HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-30, Page 9WANTED For Clinton and District1 Experience Preferred But Npt Essenfiql Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Corre.pondent—Phone 526-7595 Miss Patripia Millian, RR 5, Godericlr, W^S • hostess for a .bridal shower fo.'V .Miss Mwle .Leatherland q£ Clinton, The ladips Were eptaitainied with a program: a contest given’ by Dianne Nicholson; piano solo by Sherry Plaetzer; reading and music poptest by Miss Irene BfrlirnlmeRTpid Patricia Millian,, a reading. Master' Larry Plaet- gef showered thg bride-tp-be with many beautiful gifts aftet Which a buffet lunch' was en- joyed. ‘ " , Mrs, Wes Bradnock, Sheron , and George Collins, attended the Stratford Numismatic Soc­ iety banquet at tJhe Plaza yest- au'yant 'last Monday eVeniing. Anyone Wishing tp order Hol­ land flower bulbs for fall piant- ing tluuugh the Auburn Ijontb. . cultural Society, please your order !in to Mrs. Craig before July 9. ! A new Canadian flag’ chased by the Auburn. Women’s ’ Institute is naw flying above the Library; 'the ' Village Trustees have had 'the pole painted' and, the pulleys repair­ ed, Mir. and Mrs. Gordon.1 R. Tay­ lor visited last week With their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rath- . Well, Mr. Rathwell, Michael and • Janice of Brantford; ’ Scoutmaster' Percy Youngs blut and eight scouts' of First Auburn Troop attended , the, Scout. Jamboree ■’ at Camp ...... .... " .... . East Wawanosh Pair Celebrating Golden Wedding AUBURN —* Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Armstrong, of; East Wa­ wanosh Township, will cele­ brate their golden weddiiing'day by holding open house on July 2 for friends, relatives and neighbours. , Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were married. in St. Andrew’s Church, Bly th, by Rev. W, D. Turner. , • 'Mrs. Armstrong, was 'the for­ mer Sarah Maude Wells, eld­ est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William. Wells of Hul- lett Township. Following their marriage 'they took Up resi­ dence on thie farm home’ ahid have resided there ever since; They -have two. sons, John of East Wawanosh' and Robert at home; also four grandtahildren. Mrs. Armstrong has' one ^Sister, Mrs; Colin 'McDonald, arid one , brother, Dave Weills, bath of Blytih. Mr. Armstrong has one sister, Mrs; Gertrude Vanstone, Toronto. Mr; arid Mrs. Armstrong are both members of Knox United Churcri and Mais. Anthsitsrong is ■a’ mlemper of the UCW. She is also u charter member of*the Auburn Women'’s Institute. Mr. Armstrong has been a. member of the Canadian Order of For- reSterfs, Court Dufferin No. 46 for over 60 years and recently received' his 60-year jewel. ' _---:—,-----o--------;—• Crocker, The Scouts, were George Collins, Gerry Bene, Billy Empey, Ken Empy, Law Ldckharti Nejl Bppkhap^ Bold Schneider and' Paul Gross. The 1 40th annual. memorial service of Ball's cemetery Will be held next Sunday, July 3 at. 3 p.m. The service, this year is in the charge of "jSt, Mark’s Anglican Church and Rev, G. E. ■ .Pakepham will be the- guest speaker ’'assisted by other min­ isters of the village.. Rev. and Mrs. Gajnro'tt and family of Toronto have arrived at their cottage' on the , banks .of the Maitland River, 1 • Miss Lila. ’ Youngbl ut, Gode? rich, is visiting with her broth­ er, Arthur Youngblut, after cn- joying .a three weeks' visit in England, Scotland, France and Switzerland. 1 , •;• ■ Mr.: and. Mrs. Ray Taylor and fapiily, Welland, •visited la’sit week’ with* his sister, .-.W, Robert Arthur,- -Mr. Arthur and Jayne. < 1 Dan MacRean, , Kincardine, is visiting with’;hi$ nephew, Ken­ neth Scott, . Mrs.' 'Scott and family,; . Mr, and' Mrs. ‘Thomas John­ ston attended the .Orange Ser­ vice ajfS^gjjidlen/s last’^ubday. 1 x ■ '■ |1 J IT, fl pur- Junior Farmers Picked Travelling Scholarships JoAnne Alton, RR 7, Luck­ now, 22, a member of the North Huron Junior Institute and Ggorge Townsend, RR • 3, Sea­ forth, 19, a member of the Sea­ forth* Junior Harpers,t will rep­ resent -Huron County at the Provincial Leadership Training Camp to be held', at Geneva Park, ‘Lake Couch i'dhing/ Sept­ ember 5-12. Provincial campers, will be participating in . leadership, training in its various phases and will return ito their .resipect- •ive counties where they are ex­ pected . to make a further con­ tribution to. Jupi'or Farmer ac­ tivities. George Townsend is currently,' farming with his father arid. JoAnne Alton is a registered nurse, and works Drs. Corrin and McKim Lucknow, Sharon Seaforth, Seaforth Jamieson rich, 25, a member of the Clin­ ton Junior Farmers, have been selected .to participate in the Eastern' Ontario and* Quebec bus trip August 14r20. Included in the itinerary Will MacKenzie, RR, Thurs., June 30, News-Recprd-—Page for in 1, 18, member' of the Junior Institute and Ribey, RR 6, Gode- be visits to.' Kingston, Upper Canada .Village, 'the S.L Law­ rence Seaway, •M'W'tre'al, .Que­ bec City,, Ottawa 'and Peterbor­ ough. Mi$s MacKehzie has- com­ pleted her grade' 12 ekaanis at the Seaforth' District High School while Mr. Ribey is farm­ ing wifh his father, . . - ‘ ■ Ross Veitch, RR 2, Brussels, 25, a member of the North ■Hutr- on • Junior ? Farniers,. > will b'e Huron ‘County’s ambassador1 on the' United Nations bus trip, September -18-24’. Thfe;itinergry Will 'include the cities , of Wash­ ington arid New 'York with vis­ its to the United Nations:.Build­ ing- being billed as. a highlight.- Ross is, a graduate of the, diplo­ ma 'course . frorii the • Ontario Agricultural College and is cur­ rently; fanning with his father at home. ; . ■ • ‘\ AU.the young people selected are very active in 'Junior Farm­ er Work in-Huron County,. ----A L..-Q The Canadian Medical; Asso­ ciation: ’ notes ■ that more ,hg$ been learned about arthritis tip the.-last 15 years/than' "in. .tlie previous 1,5,00. ' ' ' ' . Boyce-Johnston Wedding Ceremony Held at Zurich Lutheran; Church REAL ESTATE AGENT Apply To: WILFRED MclNTEE & CO. LTD., REALTOR BOX 549 WALKERTON, ONT. Bride-To-Be Honoured By , AUBURN —"Large pink paper umbrella, pink and white streamers and colorful balloons diecorated the Sunday School room of . Knox Presbyterian Church ‘when neighbours, friends and relatives gathered to honor Miss Mattie Leather- land .with a shower prior • to ■ her marriage next weekend. Miss Margaret Haines was. master of ceremonies in charge ,of a short program. A sing-song was held with Mass Bernice McDougall at the piano. A con­ test naming the articles that an old-fashioned bride wore, was in charge of Miss Mary Band^r- soh; The bride in long ’‘White satin dress with; colorful acces­ sories Was Sheron Collins. The winner Was Mrs. Stanley Ball. An impromtu quartette cam- posed of Mi's. Andrew Kirk- Connell, Mrs; Harold McClin- Ohery, Misses Patricia Millian ■and Martie. Koopmans shng/iaiid another quartette of Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs* George Millian, Misses GWeri McDowell' arid Brenda East sang. Miss Mar­ garet Sanderson gave' ah action reading about Little Red Rid­ ing Hood, lihe orchestra .sorig •Was led by Miss HaiirieS and Miss Maritie Koopmans and dll took part. The guest of 'honor was es­ corted to the dteebirated chairs by Miss Maty Sanderson ■„ arid the Sister of 'the bride-6'lecit, Miss Joyce Leatherland Was es­ corted by Miss Mariah Youhg- blut. Beautiful corsages were . pinned on the guests of honor. Miss Hairies read an address of congraulations to Miss Marie “Atjd itthe gifts were carried In by Misses Mary and. Margaret rSanderson, Marian Youngblut, and Sheron Collins. Marie thanked her many friends for the many uscdful . Adastral Park Cubs Receive Awards / ’ At. last Sunday’s Mass in CFB Clinton’s R.C. Chapel, seven smiling Cubs ‘ received their Religion and Life Awards from the R.C. Chaplain. Left to right, Philip Leger, Ken. Lapointe, Wayne Barr, Father Richard Bussey, Richard La- pensee, John Short, Mike Marchand, and Greg Stone. (Canadian Forces Photo) 4-H Girls Achievement Day I ALUMINUM STEP LADDERS , MR. AND MRS. .A pretty double-ring cere­ mony was solemnized at St. . Peter’s Lutheran . Church, Zurich, on Saturday, June 18 by Rev. A. Blackwell, when Alice, E. Johnston was 'mar­ ried to James R. Boyce,. Lon­ don, son of, Mr., and Mrs. Frank Boyce of. Varna, t ' <■ • The bride1 Wore a floor­ length gown of white georg­ ette" over taffeta, and a crown headpiece with a shoulder- length veil. She wore a cor- (Phoio'fyy 'Fred. H. BisSet JAMES R. BOYCE sage bf' neid. roses. Her t only attendant, Mils. Thomas . Young, Goderich, . ware an. ice blue floor-length ' gown similar'to the bride;, Best ■ man was, Clayton Boyce.. : A reception followed at .the home of the bride’s aunt,' Mr; and. Mrs. George Wilson, Bayfield. . Following a trip to points',J north, the •couple’ will reside in Bayfield for 'the present;, r Held In Auburn Hall the various clubs, were attrac­ tive. Fifteen clUbs put on a skit, demonstration or gave com­ ments on 'the exhibits based' on their project, “Accent on Ac­ cessories’’. :% Those commenting on . their exhibits were Carol Steep, Holmiesville; Carol McIlwain, Goderich; Linda Jefferson, Au­ burn; Bonnie Stewart, McKU- lop; Betty Salverda, Clinton; Di'ane Pickard, Clinton; Ricki Willems, Seaforth and Sherrill Craig, Walton. In’ the other clubs mlast of the members! par­ ticipated! in skits or demonstra­ tions. The highlight of the after­ noon’s program was the presen­ tation of Provincial honor pins and certificates to Miss Marian Hickey, RR 3, Auburn and Miss Ricki Willems, RR 4, Seaforth. The presentation was made by Mrs. Gordon1 R, Taylor, past district secretary < for West Huron District. Those receiving County honor pins and certificates were .Brenda Ball, RR 1, Auburn; Betty Salverda, RR 1, Clinton; Margaret Stewart, RR 1, Qin- . t y."; U" . .‘AUBURN' 7- Over ClUb. .members' from Tuckersmith;. Tiger Seg.forth, Moirfis, • ! Lond'esboro, Holmesville, Gode­ rich, Clinton and Auburn at­ tended the • Achievement Day: .for' the spring project, “Accent ■on Accessories’’- The event yas held, 'in Auburn Community Hall, Saturday, June 25.’ Miss: -Diane Liddiard, ‘home economist' for Huron County, was, in charge of the day’s pro- 'grath; she was assisted by Miss Carol Woad,/ home economist ■for' Oxford County and Mfss Irene*' Collins of Perth County. Thb girls spent the morning judging; sets of co-ordinated ac­ cessories -and planned a Wt of accessories for an illustrated costume. They also, answered a f quiz on selecting, planning and caring for their accessories. ' The leaders of the various clubs Were1 presented with their badges: Auburn 1, Mrs. Etean- br Bradnock; Mrs. Frank R'aith- bfo Auburn 2, Mrs. Ed. Davies; Clinton 1,'Mrs. N. Tyndall, Mrs? R; Thompson; , Clinton 2,. Mrs. K.-Tyndall, Mrs; W. Holland; Goderich, Mrs. B. McIlwain, Mrs. 'A. Porter; Holmesville, Mirs. E. Yeo, Mrs. L. Rodges; Londesboro, Mrs. J. Howatt, •Mrs. R. Snell’;' McKillop, Mr’s. Q.. Little, Mrs. F. Storey; Mor­ ris, Mrs. J. McNichol, Miss M. Phalen; Seaforth District, Mrs- W. Whyte, Mrs. J. Broadfoot; Seaforth 1, Mrs. R. Doig, Mrs. C., Vanderzoh; Seaforth. 2, Mrs. G. MacKenzie, Mrs; F. Sills; Tiger.‘Dunlop, Mrs. E. Hunter, Mrs. W.z Bogie ( TuckerSmith, Mrs. E/'Whiltmore, Mrs; F. Fal­ coner; ' Walton, Mrs. K. Mc­ Donald,. Mrs. G. Watson. , The afternoon’s program of skits' and ■ demonstrations was very informative ’and entertain­ ing, and the 'exhibits placed' by 150 4-H . Walton, Dunlop, McKillop, I • ton; Diane Pickard, RR 4, Clin­ ton; Angela Devereaux, RR 4, Seaforth; Patricia Durst, RR 2, Clinton; Linda Hunter, RR 3, Goderich; Patricia Millian, RR 5, Goderich; Joannie Veldhuis, Dungannon and Sherrill Craig, Walton. The girls voted to have the Centennial food's project for the 1967 fall project. -----------o----------- SS4 Community Club Holds Picnic at Lobb's < r In order, to keep.,abreast with new. developments- in tlh'e cur­ rent era of explosive • scientific advance, the medical doctor to­ day’ has to be a life-long stu­ dent,, the Canadian •Medical As- ‘.sdeiation says. In effect, the doctor ‘ must • spend from the dhy he enters university until the' day he retires from active professional pursuit in- continu­ ous 'education. ,< J... - ........ Amateur Radio Club Field Day The Boy Scouts camp ground, two miles west of Brucefield, at Bannockburn Bridge, was the scene of an 'amateur radio international.., field day last weekend. The main purpose of the event was to evaluate amateur communications procedures and equipment at 'a remote site us­ ing emergency power., A total- of nine complete radio Stations Were in continuous operation for a 24 hoiir period. Each sta­ tion attempted to contact as many other stations as possible; points were awarded for each contact made. Competing in the Field Day was CFB Clinton’s Amateur Radio Club under the direction of Sergeant A. B. Hampshire. This valuable practice en­ ables the Club to be of service to the surrounding area should normal commuhicatioins be lost or overloaded due to a natural disaster. SS 4' Goderich Township Community Club held its an­ nual picnic iat Lobb’s Hall on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Murray Forbes and Mrs. Don Lobb were in charge of ‘the .sports. The pre schoolers enjoyed a ball tossing game and all won prizes. Races: girls, 6 to 8, Frances Batteye, Brenda Forbes; boys, 6 to 8, Jamie Thompson, Mi­ chel Howard; girls, 9 to 11, Marion Thompson, Dianne Tyn­ dall; boys, 9 to 11, Gerry.Lobb, F^eddiie Bird; girls 12 and over, threading the needle, Dianne Tyndall and Connie Forbes; boys, 12 and over -race, Ivan Merrill; Men, board walking race, Bill Lobb, Murray Forlbes, Jack Tebbutt; women, rings on bat­ tle neck, Lula Merrill; kick the Slipper, Lois Merrill, Patty Teb­ butt; Closest wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. • Jack Merrill; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, 37 years; lady with most buttons, Mrs. Bill Lobb; youngest present, Barbara Forbes; baldest man present, Irvine Tebbutt. About -70 sat down to a picnic supper. Thie ladies decided to cancel the Community Club meetings for July and August. /—■' . .... ......................... ! ■ J, <s t CLINTON <3I> INSIDE and OUTSIDE White Paints NOW ONLY S4.95 PER GAL 20% DISCOUNT on all Other C-l-L HINTS SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE A SERVICE STATION WITH HIGH GAS SALES POTENTIAL JI • . full training with pay FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IF NECESSARY RE-NEWABLL 3-YEAR LEASE FREE LIFE INSURANCE Phone (Collect) London 471-0320 Days London 433-6469 Evenings 1215 OXFORD ST. 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PICK UP 1961 PONTIAC 2 Dr. Hardtop Good Condition - C73526 Black - Like New - 524471 $950.00 $1,250.00 Charlie’s Auto Sales RAMBLER DEALER No. 4 HIGHWAY } HENSALL