HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-07-21, Page 3My All About Nothing rr Varna Couple Celebrates 50th W edding Anniversary It is a terrifying one land one half hours yintil this weekly word of witty wisdom must in toe hands of the local post­ master (did you know there-is no such thing as a post-mis- tress?) and pn its way .to you, the dear readers who suffer through this polump with me each time it appears. I ■ say terrifying because; I Can’t think of ;a tiling to foe wit-: ty about or serious either, for that matter. You see, toe problems of VARNA—The annual United Church, picnic was held last Wednesday '• at Clan Gregor Square in Biayfield, After -a good supper, Miss , . Nancy Mustard and Mrs. Mer- vyn Hay ter conducted toe sports. ’ * The winners were: children under 6 ’ years, Steve Elliott, Sdott Copsitt; girls 6-8 years, Linda Webster, Sylvia Wilson; boys 6-8. years, Rob Roy Elliott, Ralph Elliott;, girls' 9-11 years, ’ ■ Donna Taylor, Corine. McFar­ lane; boys- 9-11 years, Blaine Stephenson, Gary Morrison; Boys 12-15 years; Sandy Mus­ tard, Robert Morrison;- kick slipper, men, Tom Consitt, Mac. Webster; ladies kick slipper, "Mrs. Chas. Reid, Mrs; Win. Dowson; men’s, race, Tom Con­ sitt, Mac. Webster; ladies’ race, Mrs. Mervyin Johnston, Mrs: . Ralph Stephenson; ‘ - Egg andz spoon race, Harvey • Hayter’s team; pie plate race, William McAsh group; youngest person, Adam Wilson, Jr.; near­ est wedding anniversary, Rev. and Mrs.'M. Morrison. After toe sports a good game of -softball was played which was enjoyed by all. ■ ■ —t-------o------------ Auburn Woman Sells Farm ■ AUBURN—Mrs. Mary John­ ston held a successful auction sale of her. household , goods last Saturday 'afternoon. . She had previously sold her home to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills of 'West Wawanosh and they will take possession Soon. Mrs. Johnston will make her home in Gode- ' rich. a homemaking housewife with two lively .Ws PUt of school and one sometimes unco-oper­ ative baby make my, life a con­ stant bedlam at the best of times/ But this, is summer, and added' to my regular schedule are the other headaches like plucking juicy raspberries from the long, hot, mosquito-infesited bushes in our garden, disposing of mounds of green land yellow b^ans from (toe same prosperous plot, pitting choice cherries from, the orchard of a generous neighbour and keeping .ahead of the pea production out back of toe house. That’s only the basis, for- my attack of warm weather Weari­ ness, ' .. Why oh why were picnics in­ vented?. Nice for children and men, picnic^ are definitely hpt for lazy women like myself who must chase ■ about a steaming kitchen saucing salads, devilling eggs, icing drinks, stuffing sandwiches, dropping cookies, layering cakes, filling pies and goodness knows what else. Generally this domestic work­ out zis followed by a hectic drive to a crowded, noisy park her toe ——... Shirley Keller where mother spends half time fishing junior <p5.1t of poison ivy, and tihe other half keeping father’s temper down to a dull growl as he rebels at, toe thought of playing catch in the 95 degree heat. Invariably, eating time prov­ es. more; distressing. Th^re just isn’t an available table, so aft- er something less than a pat­ ient Wait, you giye up. too- thought pf dimng in comfort and, settle for a shady spot Where you can spread your re­ past upon a tablecloth Ph the ground that crawls with ants. If your lucky star doesn’t hap­ pen to be shining . that day, and) mine seldom does,- one of the kids Will spill his fly-coax- ing lemonade over himself and toe. chocblate cake -or someone Will Sit ufbn an unappreciative bumblebee. 1 . • Home is a strange combina­ tion , of prison and haven for me in toe summer. ‘ I’m too worn out to enjoy a* day away from toe house and too, happy for a change of pace to stay home. Is it >any wonder I can’t put together a bright, sensible column? ‘ At Christian Reformed Church The Christian Reformed Ch­ urch, Clinton, was- decorated With White ’mums and pink bows, on .June 17 for the even­ ing wedding of Ralph Postma Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Postma A good attendance of parents and friends, gathered at US'S 2 School house in Huliett recent­ ly for toe annual picnic.' Many games and races followed • the smorgasbord supper' " • Later, everyone gathered in the school for 'more games and contests. z Marie Trewartha won toe a- Ward for perfect attendance and Susan Tyndall Won toe prize x for toe perfect spelling during the year. ' Teacher, Mrs. Ken Maloney was given presents from toe pupils on, closing of the school. Mrs. Maloney will be a supply teacher in Seaforth next year. The following are promotions • for toe year: Mary Rapson to grade 2; Susan Tyndall to grade 3; Debbie Pickard, David Rap- son to Grade 4; Karen Tyndall to grade 5; Janet East, Patsy East to grade 6; Marlene Crich, Wayne Pichiard, Albert Rapson, Bonnie East to grade 8; Cheryl Tyndall and Marie Trewartha passed to grade 9 high school. The evening dosed1 with poem by Mrs. Harold East. Our No. 2 Schoolhouse “In toe Township of Hulleitt Huron, we know Our no.- 2 schoolhouse has got to gd, To the highest bidder or big­ gest bill,' And school days' will ibe over on top of the hill. The pupils, were many little and tall, The little giiiay schoolhouse has guided them all. The caretakers have cleaned, polished and dusted ; The floors and desks and fires a must.’1 There was Ford- and Hunter, .......... a in Buruma and East.. With never a worry or care in toe least. Some came for 'guidance, and some came for fun; The teachers were happy When lessons were done. ■ " There was Trewarthas, Tyn­ dalls, Bayleys and' Easts, Many a battle that had to cease. Rapsons, Pickards, Crichs and all, Lessons arid study .and an odd game of ball. Some went to high school and college to preach, Other's to Stratford to learn ' how to teach; Some home as farmers to till toe soil, Others to jobs; of sweat and toil. Soon in Londesboro a new ' . school will be, Wirth hundreds more children .to come and: see; The roomy classrooms, and teachers galore, A big spacious gym with lights by the floor. There Will be no walking or. • running to school, The orange and black buses will come by -the rule. Now all of these memories are still 'in your mind, The good and bad, and every ’kind;' This old school is dosing' its ’ doors for toe last, With all of its memorises and fun of toe past.’’ and Jane Kolkman. Minister of the church, Rev.’ G. Heersink, officiated. The groom is toe son of Mir. and Mrs. G. PoStaia, RR 4, Clin­ ton, and the bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs, W. Kolkman, Bur­ lington. formerly of RR 1, Clin­ ton/ The bride, given .in marriage by her father,, wore a floor­ length white peaiu de sole dress,.. White organza over top, with bow at back, scalloped vbil and' ,a.‘ crown headpiece; she carried red rases. Miss Mary Vandtendool, Clin­ ton, was maid of honour, Wear­ ing a gown of hot pink peau de sole, 'with train ait back and carried White.. carnations'. The flower girl, Jo-Anne Dyk­ stra, Clinton, wore a white dress, with gathered skirt and a bow at the back and carried small pink baby ’mums* r • ■ Ralph Postma, Qharing Cross, Was groomsman . and ushers were 'W. Kolkman and Peter Postma, both of Clinton. A reception was held in toe cjhurch parlours,’ d'ecorated in pink and blue bells and stream­ ers. The bridle’s mother receiv­ ed guests .in a light blue bro­ cade dress and corsage of pink and white carnations. She was assisted by toe groom’s mother, - wearing a ‘two-piece blue lace dress; her .corsage Was 'also pink and white carnations. For a Wedding trlip.to 'toe- United States toe 'bride was attired ih a blue knit suit with white accessories. . The couple are: now residing at 44 Huron. Street, Clinton. Guests were present from Ex­ eter, GodJerich, Chatham, Bur­ lington, London, Hamilton and Clinton. ' . Mr. qnd Mirs... ■John MbAsh» Yarna, celebrated their 50th wedding imnivereary with “op­ en ihqiUiSg’’-' at thpiiir home on Sunday, July 17 in afternoon and evepirig when almost 2Q0 guests gathered to offer con- • gratulations and good wishes, On the Friday evening previous they were taken by the family to the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, where 'they enjoyed a dinner in honour of this occasion. John McAsh, son pf to®- la'te Mr. and- lyfes, Thomasi J, Mc_ Ash, Varna, .and Myrtle Keys, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, William ‘L. Keys, of itoe- Babylon Line, Stanley Town: ship and .latter of Se'afoirto, were married at tob home- pf toe bride's parents on. July 18, 1916 'With the late Dr, J. M. Keys, brother of the bride and tog late James Foote, cousin of toe groom, officiating, On their retm’n' from' their Wedding trip, they took up resi­ dence in Varna where Mr. Mc­ Ash was postmaster as well as general menchant. They are both, active mem­ bers of the United Church. Mr. McAsh has been an elder for a good many years as Was his father and,, grandfather before him and also his son William is at toe present time, Mrs? Mc­ Ash has been organist pit differ-- ent times and 'is a lifpi member of toe UCW. ■ r ; Guests were welcomed by 'toe family with Peggy McAsh in charge of the guest book. Tea, Was graciously served by group one of toe UCW of Varna. - The tea table was covered with a fringed White with gold cloth and centred With roses and baby’s, breath flanked with White :and gold tapers. Pouring tea in toe afternoon, were Mrs; Mary Sinclair, Mrs. Mabel Neil, Mrs. Mildred Orr, Mrs.- Ariel MacKenziie; in toe ■ evening Mrs; Will J. Clark, Mrs.’ Richard 'Robinson, Mrs. Nora Keys and Mrs. Dorothy Talbot, The celebrants were toe re- cipients of many beautiful gifts, flowers, card's-and congratula­ tory plione calls from too'se who were unable to attend. Three who attended toe wedding were present. Mr. 'and Mrs. McAsh have two sons: William, vtoo took ovei- the store in. 1946 and the post office a few years later, and Floyd, of Hamilton, music supervisor of Dundas Public All About Dimples —On Golf Balls Those dimples in yot^. golf ball have great aerodynamic implicaltiioris. A perfectly smooth ball would dip and wobble, in flight like a swallow chasing insects. The 336 shallow inden­ tations not only keep the ball on course, but, also add dis­ tance. Tests have shown that a ball with dimples ten thous­ andths of an inch deep will carry almost twice as far as a ball with dimples only two thousandths of an inch dbep. " ■ ............... .. 1 ....... Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Schools and teacher ,oif piano in Hamilton Conservatory, also on toe faculty . of toe Royal Hamilton College of ■ Music They have fpur grandchil­ dren- . ■ Guests were present' . frarr Florida., . IVI'ichig’an, Kitchener. OauJ^ia, Brantford, London, Shc4- burne1 arid Woodstock, Mr, arjcd Mrs. McAsh wish to express their sincere toaiqks for all the giifits, flowers. and cards, and to* all that helped ip so many ways to make the day a veay happy occasion,. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON —• EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W, STEEP 482-6642 MR. AND MRS. JOHN McASH EVERY SECOND MONDAY CLINTON LIONS ARENA — 9 p.m. D.S.T. SHARP by Mrs. T. Leppington and Mrs. F. Cummings. A few games of bingo were enjoyed bringing to an end a delightful afternoon. ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person EXTRA CARDS: 25c Each or 5 for $1.00 2 DOOR PRIZES — CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR EXTRA DOOR PRIZE DRAW • ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY WORK SPONSORED BY THE SERVICE CLUBS OF CLINTON BINGO MUST BE WON IN 53 NUMBERS OR UNDER CLINTON MHaO1 i’ ~ * J $762.50 SNOWBALL MONDAY, JULY 25 AUGUST 8, 22 — SEPTEMBER 5,19 Clintonian Club Meeting, July 13 At Bayfield; Picnic Trip Planned The Clintonian - Club held 'their July meeting at the spa­ cious home, of Mrs. G. Bailey in Bayfield on Wednesday after­ noon, July 13. The president opened toe meeting and wel­ comed all present. Eighteen members answered, toe roll call on ways to: beat toe heat. It was decided to charter a' bus to toe ‘Central Picnic .art. Springbank' Park, London, on July 20 and plans were made. Mrs. Leppington and Mrs. Col- clough'were appointed to look after th^ bus and plan toe sup­ per. Mrs. J. Batkin won the mys­ tery prize and Mrs. Leppington offered her home for toe next meeting. A delicious lunch was served by 'the Bayfield ladies. - A Dutch auction was con­ ducted by Mrs. Colclough. on an angel food calve and a bath­ room novelty Which were won “ Don’t blame toe weatherman for 'your traffic accident. It’s still your responsibility to be prepared to meet any and all situations that may arise when you are driving, warns toe Ont­ ario Provincial Police. THEATRE bn - CASH PRIZES 15 Games For $30 — 2 Share-The-Wealth Games SHARE-THE-WEALTH with $762.50 SNOWBALL (In 53 Numbers or Under) , 1 MAJOR BINGO for $500.00 ' Enq nire at CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES About the installation of a new CASCADE 40 ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Your Public Utilities has installed many of these economical units and all are proving satisfactory. Call Clinton Public Utilities —482-9601 for complete information and costs. SUNSET DRIVE-IN GODERICH Thursday Is "Buck Night" For A Carload Midnight Show Every Sunday Night . THURSDAY and FRIDAY • July 21-22 "THE SECRET OF MY SUCCESS" Or How Three Beautiful Girls Love For Fun and; Murder - for Profit. Starring Shirley Jones, Stella Stevens, Honor Blackman "Seven Slaves Against The World Both Shows In Color MON. - TUES. - WED. July 25-26-27 < "IT'S A MAD. MAD MAD. MAD WORLD" It’s the biggest entertainment ever to rock toe screen with laughter! FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business ............ II .....—■I— ■■■■■■, / THURS.. FRI., SAT., - JULY 21-22-23 SHOWS at 7:30 and 9:30 MON., TUES.. WED., - JULY 25-26-27 SHOWS'at 7:15 and 9:30 THEIR COURAGE BLASTED A WAR WIDE OPEN! Also "BERNADINE" Sat. Only - July 23 JOHN WAYNE In "The 'COMANCHEROS COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A BENTON FILM PRODUCTION KiRK DOUGLAS RICHARD HARRI5 "THE HEROES OFTELE/WARH ‘ PANAVISION* COLUMBIA COLOR 1s The J >11 Cascade 40 I! p was created for people who insist on having at low cost >•> LION'S BINGO NEXT WEDNESDAY Complete Catering Service, Banquet Rooms for 25 to 300 Phone 524*9371 or 524-9264, if ho aniwer coll 524-7084 aODBRICM t ONT. Dancing Every Saturday Night Featuring The Del-Reys Dress Casual Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 r Admission $1.00 per person Phone 482-7006 Musical Fun in the Magic Kingdom WALT DISNEY’S "DISNEYLAND AFTER DARK . .......- ■' ...........«./ ■ ■■■■ Coming Next: “the Lost world” “SPACEFLIGHT IC-1” “MA and PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN” Coming Next: 20 CcAtufy’FU A Martin Rackin Production £ CinemaScOpe■ (>fOeluXB The Cascade 40 electric water heater will produce all the hot water you’re ever likely to need. Cascade 40 is flameless, safe and clean. Since there is no combustion, the Cascade 40 needs no flue and can be installed in any convenient location in your . home. Cascade 40’s tank is guaranteed for ten full years. If you insist on having abundant hot water at low cost, call your Hydro and ask about the Cascade 40 electric water heater