HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-30, Page 66-~--Clinton June 30, 1966
0 S'
A VI?IT?T Wfc '
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Correspondent; AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phpne 565-2864, Bayfield
Subscriptions, Classified Advs, and Display Advs,
q|j accepted by the BdyfieQ correspondent,
...'."■■"■■■'J1:'............ !.. .. ..
Members <?f the Cl aA'clen Club,
London, of which Miss Ruth
Eayman is >a membei", gathered
ait the Liftiie Inn on Wednesday,
June 22 for their annual lunch
eon. They later toured several
gardens ,ahd woods of inWest
in .the village. On Thursday,
Holvcsville public, school teach
ers and their wives, held their
closing banquet at the Inn; an
other event Was the luncheon
attended by ladites of tfue etocu-.
ttiye belonging to the Metropoli
tan United C-hureh, London.
Vacationing te tee Jowdtt
cottage area, are: Mr. and Mrs.
John MiacKenzie and two child
ren. London; M^s. Roy Fromer
and daughter of Kitchener; Mr,
and Mrs. J. D. Barlow’., Grosse
Point, Mich,; Mrs. Thomas
Allien, her son 'and daughter-in-
law, Mr,
Allen and their daughter; Mr?
and Mrs. Charles Miller and
family, London; Dr, and Mrs.
Manley Thompson, Katherine,
Roderick and Clark, Chicago,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Den-
ornme andl faprily, Detroit.
Mr. iand Mrs. L. H. Burnell,
Stephen, Marian and Jane,
Guelph, Visited their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
Toms for the wdkend.
. Mr. and: Mrs. Berlt Sherriitt,
■their son Ron and his family,’
London, were', at; their cottage
for the weekend.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wagner,
Kitchener, are spending
weelcs at one of Flowers
tages on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson
Douglas, London, were at
cottage last weekend. John
Pearson was rewarded1 for his
early morriing fishing on Satur
day, with four large bass’.
Miss Heather Ferguson re
turned to Toronto on Monday
■after being at- her Dow Street
cottage for the past two weel<s.
Mr. and Mbs'. Jack Steadman,
Janet and Bill, Belleville, and
the Missels' 'Steadman spent the
weekend at the family cottage.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Steadman Sr., are
at present touring Europe.
Mrs. Beecher, Seaforth, stay
ed at her cottage Saturday and
Dr. and. Mrs. Wm. ’Aberhart,
London, accompanied by their
grandson, Bob, of Sarnia, have
been holidaying at their Bay
field Terrace cottage, also at
their cottage for the weekend
were’ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R.
Willock, Cathie, Douglas and
III I- I" —...............................- ■ ■ ■
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston
had as guests' from Thursday
until Tuesday, Mrs. Weston’s
brother ,and family, Mr. and
iMlrfs. Arthur Peters, their
daughter, Linda, and Miss Mary
Lou- WUcox, all of Detroit,
Mich. -■
Spending Tuesday and Wed
nesday with 'the Weston’s were
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hell-
mann and Ruth Ann from Case?
vill'eij TMlich..
Mr. and Mrs. TGrartk Ander
son ?and family accompanied by
Rodney Morrison, Science Hill,
spent Sunday with the lady’s
-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Sturgeon, ■
Phone 262-5180
Mr, and Mirs. Bert Faber left
• Thursday by car for a mon’tlh’s
Vacation in (Manitoba, Saskat
chewan -and Vancouver, B.C.
Robert Thomson celebrated
haS 89th birthday on. Friday
with a birthday supper at the
home of his son Bert. Mr. and
Mps. Bert Thomson, John,
Mary, Beatrice and' Bruce and
■Mb. Thomson spent Sunday
afternoon- at the cottage: of Bill
Storey at Bayfield', along with
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey, Sea
forth and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
McNiichol of Blyth. The occas
ion being a celebration, for Mr.
Thomson and Little Bruce Who
celebrated his 5th birthday on
Monday. The birthday cake was
made and decorated by his
granddaughter Mary Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Lawson
have returned from a month
long vacation to . the West
Coast,. where they were house
guests of Mr.-: and' Mrs. Allan
T. Johns, and sons Ken and
Larry of West Vancouver, B.C.
During their stay in. B.C. they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Not
tingham. and Mr, and Mrs. John
Nottingham arid family of Lad
ner, and Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon
Buchanan of Haney, as: well as
friends in- Burnaby and White
The Lawsons travelled 'to
Vancouver by train 'and return
ed 'home via bus through the
Rogers Pass to Calgary; train
to Winnipeg and spent a few
days . with Mr. and ’ Mrs. Ed
Crawford of Manitou, then flew
to London,.
While 'in Vancouver, Mr.
Lawson attended a color tele
vision seminar, and with Mrs.
Lawson, they were given a pri
vate tour through CTV’s tele
vision station CHAN, where
Larry Johns is on the mainten
ance Staff.
Remember When television
programs could be seen about
17 and 18 years ago in many
Canadian centres from US
border stations ?
■Remember how many of us
visited rich relatives or neigh
bors who could' afford a TV set
With a high antenna, and
, watched comedy and' mystery
shows and sporting events?
Remember how hotels invest
ed in TV sets and lured people
in off the streets to drink beer
with a sign in the window;
“Wrestling on TV Tonight”?'
And remember how appliance
dealers left sets on in t he win
dow all night to attract more
When colour officially begins
in Canada' in October of this
year, 'things will be different.
There’ll be no need
wait for the price
One company
General Electric) has produced
an lln'inch screen portable at
■a black and white price —
$399.95. / .
But, let’s make it more at
tractive financially. . This set
•has been ’ available for some
time fin the United States, sell
ing at much less than' the 400
dollar mark.
Public .approval " would be
forthcoming if government
foodies would abolish the 15
percent excise tax and' the 11
percent sales tax. These present
laws force Canadians to pay
26 percent more for television
sets than US citizens.' The 15
percent was a substitute for the
former radio licence tax, which
was wiped, out years ago. . ,
We suggest a “Centennial
Tax Cut”. .Eliminate the 26 per
cent, at least until after 1967.
Let all Canadians Who cannot
attend Expo in Montreal wit
ness this great spectacular via
colour television. •
Anybody care to guess how
they’ll be celebrating in the
year 2067?
and Mrs. Broder
Ainslie, Toronto.
Ailbiion Hotel guests over the
wekend included, Mrs. William
Sm^le, Grosse Pointe, Mich./
and Mr, and Mrs. T, Kruldy qf
Mr. and Mte, William Barber
and Bob oif :gt; Thomas^ were at
their cottage from Wednesday
until Saturday of last week.
My, and Mrs, J. B. Grime,
Derek and . Barry, and Don
Niqol of Guefliph, were- guests on
Saturday of Mr,; and Mrs. W.:
E. G. Bellchamber.
Mrs. David Battye entertain
ed the ladies of the staff of the
A.V.M. Hugh Campbell Public
School at OFB Clinton at a
luncheon on Wednesday.,
■Miss Ethel Blate,
was With her parents,
Mir's. Robert. Blair,
Craft Shop
Spent a pleasant hour brows
ing around' Emerson’s Canadian
Crafts Shop on Main' Street.-
Mrs. G- Emerson assisted by
Mrs. Earl, Glen are only too
happy to demonstrate the craft
of hdnd weaving on the twp
looms Ifn the shop. Mrs. Emer
son Will weave suiting and coat
lengths to order.
A large selection of the arti
cles are made locally, including
ceramics, needlepoint and sOme
fascinating hand woven hand-,
4 ‘Y
for us to
■to come
Ne.w Minister
Mr. and
for the
BAYFIELD — Six members
of Bayfield Library Board met
on Tuesday,, June .28, with
president Mrs. F. A. Clift in
the chair. Minutes1 were read
by secretary,' Mrs. Robert
Scotchmer and -treasurer’s re
port by Mrs. G. N. Rivers.
A’ discussion pertaining to’
book purchases' to be made
shortly, ip juvenile and adult
fiction and 'non-fiction classes.
Open hours for the months
of July and August are Mon
day, ,Friday and Saturday, 1:30
to 4:30 and Wednesday even
ing 7 to 9.
At the May meeting which
was not reported in this news
paper', the resignation of formier
president, Mrs. John MacKenzie
was received; the board ex
pressed their regret in accept
ing it, and Mrs. MacKenzie a-
greed to continue as a member
of the Board,
OPP Issues
A Quiet Evening Scene at Bayfield
' Canoeing -and boating on the Bay field River and harbour are popular’pas
times this year at the lovely resort village on Lake Huron.
______________________________ (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber)
Adastral Park
Social Notes \
Editor: Carmen Lawson —Phone 482-7337
Brownie Ring, Marin Sahlagel
was presented with her House
Orderly badge, and then Tawny
Owl, Mrs. Joyce Gale, gave-a
small summary of each of -the
Goldfen Hand Brownies’ record
since joining. , The .graduate
complete with mortar board, ■
then entered the arch-way,
formed! by the-rest of the pack,
and received her Golden Hand
from Brown Owl, Mrs. Mabel
Every girf in the pacl< was
presentjed with a chart showing
her’ individual’ achievements
throughout the year. The Gold
en Hand girls were,'given a
Golden Hand Chart as Well. Re
freshments were served by
Brown Owl 'and Tawny Owl,
With the. help of Colleen Mc-
Ilmoyl, Brenda Paulin, Linda
Humphreys and Mrs. Laurfe
Hewitt,. a Brownies’ mother.
The graduating class for ’65-
’66 was: Shelley . Brown/' Linda
Geiorge, Dorothy Htemstra, Val
erie Ursulak, Sandra Gagnon,
Susan «Gale, Kathy DieFoff,
Debbie - Fischer, ’ Jackie Hewitt,
and Nancy Delceilier.
Visiting with Cpl. andxMrs.
Edward Bond recently Were Mr,
and Mrs. Harvey Findlay and
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans
from Dartmouth, N.S,
Mrs. Babs MaGuire ‘and Mrs.
June Story were recently en
tertained at a farewell party.
Thirty-five guests enjoyed
themselves and lovely gifts
Were presented to the two
guests: of honour. Mrs. Laurie.
Hewitt and Mrs. Millie Mac
Farlane' hosted the reunion
Which was1 held, outside1. Opt.
and Mrs. MaGuire have left for
their new base 'in Oomox, B.C.
and LAC and Mrs. Story will
soon leave for Winnipeg, Man!
Sgt. and Mrs, Hugh Hodges
travelled’ to Kingston over the
weekend. Where they attended
the Wedding of their nephew.
Their daughter Debbie alsoi ac
companied them.
.Cpl. and Mrs. J. Thompson
have left CFB Clinton for their
new base at Moose Jaw, Sask,
A • surprise farewell party
Was held for Mrs. Verna Salt
on Friday evening. Mr's. Russ
Estabrooks hosted the party.
Twelve ladies attended and pre
sented 'the guest of honour
with a lovely parting gift.
Lunch was served outside on
■ the lawn,. '. i
Brownie News
On Tuesday, June 24, the
proud parents and friends of
Brownies of 3rd, Cllintoh GFB
Pack, witnessed a “'graduation
ceremony”. Each, graduate pre
sented her mother with' a gold
coloured1 hand made corsage1,• in
■honour of the' -occasion. After
. -In highway safety, the indi
vidual is supreme. He-can, by
hife act,1 in the- fraction of a
second, either fulfill the man
date to be a safe highway user,
or nullify the effort Which, bias
been .expended' to, safeguard
lives -and property. There is no
substitute for* individual ■ cau
tion, and no excuse for individ
ual carelessness.
Pioneer Park
Group Plans
Rummage Sale
Hunter pn$ her mother, Mlns,
Charles Rogers, Toronto, were
$t their village this week
end. The. 1966 Pionter Park
rummage sale which on July 12
is, iMfs. Hunter tells us, to be
the “best..eVer”, This year it is
to be “Christmas ip July”.
There is to be a Christmas
tree, and, We hear, a Santa
Claus'. . '
The usual weird and. wonder
ful array of goods will be for
sale, alt “next to nothing
prices”. A ”fir<” this year,- is a
'contest for the most artistic
centrepiece, open to all,
-------..... -—O’. ■ :.....
Use Classified Ads.
Order your berries early and be assured of
your requirements for this season.
Phone 482-3462
F. W. ANDREWS — Clinton
50 Strawberry Pickers Wanted50 Strawberry Pickers Wanted
St. And
on Tues-
service was held in
row’s United Church
day evening, June 28 for Donald
Beck, situdent minister, Who
will’ have charge “of Bayfield
and Pouter’s Hill Churches. Rev.
E.' Donald Stuart of Brucefield,
conducted 'the service anid .Rev.
Clifford G. Park of ..Clinton
preached1, giving some excellent
advice to both the people arid
•the minister.
A. social hour followed in the
Sunday School" room during
which Mr. and Mrs. Beck Were
introduced and welcomed- by
the . clerk of session, • John
Mr. and Mrs. Beck and their
five children will take up resi
dence in the United Church
mianlse on1 Louisa Street this
week. The congregation were
pleased to have -Rev, Peter and
Mrs.; Renner of Wiarton pre
sent’and to have him address
those present.
Mrs. Earl Glen is busy hand weaving at the
new Emerson’s Canadian Crafts Shop' which re
cently opened in Bayfield.
(Photo by Audrey Bellchamber)
l—.llliM...... I fa. .................KI I I I I ■■■«,
Medical rehabiliitation is a
continuous process that .starts
on the day of the patient’s in
jury or disease, and ends only
when he is able to- resume gain
ful employ or return to normal
daily activities, the Canadian
Medical Association reports.
.......■■■"■ '■■■.....■ ...................... ................
rini I>l
s [j
• *, ............... : • • ■ ■ . ■ ■ i . . ■ ■. -. . ■ . - /
On long holiday weekends,
traffic on Ontario Highways' is
increased by 50%. It’s getting
crowded! No wonder we have
to yield the right of way to
others once in awhile!
The need to share our high
ways with moire and more of
each Other creates exasperating
situations, for ’ sure-: ’Longer
lines of traffic, longer waits at
intersections,' ever-growing dif
ficulty in finding a convenient
place. ,'to park. .'
' But 'the moist serious side
effect is the increasing danger
of getting involved' in a traffic
accident. This is' reflected’ in
the increase in collision-type
accidents reported to the Ont
ario Provincial Police in 1965.
Make a mistake'in traffic —
especially .on a summer Week
end ■—• 'and your chances, of
getting away with it aren't
nearly as good as they used' to
be. By the Same token, the re
wards. for alertness and:' pa
tience — and obedience to itiraif-
fic laws —- are mulch more fre
quent ■ 'and1 wonthwhile than
they used to be.
IB Stoi
PONTIAC V-8, Automatic, with
FORD Fairlane, V-8, Automatic.
FORD Fairlane "500" Sedan
FORD Convertible^ V-8, Automa
tic, with radio.
CHEV. Impala 2-Dodr Hardtop,
with radio. -
FORD V-8, Standard Shift.
FORD V2 Ton Truck.
PHONE 482-9079
Make Your Arrangements Now
Before The Fall Rush
Phone 482-9411 Clinton \
Contact Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs
New Scouts Presented Witli Hats
Two new Scouts of the -,1st: Bayfield Troop,
Richard Peterson' and Brian Makins’1 have just
been presented with their Scout hats;by* Charlie
Scotchmer, representing Bayfield Lions Club which
sponsors Scouts and Cubs in the village, v The in
vestiture took place last Wednesday evening/
(Photo by Audrey ;Bellchamber)
■I—I.'I z
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Do you realize that, in your lifetime, you will pro-
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Certificate.. In ten, fifteen’ or twenty years you can
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do in a lifetime. At the same time, you can’ enjoy
the benefits of an ever-increasing reserve. , .
Just write or call:
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Or mall this coupon————-
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