HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-23, Page 8t Page B—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., June 23, 1966 f----;--------------------------------------------------------------'--------- BEAUTIFUL BREEZY 1 \ , By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS CLUB ACTIVITIES ^ VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER i— Phone 565^2B64( Beyfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs, and Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent Mr. and Mrs, Donald Lance of Troy, Mich., stopped at thefr cottage, “Merrielodge” an. How­ ard St. on .their return from Cambridge, Mass., where they ’ attended their son’s' graduation from Harvard College. William Dance received an A.B. degree in economics, Magna cum laude — Bill also was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The Lance’S youngest son, Justin, entertain- Cattle Judaed atSeaforth Calf Club met the farms of Con Eckert and Joe Devereaux, near Seaforth, with 33 members attending on • Monday, June 20. The beef members at Devereaux’s judged a class of beef and dairy cattle,, while the dairy, members' at Eckert’s judged dairy cattle. Both groups met later at Eck­ ert’s where they conducted a business1 session. George Town­ send thanked the hosts and lunch was served. The next meeting will be on July 11. -----------o----------- Former Hensail Teacher Going On World Tour HENSALL—Charles Mickle, a teacher at Westdale Second­ ary School, Hamilton, will leave on June 29 with 20 other teach­ ers from the Hamilton District, on a two months world tour that will tahie him to Japan, Hong Kong,’ Ohiiina, Malaysia, ’ Cambodia, Thailand, India, Kashmir, Iran, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Of special interest will be a visit to mainland China and its cities of Canton, Shanghai- and Peking. Visits !ih Peking will be made to historical places of in­ terest as well as an agricultural communO. Most of the travel will be done 'by jot aircraft. ed two of h'ils -friends, Ridd Mrs, Fried LeBeau, over the Evinter and Doug Lamm at the Lance cottage the previous week. All three boys graduated from ’ Troy High School the first week in June. Mr. and MrS, Art .Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christie, accom­ panied by Mrs. Latimer Sr., Toronto,, were at the family cottage on Louisa St. for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, George Bath­ gate of Port FTanks, and Cap­ tain and Mrs. Ward, White of Midland were guests of Mrs. Stanley Bryant, last week. Mrs.' Neil Fox of Detroit was a weekend guest of Mrs. George Little. Among the^ many summer residents at their cottages this weekend were, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carson, their children, Nancy and Bradley, Londion; Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Hendrick, Birmingham, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Oari. McAuley and family, Rexd'ale; Mr. ‘and Mrs. J. Fish­ er and Frank, St. Agatha; and Mi'S. Ray Morley and friends' from Birmingham. Mich. Mrs. George Heiideman and Miss Isabel Heideman, Toronto, were at theiiir summer home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and children, accompanied by Mrs. Kreuger of'Kitchener, vis­ ited' Mrs. W. R. Elliott on Sun­ day-. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rivers and family, London, spent Fa­ ther’s- Day with G. N. Rivers and Mrs. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray, Toronto, were at their cottage for the. weekend. Exceptionally fine perch fish­ ing is attracting anglers to the. village. Bud Sturgeon, fishing from the pier one day last week, caught 70 good sized perch. Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald Weston and family, London, were at thCir cottage from Friday 'W Sunday. . Mrs. James Ferguson, Lon­ don, was at her cottage last week for several days.. Family visitors with Mi’, and weekend were: Mr, and Mrs. Paul Moss, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff, Londion, and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Mc­ Laughlin and Megan Ann, of Toronto. Mrs'. W, R. Rolfe and Mrs. J. B. Higgins, recently attended the Diocesan Regional Chancel Guild meeting, held at St. Pauli’s Cathedral, London. Mr. and Mrs. Willjam J, Hig­ gins, spent several days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins, last week, returning to Toronto on Thursday. ' Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Mayman and Jef­ fery were, Mr. and Mrs1. E. Mayman, Preston; Mrs. Nancy Langs, Kitchener; Mr. and-Mrs. Lawrence Shiirftey, and Mrs. Gladys Wortman and Miss Mary Wortman, all of London. Miss Barbara Turner who re-' cently accepted a secretarial position with Bell Telephone Co., London, spent the weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner. Sunday guests' with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale, R'icky and Wendy, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, London; Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough and Doug, Bob and Steven, Holmes­ ville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ben­ nett, Joan and Marlene, Mrs. Clara Bennett, Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale and celebrating Mrs. Scott’s and Mrs. Bennett’s birthday. Join­ ing ■ them in tflie evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, and Mrs,. Ken Faber, Kippen; Mr. Harry Faber and Mi's. Mary Funk, Hensail ^nd' Miss Dianne Faber, Stratford./ Mrs. Lloyd Makins returned home on Sunday frpm Clinton Public Hospital, Mrs. J. Ste­ wart Who was also a patient, Was able to return homie on Thursday, Mr, J. Stewart is still a patient at the hospital. Canon H- M. Lang-Ford, who has been in Bayfield for the past week, was recalled to Kit­ chener on Sunday owing to the death of his son-in-law, Mr. Rance Bricker. Mrs. Etta Latham, Acton, has been visiting her slister-in- law, Mrs. Charles Bell and also visiting her brother in Clinton Hospital for the past two weeks. Misses Phyllis Taylor, Brant­ ford, and Ethel Dewar, Chat­ ham, who have leased “Enfield” cottage for the season, were here over the weekend. George Lindsay, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Lind­ say. Registrations at the Albion Hotel included, Mr. and Mrs. Howard' Truitt, and their dau­ ghter, Kristine, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, Paul.F. Kroner and Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, all of Birmingham, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith of Brussels were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons and -family on Sunday. Cubs Receive Awards On Father’s Day Two Bayfield Cubs received thejr “religion and life” badges at the father’s day service in St. Andrew’s United Church, Bayfield. From the left, above, are, Scout Master Percy Renner; Cub Richard Peterson; Rev. W. J. Maines, who made (the presentations; Cub David ’Renner, and Cub Master Mrs. Milvena Erickson. (Photo by Audrey Bellchamber) At the regular council meet­ ing, council announced the ap­ pointment of Leroy Poth, Bay­ field, to fill the vacancy on council caused by the resigna­ tion of Joseph Allaire.. Council­ lor Poth was also named chair­ man of the finance committee. . i New Councillor Leroy Poth "is also in progress. It was recorded that Dr. and Mrs. Aberhart have received permission to re-esitabli'sh their storm drain on village property. It is intended to install 'posts on Glass Hill to prevent the pas­ sage of motor 'cyclists, but not to hinder pedestrians. A request for a' street light on Dow St. was heard and Councillor . Oddleifson hopes to have a full report on improved street lighting very shortly. There was some discussion on village planning and council agreed to set up a planning committee of five, comprising three non-council This committee When formed, to report to council With their briefs. By-law 26-66 received its first, second and third readings authorizing the passing of a supplementary ' roads and streets budget. The clerk-treasurer, Mrs. Ma­ loney was instructed to write to Mr, >and Mrs. Gladwin West­ lake.' and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, conveying councils thanks for the maintenance work which they have again undertaken on the flower beds on the north-west corner of the park. members. Trinity Church WA Meets at "The Hut"7/ Mrs. J. B. Higgins, president, Womans Auxiliary, Trinity Brandh, opened the meeting at “The Hut” on Thursday, June 16, by reading, “The Twfenty- . third Psalm for Busy People” from the Living Message, June issue. ■■ Mrs. Clift played for the sing­ ing of “Hark my Soul”. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison conduct­ ed the devotional period with Mrs. R. J. Larson reading I John 4: 7-21 and Mrs. E. Earl reading part of the exposition. Eleven members answered the atoll call and one associate mem­ ber, Mrs. F. H. Pauli. Mrs. G. N. Rivers, treasurer, reported $23.94 on hand. The secretary read an invita­ tion from St. James Church ■ WA, Middleton, to be their guests on Friday afternoon, June 17 for the annual joint meeting. This occasion also marked! the. 75th anniversary of the Organization of St. James’ Church Branch. Trinity Branch members accepted with plea­ sure. Mrs. Higgins gave a brief report of the speakers at the Deanery WA held in Wingham and drew attention to the mag­ azine “The Northland” sponsor­ ed by the Rt. Rev. James A. Walton B.A., Dth. D.D., Bishop of Moosonee Who was one of the speakers ait Whigham. Mrs. Pauli expressed Mrs. G'airdner’s thanks for a uatrhation sent to •her in hospital. It was decided to’ hold the bake sale in the .dining room of the Neiw Ritz Hotel on Satur­ day, July 9 at 11 p.m. (through the kindness of, Mrs. T. C. Bailey) arrangements were dis­ cussed. Mrs. Morgan Smith, educa­ tional secretary gave a most interesting synopsis of Chapter 9 to the end of the study book. Commencing with church wor­ ship the question was asked “Is. our worship leading to God or away from Him?” In consider­ ing Prayed, she said “Children are so natural” and drew upon poignant instances of the pray­ er of a grandchild in time of sorrow, and her daughter when small in adoration, of a scarlet maple tree. The Kingdom of Love must be brought into our lives to fur­ ther the extension of God’s Kingdom, Mrs. Smith pointed out. This was followed 'by a brief discussion. Mrs. E. Earl led in the Brayer Partner's prayer, and the Rector said the closing prayer. Mrs. F. A. Clift, hostess, was assisted in serving tea by Mrs. R. Larson and Mrs. N. Riv- Final plans were mapped out by 'the Clinton Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses this Week, according to Mr. H. Mc­ Nally, presiding minister, with regard to attending the “God’s Son’s of Liberty” District As­ sembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses starting at Toronto, Ontario on June 22. Mr. McNally emphasized that the abundance of spirit­ ual food arranged for the five- day convention will be a source of 'happiness to all who have a1 love for God’s Word. The pro­ gram will be especially fitting and appealing to all members of the local families attending. Jehovah’s Witnesses place a heavy responsibility upon full family participation in matters of Worship,” Mr. McNally said,, “so the local family members attending will not be a rare occurrence at the Toronto con­ vention. There is more to re- •ligion than just attending chur­ ch,” he added, “although most church attenders fall short of following through on 'their re­ sponsibility.” “The door-to-door .ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses is not lim­ ited just to the . adults,” Mr. McNally noted. “Our young people, too, must team hoiw to db this work and do excellently at it. Our. Toronto assembly will have vivid portrayals: of Bible accounts that are filled with meaning for all of us in this day. All families there, in­ cluding local ones attending will profit immensely from this training.” Five of our local congrega­ tion Will be among the 8,000 volunteering to serve at Toron­ to in one or more of the 20 convention departments,” on yt/wi W. Gardiner; Jim, Joy, Ron Hopper; as well as Ray Squire. All service is performed voluntarily and no .one receives pay. What is interesting and faith-strengthening, also, is to see these thousands of men, women 'and .teen-agerfe freely and willingly offering 'thear time and talents for the work at hand.” “We’ve just been informed that delegates will be attending from eight provinces of Can­ ada, 44 of the United States ■and 12 other countries,” Mr. McNally said, “so we are eager­ ly looking forward ^to the op­ portunity to make new friends and to also renew acquaintan­ ces of past .years.” , . . In addition to the varied’ presentations of Bible based discourses and dramatizations the convention wlill also conduct a mass baptism of new mini­ sters on Friday, June 24. It is expected, fh'at about 700 per­ sons' will publicly symbolize their dedication to do God’s will by water immersion. Bap­ tism constitutes ordination for Jehovah's Witnesses. The principal speaker for the assembly will be N. H. Knorr, president of 'the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. He will deliver the main discourse' on Sunday, June 26, at 3 p.m., en­ titled “What Has God’s King­ dom Been Doing Since 1914?” ------------o----------- Huron County I !• ■ • If* • i ’’ p a | Mc­ Nally announced. : "They are and -V Bayfield Active Little Harbour News-Record correspondent, Mrs. Audrey Bellchamber took this picture last weekend of Bayfield\Harbour, where many summer residents have their boats; she also reports that the little Bayfield fishing fleet* which also uses the har­ bour, reports good catches of perch. A tour of historic homes in the Goderich area has been planned by ithe Huron County Historical Society, for Wednes­ day, July 6. Everyone is wel­ come to join the tour, providing your own transportation. Beginning at 2 p.m. at Cairn Harbour Park, Goderich, ithe tour will proceed to the Laith- Waiilte home on Highway 8, east of Goderich. Here society mem­ bers and guests will be able to vie|W the statuary done by the late George Laithwaite. The home, of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freeman, known as ithe Curzon place, will be ithe next stop. This remarkalble example of Italian-revival Style archi­ tecture features a square tower at one comer. The T. R. Rundle house on the Huron Road, a specimen of Georgian architecture, Will be viewed next. This ihodse was built by Adam MacVicar, for George Bitown, the first treas­ urer of Huron County and the town of Goderich. The tour will continue1 to BenmiHer, with a stop at the old woolen mill, through Smalt­ ford to Ridgewood Park, where tea will be served from 3-5 p.rri. Ridgewood Park is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Homan. This particularly ele- ganjt home has an interesting history of ownership dating to the Baron de Tuyle. Tickets for the tour and tea are $1,50 each and can be ob­ tained at McEwan’s Book Store! or by calling 'Mrs. Frank Ding- land at 48'2-7714, > ~O---- A giant computer will keep track of every room registered with Expo’s accommodation bureau hi a 50-mile radius of Montreal. Hensail Native Dies In U.S. HAROLD BLACK Two Bayfield Cubs Receive Religion Awards BAYWLP — Father’s D^ had a special meaning for Scou Master, Percy Itopner of Bay fipjdj trQbp, a$ his .&oax, Cull David Remer was one of tw< boys to receive “Religion anx Life” awards. RichFird Petersoi who also earned the award a: a Chb Was ithe oilier boy to ito ceive thils' highly valued badge Richard is, to be invested1 as i S'coyili at 'the “end of season’ meeting on Wednesday. Jumi The presentation on Sunday was made by Rev, W, J, Maipei of Londesboro at B:t. Andrew’. United Church, Bayfield. Bay field Scout troop and Cub pad paraded for the service. Seoul Master Renner was assisted b; Pfhilifp Turner and the Cub were led by Cub Master Mil vena Erickson. HENSALL MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN Phone 262-2002 Mr. and. Mrs. Don Rigby Blenheim; Mr. and Mrs. Terr North, and Teresa, Anne, SI Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Ste wart McQueen, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harn Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmen and Michael, London, wen wekend visitors with Mr. am Mrs; Harold Bell and Mrs Pearl Passmore. Mrs. Richard Taylor Jr, Chiselhurst, is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Derwood Windlover, who re sides in the Fink Apartment over Irwin’s store, is resting comfortably at his home follow ing a fall on King Street Satur day last. He was attended be Dr. Goddard. YOUR IMPERIAL Esso AGENT WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS FROM SAT.. JULY 9 TO MON.. JULY 18 Due To Major Overhaul Of Our Tank and Truck We request customers to check their needs now, and get supplies in prior to our holidays. PHONE 482-3873 Mrs. William Hyde passed away in Westwood, New Jersey, on Wednesday, June 15, in her 90th year. The former Annie Eliza Troyer, she was born in. Hay Township and lived all of her married life on the London Road, South ’of Hensiall, going to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Barrett at West­ wood, New "Jersey some three years ago. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Barrett, West­ wood, New Jersey; Loretta, of London; two granddaughters,, and three great-grandchildren. Her husband passed 'away in January 1962. The late Mrs. Hyde rested at the Bonthron funeral home, Hensalll, where public service was held on Friday, June 17, conducted 'by Rev; Harold P. Currie. Interment was in Hen­ sail Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were, Gordon Troyer, Harry Faber, Elgin Rowcliffe, Harvey Hyde, OrvaJ Beaver, and Harold Bell, Lon- SHORTY’S SERVICE STATION For the Convenience of the Public J PASSENGER, TRUCK & TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE AT Councillor Mert Memer said that the village already has bought five tons of calcium Chloride, an 'additional seven tons is to be delivered this week and laying ds to commence immediately. He • also stated that the installation of culverts Kairos Coming To Goderich, Sunday On Sunday, June , 26, the Kairos Young People are com­ ing to North Street United Church, Goderich, to present their program, “How Many Roads” at 7:30 p.m. During the social hour which follows, John Hutchison from St. Catharines will lead in sing-songs. has installed an outside SERVICE STATION NOW OPEN FROM 6 A.M TO 2 A.M 212 VICTORIA ST. — CLINTON ALUMINUM STEP LADDERS 4 Ft S11.55 S13.20 BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED SEAFORTH CLINTON 527-0910 . 482-9514 6 FL cff for yourself WHY YOUR CAR STEERS HARD F^MSUALINEghq ! steering") SSRVlCi "Wandering," hard turning, and pulling to tne right or left j art symptom} of a steering mechanism thot is Out of kilter. A complete steering service check on our Visiioliner takes ( but a few minutes and you con see for yourself the exact | alignment condition of your car. For "new car" steering > comfort plus more safety and more tire mileage, drive U today and let us check your cor on the Visualiner. —TIRE SALE------ YOUR VACATION TIRE SALE JUNE 24th to JUNE 30th • OR AS LONG AS THEY LAST BE, READY FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS WITH CAREFREE TIRES EXAMPLE: 775x14 Blackwall 1st Line Tire — List Price $40.58 2nd Tire — /2 Price $20.29 YOU PAY ONLY $60.87 with FOR A PAIR OF 1st LINE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TIRES We Hav& In. Stock FIRESTONE - GOODRICH - GENERAL and KELLY SPRINGFIELD SCRUTON’S TIRE & AUTO SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO 238 ALBERT STREET DIAL 482-7681