HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-07-07, Page 6Page 6—Clinton News-Record—Thursday, July 7, 1966 r!"UX.. ■■ 'J W'i'n' i ,Ri Wa».».i.ROWW^.!g.iiW.. BEAUTIFUL BREEZY , . . BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS < CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • y ILL AGE Correspondent; AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone 565-2864, Subscriptions, Classified Advs. gnd Display Adys, all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. By BELLCHAMBER 1 HAPPENINGS Bayfield IBayfield Cemetery Dates Back to 1861, New Chapel Dedication on Sunday I—_ __— At their Howard Street sum­ mer homes'this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lance and family, Troy Mjch.; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chapman and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ashton and Mr, and Mrs. T. Orton Logan, all of London. Weekend guests at the Furter residence, Howard Street: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crocker, Lon­ don; Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren, Benmiller and Mr* and Mirs. E. W. Munn, Hensail. v Mrs. W. E. Parker accom­ panied Mrs. J. E. French of Mitchell to a school reunion of SS 11 Wallace Township, near Listowel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scot­ chmer, Sarnia, were With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Scotchmer for the holiday. Miss Joanne Hulls’, Milton, is spending July and August with her parents, Mr. and Mrs-. .Fred Hulls. Staying in the Jowett cottage area are: Mr. and Mrs; Boswell and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. * E. J. Pongiracz, Grosse Pointe, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blair, their daughter and grandchildren, Toronto. S/L and Mrs. Douglas Soper and family, Willowd’ale; Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Cameron and family, London, and Mr. and Mrs. O. Dennome, were at the Jowett cottage for the week­ end. . Mr( and Mrs. Barry Harper, Galt, Visited Mi’, and-Mrs. Le- Roy Poth over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, Pam, Jackie and David, Dor­ chester, visited their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Parker on Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family.and Mrs. Kreuger, Kit­ chener, were with his mother, Mrs. W. R. Elliott from Friday 'til Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Fryer, Stratford, joined them on Sunday.Spending the summer at their lakeshbre cottages are Mr. and Mirs. Edward Carson and fa­ mily; Mr. -and' Mrs. William Carson and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Carson and1 children, all of London. Mr., and Mrs. Allan. Alys- wbrth, Lpndbn, are spending a few days at their lakefront cot­ tage. Mrs. George Elliott,- her son and daughter-in-law and child­ ren of Toronto, are staying at "Glencaim”. 1 i Mr. and Mrs. George. Can-t­ rick and family, Detroit, are at- their cottage for the summer. Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Kitchener, and members of hex* family were at the Bauer cottage for the long weekend. 1 Mrs. Leon Duggan, Stratford, is staying at her cottage; -she. was joined at the weekend by her daughter -and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Viator Muratori of St. Catharines. At their summer homes- for the holiday weekend were Mrs1. Lyle Norris, Detroit; Mr. and Mr*s, Ervins Heintz and diaugjh- ter, from Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and son Frank of St. Agatha, and Mr. .and Mrs. Carl McAuley of Rexdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Cook, Evanston, Ill., are spending the mohth of July at thelir cottage on Tuylle Street. .■Mr. and Mirs'. John Lindsay had their son George, accom­ panied by George . Munsihger, Toronto, and James Butcher of St. Thomas, as guests for the holiday weekend. .Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto, are spending two weeks at their summer home on Louisa Street; joining tthem for the weekend were' itheir daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ant Latimer, Bill, Gal and Christie, and their son and.' fa- mlifly, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Knight, Heather, Jacqueline and Sandy, 'all of Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gemem- hardt, Saginaw, Mich., are camping in Jowett s Grove for two weeks. , .Ant Stockton, Strathroy, vas- ited /Mr. and! Mrs.. Jack Stur­ geon last week.Bernard Sturgeon has, a lovdy display of roses in the front garden of his (home on Bayfield Terrace. There are 24 varieties', including, "Tiffany”, “Tropicana”, "Garden Party” 1 and "Pea.ce” roses, and are at I the peak .of perfection this week. Mr. and Mirs. Samuel Can­ dela, Larry, Karen and Maiy Ann, Grosse Pointe, Mich., vis­ ited the lady’s parents, 'the Ar­ thur L. BrisS'on’S' for the week­ end. Monty Poulter, Ottawa, was the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. G. N, Rivers for several days last week. ° Mrs. J. Melcham of Colum­ bus, Ohio, and her children, Ohn'stopher, Elizabeth . and Peter are Visiting her sister, Mrs. Arnold Makins; Mr. and Mrs. Makins also had as guests last’ week, Jim Wright, Toronto and . Mr. and 'Mrs. George Wright of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken London, spent the with her parents, Mr. Charles Scotchmer. Mr. 'and Mrs, E. W. Oddleif- son recently attended the wed­ ding of Sanford Moore to Miss Michael' Sullivan at St. John the Baptist Church, Amdale, Halifax. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Range and their. sons, Bob and, Larry, Royal Oak, Mich., are vaca- ti'orimg- at the Rockery Cabins. Mr. and Mrs. A. LeBeau’s guests for the holiday were, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moss, Lon­ don; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin, and their daugh­ ter, Megan Ann, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff, London; Mrs, McLaughlin and Megan are /spending the summer here, while Mr. McLaughlin is in New York. Miss Suzane Weston, Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. and Mbs. Ray Knights, weekend and Mrs. Congratulations are again 'in,, order to Miss Sally Beth Hun-, ter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Huniter, Toronto and Bay­ field, -who has headed third year Honours English Language and- Literature at Trinity Col­ lege, University, of Toronto. She has also been awarded the Mossite Waddington Kirk­ wood Scholarship and the Sir Gilbert Parker Scholarship from Trinity College. Miss Hunter is spending the summer in Great Britain and presently reading English Dra­ ma at Oxford University. LETTER TO EDITOR Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 The Editor, Clinton News-Record. Dear Sir: Once again I "take my pen in hand’’ to, extoll the glories of tile annual "Rummage Riot’’,; unique to Barfield. This year the sale like Abou be Adhem., leads aill the rest. It’s ‘Christ-, mas in July’! People are always scolding about the commercial aspects of Christmas, and ours is cer­ tainly commercial ‘ ; you’ll ..have to buy your own gifts! but it’s a strange thing, even the name of Christmas brings forth generosity and a lovely attitude in people.' We have really been amazedl at how hap­ pily people are gwihg-and giv­ ing arid giving. We have acknowledged else­ where some of these gifts, more are coming in each day, from firms and, private individuals but We must tell you here, that James Cameron of Bayfield set the Stage for -the'whole extra­ vagant, delightful affair/wheh he promised to give us one of ■Ms beautiful Christmas trees will be open until further, notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, x from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m. No wire fence, old concrete or car bodies permitted. James I. McIntosh, Clerk. j "I J.11.11"!!1!1! i."« J.iJUi'■■"R iin*— Weston and! their three child­ ren of Utica, Mich., were with thelir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston for the week­ end; Rick. Rice of Ferndale, Mich., was also itheir guest for the weekend. ■.."■.■■■'-y.'-— —:----------------------- --------— Adastral Park Social Notes Phone 482-7337 them wore their children, Bob, Dave and Mary. Cpl. and Mrs. Bill Thomson have left CFB Clinton for their new station Overseas. Cpl. and Mrs. Edward Bond, with their children Debbie and i Jeb, spent the July 1st weekend in Toronto with relatives. Viisitihg with Sgt. and Mrs. Lester'Phiestley last week were Mr. and Mrs, Fred1 Wood from Bury, Lancashire, England, and Miss Isa Cort of the same place, Cpl, and Mrs. Mel Wilson are presently entertaining Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Alex Marleau of Chatham, Ont. Also visiting with them this past weekend were Mr,' and Mrs. Lucien Marleau and their son, Gillies, from Montreal, when they celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents. Celebrating birthdlays: Jim Ursulak, on July 1; and Kerry Lawson, on July 7. -----------o----------- Correction! We error,ed in. reporting that Judy Finley, who* gave the vale­ dictory address at the gradua­ tion ott Clinton Public School grade, eight class, in last week’s issue, was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Finley. She is the daughter of Mrs. Effie Finley and the late George Finley. Both Finley families live* on Maple Street heire in .town. / ■ Editor: Carmen Lawson• I Opl. and Mrs. Russ Esta­ brooks have returned to Clinton after spending the' holiday weekend in Ottawa visiting with friends. Accompanying KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG ! Phone 262-5180 | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Glenn, Deborah , and Laurel, Whitby, ’ were weekend guests with Mrs. J. B. McMath. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Batkin and Mrs. Huller spent the I weekend of June 25 in Berkley, i Mich. While there they attend-' I ed the 50th wedding anniver-. I sary of Mr. -and Mrs. Ezra [ Durst. . - Miss Ellen McKeig, Hespeler 1 and Robert Grigg, Kitchener, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg. Forty-one ladies of Holmes­ ville congregation enjoyed a bus trip *to Hamilton and Niagara Falls last Tuesday. The UCW meeting will be’ withdrawn for July. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt and Marilyn left on Tuesday for Callgary to attend the wed­ ding of their son Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo left; on Wednesday for a trip to Vancouver. Frank McCullough has re­ turned home from Victoria Hos­ pital, London. . < Mr. and Mr's. Ross Carter. Chatham, ' spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. Mrs. Hazel Blake and Roxy, London, attended the Cooper- Link wedding-at Centralia on Saturday and spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Vi van Cooper and famlily. Lome Schneider and family, | Stratford, visited on, Monday evening with Robert Thomson. -----------------O------------:----- There’s a line in the ocean where by crossing you can lose a day. There’s one in the high­ way where you can lose a life. The 'recently completed Mem- priai Chapel in Bayfield Ceme­ tery is to be dedicated by Rev, E. J. B. Harrison on Sunday, July 10. Mrs. F. McEwen, a member of Bayfield Cemetery Board, fpr the sum of one dollar deeded to the cemetery, company in 1960 portions of twp lots on Range E. on which the chapel is greeted. Mrs. McEwen reports that those present fop the. dedication will include; The Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton, Huron M-LA and minister of. Highways; Robert McKinley, MP, Huron; Donald McKenzie, president of Bayfield Cemetery Company; Canon F. H. Pauli, Rev. D. Fry, Reeve F. A. MacFadden, Mr. Don Beck and. Mr. Murdock Morrison. Mrs. Carl Diehl has done a considerable amount of re­ search. into the history of Bay- field Cemetery and has supplied details of the original consti­ tution as follows: [ "On 27th Day of December in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one; We, the.undersigned, met at Bayfield in the County of Huron, in the Province of Canada and resolved1 to form ourselves into a Cemetery Com­ pany,' to, be called the Bayfield Cgmetery Company, according to the provisions of an act of Parliament instituted: "An Act respecting companies for the establishment of cemeteries in Upper Canada^’ and we db here­ by agree that the Capital Stock of the said company shall be Three hundred and! twenty­ seven dollars, to be divided in­ to shares of three dollars each entitling the -holder to one hun­ dred superficial 'feet, and We tlie undersigned stockholders, d!o hereby 'agree to accept and take the number of shares set by. us opposite our respective signatures', and do hereby, agree to pay the calls thereon accord­ ing to the Provisions, of the said Acts and of the rules,, re­ gulations .and- by-laws of the Company, to be made in that behalf. ' . "According to the constitu­ tion of Bayfield Cemetery Com­ pany, twenty-five percent of capital stock expected to be raised was to be paid to the treasurer of the Company. "4. The Company -to build walls or other sufficient fences [Lockhart for 865 and three shares in the Company; In 1866 an 8 foot wide strip pf land, was sold to fhe cam- pf the -height of eight feet at least, enclose en,’ery part of cemetery held by them. "10 Nobod'y shall be buried in a vault pr otherwise uniter any chapel or other building in the cemetery nor within fifteen feef of the outer .Wail of any such chapel or building. "11. The Company shall make regulations to ensure all burials being conducted in a decent and solemn manner. ‘T2.z.The Company shall fur­ nish graves for strangers and for the poor of all denomin­ ations free- of- charge on the certificate in-the latter case of a minister or clergyman of the denomination to which the de­ ceased belonged, that the rela­ tives of the deceased-are poor and cannot afford to purchase a lot in the cemetery.” - Mrs. Diehl lists' the names of the 28 original members, the number of shares and the a- mount. The first name, J-ames Gaird- ner was- the first president and Thomas H. Bateman Was .the first secretary, 1. James Gai'rdner, 10 shares, $30; 2. Andrew Rutledge, 10, $30; Thos. H. Bateman, 10, $30; 4. William Hall, 10, $30; 5. William W. Connor, 10, $30: 6. William BengoUgh, 10, $30; 7. James Thompson &. Co., 10, $30; 8. George Erwin, 10, $30; 9, Alexander Cameron, 5, $15; 10. William Rankin, 5, $15; 11. Ninian Woods, 2, $6; 12. Tu­ dor Marte, 1, $3; 13.,Thomas Jackson,. 1, $3; 14, Alexander Falconer, 1, $3; 15. George Castle, .1, $3; 16. John Esson, 1, $3; 17. Christopher Johnston, 1, $3; 18. Thomas- Elliott, 1, 19. Christian Eberhart, 1, 20. Valentine Homan, 1, 21. Aaron Waflwin, 1, $3; _22. Francis Phelps, 1, $3; 23. ward Rooby, 1, $3; 24. John Bolton, 1, $3; 25. William Church, 1, $3; 26. Andrew El­ liott, 1, $3; 27. William JeWitt, 1, $3; 28. John Hanley, 1, $3. For a total of 109 shares worth $327. Additional landhas since been acquired . as follows': In 1869, 10M acres were purchased from the Dowager Baroness, the Rt. Hon. Charlotte Henrietta Van Tuylle for $121, lin 1864 -a right of way was- purchased' from Mr. >' •pany by H, B. Browson for five s/hiljings; land was obtained from James McDonald and his wifp tor $5 to straighten the driveway; 6% acres of land were' bought from Eleanor Rose Elliott in 1906 for $130; 1909 saw the purchase of land from Rev. John McNeil for 310 and it is estimated that the ceme­ tery covers about 20 acres. The original plan for 320 four-grave ilots is shown in a map dated January 31, 1863. "CHRISTMAS IN JULY" , Centrepiece Contest Entries to be at Bayfield Arena not later than 3 p.m. July 12 A prize for "the prettiest, one for the wittiest and one for the one we like best” FOR MEN ONLY Christmas Hangover Theme Centrepiece Contest Z" REAL ESTATE AGENT For Clinton and District Experience Preferred But Not Essential V $3; $3; 33; Ed- Apply To: WILFRED MclNTEE & CO. LTD.. REALTOR BOX 549 WALKERTON, ONT. 26-7b -....- -.........— -------------------------------------- ' - ' -* TUESDAY, JULY 12 ARENA JULY” Rummage, Gifts, Pinates, Centrepiece Contest, Garden Court, Next To New Salon,. Commission Counter for the occasion! And then the Albion and The Little Inn said they would each roast a 'turkey for us! and so it has gone on; Bartliffs are baking a Christ­ mas cake just for us; our neigh­ bour, Mrs. Fraser, is making four mince .pies; well, I mustn't try to tell all, come and see the' show. Mrs. John Robarts dropped in to say she’s coming next Tuesday, and ito present us with a pair of the Premier's gloves, just so we’ll -know'he’s really hand in glove with Bayfield. Bayfield’s Reeve; Frank Mc­ Fadden has accepted the invi­ tation extended him,’ to- greet officially our most, famous guest, who will arrive at Hovey’s store at 8:45 p.m. Tues­ day the 12th of July, to open the gayest evening of fun and bargains ever! That’s right, Santa Claus! Sincerely, DORIS HUNTER/' Convener. P.S. We have rummage too, lots of it. Bayfield, Ontario July 4, 1966. Friday and Saturday Evenings Only Xhicken In a Basket' Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 o.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m* to Midnight SMORGASBORD DINNERS Every Sunday Evening from 5 to 7 Phone 482-3421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Reception* ClintonPhone 482-9411 Bayfield Teacher Completes 33 Years In Profession Mrs. W. E. (Vina) Parker is shown here being presented with gifts on the completion of 33 years in the teaching profession, 25 years at the Bayfield Public School. From the left, Diane Pugh, Mrs. Parker, Dawn McLeod and Lynn Brandon. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) r Kooi Cushions v Kooi Cushions $1.68 to $6.75 FOR HOT WEATHER DRIVING $1.68 to $6.75 FOR HOT WEATHER DRIVING Radios Car, Truck and Tractor Radios Car, Truck and Tractor Car Top Carriers $9.95 to $12.98 Herbrand Mechanic Tools / Floor Mots Seat Covers Batteries Accessories Passenger, Truck and Farm Tire Service Alignment Tune-ups Good Used Tires In Stock ALIGNMENT is important Seams out of line are em­ barrassing. Wheels out of line can be costly and down- tight dangerous. Come in for a free John Bean alignment check-up* This precision equipment will tell the truth about your car’s wheels. FREE CHECR-UP! SCRUTON’S TIRE & AUTO SERVICE Clinton, Ont. Firestone General Kelly Goodrich Seiberling Springfield Tires All Sizes All Prices Before Your Start Your Holidays — See Us Oil Filters Fan Belts Seal Beams Repairs To All Makes pf Cars Wheel Balance Oil Change and Lubrication OIL BURNER SERVICE AND SUMMER CLEANOUTS Make Your Arrangements Now Before The Fall Rush Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs 20tfb See WESTINGHOUSE'S SUM-WALL Insulated CHEST FREEZER At Clinton Electric Shop. H & 1 1 Slirri-Wall Construction Removable Storage Basket Automatic Interior Floodlight Adjustable Temperature Control 5 Year Food Spoilage Warranty 1 Year Warranty on Entire Freezer 5 Year Warrahty on Refrigeratton System Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Your Westinghouse Dealer CLINTON 482-6646 Models from 7 cu. ft. to 29 cu. ft.