HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-23, Page 5St. James* Anglican Church WA, Middleton
Celebrates 75 Years Of Continuous Service
The Women’s Auxiliary of Sit.
■ James Anglican Church Middle^
ton, celebrated its 75th anniver
sary on Friday afternoon of
last week with special meet
ing held in the church.
About 60 persons attended
this event held in the historic
old church, which has spived .as
a landmark and hallmark in
this community during the past
The WA’s of Trinity church,
Bayfidld and St, Paul's, Clinton,
were invited guests and turned
out ip full force. Many former
members were also present. At
tending was. a delegation from
Trivet^ Memorial, Exeter, Mirs.
W. Middleton, Mrs. Luxton and
■Mrs. Hodgins. , ’ <
There were /our- clergymen,
present, the Rev. R. Wenhaan,
Clinton; Canon Pauli, Bayfield;
the Rev,. John Graham, Wal-
laceltown; and the present in
cumbent, the Rev. E. J. B. Har
rison of Bayfield. •
Following the opening hymn,
prayers and Scripture reading,
the president Mrs. Don Middle-
ton extended a very warm wel
come to all present and called
on Mi's. R. J. Larson of Bay-
field for her annual report of
the Diocesan meeting held in •
London, the theme of Which
was “Don’t let the world
squeeze you into its common
mould”. There were 607 com
municants at this corporate ser
Mirs. William Middleton of
Exeter, president of the Dean
ery of Huron, brought official,
greetings and congratulated' the
WA on this1 important mile-
stone and expressed confidence
in the future,
Mrs. J. B. Higgins of Bay
field favoured with a lovely
solo “Lord tor To-morrow and
its needs”. She was’ accom
panied by Mrs. F. Pauli of Bay-
field. '
Mrs. Edward Wise then read
her compilation of the history
and special events in the WA
since its1 'beginning in. 1891 with
special emphasis on past, and
recent programs that added in-
, terest to the meeting.
The special speaker for the
Mrs. F. E. Picot
Thurt., June23, 1966—-Clinton News-Record—Fgfg ,J$
Wilma Van Baaren, Champion
Hullett Public Schools
Hold Annual Field Day
Mirs. Frances Eleanor Picot,
passed away in 'Clinton Public
Hospital, on Friday, June 17.
She had been ill for ten months
and in hospital for the past four
Born in Goderich Township,
on December 29, 1891, ^he was
the daughter of the late Walter
Weston and Frances Cerson.
She was married to Wank
Picot in 1910 who predeceased
her in 1954. They lived at RR 2,
-She is survived by two dam
ghters, Mrs. Verna Pollock, De
Moines, Iowa, U.S. and* (Lil
lian) Mrs. Merrill Switzer, Gode
rich Township, and was prede
ceased by one son Lloyd in
1963. Also surviving is one sis-
K ter (Annie) Mrs. Allen Bettles,
Goderich Township and 13
The funeral service was held
on Sunday, June 19 alt the
Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton.
Rev. W. J. Maines officiating
and burial was in. Bayfield
Pallbearers were James
Mairs, William Landesiborou^h,
Alvin Bettles, Grant, Doug and
Fraser Stirling; and the flower
bearers,' George, Garth and
Garnet Piitoot, and David Swit
Persons attending from a dis-
. tance were from North Bay,
Toronto, Ripley, Kincardine,
Seaforth, Goderich, Stnathroy,
London, Walkerton and Detroit.
On Wednesday evening/ June
15, Seventeen members &f Mad-
for retaining the present boun-
AndteW’s Presbyterian Church
■spent a Very enjoyable evening
at the summer home of Mirs.’
Royce Macaulay. After a de
licious pot-luck supper a short
business meeting Was' conducted
by the president, Mirs. R. Rudd.
Mrs. R. U. MacLean told the
members that the CGlT ban
quet was a successful undertak
ing and thanked those who had
helped serve the dinner. Mrs.
R. Homuth read, an article re
lating the experiences of a
church. Wofker, This article
proved ito be quite amusing aS
many of the experiences oi the
author of the article were iden
tical to those of the ladies pre
The members were reminded
of the Smorgasbord dinner at
the church on Thursday, July
21 at noon. The baking draw
brought by Mrs. R. Cribb, was
won by Mirs. R. U> MacLean.
World-wide employment by
General Motors totalled' 735,000
mon and Women th 1965.
" < < ? n1
Brian Bromley and Paul Gib-,
Wings, tie, Kevin Hewatt; high
jump, Francis McGregor, Kevin
Howatt, Steven Bromley.
Nine and wider; ball throw,
Ron Snyder, Michael Doran,
Ken Season; race, Brian Mil
lar, Wayne Lyon, Ron flunking;
broia'd jump, Larry Plaetzer,
Larry Livingston, Ron Snyder;
running (broad jump, John Sal-
verda, Ron flunking, John Hul-
ley; high jump, Bitran Radford,
John Sialverda, Wayne Lyon.
Eleven and under: bail throw,
Kepny Jewitt, Randy .Millar, Kevin Jewitt; race, Paul' Cham-
ney, Dana Bean, Keriy Tosczak
and Randy Millar, tie; broad
jump, Garry Buchanan, Johnny
Verberg, Dana Bean,' running
broad jump, Dana Bean, Rich
ard De Jong, John Verburg;
high jump, Ricky de. Jong,
Dana Bean, Ken Anderson,
Twelve and over: ball throw,
Bruce Bromely, John Bakelaar,
Bill White; race, Keith Tosczak,
Neil Dale, Bill White; broad
jump, Neil Dale, Keith Tosczak,
Don McGregor; running broad
jump, Keith Tosczak, John Byl
sma, Neil Dale; high jump,
Brian Glazier, Neil Dale, Bruce
After the 75th anniversary meeting of Middle-
* ton Church WA, last Friday, many of the group
took time to have this picture taken. Front row,
left to right, Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mrs. B. Mc
Cullough, Mrs. A. Miller, Mrs. J. Grigg and Mrs.
afternoon wag Mrs, (Rev.} John^
Graham of Wallacetown, intro
duced by Mrs. Stewart Middle
The Rev. and Mirs. John Gra
ham were most dedicated Work
ers dn .the Bayfield, Varna and
Middleton parish from 1939 te
1945 and Mrs, Graham served
with distinction as1 president of
■the Deanery of Huron and was
'a pillar of strength to1 the WA’s
of their three point parish.
Mrs. Graham’s talk was most
well received as she covered
this era. Her reminiscences
evoked many memories among
those present.
“Those were the depression
years,” Mrs. Graham stated,
“and money was scarce, but
kindness and godliness were
often freely expressed. .
; “My husband and I felt privi
leged to serve in this corner of
God’s vineyard.
“A census is being taken in
Canada 'and my message to you
all is, ‘Stand up and be counted
for Canada and for God.’’
“To the WA members I
would say there is a real chal
lenge, in our „new name, .‘The,..
Anglican ’, Church Women of.
“I leave you with the best of
all wishes as expressed by Sit.,
Paul, ‘The grace of the Lord
Jesus Christ and the love. of
God and the communion of the
Holy Ghost, he with' you all,
‘ Mrs. Fre’d Middleton moved a
volte of thanks to all who had
contributed ,to the excellent .
Two members of the WA who
have removed to towns were
presented with housewarming
gifts, Mrs. Arnold Miller of
Goderich' 'and Mrs. John Grigg
.of Clinton.- Mrs. Ray Wise read
the address., and) Mrs. Cole and
Mrs. John Smith presented the
gifts. It was an auspicious time
to honour these dedicated mem
bers, whom we hope will con
tinue their association.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
pronounced the benediction.
Tea was served in the Sunday
School room. The lace covered
table was centred by a beauti
ful arrangement of apricot tea
roses and buff chasta ’mums
and lighted burnt orange can
The 75th anniversary cake
was cut 'by Mrs. Fred Middle
ton and Mr. Harrison.
Mrs. William Wise, the senior
Middleton WA member present
and Mrs. Fred Middleton shar
ed’ honours pouring tea.
Special votes of appreciation
were- expressed by Mte. J. B.
Higgins of Bayfield, Mirs. Gord
on Rathwell of Clinton and
Mrs. Fred Hudie for St. Paul’s,
All present declared this a
delightful birthday party and it
augurs well for the next mile
stone, the hundredth!
' . .............. '• 'i
Promote 75th Anniversary Of WA
Fred Middleton; back row, left to right, Mrs. Ed.
Wise, Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. J. Cole, Mrs Ray
Wise, Mrs. J, Storey, Mrs. K. Miller, Mrs. A. Dutot
and Mrs, J. Smith. (News-Record Photo)
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Women's Auxiliary Officials At* Anniversary
Guest speakers and WA officials at .the 75th anniversary, of St. James’,
Middleton WA, last Friday, are left to right, Airs., Ed Wise, who read the history
of Middletori WA since 1891; Mrs5. R. J. Larson, Bayfield, who gave a report on
the Diocesan WA annual meeting; Mrs. John Graham, Wallacetown, wife of
a former rector, who was guest speaker-; Mrs. W. E. Middleton, Exeter, presi
dent of the Deanery of Huron WA; Mrs. J. B. Higgins, president of Bayfield
Trinity WA, and Mrs. F. H. Pauli, also of Bayfield. (News-Record Photo)
Wilma. Van Baaren,. an 11
year- pld student at SS 5, was
the overall champion at the field, day of ail. Hullett Town
ship public schools on Monday.
The annual event was held at
the sports field in Londhisiboro,
near the site of the new Hullett
Township Central School, now
under construction.
Miss Van Baaren amassed 38
points, based on 10 points for
first, eight for second and five
for third. She had three firsts
and a second.
Students competed in four
classifications; seven and under,
nine and under, T1 and under,
and 12 and over.
The individual champions and
fheir points are as follows: /
BOYS:, seven and under,
Francis McGregor, SS6, 25
points; nine and 'under, John
Salverda, SS 6, 18 points; 11
and under, Dana Bean, USS 5,
31 points; 12 and over,; Neil
Dale, SS 1, 31 points;
' GIRLS: seven and under,
Patsy Anderson, SS 3, 26
points; nine and under, Ruth
McGregor, S'S 6, 26 points; 11
and under, Wilma Van Baaren,
SS 5, 38 points; 12, and over,
Kathleen McEwing, S'S. 8 and
Donna Bromley, SS, 10, tied
with 28 points each.
In the junior girls’ relay,
winners were, USS 5, SS 6, SS
9; senior girls’ relay, SS.l, S'S
12, USS 5.
Boys junior relay race, USS
5, SS 6, SS 9, 'and senior, SS 1,
SS 12, USS 5.
List of Winners
Seven :uid under: ball throw,
Yvonne Bean, Kathy Ba'kelaar,
Patsy Anderson; race, Marlene
Dade, Patsy Anderson, Kathy
Flunking; broad jump, Susan
Tyndall, Patsy Anderson, Mar
lene Dale; running broad jump,
Susan Tyndall, Faye
Kathy Bakelaar; high
Kathy Baikelaai’, Gentie
ga, Patsy Anderson.
Nine and under: ball __
Jill Scott, Ruth McGregor,
Trudy Machan; race, Sharon
Colclough, Julie Van Baaren
and Corey Bylsma, tie, Jiill
Scott: broad jump, Anne Byls
ma, Ruth MacGregor, Sharon
Colclough; running broad jump,
Nancy - Riley, Cory Bylsma,
Patsy Hellmga.; high jump,
Ruth McGregor, Judy Little,
Nancy Riley.
Eleven and under: ball throw.
Wilma Van Baaren, Karen Tyn
dall, Louise Hunking; race,
Wilma Van Baaren:, Karen Tyn
dall, S'andra Good'; broad jump,
Karen Tyndall, Wilma Van
Baaren, Marie Plunkett; run
ning broad jump, Louise Hunk
ing, Karen ' Tyndall, Marie
Plunkett and Vickii Radford
tie; high jump, Wilma Van
Baaren, Louise Hunking, Vicki
Twelve and over: ball throw,
Donna Bromley, Pauline Air
drie, Mary Lyn Merrill; race,
Donna, Bromley, Marie Trewar
tha, Pauline Airdrie; broad
jump, Kathleen McEwing, Don
na Bromley, Pauline Airdrie;
running broad' jump, Kathleen
McEwing, Bdtty MacGregor,
Marie Trewartha; high jump,
Betty MacGregor, Kathleen
McEwing, Marie Trewartha.
Seven and under: ball -throw,
Paul Gibbings, Dean Watson.
Steven Bromley; race, Ron
Plunltett, Paul Gibbings, Fran
cis McGregor; broad jump,
Francis McGregor, Kevin How
att, Steven Bromley; running
broad jump, Ron Plunkett,
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(By R. S; ATHEY)
GODERICH — Several rec
ommendations of the Road
Committee, Which had been ad;
opted in principle when the
committee report was • present
ed earlier in the-session, were
passed as bylaws at the close
of the June Session of Huron
County Council last Wednes
Bylaw 41-66 authorized exe
cution of an agreement with
the Minister of Highways for
Ontario relating to roads under
jurisdiction of the County of
Huron as development road
number 870. The Department
has agreed to pay a lump sum
contribution of $42,663.50 /to
ward . maintenance, of said
roads, Agreement is retroactive
to April 18, 1966. ' -
Bylaw 42-66 is an amending
bylaw adopting a plan of
county road improvement and
establishing a county road sys
tem in the County of Huron
■under the Highway .Improve
ment Act, all in 'the Township
of Goderich, by removing and
adding small sections of County
Roads 31 and 18. The change in
toad 31 covers a new diversion
at Jervis’ Bridge, the old road
reverting to the township. The
There are 48 acres of em
ployee parking lots at the Gen
eral Motors plants’ in Oshawa.
. 11 "1'.' — —"s
change in road 18 extends road
18 (the Cut Line) to Highway
8 at Holmesville, a distance of
about 1,000 feet.
Bylaw 43-66 was passed to
regulate the installation of new
entrance ways to the counity
roads. It requites that persons
wishing a new entrance must
secure a permit from the
County and pay for the work
in advance. The County will do
all the-work;, no individual
should have the .right to; do
work on the public highway.
County Engineer James W.
Briitnell, in piloting the legisla-
Z ' . ... ....... . .
tian through committee, point
ed out that the Huron County
Road Superintendents’ Associa
tion had concurred in this by
law, and was recommending
that each township, town and
village council pass it, thus pro
viding for a uniform policy
throughout the County.'
Bylaw 45-66 was passed to
provide for'erection of “stop”
signs at intersections of county,
road 31 and 'the road between
Townships of Hay and Stanley;
and county road 28 and road
between Township of Carrick
and Township of Howick.
' l^i r tn
/If ’ ■.s 1
Dress Sheer, Walking Sheert
56 Albert St.Clinton, Ontario