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Clinton News-Record, 1966-06-23, Page 12
/ Pace 12-—Clinton News-Record-—Thurs., June 23, 1966 EIGHT TEAMS SINGLE SCHEDULE I Ladies Softball League ■'*■■■ * The eight-team WOAA ladies intermediate softball league got underway last Tuesday, Hugh Hodges, of Canadian Forces Base Clinton, is the con vener and can be phoned at 482-9896. The Winthpop entry is a junior team and go on later in. junior competition. The com plete schedule is as follows: jrine 14— St. Mgrys at Exeter Winthrop at Goderich Brussels at Blyth 15— Hensall at Brueefiidld Blyth at Brussels 16— Goderich at Winthrop 17— Brucefield at Hensall 18— Brussels at St. Marys 20— Winthrop at Hensall Brucefield at Goderich 21— Blyth at Exeter 22— St. Marys at Brucefield Brussels at Hensall 23— Winthrop at Blyth 24— Goderich at Hensall 2b—Exeter at St. Marys 27— Goderich at Brussels Blyth at HenSall 28— Brucefield at Exeter 29— Bit. Marys1 at Brussels 30— Goderich at Blyth Hensall at Winthrop Canadian Forces Base Clinton and Brucefield are the two local teams entered in the WOAA bantam-age softball league. The schedule goit underway this week. Hugh Hodges of Ad'astr'al Park Clinton is- the convener and can be reached at 482-9896. In the following schedule, CHin- ton is the Acliastral Park _at OFB Clinton entry. June 20— Brucefield at Brussels 21— Blyth at Wingham RCAF at Brucefield1 22— Brussels at 'Belgrave 23— Wirigham ait RCAF 24— Blyth at Belgrave . 27—Wingham at’Belgrave Brucefield at Blyth 28— Brussels at RCAF 29— RCAF at Wingham 30— Belgrave at Brussels July 2—Blyth at Brucefield 4— Brucefield at Belgrave 5— Oyth at RCAF Bantam Ball Schedule For District Teams .. Five teams are entered in the WOAA bantam baseball league, under the convenership of Hugh Hodges, CFB Clinton. The full schedule Which began last week is as follows: June 16—Clinton jait Exeter 20—'Exeter at Lucan 23—‘Ludan at Exeter 27—Mitchell at Clinton s28—Lucan iat Clinton 29—S’eaforth at Mitchell July 5—Exeter at Clinton ■Mitchell 'at Seaforth 7—Clinton at Lucan ' 11— Clinton at Seaforth Exeter at Mitchell 12— Lucan at Sieafortli 14—Seaforth at Lucan Mitchell at Exeter 18— ‘Clinton ait Mitchell 19— Exdter at Seaforth 20— 'Lucan at Mitchell 21— Seaforth at Exeter • 25—Mitchell at Lucan Seaforth at Clinton -----------o----------- Central Huron Ball League Standings Central Huron Softball Lea gue consists of seven teams. The fans will be in for some good1 bail this summer as the teams have been well support ed. Standings 'are as follows: Dungannon, 1st, place, with 7 wins and 0 losses; Holmesville 2nd, 6 wins and one loss. Au burn, Benmillei' and Varna are battling it out for third sipot; •Londesboro, 6th place and Nile, in the cellar. |3I____ £ July * 1—Exeter at Goderich 2—Brucefield at St. Marys 4— Winthrop ait Brussels St. Maxys at Hensall 5— Goderich at ‘Exeter Brucefield at Blyth .6—Hensall at Brussels 7— Blyth at Winthrop 8— Exeter nt Brucefield 9— Goderich at St. M'arys Official Umpires Available Here A South Huron Umpires As sociation has been' formed in this district for the convenience of all baseball and softball teams, All teams competing in WOAA leagues must use offic ials registered with the WOAA. Officers of the South Huron association are, Dan Davis, president, phone 482-7742; Ed Mullaney, vice-president, • 482- 7052 and Hugh Hodges, secret tary, 482-9896. These persons should be con tacted at least 48 hours before an official umpire is required. 12— -Winthrop alt Exeter Hensall at Blyth 13— Ooderidh at Brucefield 11—Brucefield at Brussels 14— -St. Marys at Winthrop ’ Exeter at Blyth — 8:3Q 15— Brussels at Brucefield Hensall at Godlerich 16— Blyth alt St. Marys 18— Exeter at Brussels 19— Brussels at Exeter Brucefield at Winthrpp ■St. Marys at Blyth—8:30 20— St. Marys at Goderich 21— -Exeter at Winthrop 22— Blyth at Goderich 23— Winthrop at St. Marys 26— Hensall at Exeter Brussels at Goderich 27— Blyth at Brucefield 28— Exeter at Hensall Brussels at Winthrop 29— Winthrop at;$t. Mary's 30— Hensall at St. Marys * ■-■■■■■...---------rO-----—---------- Snell Families 35th Reunion At Londesboro the >•1■ m-’ $ 9 pi I ISi II fit®I ■i V -I Q Brussels at Wingham 6—BCAF at Blyth • 7—Wingham at Brussels 12—Brucefield at RCAF Blyth at Brussels Belgrave at Wingham ' 14—RCAF at Belgrave Brussels at Blyth Wingham at Brucefield 19—Brucefield at Wingham •Belgrave at Blyth RCAF* at Brussels 21—Wingham at Blyth Brussels at Brucefield Belgrave at RCAF Jim Dundass The winner of 'this years Na tional Golf Week (June 4-12) "Beat the' Champ” trophy at Bayfield-Clinton Golf Course was Jim Dundass, London. Ed Flagg and Dundass had. tied during, the week .with gross scores of 80, and Dundass won the playoff. National Golf Week is set aside by the Royal Canadian Golf Association and the Ont ario Golf Association to sup port junior golf activities. The unique "Beat the Champ” competition can be en tered by 'any handicapped golfer and Iris net score is matched against the gross score of the professional “Champ”. This year’s pro was Wilf Homenuik. If the amateur player beats the Champ he is awarded an in scribed medal and members of each club play for an individual trophy. The entry fee of one dbilar is used by the Golf Association to promote junior golf through tournaments and other ■ act ivities. Eighty-five members of Snefll- Clan attended the thirty fifth annual reunion on Satur-. day, June 18 at Londesboro.- ' During the afternoon a ball game was enjoyed and races and contests were conducted under the direction of Grant Snell and Doug Snell. The oldest person present, John Snell, Brandon, Manitoba; youngest child present, Michael Walker, Wingham; lucky plate winner,' Cathy Berger, Strat ford; Person coming the ‘great est distance that day was Mary McCool, Brookiin, Ont. Tickets were sold on a lawn chair and Ann Snell held the lucky number. Family coming .in the oldest vehicle; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snell. Plans 'were made to hold the Reunion again- at file Same place an 'the. third Saturday in June. President for next year is Doug Snell, Londesboro; yice- preSident, Don Snell, Waterloo, Hugh Hill spoke in memory of those who had passed away during the year, and all joined ip singing “Abide with Me”. The program consisted of a solo by Julie Snell, 'a duet by Shirley Watkins and Faye Far quhar; the trio Barbara, Bonnie and Betty Snell favoured With two lovely numbers. —--------o----------- Clint-on Mayor To Convention Mayor Don Symons will be Clinton’s delegate to the annual conference of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves in Sarnia, June 26 to 29. Hon, John Robarts, premier of Ontario will be the speaker at the pro vincial dinner on Tuesday, June 28. r.......... -------------------------Q!------------------------ Rebekah Lodge Huronic Rebekah Lodge held their final meetihg on Mbnday, June 20 and the following of ficers were elected: • Noble Grand, Mrs. Kurt Van Riesen; vice grand, Mrs. Frank McCullough; recording secre tary, Mrs. John Broadfoot; fin ancial secretary, Mirs. Carman McPherson; treasurer, Mirs. Benson Sutter. The February group sold tickets on a clothes .hamper arid It was -won by Mrs, Harold Johnston. The June group served lunch. Meetings will begin again on September 7. V. /* COMING EVENTS RATE: Fpur cents a word; MjpJrnjLiin 75 peihtv Thursday, June 23 t-» BINGC at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg ular garbles for $5.QQ. 2 share the-wealth games, 1 specia game for $25.00, the first Jette: "L” and first letter °T” applie on this game for $2.00 each, ; share-the-wealth games, jack pot applies on. those 3 game $56.00 in 56 .numbers, 2 doo prizps for $2.00 each, Admissioi 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 to: aop. tfl FHday, June 24—Cash Bing' in Legion HalJ, Seaforth, 8:11 p.m. 15 regular games for $10 3-$25 special; l-$50 jackpo* Sponsors, Branch 156 Roys Canadian Legipn. 25 Tuesday, June 28 — BING' at Huron Fish arid Game Clu Jackpot $55,00 in 55 number Six door prizes, 8:30 p.m. Wed., June 29 — Strawber Social,’CFB Recreation Cent 6 to 8 p.m. Noy cities, bake a children's tables. Tickets: a ults 30c, children 15c. Sponsor Protestant Chapel, Guild. 2 Friday, July 1 — Dance, A burn Hall, Ian Wilbee’s Orc estra. Lunch counter. Procee Goderich Hospital Buildn Fund, Sponsors, OOF, Benmi ler. 25-( Friday, July 1 —- Turkey ar h!am supper, St. Andrew's Ui Red Church, Bayfield, 5-7 par auspices UCW- Adults, $1.5 Children $1.00. 24, f July 4-15 — Vacation Bib School at Maple Street Gosp Hall, 9 a.m.-ll:40 a,m. Ston< crafts and games, Come ai bring a friend. 25-I Clinton Women Take Trip .To NY. City Several members of Clinton Women’s Institute' took & bus trip to New York City, stop pling at several interesting places en route. The first stop was Kingston, where the group' toured the city and Old Fort Henry. After ar? 'Hving fn Gananpque the tour ists' 'boarded a boat for a trip amongst the Thousand Islands to the resort town of Clayton, N.Y, During the cruise several large vessels were met as they navigated .the St. Lawrence Seaway, The bus' trip continued to New York City where the group stayed, at the 32-storey Sheridan Atlantic Hotel, oh Broadway, near the Empire State Building, Gu'ilded tours of the city were taken, including a three-'hour trip around Manhattan. Several huge ocean liners were sighted, including the Queen Mary. The guide explained that an ocean liner leaves New York for vari ous parts of the world every 25 minutes, Other points of interest visit ed in the city were: China Town, the Empire State Build ing, the United Nations; the NBC television building, the Statue Of Liberty, etc. The group was impressed |by the five o’clock rush With people rush ing everywhere. One disappoint ment was the fact that the view from the observation platform in the Empire State Building could1 not ibe enjoyed as the vis ability was poor. Stops on the return trip in cluded Albany, N.Y., Buffalo and Vineland, Ont. The bus ar- ■ rived- at Clinton at 10:30 in the evening and the tired travellers, reported being glad to be home, but all had enjoyed the trip. $1 Mis "5SS9BI Lions Feed Hungry Clintonians! Clinton Lions Club fed over 700 persons at their annual chicken barbe cue, held this year in. the Lions Arena, on Tuesday evening. The chickens were supplied by Pinebrook Farms Limited, Pinkerton, -and cooked in open charcoal pits behind the arena. The manager of the firm is shown here ex plaining to Lions Royce Macaulay and John S. Parker how to tell when the half chicken is thoroughly cooked. Lion E. B. Menzies, at left, is admiring the; golden colored morsels of chicken. (New^-Record Photo) (Continued from Baige One) right. The cost has. been paid by people Who sought no -glory in war; people whose only thought was to , do the best they could to end the whole dirty mess and to get home.' "But many did not come home. Many of them still Jie in honoured graves in Sicily, in Italy, in Flrance and the other countries of north western Europe, as well aS in Various countries in Asia. "It is these mien from 'this area whom we' honour With this Cenotaph, but there are others. There are those who came home damaged in body and1 mind. Those Who came home but could not pick up their old lives and those who . did come 'home to be ordin ary citizens again. “Those who did not home have finished work but those who home in health have still to carry, on the fight against violence. Siam© continue - to serve in the Armed Force's,* but most have to carry "oh theliir fight against violence through the normlat channels of civilian life. They have to carry ; on the fight against prejudice and stupidity; a- gainst cupidity .and corrup tion in high and low places for communities and nations in which thesp things exist are the spawning grounds of violence. “And so, those of us who .............. 1 ..."'*> come their came SAVINGS did come home, and those who arg the heirs of a proud traditional of' service, dedi cate this cenotaph to the memory of those' Who did not come home and in so doing, make this monument a con stant reminder of our pledge to continue to serve in the preservation of the values Which they died to establish.” Other local ministers offici ating at the dedication and re membrance service were, Rev. J. E. Kelly, Rev. R. W. Wen- ham,, Flight Lieut. (Rev.) S. O. Swaren, Rev. R. U. MlaicLean (Legion Padre), Rev. C. G. Park and Rev. G. L. Mills, Four wreaths were laid. at the cenotaph 'by: Flight Lieut. R. Allan, representing the base commander of OFB Clinton; Ed. Porter, president of Clinton Legion.; G. Morley Counter, for World War I veterans, Mayor Don Symons for town of Clinton. and the After the last post silence, Hec Kingswell, major of Clinton Legion and pipe „ Pipa Band played the Scottish la ment, “The Floo’rs o’ The Forest”. Legion colour sergeant J. D. Thorndike was in charge cf a colour parity which stood at the cenotaph during the service. Colour bearers were, Les Nice, Percy Brown, Mrs. Robert /■— .......................i —I—............. .............. Burke, Mrs. Gordon Wade and Mirs. Harold Black. After the dedication a group of Legionnaires went to Clinton Cemetery Where a wreath was placed at the veterans’ plot. Rev. MacLean and Rev. Father Kelly officiated in a short re membrance service. The ceme'- tery was 'beautifully decorated for this occasion. The dedication on Sunday re placed the decoration service held annually at the cemetery. Merchants Meeting THURS TONIGHT*"'” TOWN HALL - 8:30 PM ALL MERCHANTS WELCOME Discussions Re HOURS OF BUSINESS MAIN STREET PARKINS . PROMOTIONS, ETC. RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. Has just* installed the most accurate and up-to-date method of WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING NOTICE Since .the rural schools o Stanley, Tuckersmith am Bayfield will be closed an< sold in 1967, anyone wishiir to organize a school reunioi in his school section shoul contact any member of th school board. BROWNIE’! DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTO 2 Shows Nightly Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete' Show. Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 23-24 TOP FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Clarence, The Cross- Eyed Lion The roaringly funny tale of . teenager in Africa and the jungle “gentleman” she picket for a pal. MARSHALL THOMPSON BETSY DRAKE Color Cartooi ' Thurs., June 23 Only : FREE POPCORN FOR CHILDREN BEFORE 9:45 MON., — TUES June 25-27-28 OUR SAT., EARN FREE LIFE INSURANCE PLUS DIVIDENDS Current Rate 5% s WED., — THURS., — FRI June 29-30-July 1 THE FIRST Feature ' Lengti ALL COUNTRY MUSIC • Motion Picture Ever Filmed. New Reader’s Sale of Books FLINT ONLY $5.00 DOWN PAYMENT ANSTETT 50-Piece Open Stock Sets to July 9 Only DINNERWARE SPECIAL • 8 • 8 • 8 • 8 • 8 • 1 • 1 DINNER. PLATES BREAD and BUTTERS CUPS and SAUCERS OATMEALS FRUIT NAPPIES VEGETABLE BOWL PLATTER CHERRY AMES VICKI BARR NANCY. DREW TOM CORBETT HARDY BOYS CHIP HILTON KEN HOLT FURY Nos. 1-2-3 in Each Series makes love in 47 languages! He’s a Karate Champion, Brain Surgeon, Swordsman and Nuclear Physicist . . HE’S THE TOP MASTER SPY OF ALL TIME JAMES COBURN LEE J. COBB - GILA GOLAN (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoor Reg. $1.39 Sale Price 98c TRUE STORIES OF GHANDI - EINSTEIN - NAPOLEON - LAWRENCE OF ARABIA ..............................$3.75 each TRAVEL BOOKS of Many Countries ................... ........$3.75 each TRUE BOOK SERIES on Animals, Birds, Ships, etc..................$2.49 each FOR GRADES 1 TO 8 This unique BEAR TELALINER screen exposes steering troubles right before your eyes; This scientific electro-magnetic principle assures ±srds“n Only $10.50 . IF YOU HAVE STEERING OR TIRE TROUBLES COME IN AND CONSULT DOUG CARTWRIGHT or BUTCH MacLAREN . Our Wheel Alignment Technicians Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Frfortdly Chovrolot, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dodlor. Ontario Street CLINTON — Phone 482-9321 Open each evening until 9 for your Convenience J Loaded with over 30 HIT SONGS HANK SNOW FERLIN HUSKY SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS JR. STONEWALL JACKSON AND MANY MORE STARS Color Cartool Coming Next: THUNDERBALL