HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-07-07, Page 5J *I engagements ANNOUNCED The engagement is an­ nounced of Maureen Eliza- z both Hayter to William John Blaekpr, The .mar­ riage will take place ait Sif, Andrew's Presbyterian Ch­ urch, Clinton, on Saturday, July 16, 1966 at three o’­ clock, 27p $ .* r « ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Col­ lins, RR 4, Clinton, wish, to - .announce the engagement •of their eldest daughter, Emily May, to Mr, John James Goodchild, Montreal, •son of Mr, and Mrs, J. J. 'Goqdichild, Don Mills,. Ont- ,ario. The wedding to take place in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, July 23, at 3 pm.' ‘ ’ 27p Wesley-Willis UCW Units Meet IN MEMORIAM MEDD --t. In loving memory of James Earnest Medd who passed ' away five years ago, July 10th, 1961. —Sadly miss'ed but lovingly re­ membered by wife and fam­ ily, 27b McCLINCHEY — Tn loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John E. McClinchey, who passed away one year ago, July 7, 1965. “Gone from us but leaving" memories Death can -never take away, Memories that Will always linger While upon this earth we stay.” ", • —Lovingly remembered by wife -and family. . ___n 27p ‘ RILEY'— In loving memory of a dear husband, Joseph Riley, who. passed away one year ago, July 12/ 1965. •“I db not need a special day, 'To bring you to my mind, ’The. days I do not think of you, ■•Aire very hard to find. ' 'They say time heals all sorrow ( .And helps one to forget, But time so far has only proved, 'How mudh I miss you yet. ■God gave me strength, to take . it, .And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. To know we never said good­ bye, Will always bring regret, But the heart that loved you dearly, Is the hear(t that won’t for­ get.” —In remembrance by his wife Sadie. , 27p Mary And Martha The 'regular monthly meeting of the Mary and Martha Unit of Wosley-Willis UCW was. held at the summer home of Mrs. George Betutitie on Lake Huron, •in. the. form of‘a. pot luck-sup­ per- Mrs. E. B. Menzies called the’ meeting to order and a farewell presentation was made to Mrs, Park who, thanked. • the Unit, with a few well chosen words. A 'sling-song followed led by Mary Sutter, Mrs. Menzies react a poem on ‘summer and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Dorothy McLaren read the. Scripture, Mrs. Menzies gave the meditation and Mrs; Mc­ Laren a prayer, followed by a hymn. The roll call .was answered with a “ verse. or thought on "Summer" by 12 members and one guest. After a short busin­ ess .meeting Mrs, Bessie Steep thanked Mrs. Beattie for invit­ ing them to her home and Mrs. Menzies and Mirs. McLaren had some very active and interest­ ing contests. The meeting closed with the Mizpah bene­ diction. A toyr of the Canadian for­ ces Base by bus and a detailed view of the Sdlaoiol of Food Services under the leadersihiii of F/L Jean Liberty was en­ joyed, Tire ladies found this part. °f the 'services very inter­ esting and educational. They were divided into small groups and personally escorted, through the school with -all its various departments. Following the tour refreshments were served the ladies. ‘ There will be no meeting dur- ing July and August but a wed­ ding will be catered to in gust. . I by Mrs., K. Wiser Mi4!?.. D. Jef­ ferson, Mrs, B. McDonald and Mrs., <G. Wise. Several other games, IrLeluding charades, com­ pleted the, evening of fun. Presentation of a gift was made to. Mrs. Sandra Mason Who would -soon be leaving Clin­ ton. Lunch was served. Mrs, E. Cooper thanked the hoistess. Former Londesboro Man Married In Kincardine Church Ceremony Thursday, July 7, 1 New$-Record-—Poge 5 Shopping Begins In The Pages Of This Newspaper Au- sfs # # Fidelity Unit Fidelity Unit of Westey- Church held ’their June in * m. Wo-He-Lo Wo-He-Lo Unit enjoyed an outing The guests lowing a Short business meeting at the church. Mrs. Ken Wood was in charge of the program. Margaret Mary Ducharme and Lawrence Middleton “Lar­ ry” PaWell exchanged marriage vows lat Holy Rosary Church, London, with Rev. E. A. Morris officiating. 6RUCEFIELD MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 We are sorry to report that. Nelson Reid is a patient in, Clinton Public Hospital. We -wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and' Mrs'. Keith Forrest, •'Thorndale, Robert, and James Forrest, Thedford and Mr. .and Mrs. William Forrest, London, .•spent -Sunday with thelitf grand­ mother, Mrs. Elsie Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rushcall and •family, are spending some time with the lady’s parents, Mr. and ’Mrs. Ross Scott. .Brucefield congregation had a very -successful garden party 'last week. About 400 attended. Nelson Reid, Murray Tyndall •and Mrs. Charles Clifton are hospital patients. -----------o----------- Clintonian Club To Meet At Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Middleton Powell The Willis meeting in the church parlor with Miss Catharine McGregor in the cih^ir. She read a poem on “Summer”. Mrs. Shepherd was pianist for the hymns. The Scripture readings ’ given by Mrs, Lockwood, Mrs. Howes and Mrs. McKiel dwelt on the thought of, Christ’s teachings in the out of doors. The devotionai concluded with prayer by, Miss McGregor, followed by a. panel discussion on the study of Trini­ dad and Brazil, conducted on’ lines similar to the' “Take Your Choice” TV program. A letter was read on the work the Caravaners do, jn our oilties and up north, in conduct­ ing vacation schools and man­ aging the coffee houses at sum­ mer resorts- for the benefit of our .young people on holidays. Miss McGregor then gave a book, review dealing with the problems of the colored people. Mrs.' J. Carter, Unit leader took charge of tine business with Miss B. Diehl acting as secretary. The treasurer,. Mrs. J. Sutter reported an offering of $35 for the May meeting. Fifteen members answered the roll call with a verse on "Sum­ mer”. A sick member was re­ membered with a card., Mrs. Lockwood reported six home calls and two hospital calls. Supply reports a large bate packed1 and sent away. A report from the foster child was read. It was decided to cancel the July and August meetings. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Daisy Holland and Mrs. Shepherd were hostesses for the social period. ** 7f< Starlight Circle Thb June meeting was held at Mrs..H. Wise’s cottage, Bay-, field.. Twelve members answer-, ed' the roil call with “What we "Would like to do this summer”. Mrs. Alvin Wise read the Scrip­ ture >and led in prayer. The. minutes and treasurer’s report were read. The members were reminded of Appreciation night for ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Park being held on Monday, June 27. The Clintonian Club will hold 'its next meeting ■ at the home 'Of Mrs. T. Bailey in. Bayfield;on Wednesday, July 13 at 2 p.m. Oars Will t be at Clinton Library Park at 1:15 sharp. Mrs. L. Forest and Mrs. G. Mann are in charge of the Dutch Auction and! program. The club held an area picnic in aiinton Community Park, .June 29 with Goderich and Ex­ eter clubs and some central ex­ ecutive from London attending.' • Results of contests were: pie •plate race, Mrs. E. Squire, Lon­ don; kick the slipper, Mrs. Frank Cummings, Clinton; judging distance, Mrs. Good, Goderich; latest letter to col­ umn, Mrs. Ron MJacDonald', (Clinton; W in pail, Mrs. Lit- . tie-child, Goderich;' unwrapping ■parcel, Mrs. M. Nivins, Clinton: ■what time clock stopped, -Mrs. McLean, Goderich; registration prize, Mrs. W. Colclough, Clin­ ton; lucky-spot, Mis. Roy Elli­ ott. Clinton; draw on lawn chair, Mrs. Joyce Cook, Clin­ ton. An auction sale was held and a delicious picnic supper Served. The bride iis the daughter Of Mr. and' Mrs. Nap Ducharme, London, and the groom’s par­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Powell, Clinton. The- bride, given in marriage by her father, ware a floor­ length gown of white bonded lace, bateau neckline, empire waistline and • A-Hnie skint with a detachable coat of peau-de- soie which extended into' a slight train. A wedding ring band held her Shoulder-length veil and she carried a bouquet of red sweeheart roses and stephano tis. Miss S'harron^ Ducharme,. sis­ ter of the bride, Was maid of honour wearing a floor-length dress of blue bonded lace with matching iheadress. She carried a bouquet of pink and white button ’mums. The». groomsman was John Powell, brother of the groom and guests Were ushered by Raymond Ducharme. For travelling the bride don­ ned a three-piece ensemble of white and navy with matching accessories and a corsage of orchids. The couple will reside in Waterloo. ----,—.—o—•------- KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 A farewell dinner party was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, on Wednesday 'evening last week- in honour of Mrs. Carman Tienkamp who is leav­ ing. for Edmonton., Mrs. Tien­ kamp was presented with a piece of blue mountain pottery. Bayfield News Miss Mabel E. Hodgins and Miss Margaret J, Macdonald, Toj'onto, are at “Stonehaven” for the summer months. Colleen Menier/Dale Septch-. mer and Louise MaCVean are at the Girl Guide Camp, “Glen Mack”, Seaforth, for .ten days. Mr. and. Mrs'. Douglas H. Weeks, Janet Gordon, David and Kathy- of 'St. Catharines, whre guests .,of their aunt and uncle/'-Mr. an<J Mirs. R, Roy Fitzsimons and family from Wednesday 'til Sunday after­ noon'. Mrs, Otto..Smale, Darlene and John, visited wHh her .par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs.- Fitzsimons from Friday until She returned to her home in Hensail with ,her husband on Sunijay evening. Mrs. Vera ' MacPherson, Windsor, is visiting Mrp. George Little, . ' Rev. A.. G. and Mrs. Pease and five sons called on friends in tlie village on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Barney' Myers, London, Were guests of Mrs. S. Bryant for 'the weekend. Mils's Amy B. Murray,. Tor­ onto, is a guest of Miss Mabel Hodgins at'her cottage, “Stone­ haven”. - Mrs, R. Marshall and daugh­ ter, Tracey Elizabeth were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston for the -past week. They returned to London on Sunday With Mr. Marshall who had joined his family for the weekend.. (Continued from page one) work, first at her home at Wel­ ton and lately ait Wesley-Willis in Clinton. She taught Sunday School and sang in the choir art Wesley-Willis, and had been active in the UCW. She was a member of the Brussels Re­ bekah Lodge; She is survived by her hus­ band, Edward (Ted); two bro­ thers, Earl, Calgary and 'Carl, Goderich. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Coutts’■ were lifelong' -residetits "of’“the WaP ton area. Mrs. Coutts was the former Louella Smith of 'Mc- Killop Township.’ Mr. Coutts was in his 69th year and Mrs; Coutts 'in her 65th year. Mr. Coutts was a rural mail carrier at .Walton, •'' j .. -----------o------;----iing neiu onivronaay, June 27. __ _ _ _A comedy skit .was acted out US6 vlaSSITieCi AClS. CLINTON PERSONALS Mrs. Don McLean, and'-daugh­ ter Bonnie accompanied by Mrs. McLean’s mother, Mrs. Forbes motored to Winnipeg and points west this past Week. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Orpen were in Toronto Monday at- , tending the funeral of Mr. Orpen’s brother, Howard Orpen. Miss Ivy Townsend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Townsend, Seaforth, a recent graduate of Goderich Business College, has •secured a secre­ tarial position with the Indus­ trial Development Bank, Water­ loo. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt and Marilyn are going to Cal­ gary, Alberta to. attend their son Gordon's wedding on Satur­ day. Mrs. H. A. Taylor and family, Vai Caron, Ont.,- ■arc visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pouter, RR 5, Clinton, Ten Clinton Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary members entertained veterans with music and sing­ song at Westminster Hospital, / 111,1 .......... ’■ ... ,W—I London, on Tuesday, June 28. A treat of fresh strawberries and cream was ! served to the veterans by the .the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilston, Nancy and Janet of Scarboro and Ray Lawson of Pickering, visited With Mrs. Annie Medd and Andrew Lawson; they also visited Mr. and Mirs. Arnold Miller of Goderich, last. Thurs­ day. “ ‘ . Mrs., Robert Johnston of Grand Valley is- Visiting- her mother, Mrs. Anriie 'Medd and other friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart have returned from a trip to Eng­ land and Scotland. They visit­ ed in London, Glasgow, Edin­ burgh and Aberdeen,- taking tours out of thfese cities in or­ der to see the surrounding areas. Miss Leola Nott of Detroit spenlt the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Nott, 107 High St. Mr.* and Mrs. Bev Boyes of Toronto were also ■guests. *ITS Men's Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS in a wide assortment of patterns and styles. $2.95 to $5.00 , Men's and Boys' SHORTS for real summer ’ relaxing and comfort, several styles. $2.95 to $5.00 will play for Saturday dancing V TIME SUMMER SHOES for Men and Boys SANDALS - FABRICS SUEDE and LEATHER Styles for Dad or Lad Dancing 9 to Midnight Admission $1.00 Dancing continues every Saturday night at Seaforth Lions Park AIKENS Footwear Luggage MR. AND MRS. MURRAY LLOYD ADAMS Baskets of white snapdragon, white pompom ’mums and • shrimp-tinted baby ’mums taflm- ■•ed the setting in ‘Knox Pres- ■ byterian Church, Kincardine, on 1 Saturday, June 11, when Fran­ ces Ann Walsh, ' youngest daughter‘ of Mr. and Mrs! Wil­ liam R. Walsh of Kincardine, was 'united in marriage With Murray Lloyd Adams of 'Lon­ don. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs-. Clifford Adams of RR 1, Londesboro. Rev, James R. Welir officiated at the ceremony. Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Steve Shisko, North Bay, at the organ; and Steve Day, Strat­ ford, was soloist. Tire bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor­ length gown of silk organza over -taffeta With deep scallop­ ed'lace inserts at waistline; her long matching 'train was edged with lace. Her shoulder-length veal was held with a petal head­ piece of lace, and pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white Galla lilies and white roses. The groom’s .sister, Miss Ruith Adams, London, was maid, of honour and the bridesmaidls were Mrs. Harold McLemens, Ottawa, couslin of the bride, -and Mrs. Jim. Rodger, Blenheim. . John Harris, Toronto, was best man and guests were- ush­ ered by Dave Emmerton; ’Lon­ don and > George Youngblut, Woodstock. ■ A reception followed in the -Legion- Hall," Kincardine, where the bride’s 'mother received in a beige late dress over taffeta with matching accessories. Her corsage, was of golden chalice roses. The bri'dlegraam’s mother assisted' wearing a two-piece dress of aqua-coloured brocade, black accessories and rose cor­ sage. . For the wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride changed to a shrimp-coloured crepe dress' with matching hat and White gardenia and Steph­ ane tis corsage. She, wore ' a white coat with black shoes and bag. An evening reception for the wedding guests and friends took place at the Legion -Hall later. The couple will live in Lon­ don.- The bride was honoured on several occasions prior -to her marriage. Her Sister, Mirs. Charlie Lee, Wiingham, had a miscellaneous shower for her With Wingham. friends as guests. A Relative miscellaneous shower was .held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Emmierton, Kin­ cardine, aunt of the bride. The groom’s . sister, Miss Ruth Adams, hosted a miscel­ laneous shower' for the groom’s relatives at the home of Mrs., Lloyd Stewart, couslin of the ' r 1 ' j ................in- ■ groom at Londesboro. Ann’s girl'friends and former classmates were entertained at the home of Mrs. Tom Walsh, Kincardine, aunt of the bride. After happy reminiscing they presented her with a ‘Royal Doulton tea service to match her Chinaware. A surprise party for the pros­ pective bride and groom was held at the home of Misses Betty and Shiifey 'Hetsler when chums gave Murray and Ann a set of TV tables. Mrs. Will'i'am Walsh was -hos­ tess for a trousseau tea in hon­ our of her daughter prior to the wedding. Mrs? Gerald Qrboks invited friends and neighbours to her home . for a .pleasant evening and get-together •Where Ann received a pair of living-room lamps. -o- MIDDLETON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jaimes C. Shearer of Fairfields Farm, Bright. SOMETHING BETTER HAS BEEN ADDED REXALL NEW LOW PRICES ON EVERY DAY HEEDS ,.... 1 ASA-REX TABLETS, headache ' : .. Only 59c Only 69c ~ ‘ r 98c 79c 63c 98c tablets, 100's ....................' vitaF£'5LN/^E.V^B’-ETS' 50'3 ............ «n.y VITAMIN C TABLETS, 100 mams., 100's Onlv ^!rANJJSEPTIC M0TH WASH, 16-oz. ■ . Only ^aMbZ^AJ1TISEPT,C MOUTH WASH, 12-oz. Only AGA-REX FAMILY LAXATIVE, 16-oz ~ ' ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULES, 8 s .... .. COOL ROLL-ON DEODORANT, 1-oz REDI SET HAIR SPRAY, 11-oz Only 98c 69c 69c Only Only Only Jtnton, Ontario E. Stanley Beacoek, London, lias been appointed first region­ al director of the Midwestern Regional Library Co-Operative. He will start his .duties on Oct­ ober 1. Since 1961 Mr. Beacock has been assistant director of Lon­ don Public Librairy and Art Museum'. Previous.. to that, he worked' with country libraries in Ohio in the United States and in Lambton County. The Midwestern Regional Li­ brary-was organized nearly two years ago to help improve li­ brary service in the four coun­ ties of Waterloo, Wellington, Perth ‘and Huron. It Will set up services that' most of the small­ er 'libraries in the region .are unable to provide to their bor­ rowers. It will have available in Mr. Beacock an experienced professional who will offer ad­ vice to any library seeldng ‘help. William .Templin of Fergus, chairman of' the Regional Board, said that he is quite happy wli'th the chbide of region­ al director. “A number of appli­ cations were received, includ­ ing several from the United States”, said fthe chairman, “and Mir. 'Beacock was our first choice”. PRESCRIPTIONS Attend Your Church All Services on Daylight Saving Time I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) < Pastor: Hugh Bur,ritt, B.A. I Sunday, July 10 ; 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School I 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship < ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ; Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. - Sunday, July 10 Sunday School withdrawn for July and Aug. 11:00 a.m.—'Morning Worship Wesley-Willis congregation will worship with us. TURNER’S 9:45 a.m.—Church Service 10:45 am.—Sunday School ISntteh (HfynrcljeB REV. A. J. MOWATT, B.A., B.D., Sunday, July 10 Minister I Summer Clearance Dresses Petites - Misses ■- Half Sizes Skirts r A EE Sleeveless Blouses Vrr Summer Slims Shells - Swimwear - Shorts UNION SERVICES Wesley-Willis and Holmesville will Ontario Street Church during worship In July ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH K Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, July 10 — Trinity 5 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion ■ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director 1/3 OFF Our Assortment of Gowns Pyjamas, Dormer Sets Assorted Colors — S-M-L Sizes , SPECIAL Baby Doll Sleepwear Values to $6.95 Special Only $1.98 Summer Dress Goods All 20% OFF LADIES' WEAR and DRY GOODS CLINTON « HENSALL « METER ’ I The Mrs. M. 10:45 Sunday, July 10 No Church School in July a.m.—Public Worship Junior Congregation during morning service as usual. EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, July 10 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 jp.m.—Evening Service Speaker: John Aitken, Shelboume. Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister Sunday, July 10 10:00 a.m.—-Service in English 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 (p.m.—tSOirviCe in Dutch Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St Thomas, listen to “Back to God Hour”, ............ . .. . .. EVERYONE WELCOME ■ ■........... ■ ......