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Clinton News-Record, 1966-06-30, Page 10
Page 1Chw0.liO.t9Bi News-Record—-Thurs., June 30, 1906 Midgets Tie First, Win Second Clinton Kids Beat The Heat Last Weekend CLINTON 3—MITCHELL 3 (By Robert Livermore) On June 23, Clinton Midget baseball team tied Mitchell 3-3 at Mitchell. Due to the regula tion of a seven inning’ game throughout the' schedule, the game wais called at the end of the seventh, Mitchell grabbed an early 2-0 lead in the 'first against starter Don Bartliifif, on two walks and a single. The Clinton Legion Midgets came back and took a, 3-2 lead after three innings. In the third John Irwin led' off with a Single, Dave Johnston followed with a Single, Rick Fremlin delivered a sacrifice fly to deep left to .account for the first run. Bultoh Fleet got on via an error, stole second' and rode home when Larry Pickett lin ed a single, then Cam Colqu- houn followed with another single. to- score Pickett. Mitchell tied the game. 3-3 in the bottom of the fourth when a Walk and itwo Clinton errors produced a run. Larry Pickett came in with ■the biases loaded' in the seventh to strike ouit his batter to pre serve the tie for Clinton. The hitting stars for Clinton were Larry Pickett and John Irwin With two'hits each. Oth er single were hit by Colqu- The yearly weekend outing ,of the 1st Clinton Lions Cub Pack ' was held out at flue Cub Camp on the Maitland River, June 18 and 19 with 28 Cubs attending. On Saturday, Cub . Master' Len Fawcett 'and assistant Cub Master Jack Porter took the boys on a hike. They were to bring back leaves, from differ ent types of trees and' identify them. Also helping was Peter Thompson, who was testing , 3 Cubs for their Woodsman Bad ge; three'other Cubs tried for their Personel Fitness Badge, green stage, and received it. Saturday evening - they all joined1 in for a campfire sing and a weiner roast. Sunday morning Ak'ela held a Sunday School service for the Cubs1 and later they went for a dip in the Maitland which nat urally, the boys claimed wasn't long enough. Meals for the weekend were, prepared by Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Fawcett. Jack Gallant, Huron District Scout Commissioner, arrived Sunday afternoon for inspection , of the camp. Ladies Split $500 at Clinton Bingo Mrs. Durocher, left. CFB Clinton, and Mrs, Kay Larder, right, of Goderich, have just been handed $250 cheques by Percy Brown, secretary of Clinton and District Community Centre Centennial Fund. The ladies, split the major bingo prize of $500 at Clinton Lions Arena Monday night. Clinton service clubs are co-sponsoring a series of eight bingos for the new community centre, the front of which is shown in the above picture. (News-Record Photo) SPECIAL $2.95 CHIP AND DIP In dlear Glass Reg, $3.95 ..... SALAD BOWL In Clear Glass With Servers M' ftrReg, $2.95 ........................ SPECIAL ^l«7v V COMPORT In Clear' Glass on 5" Stem M ftrReg. $2.95 ....... SPECIAL JI.7D houn, Johnston and Ft'etrnli'ii. In pitching six, and WQ^tflWdls innings, Don Bartlilf struck pyt. 11, but $ix walks and pne hit batsman got ten in trouble in a few innings. r Clinton .... 003 000 0-r-3 Mitchell .... 200 100 0—3 Clinton: Bartlilff, Pickett and Coiquhoun; Mitcliell: Kiss- npr and Robinson. » :|; * CLINTON 15—LISTOWEL 3 (By Robert Livermore) On June 27 ait Listowel, the glintpn Legion Midgets bombed Listowel 15-3 to keep their un beaten streak intadt. Larry Pickett went the -dis tance in striking ouit nine bat ters. Clinton made the mosit of nine hits, nine bases on balls and seven Listowel errors to gain the w<in,. ;The hits' were evenly distributed among the players', Allan Howes and Bruce 'Soho’enhals had two hits apiece to lead 'the attack; Larry Pic kett, Gary Fleet, Don Barfliff, John Irwin and Dave Johnston had one each. ■Clinton scored two runs in the first .inning as' Howes led off with a perfect bunt, Pickett walked; Howes raced all. the way home on an error' and a passed ball. Pickett 'scored as Bartliff grounded out. They add'ed three more in the second inning on three sin gles !and two walks. In tire third inning, Clinton put the game out of reach as they came up with five big tal lies. A triple by Pickett and a double by Fleet were the big blows. All three Listowel runs were unearned as Clinton made im portant miscues in productive situations. r Clinton .... 235 203 0—15 Listowel .. 000 111 0— 3 4 7 Clinton: Pickett and Oolqu- houn; Listowel: McConnell, Kaufman (3), Howes- (6)' and White.- Batting Leaders . After two games' of the sch edule, John Irwin leads .the team.'in batting with a .666 av erage; Larry 'Pickett is second with .430, followed by Dave1 Johnston with .400. Play Tonight Clinton plays at Hensall to- night (Thursday) and the game is scheduled to start ait 6.45. Don Bartlilff is scheduled pitch this one. -----------o---------- Correction We emeid in reporting colour bearers in ''last week’s story of the cenotaph dedica tion in Clinton Library Park. Mrs. John Kraszewski was' one of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary •colour bearers) not Mrs. -Burke as reported!. to the h e 9’3 Peewees Lose . It was a wise decision of Clinton Recreation Committee to open the Community Swimming Pool earlier this year. It was full on Saturday afternoon To Exeter Team C1 i, n r o n Kinsmen Peewee baseball team lost a two game series to Exeter last’ Friday and Saturday'. In Exeter, Friday, tine Clin ton battern of Brian Edlgar, pitcher, and Barry Edgar, cat cher, were relieved by Gary Cummings and Jim Engel in the sixth inning after Exetea’ had run up a 10-5 lead. Clin ton pitchers struck out 11 bat tel’s but walked eight. Mc- Knight, the Exeter pitcher, sitruok out eighit. ■ Clinton runs were scored by Brian Edgar, Gary Gummings, • Bruce Craig, Danny Coiquhoun and Glenn Irwin. Clinton Exeter r .... 003 002— 5 ..... 005 302—10 Lose At Home On the following night, the local peiewees again lost to Exe ter, 7-6. Cummings started on the mound! and was relieved by Edgar in the seventh. They struck out six, walked two and hilt three batters. Clinton runs'Were scored by: Brian Edlgar (3), Brian Lang- ille, Gary Cummings and Den nis “Deline. r Exeter ......... 300 011 2—7 Clinton ....... 103 110 0—6 McEwans JEWELLERS LIMITED CLINTON 482-’ The kids1 wading pool was also well patronized. / (News-Record Photos) Former Goderich Passes In Detroit Glengarry MacDonald of De troit, Mich., passed away on June 22 at the Arnold' Sr. Citi zens Home lin his 85th year. He was born and reared in Gode rich Township, a son of the lates James^ and Helen (Miaic- •Dougall) MacDonald. He attended Bethany Slafoj bath School, SS 5 Goderic'ii Township, Gode r i c h • High School and' the Goderich Modlel School. Mr. MacDonald taught pub lic school in Teieswater area for one year, going to Detroit after this where he held posi tions with W. H. Hannan Realty .Co., Detroit, and Lincoln Steel Range of FreOmont, Ohio. Returning to Detroit in the early days Of the Ford Motor Co., he took a position with Ford and worked there for 19 years, later going to work for Murray Body Co. and later to Briggs Manufacturing where he worked until his .retirement. He was predeceased by his .wife, the former Margaret Inez Campbell of Pennsylvania, three years ago. He- was a mjember of the Masonic ’Lodge and a member of Palmer Park Presbyterian OhurCh. Interment was in Cranberry, Pa. . Survivors include a son, 'Jam es C. MacDonald and a daugh ter, Mrs. B. W. (Jean) Trimble and three grandchildren; a bro ther, Colin MacDonald .and a sister, Mrs. William J., (Alda) Gray of Goderich Township. (Continued from f’age One) The major prize of $500 was split beltween Mrs, Kay. Larder, Goderich and Mrs, Durocher, CFB Clinton ($250 each)’. • ' The two regular share-the- weiaith bingos were, won by Ed. Dick, 'Cromarty ($67.30). and. Mrs. Jack Pelletier, CFB Clin ton and Mr. McLennon, Luck now, split $65.25. , $5.00 door prizes were; won by Mrs. Thelmla Jones, Bruce- field and Mary Ervine, Bag field. Extra chances'may, ibe had on the $5.00 door prizes by bringing newspaper clippings of this advertisement in district newspapers. '. . Winners' of the 15 regular bingos for $30.00 each were: Bill Austin, Seaforth; Mrs.- N. Mattson* Hensall; Mrs. Thel ma Jones, Brucefield; Mary Pennington, Brussels; Mark Vi Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealdr.: 481-9321 CLINTON Open each evening until 9 for your convenience. •SKYWARD ONLY DOWN ✓ 16 additional pieces FREE! 8 Coffee Spoons, 8 Salad Forks (Regular $21,20 Value) SERVICE- - "Butch" suggests a pre-holiday Check-up. Include Front End Alignment; Stops shimmy arid tire wear, makes steeririg a pleasure. The cost is low. Why not make your appointment TODAY. ' , , - ' ANSTETT We have a stock of new cars ready for the road. TRY US TODAY FOR A DEAL! Can't afford a new. one? $ee our stock of late model cars from '65 down,1 They have bben fully inspected and reconditioned by factory trained, licenced friechanics, IF YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH US, YOU CAN'T DEAL ANYWHERE. " - Special to farmers* We know you are busy with the hay. Would a TRUCK help? New models for immediate delivery, plus some good used ones. If you a,re too busy to corrie to us, give us a call. We'll gladly come to you. We promise,not’to waste your time. Tienkamp,' "Clinton; E. Metcalf, Wingham; Mrs. Marshall, Clin ton; Mns. Herb McAdam, Gode- rti'dh'; Mrs. Palmer, CFB Clin ton;- Mrs. Fred Miller, Clinton; Mrs.. COiiff. Proctor, Clinton; Mrs. Cutit, ’■ Goderich;. ’ Those who split !$30 • biiiigos were:;'-;. < » . •' Mr.; Beadlie, Auburn', -Mrs. D? Norman, .Oliihtpn; 'S'. .Baird, Brucefield; Bill Austin, ‘ Sea forth. and Del Cook, .'Holmes ville; - ' ' .' , / ’ . - Mrs.. N. ‘ Baird, Brucefield; Mrs. R. D. Fremlin, Clinton and ,Alex McMichael, .Clintoh;- •Mrs; /Wiittaker, Hgrisall ’and Mrs.-' 'Palmer, CFB Clinton. The remaining games' in the bingo series ’will <be:tevery sec ond Monday evening .in Clinton Lions Arena on July 11 and' S5, August 8’ and- 22 and Septem ber 5 and 19. f '■* 46,118 Witnesses At Toronto Jehovah Rally An overflow crowd of 46,118 heard Nathan H. Knorr, presi dent of the Watch Tower .So ciety, at the main siessicGri. pf the “God’s Sons of Liberty”, District Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses. Harl McNally, pre siding minister .of the Clinton Congregation, stated -that Mr. Knorr’s subject at- the ONE grandstand (in Toronto was en titled “What Has God’s King dom Been Doing Since 1914?” Attending were ' delegates from eight provinces of Canada, 45 states and 14 other countries, A new Bible-study tod; en titled “Lafe Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God’’, was announced and released at th© convention. Two million copies were printed in the first edition. At mass immersion ser vices conducted in connection With the convention, 483 new ministers were baptized. Up to 8,00Q of the delegates volunteered them ’time 'free Of, charge to take, care , of the working force and to- maintain the organizational structure of the 20 departments set up to serve the convention’s needs. The Toronto gathering was the first of 16 such conventions RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, June 30 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. ,1 special game for $25.00, the first letter “L” and first Tetter “T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 sharedhe-wealth games, jack pot- applies on those 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for ?1.00. . tfb Friday, July 1—Dance, Au burn Hall, Ian W-ilbee’s Orch estra. Lunch counter. Proceeds Goderich Hospital Building Fund. Sponsors, COF, Benmil- ler. . ' 25-6b Sunday, July 3—Kingsbridge Garden Party, Turkey, Ham, full course meal served from' 4-8 p.m. Adults $1.50,. children 75c. , 26b July 4-15 — Vacation Bible School at Maple Street Gospel .Hail, 9 a.m.-ll:40 a.'m. Stories, crafts and games. . Come . and bring a friend. 25-6b Tuesday, July 5 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 iri 56 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 8—Annual Open Rose Show, Clinton Council Chambers 2:30' to 9:30 p.m. Clinton Citizens Horticultural Society, sponsors. Door "prize. 26x-27b Saturday, July. 9—Bake Sale New Ritz Hotel,' Biayfieid, 11 a.m. auspices Trinity Church WA. ■ - 26b Saturday, .October 1 — Penny Sale, Council Chambers, spon sors, -Ladies Auxiliary to Clin ton Public Hospital. 26b. •T.M. Oneida Ltd. •LILAC '^FLIRTATION TIME A 34-piece Service for 8 in Regency Drawer Chest 8 Knives, 8 Forks, 8 Teaspoons, 8 Place Spoons, 1 Sugar Spoon, 1 p,'tter Knife. Suggested p—ice$79,95 PRICE arranged by tlie Watcb Tower Society foi’ Canada and the United States tins summer. The' next convention, with an idem tkial program, begins Wednem day, June 29, at Corner' Brook, Newfoundland. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON 2 Shows Nightly Come as Late as 11 p.m. .and See a Complete Show. Box; Office Opens at 8 p'clock First sfiow starts at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 30—July 1 THE FIRST Feature Length ALL COUNTRY MUSIC Motion Picture Ever Filmed. “Country Music On Broadway” Loaded with over 30 HIT SONGS HANK SNOW FERLIN HUSKY SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS JR. STONEWALL JACKSON AND MANY MORE STARS Color Cartoon 6 BIG NIGHTS SAT., JULY 2 to FRI., JULY 8 HERE COMES THE BIGGEST BOND OF ALL! IAN FLEMING'S Starring SEAN CONNERY - JAMES BOND SECRET AGENT 007 CLAUDINE AUGER COLOR... (Adult Entertainment) . . . CARTOON . SILVERPLATE Your choice from these three beautiful patterns by the famous Oneida Silversmiths