HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-16, Page 7BIRTHS
(BpRTRANU -"*• In Sumniers'ide
Hospjtnb- HE.I., pp Monday,
May 30, I960 to Mr,
■Mrs. Larry Befitrand, Sum
merside, a, daughter, Ann
.• Marie, ’
LApD' Ip Clinton Hyiblk;
Hospital pn Friday, June 10,
,1966 id 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ladd, Clinton, a daughter. .
JMRLLSON •—r In Clinton. Public
Hospital on Friday, June 10,
1966 -to MT. and Ws. William
‘ Millson, Seaforth, a son. ■
’TIDESWELL At Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital,
.Goderich, bn Tuesday, .June
14, ? 1966 to Mr. and ,
William TidPWeib Clinton, a
WILLIAMS -r- At. St/ Marys
Memorial Hospital on Friday,
. . 'May 27, 1966 to Mr. and Mr§<
» David Williains, St/Marys,' a
daughter, Carolyn Alexandra -
’ (Sandy) a~sister for Chris.
The family of late
Thomas Wilfred Biggin wish to
j&qMW their ipdere wnW' td
neighbours, fi'iends and rela-
fivesfar the lovely floral trib
utes, .donations tp the heart
fund, messages, .of sympathy and,
acts pf kindness shown ctwriirig
their recent ;bereavementt,. Spe
cial th'apks '.to. the. staff of file Clintpn'. Rulblig . Hospital, ‘i>r.
Oakes, Rev. C. G. Park and the Beattie Funeral Home.' " 24p
Lions Officers Installed
By Team From Seaforth
Thursday, June 16,1News-Record—Page 7
'If /
I would like to thank’' everyr
one who sent me .cards and
. ’flawers while a. patient.,in the.
Clinton hospital, . Special thanks
to Dr. Oakes sand the purses.. . jQHNf;;^LUMT^E. 24p
-1 wish to th'ank.my friends
and relatives for cards’ and,
treats while I was a.'patient
in Sick Children’s • Hospital.
Special' thanks to Varna United'
Church, Rev- Morrison,,Dr. Ad
dison and.nurses: --—.LINEDA,
WEBSTER: : 24b
The family of the late Mrs,
Ira Merrill wish to thank
friends, neighbours and rela
tives, for all kindness shown
r them during their; recent be-
■reavement. .Special thanks, to
- Dr. Newland,, nurses and staff
'• of. Clinton’Public Hospital, Rev.
Mills and Unit 2 Ontario St.
UCW. . ' . ' 24p
' The family of ,the. late Mary
'Galbrailth 'wisli', to thankWela-
tives, friends and- neighbours,
not, only for their kindness and
: ..sympathy .during; their recent'
bereavement, 'but also for 'their-
, thoughtfulness during her long
illness. Special thanks to the
staff, of Cliritan hospital and
Rev. G. L. "Mills- ALICE
CRAIG —• At*’ Clinton Public
Hospital on Monday, June 13,
1966, James Thomas Craig, Auburn, ip his? 82nd’ year.
Funeral service from Arthur Funeral Home,, Auburn, on
Wednesday, June 3.5, with in-
■terment' ip Cofbonpe Ceme
tery. *
LYNCH — At Hurpnyiew, Clin
ton, on Sunday, June 12,1966,
Miss Annie Rose Lynch, Sea
forth, in her 87th year.. Fun
eral service from W, J.
Cleary* Funeral Home, Sea-'
forth, on Wednesday, to St>
Columban Roman Catholic^
Church with interment in St.*
Columban Cemetery/ Survived, by one sister, Miss Agnes
Lynch of Huronview. /,
NIGH —- At Victoria Hospital, :
London, on Thursday, June 9,
1966,.'Joseph Nigh, Clinton in
ibis 59th year. Funeral service
from R. S, Box Funeral
Home, Seaforth, to St. James
Roman Catholic Church, Sea
forth, on Saturday, June- IT,
with interment .in St. James
Cemtery. Survived by sisters,.
Elizabeth, Potenham, Sister
Febronia (Loretta), Wood-
stock and Aloysia,. Clinton.
TIPPETT — At St. Joseph’s'
Hospital, London, on Wednes
day, June 8, 1966, Mrs. Perci
val Tippeltt, Varna, -in1 her
' 79<th year, Funeral service
from Bonthron-■ Funeral
Home, HensaR, on Friday,
June 10 with interment in
•Bayfield Cemetery. Survived
by brothers, "William Petty,'
RR 2, Hensail; John Petty,.
Toronto; sisters,«Olive;. Lon
don land Mrs, Charles (Nellie)
Green, Egmondville.
Of Valuable Household Ef-,
fects, Electrical Appliances and
Miscellaneous items, on the,
> premises^ Goderich Townsnip,
Lot 81, Maitland, Cone., 1 mile
north of Holmesville or 9 miles
north of , Varna, ’
The undersigned ^Auctioneer
received instructions1 to sell by
public auction on
Saturday Afternoon, June 18
1 , Af 1:00 p.m. / ,
Norge 12 cu. ft. refrigerator
’.-in good condition.; Moffat 30
inch 4-burrier electric stove;
AF-FM electric radio like new;
Dumont -television, 21 inch' with
aerial'/ 1 Devonshire " ’upright
piano,size deep fiiefezd; electric, wash
ing machine; • vacuum cleaner;
oil stove; electric lamps; dining
room itable and chairs; , china
cabinet; kitchen table' and
chairs; kitchen cabinet; 2 cup
boards; rocking, chair; arm
chair; fem stand; writing desk;
Maple bedstead (new); 2 single
beds, springs and mattress; 3
double beds; 3 dressers; vanity;
wash stand; trunk; 'chest
drawers; high chair; booiscase;
baby carriage; picnic table.;
lawn' chairs; children’s glider
and sWings;. bicycle; hot water
tank; vacuum pump; .electric
motors;- table saw; single unit
Surge milker;. car tires; large
assortment tools; other misc.
Terms: Cash plus 5% sales
tax if applicable.,
Please' Note: Time of Sale
June 18 .at 1 p.m.'
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
‘ 24b
Mr, and Mrs.v .George"
•, Wilson- annuonce the en
gagement of their ; niece,
Alice E. Johnston, Bayfield,
to Mr, James Boyce, Lon
don, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Boyce, Varna. The
wedding to take place on
Saturday, June 18, 1966. .
FAIRSERVICE — In loving :
memory of our dear mother
Francis Matilda, who passed*
away ‘ June .18, 1964.
“If we had all the world to
We’d give it, yes and mere.
To hear’her' voice andjSee her
•smile.,.And greet her at our door.
But all we can do dear Mother,
Is go and tend your grave, •
And leave behind ^tokens of
• love,To the best Mother God ever
made.We like to think,- wherever
Heaven may toe,
That she will be standing at
the dborUp there, to welcome us.”
—Never forgotten 'by daugh
ters, Beatrice, Gladys, Vioielt;
-Joyce, sons-in-law and grand
children. ’ 24b
The 4966-67'officers: of Clin
ton -Lions Club were officially
installed at Tuesday evening's
meeting , jn $t. Paul’s ’• Parish
Hall by a team from Seaforth
Lions Club.
President tor the next term
is Ken G, Flett, manager of
Clintpn’ Brancfa of the Bank of'
Montreal. ..
His fyjl executive is as fol
lows: ■
.Past president, W. r Duff
Thompson; first vice-president,;
Maynard Corrie; second Vice-
president, Don C, Colquhoun;
third vice-president, Ted Da-,
vies; '
Secretary, William; MacAr
thur; treasurer, Orville Engel-
stad; Lion .tamer, (Rev.) Ron
ald Werih'am; tail twister, An
toine ‘’Red’’’, Garon; assistant
tail .twister, E. Beecher Men
zies; ' ■ ’ \ . .
_One-year ■ directors," Art Col
son and Ted Roberts; two-year
directors, Doug Mile's and Glad
stone Grigg; auditor, Paul, Ag-
gerholm; bulletin editor,. Fred
■ Slorpan and greeter, Ted Davies',
The installing team was com
posed of: Len Ford,' zone chair
man, ione 3-S; Hal G, Meir, in
ternational counsellor and past
district governor, and Robert
Huard, 'vice-president, all .of
Seaforth Lions. ■
. The new Li'ons pfffficens were
all individually■' instructed and
reminded of thelir various duties
by the visiting installing team.
President-elect Flett made an
excellent, acceptance speech-to
the Lions and guests. He ,and
secretary- William MacArthur •
had attended an officers train-,
ing school last Sunday in Mount
Forest and commented on the
many, changes in protocol and
procedures in Lions' work. ■
In, accepting the, presidency,
president-elect Flett said: “I
want' to consider this1 assign-
, mertt an adventure and a re
sponsibility to'look forward to
and enjoy, with every member'
of ‘this cluib. Whlile each mem- ;
ber owes certain Obligations to '
his club, We mulst hot as Lions ,
overlook the fact that the club ,
owes an obligation to its mem.-,'
bers.' We must make . every
Lion: proud of his’ membership
'and happy in the-thought that
he 'i!s part of this Club.”
He- commented onv ihan’s na
ture to shy away from respon
sibility, and that it is normal to
have, doubts arid feiars, “but
we have to counter balance
them, by having ,faith, in our
individual abilities,” he siaid.
“It'has been written that tihc:
Secret of victorious living libs
i ip letting oneself gq and fp'
make use pf positive thinking
and .‘{to$pn> * ‘
“In shying away from the
supppsed agony of living full#?
Wp miss the ecstasy of involve
ment and adventure which
makes pun Jives worthwhile.”-
Mr. Flett referred to an art
icle by Lions International
President Jbr. W. H. Campbell
in, a recent Lions magazine, in
Which the president answered
thq questions, ‘’Why am I dp-
ing this?’* ‘‘What dp I get bht
of: it?". Lions make many per
sonal sacrifices for which they
will never receive tangible peg
wards. what then is their dlivi*
diehd? 4
Mr. Flett spoke further on
the president’s remarks:
“Our International President
goes on to say thiaf this divi
dend us- a large one, so large
and., profound that he.could not
begip to measure. it for us, It
is the wonderf id-warmth which
comes to the heart when a
blind mam says to,, you, mister
you. helped me. It is a buy gone
wrong, somehow set .right by a
club’s program and miany other
dividends that I am not going
to take time to enumerate, but
of which you are all familiar,
“We can easily forget some
times, how truly vast that re
turn must be, when we‘ consider
that 800,000 members are pur
suing the goals of the associa
tion in other commiunitiels' in
North America and all around
the world in 135 different
countries,” . ‘4
' ' i. 30 Years Old
“Olinton Lions Clulb was or-
ganizad 30 years ago. This i^'a
■ feDJe span out of the productive
pf ap. individual, Reckon
ing 2Q years fpr a generation,
,the clwb 'has been operating for
a generation and a half. The
bpys you helped 30 years ago
.ape now men with growing fa-:
milies of their own. The piaifeit
presidents and membei's can
look back and be justly proud
of what they have collectively
accomplished through the club.
Memories can be precio-us when
they give us wisdom.'and grati
tude. They can on the' other
hand be a cyrse when they tie
our hands amidst the challenges
and opportunities of, today’s
world,” '
Commenting-on the training
school in Mount Forest, Mr.
Flett bad this .to say';
“I certainly found put that
the winds of change'are sl’tart-
ing to blow through’ the en
deavours pf our Lfens Clubs, aS
past endeavours" are ‘ forgotten,
new endeavours are going tp
have to be started with more
emphasis on boys "and girls
Work, community projects and
health and welfare.”,
At the end pf his. talk, presi
dent-elect Flett expressed his
'motto for the year: “TNT-To-
day not Tomorrow”.
’The out-going president W.
Duff Thompson. had served
longer than any other Clinton
Lion president. ’ He took over
after the sudden passing of the
1964-65 president Les Ball on
March 15, 1965.
Mr. Thompson said he had
enjoyed the presidency and
thanked members for support.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S'oder,
Sellcfe, Matfe tew TQterpe.d
home iafter spending the past
two weeks as guests o^f the
lady’s , parents, Mr. and' .Mrs,
Mej*vyu Batkin.
Mrs, Ron MacDonald, East
Street, returned home June 10
after an extended holiday with.
WP and Mrs;, Harry Reynolds,
Summerside, P.E.I.; Mr, and
Mrs. Larry Bertrand; and Dr,
and Mrs, Arch -MacGregor,
Truro, Nova Scotia.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Pratt and
family, Merim, spent the week
end at the home of Mrs. Ron
•MacDonald, East Street.
The annual Webster Picnic
will be held on Saturday, June
18 at. Caledonia Park in Luck*
now; sports at 3 p.m.
A decoration day service will
be held, at Baird’s Cemetery
on Sunday afternoon, June 19
at 2 p.m,
_ Thomas A- Steep, the pres
ent administrator at Clinton
Public Hospital, ' has . been
appointed' administrator ,,pf
■the Four Counties General
Hospital now under,construc
tion near Newbury,
Mr. Steep will take up his
duties at Newbury early next
month. .He will open,' .a temp
orary office in the- municipal
building there. ",
' The 8800,000, 50-bed hos
pital, is scheduled to be com
pleted in September. It ’ is
designed to serve, parts of
Middlesex, Kent, Lambton
and Elgin Counties, although
Elgin -has not yet participat
ed finauciaJlly in the project.
Funds for the new.hospital
were raised through govern
ment and municipal grants
and public subscription.
'.Mr, Steep, 42, has. been
employed at Clinton 'Pubfi'c
Hospital for seven years, the
last 18 months ■ as ’ administ
rator. He ,fe a. Clinton na
tive, son of Andrew Steep
and the late Firs. Steep, and
is a former Huron County
division .court clerk and jus*
tice of the peace. .
Mr Steep’s first task will
'be to recruit staff for the
hospital. Bc*ard: secretary
Robert Dymond, of Glencoe,
said some applications from •
nurses have already been re
Wesley-Willis Church Women
Tour CFB School of Food Services
New Arena Group
Wants Decision
Of Tractors, Thresher, Farm
Machinery, Grain and Miscel
laneous Items, on the- premises,
Lot 13, Con. 12, Stanley Twp.,
3 miles north of Blake or 4
miles south of Bayfield, High
way 21, thence l]/s mile east.
The undersigned Auctioneer
received instructions to sell by
public auction on,
Saturday, June 25
At 1:30 p.m.
Tractors, Thresher: Fondson
Major standard»tractor in good
Condition; ! Allis Chalmers' B
tractor including 2-row scufflcr;
Milldmay Thresher 24x86 on
rubber including dual shredder
and clover attachment, iih A-l
condition; 120 ft, 7 inch thresh
er belt; Fairbanks Morse ham
mer mill in A-l condition; 30
ft. belt.
Farm Machinery: McDeering
8 ft. cultivator bn steel; John
Deerei 4-bar side rake bn steel;
McDeeiring (binder, 7 ft cut; Mc-
Deering 3-section spring tooth
harrows; 5 section diamond
harrows; Cockshutt -13-run
grain and fertilizer drill; Me-
Deering 13-±un grain and fertil
izer drill, McDeering 6 ft. mow*?
er; Case 8 ft. power lift culti
vator, 8 ft. land packer; Fleury
2-furrow pioVz; 3-drum Steell
roller; Oliver horse drawn bean
scuffler' and puller; set new
Oliver Bean knives; dump
rake, rubber tire, wagon; Forge
harvester rack1; -16 ft hay rack;
fanning mill; single plow;
windless including 2 buckets;
buzz saw; cement water trough;
cutter; stone boat; feet plato
form ’Scales; electric chicken
brooder; Coal brooder; chicken
shelter; Beatty pump; 25 ft sq.
timber; set 16’ ft bass wood
silos; wheel barrow; set Model
A Wheels and tires; Surge One
unit milking machine, like new,
including piling for 18 cow;
McDeering cream separator,
CCM. boy’fe .bicycle,, like new,
etc., efeJt . , ' ,
Grain: 100 bushels Oats.
■ Uasii
ALVIN WA1PER, Auctioneer
, 24b
John Bradley Is
Huron 4-H Rep.
For Leadership
John Bradley, 16, Son of,Mr;
and Mrs. Eldon Bradley, RR 3,
Goderich, has been selected to
represent . Huron County at
Provincial Leadership. Week
this year. John is currently a
member of the Lucknow 4-H
Dairy Calf Club: He was the
winner of the Imperial Bank
of ■ Commerce : wrist watch
(Blyth and Auburn Branch) for
the highest score in 4-H Dairy'
Calf Club Work in Huron Coun
ty last year. John is a 1966
Student .Leader -at the Luck
now District High School and
was a proficiency winner as
well. - .
At Leadership Week, empha-'
sis will be placed on developing
leadership abilities. -Partici
pants will receive, information
ifnd take part in discussions
concerning animal science, an
imal health, plant and. soil
science, engineering science,
farm economics, biology, farm
forestry, and citizenship. As
well, there will be opportunities
for recreational activities and
This week allows all counties
and districts to recognize the
achievements of one outstand
ing 4-H Agricultural Club
Brucefield No. 3
Unit Plans Supper
Unit 3 of Brucefield UCW
regular meeting was held’ at
the home of Mrs. Mel Graham
with 20 members present.
Devotions were led by Mrs.
Roy. Leppington and Mrs. Ar
nold Taylor.. A skit entitled
“The Unit Meeting” was . per
formed "by. seven members with
Mrs. Vic Hargreaves as leader.
A discussion followed concern
ing the proper way to conduct
a Unit meeting. ' •
The business session with
Mrs. Allen Hill, Unit Leader in
dharge madie, plans ' for the
strawberry supper on June 29.
A, member who is leaving the
group, Mrs. Shirley Hancock,
was presented with a gift. The
draw prize was Won by Mrs.
Betty St Louis. Mrs.,, Hancock(
provided the entertainment, and
lunch was served by. Mirs. John
Taylor and her helpers.
---- ------o----------- \
The June meeting of Stanley
Unit of the UCW of Brucefield
United Church was1 held June 8
at the home of Mrs. C. Mc
Gregor with Mrs, N, Baird as
co-hosteSs, Mrs. O. Horton also
assisted. The devotion by Miss
Bowey, was on the theme “God
Three' iil OiiO’L’M'rs. L, Wiison
read the Scripture.
The study, “Guiding Star”
was given by Mrs. Stuart. Boll
Call revealed 19 members pre?
Sent* Visiting committee foi’
July and August ' is Mrs. H.
Taylof dhd Mrs*- L.- Forest. A
picnic is planned for Wednes-
day, July 13 at. the summer
cottage of Mfs. Ross Scott.
Ontario St. UCW
General Meeting
The geheral meeting of Ont
ario (Street Church UC5W. was
held in the church parlour re
cently With ‘ 'president; 'Mrs,
George Potter, :in' charge.
Devotions Wede given by Mrs?
Art Groves. It •w’as. deci'ded to
have the anriual bazaar on Dec
ember 3, ,
A skit entitled “The .Anti
Gossip Club”, was given by Ex
plorer girls conducted1 by Miss
Olive Johnston. Piano solos by
Barbara Elliott and . Kathy
Aiken. -
A discussion was led by Mrs.
G. -Mills and Mrs. B. Olde on
the present famine .crisis in
The meeting . closed with
Lord’s Prayer. and lunch was
served .by unit 3.*
(Continued from page one)
complaining about the dumping
■of street sweepings and the
erection of an outhouse on the
town-owned property on King
:Sitrdet . which, adjoins . Knight’s
property.. Mr. Knights*, request
ed the immediate removal of
the outside toilet, McDowell
Contracting are presently us
ing . the building and property
as a storehouse arid office. The
Huron miedical* officer, of health
had inspected the property, - ac
cording to public works chair
man Jim Armstrong, and he
reported the town was quiffr
within the law. It was suggest-
. ed that a letter be sent to Mr.
Knights from the office of the
Huron County Health Unit,
Council forwarded $5,000 to
Clinton. Recreation Committee,
Which was requested by . letter,
and - also paid Huron Central
Agricultural Society their grant
of $250.
Council appointed, by by-law
No. i6 for 1966, Richard “Dick”'
Allan,’ as their member on the
CDCI board for 1966-67, He
replaces Orville Engelstad who
was appointed deputy town
clerk, last month.
Mr. Engelstad’s replacement
on Clinton Recreation Commit
tee, was appointed by motion.
John Irwin, Albert Street, will
complete Engelstad’s term.
‘ Some discussion took place
whether appointed members to
local , boards should report back
to council periodically. Town
Clerk John LiVerinor^ 'informed
council-that the statutes, do not
require appointed represent
atives to report to the body ap
pointing •them. Councillor Fat
Noonan inquired, “should we,
a(s council, brief bur represent
atives’’. Councillor Cam Proctor
said “we should know what
-they are doing re building, t re
novation,, protection to neigh
boring homes to the school.”
The,, town" solicitor .was in
structed to prepare a bylaw to
annex approximately nine acres
on the west side of the. Bayfield
Road1 between the. towh limits
and the CNR railway. This
property belongs to the Calvin
Christian School Society. •
The. mayor expressed thanks
to the' Clinton * Horticulture
Society, councillors and1 town
persons Who helped plant the
trees' along Huron and Ontario
Streets. Residents are’request
ed to look after these-tfees un
til they get a. good* growth.
Councillor GoTddn Lawson
said he had no complaints a-
bout dogs in the past month,
but -most councillors said they
could enter COiriplalnts right
then, . v
.One building permit was is-
ued, that to Hec Kingswcll for
a warehouse at his shop on Al
bert Street, for $2,992/ Deputy
I 'll'l’lllil .......... I I 1 I
Reeve George ‘ Wonch reported
■thiat persons were taking good
care of the recently refinished
floor in the council chamber,
and that he had‘obtained a boy
to cut grass on the library park
Part of
town sent
■ Forest, to
have a part of. Western On
tario declared a depressed area,
Will be returned, according to
Reeve Duff Thompson. He
siaid. the project had bogged
down for the present. He said
the 'old measuring stick of un
employment is not a fair Way
'to designate an area. Preetfc-
ally no unemployment exists in
the area at present.
After the question, “What
progress is being made with
businessmen -in regard to. park
ing meters?” the clerk was1 in
structed to send a letter to
Clinton .Chamber of Commerce
and the Businessmen's Assoc
iation re an information meet
ing on Monday, July 4 at 7.30.
Council, decided , to dispense
with the committee meetings
one week prior to the regular
council session? during July and
August. .
Councillor Norman Ltvermorie
requested .council to change the
July meeting date to Tuesday,
'July 12 so as not to conflict
with the service clubs bingo' on
the 11th.
the $200 which the
to town of Mount
defray expenses’ to
Wesley-Willis UCW
Plan Lake Meeting
■■ The Mary and Martha unit
of Wesley-Willis UCW meet on
Tuesday evening, June 21 at
the summer home of Mrs,
George Beattie. A pot-luck sup
per is planned.. Cars; will leave
the * church at 6 :30 p.ni. All
fnemibers are urged to be pre
sent. \ Rolli call will be “A
Thought on Summer Time”. "
■ 1:00-4:00 p.m. weekdays
$1.00 PER HOUR
Please apply immediately to BOB MANN, PHONE
482-7663, as successful applicant Will’ attend a one week
leadership course commencing Sunday, June 19.
A ladies group from,Wesley -
Willis- United Church recently
visited, Canadian Forces Base
Clinton, Showing particular in
terest- in the School of Food
Services, one of three schools
situated-on the base.
Approximately 25 members
assembled at .the School of
Food Services and were wel
comed by Officer Commanding,
F/L J. B, Liberty, Who explain
ed to the ladies the training
activity carried out at the Ra
dar and Communications Sch
ool, The School of Instructional
Technique and finally the Sch
ool of Food Services. F/L Lib
erty presented a brief resume
of the training conducted flor
the Military Cook and Food
Services Attendant, pointing
out the progression for RCAF
Food Services Personnel.
After the address by the Of
ficer Commanding the ladies
toured the School of Food Ser
vices facilities, receiving fur
ther explanation of the student
education. .'Acting as guides
were F/O M. B. D.. Leblanc,
WO2 Bill Reid and Sgt. C. C.
Moody, all members of the
staff. The tour provided a com
prehensive idea of the general
layout of the school, the equip
ment, utensils in use and the
student trairiing in bach area: ‘
The group with their hosts
enjoyed coffee and refresh
ments at the school and to con-
elude the/afternoon received a
guided bus tour of other base
areas. F/L (Liberty accompanied
the group on a scenic motor
journey through CFB Clinton
and' adjoining Adasltral Park in
dicating housing facilities', rec
reation areas,, R & CS and SIT
training areas and finally
through the Permanent Mar
ried Quarters" to view the smlall
community and it’s many at
The Canadian Medical Asso
ciation reports that the life ex
pectancy of the average person
is lowered, within certain lim
its, in a direct relationship to
his or her degree of over
All Services on Daylight Saving Time
Local Witnesses
To Attend Rally
Should women be ministers?
Jehovah's Witnesses, in recog
nition of the Bible precedent
at Roman 16:1, feel they should'.
In ’ fact,, they feel that every
Christian should be a minister,
regardless sex, and have
therefore been described as a
■‘society of ministers”.
Harl McNally, presiding min
ister of the Clinton Congrega-
,tion, announced toddy that 15
women ministers from the local
congregation are planning to
attend the five-day training
session arranged by the Watch
Tower Bible and Tract’ Society.
The dates of the assembly are
June 22 through 26, at the
Canadian National Exhibition
Grandstand, Toronto.
. ‘ ----- ------o_---------
St. Andrew's WMS
The ' Women’s Missionary
.Society of St. Andrew’s Pres
byterian Church vrih meet in
the school room of the church
on Tuesday, June 21 at 2:30
HEAD- \ A lb.
THURSDAY JUNE 16 /atu“rd% JUNE 25
Tooth Brushes, reg 69c 2 for 88c
Suh Glasses^ reg. 4.95 Sale 1.99
Flashlight Batteries
[teg. 30c .......... Sale 4 for 88c.
300 Cotton Balls .......... Sale 99c
Extract Wild Strawberry
4-b£., reg. 98e ...........Sale 73c
Quick Bands, 100’s .... Sate 99c
Vitamin C Tablets, 100 mgms.
™ for 1.98
Sale 88c
Sale 53c
566's, reg. 4.50 .......
Beach Bags ......... ........
Bathing Caps, teg. 89c
Hair Spray, 11-oz.
teg. L49 .
Decorated Notes
14 sheets & envelopes .... 49c
Camera FiIm, 620-120-127 ■
Sale ................. 3 for 89c
Rexall Sun Tan
Products ................ All Yi Price
Sale 77c
ASA Headache Tablets
500’s .........................
Stainless Stdel Blades
Baby Pants Sale 3 pr
Adhesive Tape, 1x10 or 2x5
toeg. 1.00 ..................... fdr 770
Poly Mulslon
24-oz., reg. 5.00..... Safe 2.89
4-oz., fdg. 1.25 Safe 69c
Hydrogen Peroxide, 8-oz
reg. 45d .......Safe 33c
Ironihg Board Covers
reg. 1.98 Sale 1.49
Blue Llhdd Envelopes
100's........... «... n.n::_
Plastic Tumblers
Set of 4
Foil Wrap, 25’.... Safe 2 tor 79c
Sale 98c
Sale $90
only 38o
Hand Bills are riow ih the mail. Watch for yours.
Many More Stems On Sale.
Phone 482-9511 * Clinton, Ontario
"The Home Paper. With
The News"
PHONES: 482-3443
OR 482-3444
Classified Advertising
Deadline -— Tuesday
At 6:00 p.m.
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
*(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)
Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A,
Sunday, June 19
10:00 am.—Sunday School
11:15 a.m.—Family Worship
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday, June 19
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 ...................a.m.—Morning Worship
a.m.—Church Service9145
10:45 am.—Sunday School
-^nlnrreiuLfe ^Initrb
Sunday, June 19
9:45 am.—Sunday School. '
11:00 am.—Church Service. Subject: “Camels for
Lunch”. The Minister.
, 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Anniversary
Guest Preacher:,Rev. Hope Ema
Jackson, B.A., B.D. • .'
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector z
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist ;;
Sunday, June 19 —Trinity 2 <!
8:00 a.m.—-Holy Communion ’ !;
~ , No Church School t ;!
11:00 a.m.—Morping Prayer ’ ;l
Thurs., June 16—Chancel Guild Pot Luck Supper at home ;»
of Mrs. Elliott BartUff, 6:30 p.m. 4
Tues., June 21—WA. at home of Mrs. B. Rowden <!
2:45 p.m. I;
Mrs. Mt
Rev. R. U. Mac Lean, B.A., Minister
J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, June 19
10:45 a.ih.—-Public Worship
a.m.—Ohuroh School
Sunday, June 19
9:45 a.m.—-Worship Service
11:00 a.m.—Sunday School
8:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Speaker: Vic Northey, London.
Tuesday—-8:00 p.m.—-Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Subject: “How To Win Others”
; REV. G, J. HEERSINK, Minister
! Sunday, June 19
• 10:00 a.m.—Service in English
> 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School
; 2:30 p.m.™Service in Dutch
1 7:30 pm.—Service in English
Every Sunday, 12:30.pooh, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas,
listen to “Book to God Hour”.