HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-07-21, Page 11Thurs., July 21, 1^66—Clinton News-Record—Page 11 Mr. Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent— Phone 526-7595 Miss Laura Wagner, ,Syra« cuse, N.Y., spent, the weekend with her sister, Miss Ella Wag­ ner. Guests .with Miss Minnie Wagner,,’ Walter and William Wagner, were Mrs. Rose Her- man, Tavistock; Mr., and. Mrs. Fred Youngblut, Marie, Laura, Earl 'and George of Woodstock. Miss June Youngblut, Wood- stock, ylisited with her cousins, Misses- Barbara, Margaret and Mary Sanderson, over the week* end. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family, Mitchell, Visited on Sunday with her parents, and Mrs. John Daer, Recent guests with Mr. Mrs. Charles Scott were and Mrs. Robert Buckener Mr, and Mrs. Osborne Clemens, all Of Kitchener, and Mr, and Mbs. Frank Raithby. Mrs. Meredith Young attend- - ed the1 graduation ceremony in Wingham for 'her neice, Mjss Anne Caldwell of Blyth, Who graduated as a registered nurs­ ing assistant from the Wingham hospital. , Ed Nicholson, St. Marys, vis­ ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Mr. Nich­ olson is-foreman of the C.P.R. Work gang* stationed at Auburn and he began his work on the C,P,R. under the foremanship of Mr. Allen 20 years ago-, Mrs. C. A.' Reid, Goderich, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. ’ Congratulations to and Mr. and sion took place re catering tor a wedding in September. Other business (items were discussed and a delicious lunch was serv­ ed ;by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, Mrs. Carl Govier assisted by Joyce Leat'herland and' Loinra'ine Ohanmey. Families Oil Mpv.e' Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Allen, Ben- miller, -and to say goodrpye to their daughter Lorna, her hus­ band and family. . Mr. and Mrs, Hudson Miill- burn and their four children are moving to Regina from North Battleford, Sask., Where Hud­ son. is with the RCMP. They also said farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green­ tree and their, tour children from France, who are moving to. Winnipeg. He is ’ with the ROMP,. Mbs, Greentree is the former Donis Allen, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Allen of Goderich. CFB Personnel V Mis's Lynda Andrews of Auburn and Miss Cardie Brown of God'erich on their graduation last Wed­ nesday from Wingham hospital as nurses’ assistants. Miss Edna Archambault, Tor­ onto, spent 'the weekend with her brother, Den Archambault, Mrs. Archambault, Doug, Bren­ da, Rickey and Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc­ Dowell and Miss Gwen' Mc­ Dowell visited last week 'Flint, Michigan. Knox Ladies Aid . The Ladies Aid) meeting Knox Presbyterian (Church was in charge of Mrs. Ed, Davies owing to- the absence of the president, .Mrs. Major Young- Mutt. The secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer, read .the minutes, and head thank-you notes. A dlsicus- in The Lyon and Lear reunion Was held .at Londesboro Com­ munity Hall on July 2, when members of bo-tli families were in attendance. There were four generations of the Robert Smith family present. The afternoon was spent in renewing acquaintances, follow­ ed1 by sports. Results of sports were as fol­ lows; under six, girls, Diana Robinson, Lorna. Riley; under 12, girls, Susan Underwood; under nine, boys, Gregory Riley; under 12, boys, Don Robinson; young men, Carman Riley; married men, Frank Rpberton; Oldest man present, Robert Smith; 'baldest man, William Govier; balloon race, Don Rob­ inson; married ladies, race, Mrs. Glen Robinson; spot race, (Mrs. Stanley Lyon; person coming the farthest, Mrs. Glen Robin­ son; Young ladies race, Debbie Davies; youngest baby, Rhonda Marie Osbaldeston; oldest lady, Mrs. William Hunking; most buttons on dress, Jane Osibal- deston; candy guessing contest, Diana Robinson. Following the sports all as­ sembled 'in the hail Where a de­ licious . isupper was enjoyed. —---------o-----------' Clinton, July 20 Physical Education Centre at Canadian Forces Base Clinton 'was a beehive of activity on Tuesday as Red Cross nurses and assistants conducted a blood donor clinic, Miss Audry Pringle,' Senior Official at the clinic, termed the clinic - an outstanding suc­ cess. More than three hundred and fifty service and civilian personnel and thelir dependents donated. . A considerable amount of credit for the success can be at­ tributed to the Adaistral Park Women’s Association who Worked steadily throughout the day to provide assistance. -----------o----------- Mr, land Mrs. David' Mair of Detroit spent a few days re­ cently with* Mrs. Myrtle Fair­ service and Ann. Mr, Harvey Hunking is a pa­ tient in Westminster Hospital, London, having treatments on his foot, Church services' have been cancelled for the following three weeks, but will resume on August 14.' Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Lyon left last week for a visit with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Balmer in Edmonton. * . Mrs. Laura Lyfon, Miss Edith Beacom, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon and children visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Don Neil of London, , t Mrs. Malbel Scott visited on MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 Sunday With her brother, Mir. and Mrs. Tom. Lee of Colbome township. Mrs, John Grierson, her sis­ ters Jemima 'and Flora of Tor­ onto attended the reunion at No. 9 school, Hallett, on Satur­ day, also calling on ffiendS in the village on Sunday. Mr- ■ Charlie Lee, a former Londesboto boy, is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, where he underwent surgery last week. Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong left on Saturday to spend a few days with a brother,. Mr, and Mrs. Will Taman of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs, Glen Carter and family and Mr. and Mto. Cliff Saundercock and Mary Lynn are spending a week lat the lake, THE HURON and PERTH DISTRICT FARMER’S UNION Reg. N. A. Grad. / CFB'Clinton Blood Donor Clinic Aircraftman B. G. Wolfe donates blood at the recent clinic held at CFB Clinton. Miss Valeri Hobson is assisting Mrs. E. McCredie, R.N., the super­ visor of the clinic. (Canadian Forces Photo) Matter of Principle are calling a to be held in Seaforth High School Born !n Harry Corey Dies AtHuronview Harry Corey died at Huron- view on Wednesday, July 13, in his 88th year, after a short ill­ ness. • Mr. Corey was born in Bir­ mingham', England, 'on April 2, 1879, earning .to Canada at an , early age and spending his younger life in Goderich Town­ ship. In 1902 he married’ Eliza­ beth Martha Cantelon! who pre­ deceased him in 193$. Choosing a career with, the Grand Trunk Railway he spent '22 years lin the Western. Pro­ vinces, returning to farming in Goderich Township in 1915. He served on the Goderich. Town­ ship council for a number of ■ years and was a member of St. 'Paul’s Anglican Church. In 1945 ’ he retired to Clinton. ■Surviving are his wife, tor- • merly Isabella McArthur; four daughters, Mrs. Alice Vaugh­ an, London; Mrs. H. (Mabel) Wood, Turkey Point; Mrs. R. (Irene) Cantelon, Clinton; Mrs. M. (Bessie) Elliott, Goderich Township; three sons, Walter, Stouffville; Joseph, RR 4, din­ ton; Harold, Stratford; seven­ teen grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Funeral was held from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home on Friday, July 15, with Rev. R. Weriham officiating. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Elmer Trick, Stanley Jackson, Roy Tyndall, Harold Lawson, Fred Gibson, John McFarlane. Flower-bear- el’s were two .grandSons, Robert Elliott and Douglas Cantelon. will be open until further notice oh Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday morning . from 10 to 12 a.m. ■1-------- No wire fence, old concrete or car bodies permitted. James I. McIntosh, Clerk. £ I I &I 7 L I Hl MISS LYNDA J. ANDREWS Who graduated last Wed­ nesday as a Registered Nurs­ ling Assistant from the Wing­ ham and District Hospital. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mbs. Warner Andrews, Auburn. The Shobbrook family held their 30th reunion on Sund'ay, July 3 at Seaforth. Lions Park With 70 an attendlance. At the noion meal hour, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, president, call­ ed for a minutes siilence for de­ parted miembers. A get well card was signed and sent to Mirs. Ethel Shobbrook, a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. The lunch committee, Mr. and 'Mrs, Leonard Shobbrook, Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orich, London, served lunch. The nominating committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibbings, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Millson, Woodstock, brought in officers for 1967. They are: president, Mrs. Norman Rad­ ford, Blyth; secretary, Mrs. Laura S.aundetcock, Clinton. Sports were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shobbrook, Walton and Mr. and Mbs. Bill Crawford, Wingham. Results of the sports were: Pre-school race, Sheila Shob­ brook; boys 6 to 8, Paul Gib­ bings; boys 9 to 12, John Gib­ bings, Wayne Andrews; girls 9 to 12, Vicki Garrow, Joan Gar­ row; Single ladies, Valerie Gar­ row; married ladlies, Sihirley Shobbrook; married men, Gor­ don Shobbrook, Charlies Craw­ ford ; Shoe scramble, Charlie Crawford, Valerie Garrow; ladies kick the slipper, Vera Gib-1 bings; men’s kick the slipper, Cliff Saundlercoick; y Tie race, Bill land Verna Gib- Wings; ladies nail in block, Vera Gibbings; men’s: nail in block, Bill Gibbings; oWest person pre­ sent, John Gibbings, Clinton; youngest person present, Diana Lynn Shobbrook, Londesboro; persons coming farthest, Mirs. Thelma Garrov7 and family, Lillooet, B.C. Persons were in attendance from British Columbia, Au­ burn, Blyth, Clinton, Londes­ boro, S'ault Ste. Marie, Mich-., Toronto, Stratford, .Woodstock and. Wingham. , The reunion will be held next ,year at the Same time on the first Sunday in July. Minister of Finance ' Mr. Sharp has announced that steps are being taken to allow Can­ adian banks' to increase.the' 'in­ terest rate. Details are, of course, not yet available. Whether the increase in loan rates will be matched by a cor­ responding increase 'in interest on deposits remains to bie seen. Since all other costs' seiem to be going up it may be reason­ able that banks need additional interest to cover costs. How­ ever, this was not mentioned in Mr, Sharp’s remark on TV. The reason for the increase, as given by Mr. Sharp, is to help ’the banks to provide credit to those who can’t at the mo­ ment provide the necessary se­ curity to satisfy present bank regulations. In other words the regulation changes which will­ help the' poorer section pf our population will increase inter­ est rates on these loans. And this is to help the poor I Maybe it will improver -'pre­ sent conditions. Presently these people are forced to patronize finance companies where inter­ est rates are extremely high. Maybe the banks will be able to do this for less but I wonder. It has always been my under­ standing that interest rates in­ crease as the risk of loss in­ creases. This becomes a vicious circle Since the higher the in­ terest the less chance there is of the borrower beling able to repay the principle. In fact I have been told that some fin­ ance charges have' been so high that the borrower has barely, been able to make the interest' payments and has been amazed to find, after a couple of years of monthly payments that he still owes as much as ever. Basically the borrower is comparatively poor while the lender is comparatively rich. If it is the Sincere, desire of the Finance Minister and his gov­ ernment to .help the poor, in- / J. Carl terest rates should be lowered rather than increased, The present and previous governments have shown little inclination' to do this. They have been hard pressed to enforce legislation that requires a. clear statement of interest charges by the lender. There is little if any ceiling on rates that may be charged by lending 'institutions other than banks. If the present government wishes to help those who re­ quire loans let the government guarantee the loan. This will eliminate the .risk of loss of capital tor the lender. Therefore the lender wouldn't need a high rate of interest and the bor­ rower’s ability to- re-pay would Hemingway be increased. In fact the government might well regulate the interest rate for business development loans to match the returns on invest­ ment lin that bustoeiss. Some time ago I mead that the returns on capital invest­ ment fin Agriculture is 3% in United States. It is likely to be much, the, same in Canada. We can hardly-feel that a govern­ ment corporation that charges from 5% to &%%. on farm loans' fe really interested in helping the fatnmier increase his income. Neither can we feel that a government that- pro­ motes an increase in bank in­ terest lis primarily interested in helping the .neediy. v r for the purpose of organizing further Tractor Demonstrations Guest Speaker — Walter Miller; 2nd Vice President, Ontarjo Farmer's Union. wish to announce the opening of Uptown BP Service Station ii MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone 482-3362 Operated By JOE POTTER 1 Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance were Roy Leggate, Pittsburgh; Dorothy Reinice, Hamilton; Judith and Jocelyn Coats, Sockville, N.B. Miss Mary Snell, Hamilton, has spent the past two weeks with Mr. /and Mrs. Alvin Battles and family. Weekend visitors at their homie Were Mliss Peggy Ann Bettles, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright, Mid­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent the weekend in With Mr. and Mrs. Bettles. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robert and Niancy, spent the weekend with Mir. and Mirs. Donald Harris and family.Lorna 7 Miller and Colleen Lockhart spent last week (in Owen Sound visiting the latter’s sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Baxter. Miss Dorothy Cox, Kirkland Lake, and her mother, Mrs. El­ lison Cox are spending the sum­ mer at their cottage. .Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Baxter, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lockhart. The Sunday School of Grace Church held Its - anniversary service- on Sunday, July 17.- Miss Hazel Macdonald, Gode­ rich, was guest speaker. The choir, with Mrs. William Cox at the piano, sang as. their an­ them, “Singing Along the Way’’. David Mathers accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buck on a tlhree-week trip to the Western Provinces. They viisliited the Cal­ gary Stampede along with, other interesting points. ---------L-o----------- The Canadian Medical Asso­ ciation reports that while many people associate retirement and old' age with senility and ill health, surveys have shown that most people over 65 are well, both 'physically and mentally. — '■ A FAST SERVICE — MINOR REPAIRS TIRES — BATTERIES ACCESSORIES PHONE 482-7352 OPEN FROM 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Bettles, Toronto Eandand Turner, London, Read the News of Huron County economically. Put your steering mechanism on the beam! You can drive secure in the knowledge that your steering equip­ ment is in top-notch shape after a Visualiner beam-of- light check-up. It shows you on exoct grophic picture of your alignment condition. When corrections are made you KNOW they ore right. Drive in today and toe w 106 otfr County Government Central Huron Secondary School County Organizations Household Features Classifieds Xread — *>< / AND REAP... i I RESULTS!,' MOST CARS Subscribe NOW to the Clinton News-Record published weekly in the Hub of Huron Clinton — the County Convention Centre Just $5.00 per year 12c per single copy Consider the Classified Section! Free Telephone Connection between Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and makes use of News-Record Classifieds easy. Just 75c for 25 Words. t ’Hensail I VISUALINER steering l SERVICE This Week’s Tire Special Buy 1 Tire - Get The 2nd Tire 'A PRICE Buy 3 Tires - GET ONE FREE TIRE &AUTO SERVICESCRUTON'S PASSENGER, TRUCK & FARM TIRE SERVICE 238 Albert St ------482-7681They don't cost—News-Record Want Ads Pay!