HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-07-14, Page 4CLAWED ADV, RATES (REVISED May 1, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Ex+ra will be added to each ■ insertion if not paid Within 1.0 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c display classifieds $ 1,40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display; , 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 - ■■ . , ........ . ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT /——■— -------------------------—---------------------— 5'ROOM HOUSE on North St. , Available September 1st. Phone 482-9556. . 28tfb . 7 ROOM HOUSE for rent, A- vailable August 1. Phone 482- 3271. 28tfb IN BRUCEFIELD, deluxe 2 bedroom furnished apartment. Phone 262-5047- ,26tfb ONE BEDROOM modern a- partment, first floor, all- con­ veniences, suitable for couple. Phone 524-7270. 24tfb FURNISHED Apartment, suit­ able for couple. 93 Huron Sit, - 24tfb InBEDROOM UNIT available now at' 65 Princess West. Counter Builders’ Supplies, 482- 9612 or evenings 482-6687. ,28b ONE BEDROOM furnished ap­ artment, heated, centrally loc­ ated, reasonable rent. Phone 482-9527. 25tfb---------------------------------1,------------------- COTTAGE for rent, 1 mile north of Bayfield golf course. Phone 482-3393, or Apply to Box 28, Clinton. 25-30b ONE LARGE BEDROOM, liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen and bath, self contained. Gas heated, hardwood floors. Phone .482-9090. 25p-tfb TWO BEDROOM heated, fur­ nished apartment. Central lo­ cation. 46 Princess St. West. ' Phorie 482-9005. . 23tflb ONE BEDROOM heated and . furnished apartment. Apply Ceriel Van Damme, phone 482- 6685. ' 25.tfb TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent, unfurnished. Phone 482-6675.. 23tfb ONE BEDROOM Apartment, unfurnished. Ceriel VanDamme, Phone 482-6685, ltfb ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment; newly decorated. Phone 482-7702. ' 21tfb 2 BEDROOM uptown apart­ ment, furnished; 2( bedroom house in village of Holmesville. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb 3 BEDROOM furnished house, oil furnace, near Clinton and CFB Clinton. Available July 1. Phone 482-3344. 25tfb HEATED APARTMENT, large living room, kitchen and bath, one bedroom; available June 15. Phone Lloyd Batkin, 482-7057. 20tfb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed­ room, heated, unfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed­ room, furnished, heated apart­ ment. Both self contained. Phone Roy Tyndall at 482-9928. 47tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED . 3 or 4 BEDROOM HOUSE for ' September 1, in Clinton, Apply to Box: 273, Clinton News- Record. 28p SCHOOL TEACHER wishes to rent 2 or 3 bedroom house in Clinton, near school. Phone 482- 7334........ , ___________28b ARTICLES FOR SALE GOOD TABLE POTATOES fdr sale. Phone 482-7578. 16tfb HIND and FRONT quarter of beef for sale. Reasonably priced. Contact 524-6480. 28p COMBINATION Record PlayOr and Radio, console model, $50. Phone 482-7729. 28, 9b MOBILE HOME, 10’x41’, Pyra­ mid, beautiful anterior, fully fuffash’ed. Price $4200.00. Phone 482-9201._________________28b STANDARD Size Friglidfare re­ frigerator fa good condition. Apply at 28 Rattenbury Street West. Phone 482-9379. 28, 29p SIMPLICITY Washers how a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ tags. , 38tfb GUITARS for Sale—1 juvenile guitar suitable for children; 1 large cut-away guitar. Phorie after 5 p.ttx. to 482-7329. 28, 9b LARGE METAL SAFE. 2 hour classification. InSiidC dimensions, 17Y2" deep, 16 wide. 48” high. Price $200,00 Phorie Cliih- fon 482-9751...........................28b FOR SALE — Giaidig Stereo Tape Recorder, ’66 mpdldl, coSt $350 heW, Wilt sell for $250. Qnd SELL Page News-Record-r-Thurs,, July 14, 1966 AUTOS FOR SALE BETTER JOBS ARTICLES FOR SALE FIREPLACE WOOL, beech and puaiple, Phone 482-9161. 18tfb TRAILER 1 wheel ' 2 point hitch,, suitable far small cars. Phone 482-7345. 27-8b 26” BOY’S BICYCLE; Chrome fanders and tfal's With green frame. White walls. L'il<e new. Brian potter,, Phone 482-9997. ................... ' 28p REFRIGERATOR, 8% cu, ft.’ sealed unit, very good condi­ tion; Gas Range, 24”, automatic features, almost new, Phono 482-7021...................................28p NIAGARA CYCLO Massage, like new; girl’s 26” English made bicycle; also one 7x9 'Sgr- Ukan wool rug, oriental design, all Reasonable, Phone 482-6667 after 4 p.m, 28b SLEEPING BAGS: from 7.75 to 26.75; Sta-Cold Coolers. Sport Model 12y2”xl0y2”x9”, $2.95; Super Model, -17y2”xll”xlQ”, $3.95; King Size, 21%”xl4"xll”, $5.95. At ELLWOOp EPPS Sport Stop, 80 King St. Clinton. 28b FOR -SALE — Montmorehcy cherries starting July 16th, Bring-containers and piilck your own. Raspberries ready Same time. Pick yoiur own. Watson Fruit Farms, 1 mlile • north of Forest on 21 Highway. Phone 873-5439. ______28, 9b. Owner Being Transferred 6-<pc. dining room suite, $25; matching coffee table and 2 end tables, $20; hand lawn mower, $3; G.E. steam iron, $5; set 3 nesting stools, $5; folding single bed and mattress, $3; small hall table, $2; vacuum cleaner and attachments, $20; carpet sweeper, $3; 50 ft. gal­ vanized interlock .mesh fenc­ ing, 48” wide, $5; large chest of drawers, $10; 3-speed auto­ matic record, play er, $15; Royal 'typewriter, '$20; woven cotton hammock, $5; storage cupboard, 3 -shelf, $5. 17 Victoria Blvd., CFB Clinton Phone 482-7656 x 28b MOBILE HOME — fully furn­ ished, would brake ideal cottage ar permanent home, 1962 Gen­ eral 10 x 50’, 3 bedroams, bay window, automatic washer, 15 cu. ft. refrigerator, 30” gas range, 6 x 16’ porch, fiberglas awnings, reasonable offer will .consider. Phone 482-9872. 27-8b CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service.' A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. : tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin’s Dry Goods. tfb NEW AND USED Pianos by Sherlock - Manning, Heintzman, Lesage & Bell, New and used organs all ait money saving prices. Contact Garnet E. Far­ rier Piano and Organ Sales, Wihitechurch. Phone 357-2068. Wiingham. 21-tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hose? and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reco/xlitioned mach- ;nes of all makra for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, . ’’hone Hensall 262-5350 WANTED someone to take over balance of payments on Singer automatic zig zag sewing ma­ chine. Maltes buttonholes, sews on buttons, fancy patterns all automatically. Originally $209. balance owing $54.00 ar $6.00 per month, 2 year guarantee. Lessons included. Dealer. Write Box 271, Clinton News-Record. 27, 28p TIMEX WATCHES. . . Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 <- 13tfb UNiTSTEP, pre-cast concrete steps. Call Frank Kling Ltd. Seaforth, phone 527-1320. , 21-28b BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOP BLANKET SPECIALS 100% Virgin Wool, satin bound, full bed size $15.95 Candy Strip, 80% Wool, 20% viscose $11.95 < Satih bound substandards $5.95 All Wool Cottage Blankets $3.95 Phone 565-2813 — BAYFIELD 18tfb ARTICLES FOR RENT FUR RENT — Tent trailers by day or week. Apply Gordon Steepe, RR 2, Clinton. Phone 482-3364. ‘ 27-32p ARTICLES WANTED BABY’S Bathtaette fa good coii- dition. Phone 482-7056. 2813 PAIR of men’s riding boots, sito 9 or 10. Lodve name at. Bill German’s, Clinton. 28p LARGE size baby crib with mattress, in good condition, red- sohable price. Phono 482-9134. . 28b 19'61 FORD FIALCON, 19,200 mRos, to close estate. PhoneBayfield 565-2522.............. 28b. 1960 OLDS sedan, good condi­ tion. 1963 Ford, 2 door fast back, 390 automatic. Phone 482-7303 days. 27, 8p 57 CHEV, 4 door station wagon, V8 automatic, whitewalls and disps, two tone. Phone 482-7726. ' ' ' 27-8b RESPECTABLE 1959 W^dOor Ford, low mileage; hasn’t been driven for two years, but in face-new condition; new tjres; $550.00, Phone 524-9081 Gode­ rich. 28p 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, new' motor, transmission and tires. In perfect mechanical condition. Apply 209 Quieten Street, Clin­ ton or phone 482-3858. 28p BOARD AND ROOM ROOMER'S—sleeping accommo- •dation With cooking privileges for one ar two sharing. 46 Prin­ cess St. West, Central location. 'Phone 482-9005. , 28p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MOBILE HOME Village, a- cross from married quarters at Canadian Forces Base, Clinton. 18 stands, over 2 acres land, in­ cluding waSh house. Phone 482- 7227. 23tfib CUSTOM WORK SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed -Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 24tfb “THE PIXIE” Beauty Salon cuts and perms your hair the way you like it. Tinting a spec­ ialty. Phone 482-7792 for ap­ pointments, open evenings. 20tfb CIRCULAR and HAND SAWS, woodworking equipment, house­ hold and garden tools — any­ thing with an edge, sharpened with Belsaw Sharpall Equip­ ment. Levett’s, 139 Erie St. S., Clinton. 18tfb WEED CUTTING PLOUGHING or CULTIVATING Cal 1' George McGee at Clinton Cab Phone 482-7011 tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode­ rich. 38tfb JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695—-John Plumtree. 21tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd, jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Pnone 482-7676, Ken McNaim. 52tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels 12-35p MOTORS REWOUND and' re­ paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street, South, Clinton. 7ptfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim­ neys repaired, repotated; stone work, fireplaces built; base­ ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar­ anteed. Ray Squire, phone- 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 2tfb HELP WANTED WANTED at once. Man or woman, full or part ftaiie to continue supplying consumers in part Huron County with Raw- Jeig'h Products. New Special Of­ fer Selling method enables you to majke $100 weekly full time'; $50 part time; Write Rawleigh, Dept. G-169-122, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 28b HELP WANTED FEMALE AVON .TERRITORY OPEN Customers waiting to be served in TUCKERSMITH and HUL- LE1T, Ear information, no ob­ ligation, mail coupon to Mrs, Millson, 17 Hawkesbury’Ave,, London. Name ......,.................................. Address ......... ...................... . Phone No, .......... ...... 26r28b HELP WANTED MALE APPRENTICE to train as air­ craft mechanic. Must be inter­ ested in learning to fly. Prefer­ ence given to farin boys. Apply to Sky Harbour Air Services Limited, Box 130, Goderich, Ontario. 28, 9b I need a representative for my firm in this area. Thi's opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age 21 to 65. Can you make short auto trips ? We hope you will start soon and stay With us a long time. Con­ tact Ed Bauer, Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Wednesday, July 27, 1:30 to 5 pm. or Thursday, July 28, 9 a.m. to. 11 a.m. 28, 9b Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results HELP WANTED MALE CARETAKER for Bayfield Public School from September to December 31, 1966 Apply in writing to the . detrsigned before July 30, quot­ ing salary expected, Huron County School Area No. 1, J, E. Caldwell, Sec.^Treas., Box 176, Hensall. ./ 28b FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 3 Bedro-om House, gas heat, natural fireplace, large shaded yard, swimming,, fishiugi boating, school bus at door, also entire household pf furfattari for sale. Taints can be arrang­ ed. Please phene 524-6428. 28b un- REAL ESTATE LOST AND FOUND LOST—Small, white, transistor radio. Reward. Write Box 285, Clinton News-Record. 28, 9b Yost — Sony transistor radio at Bayfield Beach, July 3, Re­ ward. Patricia Payne, Bayfield. Phone 565-2750. 28b MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W, N. Counter. tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for salp, all newly decorated, modern kitchen, new floor coverings, 2 year Old oil furnace, for infor< matiibn apply to 103 Joseph St., phone 482^3804 or 227 Huron St., phone 482-9788.' 27tfb NEW Subdivision north of Bay-, field, 10 lots, 80 foot lake front­ age, drilled water system, build­ ing restrictions, priced at $3200. with. 25% down. Lauckner Real Estate, Adam Flowers, Box 41, Bayfield or phone 565-2813, 27-tfb BEAUTIFUL Location, Gode- riich overlooking lake, 2 or 3 bedrooms, ample storage, sep­ arate dining room, olid beating, basement, attached garage, nic­ ely landscaped, Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply Rev. C. E„ Taylor 171 Essex Street, Goderich, Phone 524-9682, 28tfb PET STOCK PUPS FOR SALE, 7 weeks old, good hunting dogs. Phone 482- 7379 after 6 p.m.______' 28b Farm Property For Sale North % of Lot 2, Concession 6, Hullett Township; suitable for pasture of cultivation; small down payment required; im­ mediate possession. Contact Industrial Mortgage and Trust Co., Box 39, Forest, Ont., phone 873-2341. 28-9p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly.. I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE FOR SALE SERVICES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd Sales and Service. Alvin Riley 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St. Goderich. 18tfb QUEENSWAY Nursing Home, registered nursing supervision, convalescent and elderly people. Proprietors, Mr. and Mirs. H. M. Klungel, Hensall, 262-2830, 28b AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World’s Largest Reisch American School of . Auctioneering 43-65,to 43-66p QUANTITY of feed grata for. sale. John A. McGregor, phone 482-7539. . 28, 9b ONE SELF-PROP. No. 100 Allis-Chalmers 'combine in good working condition. John Boon, RR 2, Bayfield, phone 482-9902. 27, 28p 35 ACRES of hay. Clare Vin­ cent, Londesiboro. Phone 523- 4340. * 28p CUSTOM COMBINING of grain, beans and com, call Frank Hill, Varna, phone 482- 7596. 20tfb Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.VM, V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding Phone 524-8573 GODERICH, ONTARIO' 27-34b DEATHS SELL. — At Queensway NWS’ tag Home, Hensall, on Sun­ day/July 10, 1966, Mrs. And­ rew B,, Refa Kippen, fa fa?ir 92nd year, Funeral service faofa Bonthrpn Funeral, Home, Hensall/on Tuesday,' July 12 with interment fa Baird's ’ Cemetery, Stanley Township, COREY — At Huronview, Qin-, ton, on Wednesday, July 13, 19’66, Harry Co-rey, Clinton, fa his 88 th year, Funeral Service from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home on Friday, July 15 at 2 p.m. -with inter­ ment in Clinton Cemetery. MANNING — H, Gordon Man­ning, formerly of Clinton arid. Stratford, passed away at Tallamore \ Rest Home in Brampton on Monday, July 11; a former master and yiee- prindipal of Stratflqpd Teach­ er's College' retiring fa 1949 to Clinton: Husband of the 'ate. Doris Thornton; son. of late Rev, Henry and Maude Smith Manning; dear father of David, Sarnia; Douglas, W&lland and Bill,. Toronto; brother of Mrs. Frances Mid­ dleton, Peterboro; Mhs. James (Kate) Hare, Streetsville; and Dr. Kent. Manning, Cou- chiching, Ont, Survived by 11 grandchildren, pestling at McMane-Gilbart Funeral ■ Home, 91 Brunswick Street, Stratford, where the funeral service will be-held Thursday, July 14 at 2:30 pm. Inter­ ment in Avondale Cemetery, Stratford. RAE — At Huronview, Clinton, on Tuesday, July 12, 1966, Mrs. David'W. Rae, Wroxeter in her 94th year.’ Funeral service from D. A. Rann Fun­ eral Home, Brussels on Thurs­ day, J uly 14 ' ~ interment in etery. RITCHIE Clinton, 7, 1966, Mrs. , Turnberry Township, in her 88th year. ' Funeral service from R. A. Currie end Son Funeral Home, Wdnghaim, on Saturday, July. 9 with inter­ ment in Brussels Cemetery.SCOTT — At Huronview, Clin­ ton, on Thursday, July 7, 1966, George H. Scott, Wing­ ham, in his 62nd year. Fun­ eral service from S. iJ. Wal­ ker Funeral Home. Wingham, on Tuesday, July 12 with inter­ ment in Langside Cemetery. TAYLOR — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, July 11, 1966 Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, dear mother of Mrs. R. W. Wenham, in her 80th year. Funeral service from Beattie . Funeral Home on Wednesday, July 13 with- interment -in Eastlawn Cemetery, Hamilton. TOMS — In Clinton on Tues­ day, July 12, 1966, Charles Edgar Toms, Bayfield, in his 76th year. Funeral service from Ball and Mutch Funer­ al Home, Clinton, on-Thurs­ day, July 14 at 2 p.m.- with interment in Bayfield Cem­ etery. at 2 p.m. with Wiroxeter Cem- on At Huronview, Thursday, July Tindall Ritchie, CARDS OF THANKS The families of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Wal­ ton, and Mrs. Ed. MeOreath,, Clinton, express wk apprecia­ tion for tha many pf kinth ness shewn them during 'their sad bereavement and particul­ arly to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes and family;' Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hogg and family; Mr. and ■ Mrs, Gilbert . Smith and family; Clifford Smith; the Engel families; Mr. and Mrs, Percy Little and family; Robert Campbell and family; Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht; Mrs, Gertie Purcell and fafaily; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brahiss; Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Clark; Staff, Hiawatha Restaurant, Colling­ wood; Mr, and Mrs. .Jiifa Coutts .and family; Mrs. John Coutts and family; Mr. and Mirs, Mark Cardiff' and family; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Coutts and family; Mr, and Mrs. Glen Coutts arid ■ ’ family; Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wil- bie and family; Mr. and Mrs.. Orville L'jndsay and family; the Lindsay families, Alberta; Mrs. Annie Johnston and family; Mrs, Mary Clark and family; Messrs. Alex and Donald Mac­ Donald; Walton Rural Mail Carriers; Walton neighbours and friends (Walton Women’s Institute); Rural Route 2 Wal­ ton; Wallton CGIT; Boundary .neighbours, Walton; McKillop Township neighbours; Rebecca Lodge, Brussels'; Rebecca Lodge, Seaforth; Order of the Eastern 'Star 233, Seaforth; Canadian Legion, Brussels 218;. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Murray; Mr. and 'Mbs. Jake Marks; Mr. and Mrs.,Fried Sinclair; Mr, and Mirs. Graham MacDonald; Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ford Ritchie; the Rutledge fam­ ilies; Wesley-Willis'UC .Sunday School executive; Wesley-Willis UC Choir; United Church, Wo­ men, Wesley-Willis; Wesley- Williis United Church, Glintori; - The Mary and Martha Unit, Wesley-Willis; Staff, R C A F Post Office, Clinton;. principal and staff, Clinton Public School; pupils, Clinton Public School; Clinton Public School Board; business' friends and associates, _ - Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Maynard' and family; Mr. and Mirs. Har­ old Hawthorne and family, con­ gregation St. Luke’s United Church, Islington; UC Women, St. Luke’s United Church, Is­ lington; Men’s Club, St. Luke’s United Church, Islington; staff, Head Office, Canada Malting Co. Ltd.; staff, Laboratories, Canada Malting Co.. Ltd.; staff,, Winnipeg Office, Canada Malt­ ing Co. Ltd.; staff, Calgary Of­fice, Canada Malting Co. Ltd.; staff, Molson’s Brewery (Ont­ ario) Limited; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clarke; Mr. and Mrs.- Geo­ rge Valentine; Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Grafeser; Miifis Erma Leach; Miss Patricia Moore; Mr. and Mrs. Reg.. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown; ' Mr. -and Mrs. ’Eric McBride; ' Mr. .and Mirs. Bill Armiers; Mir-, and Mrs. John .Taylor. Flowers, donations to Brussels Burial Chapel, Ontario Hospital Auxiliary and Ontario Heart /Foundation. 28b 1962 OLIVER Combine, model 40, 12 ft. cut,, in excellent con­ dition. L. Snyder, phone 524- '74817 RR 4, Goderich, Ont. ______________________28, 9p JOHN DEERE No. 12A com­ bine with motor, slow speed’ at­ tachments, pick-up and scour cleaner. Tony Van Dongen, Bayfield Road, phone 482-7588. 28, 9b BELLS Threshing machine .far sale, 24 x 40. This' machine is just like new. Gerald' Heyink. Phone 523-9208 Blyth. 26-28p 1958 1-Ton INTERNATIONAL stake truck, dual wheels. Phone 482-9792 or 482-9778 after 6 p.m. 27-8b SERVICES STORE FOR RENT STORE and office on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb Clearing AUCTION SALE Note — Al! Services on Daylight Saving Time Attend Your Church This Sunday FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows Phone 482- 9561 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HURON COUNTY’S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul­ leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 527-0120, Sea­ forth. 8tfb AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling ail types of auction sales. Bruce ■Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb We Specialize In . . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations EavestroUghing 39 PIGS; 9 weeks old. .Phone 482-9851. ' ‘ 28 b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 7tfb OF FARM EQUIPMENT Wednesday, July 20 7:30 P.M. For Mrs. Kim Brindley, 1*4 miles east and 1*4 miles north of Benmiller, turn right, second farm on left. Model S Case tractor, tin good condition; VAC Case1 trac­ tor, reconditioned motor' and new tires; used New Idea PTO trail mower with power lift; I-H 4-bar side rake in good condition; 1 used rubber-tirted wagon; 3' sections of drag har­ rows; 4 sections of diamond tootih harrows; push bar hay loader; 9 ft. land roller; 2 row 3-pOint hitch scUfffler; used New Idiea ground driven man- are spreader; suiall motor driv-, en grain grinder; 1 h.p. elec­ tric motor, like new; race horse sulky cart; 2-fuvrow I-H trail plow; wood corn crib, 20x10x3. Miscellaneous articles. Richard Lobb, Auctioneer Joe Corey, Clerk CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SAXES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 3 • REGISTERED Landrace hogs; 85 York and Landrace chunks. W. C. Millson, phone 527-1167/__________ 28b HOLSTEIN Cow fresh and Hol­ stein heifer due .soon, Jersey cow dule fa 3 weeks, Jersey heifer du'e fa the fall, 2 Hol­ stein heifers due in the fall. A. E. Townshend, phone 482-9107. 28, 9b HORNED HEREFORD hull for sale, '3 year old; Zato blood lines, Hoffman Brothers, Dash­ wood, Phone 70W Dashwood. DEADSTOCK MARLATTBROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please phone promptly phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 390C65' DO IT YOURSELF SAVE MONEY RENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing Duo Typo LARGE POLISHER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET-DRY VACUUM / CREST HARDWARE BALL & MUTCH Ltd* 69 Albert st., olinton Phone 482-9505 ....... tfb shipping cattle This Friday. July 15 Due to a death in ' the family Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS! CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont* We will pick up at your farm* Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPEItATiVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 30eow NOTICE The offices of the Tuckersmifh Municipal Telephone System and Township of Stanley will be closed from July 7 to July 28 for annual holidays. In case of emergencies for Tuckersmifh Municipal Telephone System, phone any of the corrimissloners; ana for Township of Stanley business, phone Reeve, Dep­ uty Reeve or Councillors. MEL GRAHAM, Brucefield. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Hugh Burritt, B.A. •Sunday, July 17 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School- 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship . ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. , Sunday, July 17 Sunday School withdrawn for July and Aug. 11:00 am.—Morning Worship Wesley-Willis congregation will, worship with us. 'TURNER’S 9:45 am.—Church Service .. ' 10:45ajm—Sunc^ _______ REV. A. J. z '^olmesbiUe JMntteh Cfyurrtyes MOWATT, B.A., B.D., Minister Sunday, July 17 UNION SERVICES ........j and Holmesville will worship in Ontario Street Church during July Wesley-Willis ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH , Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr* W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday* July 17,~ Trinity 6 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director z -1.^ .1... ■■ . .. Sunday, July 17 .. Nd Church School ,ta July 10:45 am.—Public Worship Junior Congregation during morning service as usual. EVERYONE WELCOME 27-8b Clinton News-Record offers n complete selection of wedding annbuncemonls , Riyled for* the Jistritrf* ttiuldtg. ask /or »• MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL ‘ CLINTON Sunday, July 17 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 am.—Sunday School 8:00 pm.—Evening Service Speaker: Eddie Martin Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Thurs. evening, July 14 Vacation Bible School Closing Program. ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. H£ER$INk. Minister ]; Sunday, July 17 <; Rev, Hdytema, Ouest Preacher ;• 10:00 a.m.—Service iti English 4 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 4 2:30 p.m.^-^SCrVice fa Dutch 4 7:30 p.ih.—Service ih English , ;■ Evety Sunday, 12-.30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St Thomas, 4 listeri tri "Back to God Hour”. 4 EVERYONE WELCOME 4