HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-08-11, Page 7Page 6—Clinton News-IRecord-—Thurs., Aug. 1J, 1966 JJ'ML...,,.....It ...'JW1...............................................................LLJJJ.......,JJ.......................U ..................IJ........... L .............J.......... ....... ................. ............ ...... J....9 BEAUTIFUL BREEZY ... ' , . • By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Bayfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. i all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent.* Mir. and Mirs. Reg. Arkell of Calgary are visiting 'his brother F. P. Arkell and1 Mi’s. ArkeM. Bill Scotchmer, his sister Marlene sand Pam Husser, motored to Port Loring on Sat­ urday to visit Rev., and Mrs. T. G. Husser. Mr. Scotchmen re­ turned home on Monday, but Marlene land Pam will spend this week with Rev. and Mi’s. Husser. Fried Arkell, accompanied by his grandsons, Clair, Nicklie and Tommy Sager, Paul Moss, and Mr. LeBeau, were at the Chuck Wagon races in Teeswater on Saturday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms Over the past week and weekend, have ibeen, Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Weston, Goderich; OPP dpi. Lloyd'Westlake, Mrs. Westlake, Catherine Ann and Paul of Kit­ chener and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burnell, their children, Stephen, Marian and Jane, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Orton Logan, London, were at itihelir cottage for Saturday and Siund'ay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser re­ cently attended the Wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Pam­ ela Fellows to Dr. Paul W. Pennington at All Salints Church, Windsor. Dr. and Mrs; Pennington will make their home, in London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russ Kerr on Sunday and Mon­ day werle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Rammage, Mr. and Mrs; E. Kellis, Iboth of Petrolia and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Edwards', Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Cameron and family who have been guests of Mr. and Mirs. J. A. Cameron, Returned to Islington on Monday. Miss Louise Mac- Vban accompanied them and will spend this week as their guest. Miss Oney Flowers, London, spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; Adam Flowers. Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons re-, turned home on Thursday after a stay of eight days in Clinton Public Hospital after having minor surgery. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Prim, Detroit and his mother, Mrs. Edwiard Prim and his .aunt, Miss Ruth Wiethe of Kentucky are visiting Mr. and M!r8; L. M. Sprague at “Holly Lodge’’ their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Roberts, and family spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs; John R. Cook. Saturday guests with' Mr. and Mrs. Cook were, Pro­fessor and Mrs. Dene Weber and family of LondOn accom­ panied by Dr. Migel D’Alvarez of Mexico City. Their guest this week is Mrs; Cook’s mother, Mirs. Maylene Herd of Wood- sLock Oliver Hopson returned home to Sydenham on Saturday .after spending two weeks with his mother, Mrs. George Hopson. John MacKenzie returned home last week from Westmin­ ster Hospital where ihe had spent the past 3% months. Their son John MacKenzie and Sugar and Spice (Continued from page 2) friends and got all the latest 'dope on who was going crazy, and who was running around with whom. Had a beer at The Cedar Rail, most unique bar in the country, and with the best prices. It’s a Shed on a farm, full of tools and baled hay. A cedar rail extends across the front. You stand there with your farmer friend, lean on the rail and look at the lake down below. We’ve seen deer and bear from there, and cov­ ered local politics and talked cattle. , Got stuck in the sand at the beach, to the rage of my wife. She went flying off to find a tow truck, in a friend’s car. While she was away, I was pulled out easily by a man with no arms, who had a chain in his trunk, a wife to drive his car, and a gaggle of kids to help push. Sounds like fiction, but it’s fact. It could only happen in or around the old hometown. NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. No wire fence, old concrete or car bodies permitted. James I. McIntosh, Clerk. w I" ............' grandson, John Duncan of Is­ lington joined them from Satur­ day ’.til Tuesday. Mi’, and Mrs. R. H. Roddick accompanied by Miss Madeline Roddick, London, were in the village on Saturday. Miss Rod­ dick entertained at a dinner party at The Little Inn in hon­ our of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Roddick on their 35th wedding anniversary. Guests were, Mrs. J. H. Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore, Also entertaining at The Little Inn that same evening Were Mi’, and Mrs. E. W. Od'dleifs'on who hosted a birth­ day dinner for their cousin, Mrs. Robert Hughes and Mr. Hughes of Lambeth. ' Mrs. William Proudfoot, Tor­ onto, * with her daughter and children, Mrs. A. R. C. Jones, Helen, Willie, Margaret, Wendjy and Archie of St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, spent last week at the. Albion 'Hotel. .Reg­ istrations at the weekend 'in­ cluded, Ross Scott, David .Har­ vey; Ted Godden, London, Char­ lie Brown, Mike Durham of Port Credit, Miss Dorothea TTe- levan is a guest at the hotel this week. ’Mrs. Vera Ballingall, Rev. E. Humphrey and his fiancee, Miss Mary Joan Bell­ ingall spent Saturday with Mass Tretevan. Mrs. Tom Bailey celebrated her 86th birthday on Thursday last with an afternoon tea held at her home, The New Ritz Hotel. Also sharing in this spe­ cial event was her neighbour, Mirs. Armstrong, Who was 82 on the same day. Staying at the Jowett cottage area are Mr. and Mrs. V. Milic and their three sons, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cox of Detroit. The Rev. and Mrs. W. C. SmWi of OshaWa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Poth from Fridlay 'til Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott,. Oshawa', spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Scotchmen. Mr. and' Mrs. William Barber and Bob, St. Thomas, Were at their cottage last week. Joining them for the weekend was their daughter 'Sharon and their Son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barber Jr., Brian and Paul of Minden. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith,•De­ troit visited Mr. and Mrs. Russ Kerr last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barran, Janice and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pease 'and family are holidaying at 'the Pease cottage. (Mr. and Mrs; Bob Brandon R.J.,NEPHEW WtMWUW GODERICH 'SEEN STEWART GODERICH . [NM BAIL GODERICH •<.% ...... • x .: and family, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wendefll Pitibadb and family, Oakville, are vacation­ ing in the village for a few days. They joined the family reunion held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Warner Payne. Those present included, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandon and family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Heard and family, Sea­ forth; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bran­ don and family,, Miss Shirley Brandon, Roy Warhouse, Wind­ sor; 'and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Babin and family of Buffalo. Mrs. Balbin and family had spent last week With her. sister, Mrs; Ken Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Affelback, Lon­ don, and- •the'ir daughter Lynda were recent visitors of Mir. and Mrs. John Pearson. Mrs. Betty Ann Quigg, Kim- my and Joey,. London; Ken Iles, London, and Mr. and Mrs; Wil­ liam A. Armour, Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl over the weekend. Miss Heather Ferguson, Tor­ onto and Miss Ruth North, Lon­ don, spent -the weekend at the former’s cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray and their son Jim and his wife and family, have returned to Toronto after spending July at ■their cottage. Cruiser Assisted Mr. and Mrs. Allan.' Yates, David and Katherine, Windsor, are vacationing with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnes at their summer cot­ tage in the Lane O’PineS. On Friday, Mr. Yates noticed a stationary cabin cruiser- a few MR. HOG PRODUCER Special Hog Office If you are buying or selling Feeder Hogs Plan to attend the sale at TAL60TVILLE STOCK YARDS Every Saturday Afternoon at 1:00 p.m. WHERE BOTH PEOPLE AND LIVESTOCK GET SPECIAL TREATMENT miles off shore. Training field glasses upon it, he concluded that it was. in difficulties, and. notified local authorities; mean­ while Bayfield Harbor Master, Tom Castle had received dis­ tress signals by radio and went to the aid of the 42 ft. Chris Craft Constellation which had run out of gas. Mr .and Mrs. Eugene Miszack arid family accompanied' by their parents,' all of GrOsse Pointe Shores, Michigan1, were making their maiden voyage in the luxurious cruiser and had intended to make Goderich their first port of call en route to Georgian Bay. Bayfield miay not have been an intentional stop, but they were happy to make use of the facilities of Bayfield harbor, and spoke highly of the services rendered by Harbormaster Castle. Centennial Project Mrs. George Hopson has al­ ready started on her own cen­ tennial project; the 'Converted store which in recent years served as a garage has been torn down. The operation has been, a center of interest to many who will long remember .“the garage with the 'bag tree standing squarely in front of it’’ and those who ‘Used to ask how the late Mr. Hopson managed to manoeuvre his car in and out.The removal of the store with its high false front will provide a refreshing change to the look of Main Street and the new storage room which is to re­ place it will be more in keeping With a private home. Ontario's Finest Accommodation Courteous Helpful Staff Fast Settlement 31to33b BAYFIELD—An evening re­ ception given by the members pf the Bayfield branch of the Historical Society was held in the spacious ground's of the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter. The large number of people present showed a keen interest in the “Hasti-Nofes” reproduc­ ed from the wash drawings of the pioneer hotels, so cleverly done .by Mi’s. E. W. Od'dleifson. The original drawings were also on view, and it was most inter­ esting to note 'the different fa­ cades of the Little Inn and the Ritz Hotel. On view also was a selection of pictures of Bayfield dating back to the 1880’s, Mrs. Poth had also had some old glass slides re-photographed, and these together > with some pic­ tures re-printed from original negatives taken in early 1900 by her father, W. R. Jowett, and her. uncle, Ken Moorhouse de^- picted early scenes in 'Bayfield including three of the previous bridges over the Bayfield river; the old Thompson mills; and' a unique one of the sailing ship, “The Matilda” which had been wrecked in Lake Huron and was driven ashore and came to rest on the point at the Dele­ van St. beach. Also one of the last sailing vessels, “Helen Mc­ Leod II” built in Bayfield by the late Louis McLeod, on his return from World War I. These and many more photo­ graphs are on sale at Emersons ............................■—HUI — .......... . . Serving Western Ontario 1941-66 OUR AIM IS TO JUSTIFY THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN US, AND WE ARE ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS. Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 6 Register now by calling your N.E.S. Office in Goderich or call Ross Rowe, personnel manager approved by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524-8521, 7284, or 6307, Tuition $35 per month 30-1-2-3-4-5 Canadian Canners Ltd. 210 Wellington St. West — Exeter, Ontario Telephone 235-2445 Packers of AYLMER and DEL MONTE FOODS . . 32-3b ’ Craft-Shop, and the “Jlasti- Notes” can be purchased at numerous business places ‘in the village, The proceeds are for the Bayfield Historical Society’s project of street signs for the Village, Which are to be erected soon. KIPPEN — ........-.........L.....’......'...." ..............-." The Settlement Of Huron County AUTHOR: JAMES SCOTT MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rumble, Steven and Douglas, Clarkson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vem Alderdlice over the weekend. Master Ronnie Wilson, Hen­ sail, spent a few days visiting Garry and Lynn Aiderdice, Mr. and' Mrs. Scott Kehr, Wellburn, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs; El din Kerr; on Sunday, ,Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Campbell and children visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mi's. E. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lawrence and Jim, Moose Jaw, Sask., left for home Thursday morning after visiting two weeks With the former’s daughter .and' fa­ mily, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robin­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Eldlin Kerr vis­ ited Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. Gordon Papple of McKillop Township. Oswald Brown, Detroit, Mich., and Miss Marguerite Ulch, Windsor, viSited' Mr. and Mrs. N, Long on Sunday afternoon. GODERICH & BUSINESS COLLEGE < Th is book is a history of the County of Huron. Now available at office of The County Clerk- Treasurer and local book stores. PRICE: $5.00 32-3b JOHN G. BERRY, County Clerk-Treasurer, Court House, GODERICH, Ontario. Seasonal Work A Good Place To Work MEN and WOMEN required for processing corn and carrots from August 20 to November 15.