was the meet a
uccess but turf dub officials
mre complimented on the per-
ect condition of the track, the
ccommodation, the spacious-
ess of the grounds. and the
landling of parking', .by hor.se-
aen and spectators. At the
Onton track no cars are
lowed in the infield of
track. ■ '
Merchants’ Pace
A Clinton horse won the .
ture race —- the Clinton
District Merchants’ Pace.
Franka MacDohald, local
plumber, who is co-owner of
John Hartley
Wins Silver $'s
_ug. 17
The Weather
1966 1965
Rain: .55”
John Hartley, assistant
postmaster at Clinton, won
the major prfee of 75 silver
dollars *in Clinit'ort Lions Club
summer carnival draw last
Wednesday 'evening.
Clinton barber Jean Andari
Was the winner Of the seeortd
•■draw for 25 silver 'dbMdrs.
The Lions had a very Suc
cessful carnival on the main
Street when they realized
nearly $700 from the drtaw,
ibingo and the' various carni
val games.
Rhythm Brook C. -with farmer
Charles Brandon, drove the big
five-year-old to two straight'
Wins , in' the merchants’ pace.
His times were 2.12 and three-
fifths in the first heat and 2.15
in the final heat of the day.
.The race was Worth $300, with
$150 for each heht.
Prize • money in each of the
tein heats was divided on a 40,
30,15,10 and 5 percent basis.
So far this year the ,Mac-
Donald-Brandon horse has earn
ings of over $1,000; in 1965 they
collected $1,184,
The Merchants’ Pace Was for
horses that had hot won over
$2,500 'in 1965 ahd 1966.
Second in the Merchants'
Face was Prirria Byrd, oWiied
by John and Dennis JeWitt,
LondesborO, With Dave Kirkly
driving, Who came in second
and third.
Third spot went to Molly
Royal, owned by L. Levy, Bel-
ton ail'd driven by Robert Cam
eron, who placed fourth and
Adioo Killeari, owned by Rus-
(Continued on Page Ten)
Same Day
Occasionally we get compli
ments for a service at the
In yesterday's mail was a
letter from a young lady who
had inserted the following 75
cent classified adv.: “Teach
er’s College textbooks for
sale.. Diamte Faber, phone
The letter read:
Kippen, Ont.
August 22, 1966
“Find enclosed seventy-five
cents to cover cost of ad in
News-Record last week. Sold
books the same day. It pays
to advertise!
Thank you,
Huron County
Farming Report
Douglas H. Miles, P* Ag.,
agricultural representative for
Huron County,- has issued
the following drop report:
“Faris of the north area of
the County received their
first gobd rain sinfee June 14,
ether areas are concemecl
with continued wet weather.
About 50% of spring crop is
harvested; eorh is* progressing
favourably; white bean, yfeldls;
cbuld be down bn early ma*
turing crops. Pagtiires are re
viving after July d!ry spelt”
Flight Lieutenant
Who has World War II ex
perience, attended Montreal
Technical School and Ottawa ’
University. An armament of
ficer now, he was commission
ed from the hanks in 1958.
Flight Lieutenant
Is an aeronautical engineer.
He has received a diploma in
that profession from the Al
berta Provincial Institute of
Technology and Art in Cal
Flight Lieutenant
From'Nova Scotia; holds
an Engineering Degree from
McGill University. He will be
tostructihg in aeronautical . ’
Flying Officer
Who went through the
‘ early Air Caclet program, is a
telecommunications officer. A
man with much ’experience,
, he was commissioned from
the ranks in 1964, ■
Flight Lieutenant
Graduated from Sir George
Williams University, Mon
treal, in 1962 with, a Bachelor
of Science Degree. Before
talcing a ground tour as an in
structor, he was a pilot at
CFB Gimli and CFB Cold
Lake flying jets — T33's rtnd
Flight Lieutenant
/ Who -is active llh the Boy
Scouts of Canada, joined the
Royal Canadian Air Forde in
1944. He received his commis
sion in 1961 and became an
instructor at CFB Centralia
’ where he was in charge
of Aeronautical Engineering
’’ standards.
Flying Officer
Is a teltecommtmicdtions of
ficer who'holds a Bachelor Of '
Science Degree' in Electirical
Engineering from the Uni
versity of AlbeW. Prior to-
coming to CFB Clinton he
Was an instructor at CFB
Flying Officer
.; A product Of the Regular
Officer Training Plan gradu
ated from the University of
Saskatchewan art 1964 With a
Bachelor of Science Degiee in
Electrical Ertginderirtgv He
comes to CFB Clanton from
CFB Baldy Hughes, British