HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-30, Page 3An old gentleman made thi|,S comment the other day: "You know, yoq don’t ^ee. anything but ten and twenty dollar bills tliesci days. I guess it’s because: them other smaller ones are no good to anybody ’.cepting for making change.” /This came on the heels of a discussion I’d had wi)th a lady Who for a hobby had kept track ‘ of her weekly grocery bills since 1960. Her findings Were , conclusive proof , that the old gentleman knew -whereof he spoke. Budget-weary women —• and men too —know teat an unex-! pected windfall of $2 left over on pay day is more of a head­ ache than anything else, In our house, “found money" like that ip earmarked for From My Window Headache Y Q- Clihtom 3 Thur?., June 30, 1966 ■ Trousseau Tea .Held For Miss Leather land .auburn' . Mirs.- Alvin ■ Leatherland1 entertained rela­ tives and friends last Saturday "at’a trousseau tea;in honor of . , her daughter Marie’s approach­ ing wedding. The 75 .guests Were received, 'by the bride-to- be, Miss" Marie Leatheriand, as­ sisted by her mother and Mrs. Charles Millian. Pink and white streamers and wedding bells decorated tee home; tee tea table was atract- ively centred with an arrange­ ment oif'irises. Pouring tea were Mrs. George Millian/ Mrs. Reig S'hultz, Mrs. . Mel Greer and ; Mrs. Frank Raithiby. Serving , the guests were Shirley Squire, ' Gedteridh, Miss- Mary Sander- son,, Miss Mafgaffeit Haines, Miss Barbara Sanderson arid Miss Margaret Sanderson. Showing the • trousseau and .gifts: were JVIis'ses IrenJe' Pfrim- ' • ,mer,' Bernice. McDougall, Joyce L'eatheriand and' Patricia Mil­ lian.- Assisting in the kitchen ■ were Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett, Mrs. Bert Daer, Mirs.. Carl Govier. and Mrs. Kenneth" Mc­ Dougall. •' •' ,. “extras” but these days extras cost more. Beginning July 1, the $2 bud­ get for music lessons each week : will become' “found money”. Summer vacation from the piano leaves 'us with a big wor­ ry — how to get the most pf our eight two dollar bills, { Spent .'Singly, they will give ps 'a weekly trip to the drive-in theatre - . . but even this simple activity causes straip. We cap take the kids or leave them at home either, way, Dad will have to dig deep fpr the added funds'to complet­ ely finance the night. ■ - If-we 'take the'- kids,, loose loot will bp required for the'de­ licious snacks the management is so prone to push, -If we hire a baby sitter, her fee plus the usual nibbling goodies (for the sitter and thie sifted) will nec­ essitate ia loan from another household fund. * , Wise readers will suggest an­ other alternative ... letting the eight crisp brown' bills ac­ cumulate until they can be ex- changed1 for three.others, one. purple, one blue and one green ..... a lump sum of $16 to blow all at. one grand time. * In,'theory the idea is top rate. In practice it is ridiculous. Two dollar bills are just right ■for paying' the cleaner, the paper boy, and the milk man a,nd the lucky salesman who happens by in a weak moment. By the time “outing day” has dawned, What should have 'been a bundle of neatly. folded bills is now a disappointing heap of change . . . and the posh dinner for two has diminished to a couple of milkshakes and a Hamburg. * More-’ than likely each of Shirley Keller those two bucks will serve boost teg eyer-low food budget, We’ll avoid the anxiety of ■over­ spending this summer to suffei the pangs of dieting next whi­ ter when oil bills will tak their toil of previous eating dol­ lars, ■ . . ■ Reception Held At Taylor Farm For Newlyweds In spite of the torrid, heat of tee day a' pleasant 'sopiali evening was'held lqst Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, . Robert > Taylor, Varna, wfhen friends:- and neighbors gathered'to honor newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs. ■ Barry Taylor of Lisitowel. Mir, and Mrs, Taylor (the former Patsy Evans of Oran-, brook, Ontario) were manned in Crahbrook Presbyterian Ch­ urch on May 14, Euchre, outside under the state was the order of the even­ ing and! tee ladies’ high .was won by Miss Carol- Taylor; men's high,1 John Sempfep-Mfs. Semple won 'the ladies’ low and Don Middleton, the men’s Don Taylor held the most hands'. Following 'euchre, the ored couple received the gift of a ■coffee-table. Tom Rath well read the address and Peter Post till -made- the presentation. Bride and groom both fitting­ ly thanked their friends and asked them to call. . A delicious lunch was served. - > > /I® -o- Clinton WI Hears Talk By Don Pullen The June meeting 'Of the Clin­ ton Women’s Institute was held in the board rooms- of the agri- . • cultural- office on June-.23. The president, Mrs; W. Colclough presided'. v After the opening exercises of the' meeting, Correspondence ■was read and business attended to. Ther’e was' a -discussion on Wat resolutions could be of benefit toi our town; The follow? ling '•'were suggested:. (1) A clean-up week; (2) Something ■ " done about the dogs at large during the -summer; (3) The' placing of benches in the 'lib­ rary-' park <and any other suit­ able place' to accommodate' the public.'. ' Mrs. Charles’ Nelson' report­ ed! on the 52nd West Huron annual district meeting held at Auburn June 7. There were 11 members from- the Clinton WI _ there. ' Mrs. E. Radford- was the co-h- verier of the topic on Agricul­ ture. She introduced Mr. Don Pullen, assistant agricultural representative for Huron Who gave an illustrated, talk' oh in­ sects -and pests and insecticides for , their control. ’ A question period followed. < Mrs. D. Bisback and Mrs, B. .Holland favoured with-musical selections. Mrs.' M. Wiltse told about her - trip by bus to Cali­ fornia -last February. Members of the Wl are re­ sponsible for the hospital cart during July. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Nelson’s group’. low. lone LONDESBORO MR$; BERT ALLEN . Phone 523-4570 Mr. and1 Mrs. Nelson Le'ar,Hfe parents are moving'- to Mr. and- Mrs. Stan Crawford and family and Miss Doris Lear of Burlington spent Sunday with the Undferwood . family ■near Wingham. - 'Mr. Underwood Who lost a broiler barn by fire a few weeks ago has replaced tee building'with a bam aefcom- mod'atiing.rikT.QQQ, .teidke.ns,-,.. Mrs. Robert' Fairseridcie and Miss Ahn -motored to Detroit ■on Friday. to attend' the wed­ ding of Charles Mair, .son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mair Which took place Friday evening. Mir. Kenneth Hunking accom­ panied by his parents, left last Monday morning on a. motor trip to Ottawa, also visiting other points of interest in East- .ern- Ontario. - ° 4 ' - Mat and Mrs. Robert Thomp­ son, Beth and Linda, visited on Sunday with their parents; in Moorefield. / Baptismal Service was con­ ducted on Sunday morning for infants. David Wayne, s'on\ of Mr. and Mrs! Wayne Kennedy; Scott Thomas, son of. Mir. and Mts.. Hugh Millar; Trudy Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ sell Pe'ckitt; Diana Lyn.n, dau­ ghter of Mr. and’ Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook; Suzanne Margaret/ daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tamblyn. • ‘ David Campbell of London spent a couple of weeks recent­ ly With .his grandparents, Mr. and Mi’s. Harold Livingstorie. LAUNDRY SERVICE S: PICK UP ’ DELIVERY . Phone 482-9491 P.r 1" Most Kindergarten Children Line Up For First Train Ride ' .* Over 70 children of the kindergarten’ classes at Clinton Pu.blic School took a train ride from Clinton to Goderich and back again .last Thursday, Teach- ‘ers Mrs. K- Williams and Mirs. L. Jones claim over 90 percent of the children were bn their first train trjp,' They are shown here being lined up to board the 11:08 railiner which was 20 minutes late on Thursday. t . (News-Record Photo) Chief Instructor Of SIT Now A t. Canadian Forces Head­ quarters recently announced the promotion of C. H. Loch­ head to. the rank of Squadron Leader. He is the Chief In­ structor at the school of In- Kingston. . ' . Mrs. Marie Wallen of Cali-' tomia, a sistteir of Mrs. Living­ stone as visiting wfilth, her sliS ter at Tees water, also, spent some time with the ■ Livingston.es., • --'--------Q— hon- S/L C. H, Lochhead struetianal Technique at Canadian Forces Base 'Clin­ ton. Squadron Leader Lodhheadl Freda Schoenhals 25 Years With Simpson-Sears Miss Freda Schoenhals who .celebrated her 25th anniversary with' Simps'on-Sears Ltd. ' bn May 11, was a guest. pf tee company at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, and attended the week’s activities , tor twenty-dive1 year club members. New members Were presented with gold watches, 25-year membership pins 'anti certifi­ cates. She was one' of 130 employ­ ees honoured. They were- taken on'a 'bus'teip’to Niagara Falls, a boat ride and1' other Sight- Seeing trips. On-May 11, Mis's Schoenhals was given 25 red roses by -her company. ---- - ----o----- ---- . Oshawa plants of .General Motors of Canada have built as many as 419,000 cars and trucks tin a year. HURON LAUNDRY 1 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON , (Near Drive-In Theatre) Open every Saturday morning 10 a*m. - 12 noon for your convenience This summer, we of tine Ont­ ario Provincial Police, ask this question, ‘Why not. t make a point to slow down and really live?” Squadron Leader joined the RCAF in 1943 and was trained as a piloit. Hav­ ing graduated from, the Ad­ vanced Flying School in Brantford, he. was statieped at Summerside, PEI, and Kinluss, Scotland, until he left the service in 1945. In -the spring of 1950, he . was graduated from: tee Uni­ versity of Toronto with ah honours Bachelor of Aris de­ gree in geography. -He joined' 'the RCAF later that year and was commissioned in tee. per- '■sonnel. education branch. He subsequently graduated from the Ontario College of Edu­ cation with a. high school teaching cenfeficate. -Prior, to arriving at Clin­ ton in 1962, S/L Lotehead was stationed at RCAF Sta­ tion Saskatoon. In March 1965 he attended the Insltrac- ticnal Programmers Course at Lackland Air Force Base ‘in Texas. < S/L Lochhead is married • to the former Alice McKim of Toronto and they reside at 187 East Street, Goderich, with their four children. ' —-------o---------- ' 1 The Canadian Medical Asso­ ciation suggests: that both la­ bour and management can malm an 'important contribution in rehabilitation of disabled persons by accepting them, as useful, productive, working force — helping the victim to regain his dignity and contrib­ ute to koctoty. ’ 1 .. .mm .............. ,'i.j ■ uini m i A Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Leader Patrol Course was held at CFB Clinton during the past week. The aims of the Water Safety Course -are threefold, First, is the developmeht of sound swite- m.ing and wafer skills. Second, the training .of ap'plic'axiits in all phases of rescue work. Third, the teaching of sufficient in­ formation to, enable the Stu-? dent to assist in swirpming in­ struction and water safety. Open to strong swimmers be­ tween the ages of 16 and 18, ■the course is divided into sev­ eral classroom lessons and practical pool spfssdjops. The syl­ labus includes instruction in proper teaching methods, arte ficial respiration, boating safety,' beach and pool supervision, and the techniques of Water, rescues. Chief Instructor for the course, the • second of its kind at CFB Clinton, was LAC Richard. Ro'ettger who is also the co-ordinator of swimming program, ^Assisting ip the'training were thews and' LAC Guy the base Cpl. Mat- Briere. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 1 ”S I Huron County Crop Report D, S. Pullen, associate agri­ cultural Representative, issues the following crop' repent for Huron County: “Winter ^Barley is beginning to ripen. -Spring barley and some, oats are in head. “Corn has responded well to the warm days nights. “Harvesting of the h'ay is progressing very well, dry days 'and an absence of rain -has allowed for the storage o-f high quality hay in Huron County. “Pastures are holding up well and cattle continue to maintain good production.” very and V, il GODERICH , ONT., DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK -r- "THE DEL-REYS" Summer Dress Casual SPECIAL SUMMER TEEN DANCE EVERY TUESDAY July 5 — "THE VOLCANOES" of Sarnia icing 9-12 Admission 85c per person —■■■■■— Will Him ■ ■ in——’ MB—f—■■■■II I ! ......... " THEATRE L GODERICH ■ ON the square I Clinton News-Record GODERICH bloom bloom bloom bloom bloom bloom. THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 30 - July 1 AUDIE MURPHY in 'ARIZONA RAIDERS* offers a complete selection of wedding announcements styled for the disccirh. 'mating ask for. . PRICES GOOD TO SATURDAY, JUl*V 2 ONLY LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY Color Western also Martha Hyer in a science fiction thriller "First Men In The Moon" - “ Color BIG MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT —■ Juiie 30 See H MAN" Revenge of Frankenstein” SOAP oi, Lanolin Reauty Dake Super Special 1c , Supply Limited! ’ POLAROID Swinger Camera Have a picture In less than one hiihute Reg. $24.95 ej m qq SPECIAL > I 7.00 I.D.A. BRAND TOILET TISSUE Stbck Up NOW! 10 rolls for $1.00 Ki Her “'S^' ^-6£> • - SPECIAL $147 AriW*A d .....-..H.,.Reg> 9&J....... SPECIAL 77c K!-i vmaMS >v-v.»»....Rhg. 69C ...m,,,SPECIAL 2 fbri 986 SPtciPtiiSET^tL20 pieces 4 each, plafos, cups, khiVM, forks, Spoons SPECIAL 77c FLASHBULBS — 12»S ........... 83c .................................... SPECIAL 776 EDWARD’S PHARMACY CUNTON ROCWYKW 482 6626 Come early at 9 p.m. arid See ah 4 shows for the price of 1. SAT., MON., TUES, July 2-4-5 ELVIS in “VIVA LAS VEGAS" Plus the Hank Williams Story "Your Cheating Heart" WEB., THURS., FRI. July 6-7-8 "Beach Ball" In Color and „ x , , "Crack in the World" ;g iiiiiHiiiiiiihiWiiiiii nmw i’ 11 ■«- FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business .............. .................... .........I ..... . ......... ................... .. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY June 30, July 1-2. MATT HELM SHOOTS THE WORKS! SHOWRULES FOR co«M«rrino ill B SHOW Clinton Council Chambers Friday, July 8,1966 Anyone can compete in this show; not restricted to members No exhibitor can show more than one entry in each class. The exact number of stems or blpoms called for must be shown. All exhibits'must be in place iby 11:00 a.m. To be considered a bloom, the first row of petals on arose must be open, Council Chamber doors Will be open to the public from: 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. PRIZES- (Hybrid Tea) white or near white, (H.T.)-Yellow (H.T.) Pink (H.T.) Red (H.T.) any other color (Peace) to be shown in this class only, l.e. No. 6; Prizes for each of the classes. 1 to 6 arei 1st, 75c; 2nd, 50c. 1st 2nd 3rd 7.Two blooms (Hybrid Teas) any color- or colors .............................................................. 8. Three blooms (Hybrid Teas) any cdlor or colors ...........................................,.................... Tow stems of Polyanthus or Florabunda Seven roses in a container. Prizes donat­ ed in memory, of r the late Clifford H.' Epps ....... 1.50 Arrangement of’ climbers or ramblers, any color ..................................... 1.50 Dining room table arrangement, not over 10 inches high ............................................... Novel arrangement of roses suitable for mantei~accessories allowed ...................... Rose Corsage CHAMPION best rose in 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 10. 19. 20. 21. MlMlLWWSwsails as MATT HELM ^JHIiSSlLIsNCliRSI .....................JEll-ROBERTWEBBER CHARISSE , VouisfyViKKIMiR F(»firti)ll'«''SlATORLS'' Saeeujtyfr OSCAR SAUL 8isd8«ta-tlil>rD0NAl0 HAMILTON MuxfrtlVttilKtiK ' ’ Fml^rtnIRWALLW faMfrfflLWILSOH HumnilBtyatetei COLUM8IACOLOR- | Original Sound Track Album Available on RCA Victor Records| •hows at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. . At Regular Prices .......... ' . . . / . V i.oo 1.25 1.25 .50 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 .75 ,75 1.50 SATURDAY, JULY 2 AT 2:30 P.M. A WALT DISNEY REVIEW All Children 50c Each ’ MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY July 4r5-6 I|||j fl II$.751.00 1.00 .75 1.50 1.00 ROSE to be chosen — $5.00 prize for show donated by Douglas H. Miles. OTHER VARIETIES / .75 .50 tj* I TECHNICOLORS PANAWISHON9 ■r | PaR a4<X>HT j l JBgTwc 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. < 2nd t .35 , .35 . .35 1.00 3rd 25 ' .25 .25 .75 Artistic Arrangement of pansies c,......... Five Stems of Sweet William ................... One Spike of Delphinium, any color .... Container of Mixed Garden Flowers .... Three Stems Ahy Other Variety of Flowers .......... PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN Cohtelter bf Mixed Garden Flowers 1,66 .75 *50 Most Artistic Arrangement of Wayside Flowers for children, 12 years arid under (container hot to'count), t«£ A A !>*■*' rJ4'o*ik A W J Second Prize ... Third Prize Fourth Prize ..... Fifth Prize ...... .56 ONLY 1.66 .35 .25 I I—* ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------— ------------ STARTING THURSDAY, JULY 7 TO JULY 13 6 BIG DAYS — Special Matinee Thursday, 2 p.m. ■ •v $1.00 arid book bn Animals $1.00 $1.00 $1.66 $1.00 (Prizes donated by . Mrs. Frank FlngiiahcO Draws tit 9:30 p.m. J Door Prize THERE WILL BiE A SILVER COLLECTION ...... ' IPreSfdbiii' .. MISS LUELLA JOHNSTON ...... . MRS. STEWART MIDDLETON , Treasurer . _ FRED SLOMAN WIHNER OF ft ACADEMY AWARDS Z BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! lAKi/yr^ including REX HAftRlSON Best Adar wv WRiaDY STOREY HEPBURN -REX HARRIS , . wiMiwrm MwisioO' from wmbbros. fj Shtiw in evenings at 8 only Adrriissteh 25c, 50c end 75c fof Matinee Evenings 50c, 75c end $ 1.00 •r